Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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class w in. Frace beat Aus t in Van Mete r and Ulrich to complete his three-class-win tallyafte r clob bering the competition in the 6Scc (9- 1I) class as well. Metzler ran out front in all four of his 12scc and 2S0cc Intermediate motos, though he did have to trail Sam DeAtley mome ntarily off the line in bot h 12scc mot es . Sam, riding a Suzuki RM2S0F, got t he jump o n t he field in bo th ma t o s, but Me t zle r qui c kly dr opp ed t h e Idahoan back a notch , whe re he'd finish both times out. Kawasaki rider Wes Baughman and Cody Crumley split mota wins in the adjoined 12s cc Junior clas s, bu t it w as the Ya mahamounted Crumley who nett ed the ove rall win. Baughman, who won the first mote. gated in 14th in mo to t wo , but he w o rked his wa y through the field with an inspiring ride, passing Jonathan McGilivray at the finish, good for third place . Co up le d wi t h h is mot a -t w o pe rfo rm an ce , Baug hma n p lac ed se co nd t o C rum ley but ahea d of Kevin Petrushkin, Nic Wolfer and the n Ben Anglen , who finished fifth overa ll in his 12Scc-c1ass debu t. RESULTS 50 (0 -6) : I. Jacob Crawford (KTM); 2. R yan Burggren (Cob ); 3 . Tre vo r N e w m an (Co b) . 50 (7 -8) : I. Chri s AJl ced ge (Cob); 2. Jenath.., And"", (Cob) ; 3. Wyatt Fowl., d (Cob) . 65 BEG : I. Je ff Ho lco mb (Kaw); 2. Trae Johnson (Kaw ); 3 . Bra ndon Gab bar d (KTM). 65 (0 -8 ) : I. Chri s Alldr ed ge (Co b); 2. Afyas Wardius (KTM); 3. Nolan Beye r (KTM) . 65 (9 -11): I. Bra d Frace (KTM); 2. Kyle Ulrich (KTM); 3. De vin Harriman (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. Brad Frace (KTM); 2. C h'" AJl cedge (Cob); 3. Kyle Ulrich (KTM) . 8S d (9- 11): I. Brad Frace (Yam); 2. Austin Van Mete r (Yam); 3. Kyle Ulri,h (KTM). 85 (12 . 13) ; I. LandonCurrier (Y;un); 2. Matt DeAtley (Suz); 3. De rrick May ($liz). 85 (14- 16): I. Addiso n Tague (Yam). Sl MIN I: I. Landon C urrie r (Yam); 2. Matt DeAtley ($liz); 3. Tyter Schwentker (Yam). 125 BEG: I. Just in Anderson (KTM); 2. Chri s Egan (Yam); 3. Allen Yother (Hus). 125 JR: I. Cody Crumley {Yam 2. Wes Baughm an }; (Kaw ); 3 . Kevin Pe tr ushkin (Yam) . 125 IN T: I. Ad am Metzler ($liz); 2. Sam DeAtley ($liz); l . Je re k Saucedo (Hon). 250 BEG : I. Bryon Smith (Hus); 2. Matt Papulski (Kaw); 3. Troy Hales (Kaw). 250 JR: I. Wes Baughman (Kaw); 2. 1)ier Fitzsimon s (Ho n); 3. Zach Tait (Yam). 250 INT: I. Adam Metzler (Suz); 2. Sam DeAtley (Suz); 3. Daniel Harri s (KTM). 250 PRO: I. Case y Daughe rty (Hon). OPEN AM: I. Jason Smrth(KTM). OPEN PRO, I. Case y D>ughe"Y (Han ). 4STR K: I. lee Slater (KTM); 2. R yan Hopson (Yam); 3. Zach Tait (Yam). BTH JR: I. Nic Wolfer (Suz); 2. Cody C rum ley (Yam); 3 . Be n Ang len (Suz). 8TH INT: I. Sam DeA tle y (Suz); 2. Jerek Saucedo (Suz). 30 + BEG: I. Steve Blackwell (Hon ); 2. DeWayne Smith (Yam); 3. John Fo wle r (Hon) . 30 + JR: I. Bill Kinney (Yam); 2. Keith Benso n (Yam ); 3. Martin Deck (Yam). 30 + PRO: I. Gary Beyer (Kaw); 2. Patrick Trowbridge (Yam); 3. Jason Smith (KTM). 40 + JR: I. Steve Blackwell (Hon); 2. larry Jacob (Yam); 3. Fran k Jaco bsen (Y;un). Hurst repeated his winning performance in mota tw o, th is t ime followed by Thurman from start to finish. Dylan Rhode gated third, but a misc ue on the final la p allowe d Ta koda Bachman, Tate Ch ism and Tristan Co rtez to pass by. RESULTS 51 (4.6) : I. Tate C hism; 2. Shel by Pet erson (Suz); 3. Conner C ranf ord (KTM); 4. Tyler Scrogu m (KTM); 5. Alex Seals (KTM). 51 (7-8): I. John -He nry Po we rs (KTM); 2. Tyle r Glas s (KTM); 3. Takod a Bachman (Cob); 4 . Je re my Dann (KTM): 5. Hunte r Glenn (KTM). 51 OPEN: I. Shawn Hurst II (Co b); 2. Blake Thurman (KTM); 3. Takoda Bachman (Cob ). 65 (6-8): I. Kylan Gutierrez (KTM); 2. John-He nry Po we rs (KTM); 3 . C hase Rowan (Suz) ; 1 . Mars hall Reed (Suz); 5. Tobin Warren Jr. (Kaw). 65 (9- 11): I. Beau Hudson (Kaw); 2. Weston Brooks (KTM); 3. Brandon Glenn (Kaw); 1. Mason Maahs (Kaw); 5. Tanner McLeroy. 65 OPEN: I. Beau Hud son (Kaw); 2. Wes ton Broo ks (KTM); 3. Preston Laye {Kaw}: 1 . Kylan G uti err ez (KT M); 5 . C ha nc e Pe tt igr e w (KTM). 85 BEG : I. Shawn Mitche ll (Kaw); 2. Dustin Be st (Suz); 3. Oliver Russell (Kaw); 4. Brent Skaggs (Yam); 5. Josh B.."dey (Han ). 85 (7 -11 ) ; I. Ryan Ep"", (KTM); 2. Dilhcn Kuntz (Kaw); 3. Rusty Potter (Suz); .... Brandon Glenn (Kaw); 5. Brandon Bates (Kaw). 85 ( 12- 13): I. Correy Timmons ; 2. Ju st in Dicke y (Kaw); 3 . C ha z Ho llada y (Yam); 4 . C od y Vaugha n (Kaw); 5 . Jo sh Go dfr ey (KTM). 85 (14-15): I. Matthew Lemo ine (Kaw); 2. Blake Bivins (Kaw); 3. Brand on Parsons (Y;un 4. lYle< CKcutt (50,); 5. Thomas Auk (Y;un ); ). 85 OPEN: I. Matthew Lemoine (Kaw 2. Correy Timmons ; ); 3. Justin Dicke y (Kaw); 1 . Cody Vaughan (Kaw); 5 . Dillon Kunu (Kaw). 85·112 JR Sl MIN I (7- 11): I. Ryan Eppe rs (KTH ); 2. Rusty Potter (Suz); 3. 8randorI Bates (Kaw); 1 . J. Ray Perkins (Kaw). 85-112 SR S/MINI (12- 16): I. Matt hew Lemo ine (Kaw); 2. C haz Ho lladay (Y ; 3. Cody Vaughan am) (Kaw); 1 . Malachi Walker (Kaw); 5. Correy Timmons. 100125 SCHBY (12 . 16) ; I. ...., Ma' kley J'. (K.>w): 2. Matthew Lemo ine (Kaw); 3. Justin Hast y (Yam); 4. De rri ck Brister (Yam); 5. Malachi Walker (Kaw). 125 BEG: I. Jerry Lumsden III(Hoo) ; 2. Zac Smith (Kaw); 3. Juan Marquez (Kaw); 4. Sam loude r (Yam); 5. James Hardee (Suz). 125 NOV: I. Brad Young; 2. Nico Dollar (Suz); 3. Derrick Brister (Yam); 1. Brys Kunt z (Yam); 5. Lo gan Melto n (Yam). 125 INT: I. Sea n Ha ckley (Kaw) ; 2. Andy Za mbo n (Kaw) ; 3. Just in Has ty (Yam); 4. Tayior Painter (Kaw); S. J.e. Heaton (Suz). COMB OPEN : I. Charlie Mart in (Kaw) ; 2. Brad Young ; 3. Nico Dollar (Suz); 1. Jere my Travis (Yam); 5. Trevor Hayes (KTM). 125 PRO : I. Cody Dickey (Kaw); 2. Jesse Zambon (Yam); 3. Derek Kemp (KTM). 250 BEG : l. Tim lambert (Yam); 2. COl'"ey Pick {Hon}; 3. Patrick Cargi ll (Hon ); 1 . Bren t Russell (Kaw); S. Shon Swanner (Kaw). 250 NOV: I. Jeff Po se y (KTM ); 2. Ranc Northern (ICT e M); 3. J eremy aeuy;ff (y;un); 4. Core y West (Hco): 5. jarren Robbins (Han ). 250 INT: I . Charlie Mart in (Kaw); 2. lance Orso (Hon ). 250 PRO : I . Cody Dickey (Kaw) ; 2. Aust in Squires (Kaw) ; 3. War re n Burch (Kaw). 25 +: I. Scott Bailey (KTM): 2. Travis Spann (Kaw); 3. Jason Walling (Hon); 1 . Cody Wilks {Y am}; 5. Justin Stille (Yam). 25 + EX: I. Aust in SqUires (Kaw); 2. Warren Burch (Kaw); 3. Mark Stee l (Yam). 30 +: I. Stephen Nowak (Hon) ; 2. Cody Wilks (Yam); 3. Scott Bailey (KTM); 1 . Russell Potter (Hon ); S. Jeff Posey (KTM). 40 + : I. Michael Maahs; 2. Bryan Jackson (Yam); 3. Mark Eachus (Yam); 4. Michael Hill (Hon ); 5. Steven Tharp ($liz). North Texas Night Series Round I: Weatherfo rd MX Park Lemoine's Perfect Six-Pack By TRAVIS AND LYNDSEY SPANN WEATHERFORD, TX, MAR. 27 T he fifth annual North Texas Night Ser ies kicked off under the lights of Weat herford MX Park, w ith Tea m Green /D&S Kaw asaki/ Sh ift -s ponsored Matt he w Le moi ne ta king ce nter stage . Le mo ine co llecte d th ree ove rall victo ries via six perfect mota wins in the 85cc ( 14- 15), BScc O pen and 85-1 12cc Se nior Supermini (12- 16) classes. Exactly 300 e ntere d riders were staged throughout the eve ning unde r the sta rs of a pe rfect Texas spring even ing. Le moine too k his first win of the night in t he com bined Junior and Se nior Super mini event, w hich feat ur ed both t he Junior and Seni or groups on the same gate . Le moine absconded w ith th e ho leshot and neve r loo ked back. A local resident , Thousand Oaks Yamaha-backed Chaz Hollad ay, gated second a nd hel d t ha t position to the finish. Y ounger Junior rider Ryan Epp ers gate d t hird and held off older Se nior rac er Malac hi Wa lke r for t wo lap s before Wa lke r foun d his ma r k a nd pas sed . Cody Vaughan, also in the Senior group, chased down Eppers on the final lap and passed him to finish fourth , but Eppe rs used his finish to ta ke t he younger Junior-category win. Walke r nabbed the holeshot in the secon d mota , wit h Le mo ine taking t he lead in sho rt o rde r, but t he n Lemo ine crashed befo re t he end of the first lap and picked himself up in last place. In the meantime , Holladay took over the le ad , fo llowed by Vaugh an and Co r rey Timmo ns, with Eppe rs ho lding dow n fourth in the race but first in his class. Lemoine spe nt the next t hree laps picking off positions like he was swatting flies, passing Holladay on the final lap to take the lead and the win. T he 5 Icc O pen e ve nt wa s t he "Shaw n Hurst Show " from the sta rt to the e nd, with Hurst pe rforming a no-foote r for the spectators over the finish-line jump . Tyle r Glass gated seco nd a nd he ld t hat position all t he wa y, followed by Blake Thurman. Steven Sparks (128) grabs the holeshot in the first 65cc (10-11) moto at the Happy Ramblers Motorcycle Club in Hanover, Pennsylvania. District 7 B/C Youth/Women Championship Points Series Round 3 : Happy Ramblers Motorcycle Club Kinsley, Grove Stand Tall at Ramblers By JIM BULL HANOVER, PA, MAR. 28 It was starts like this that helped Matt Lemoine (30) stay one step ahead in a ll six of his motos at the opening round of the fifth annual North Texas Night Series. D ay Wilt Mot or cycles in Hanover, Pennsylval'nia, sponsor ed the 4-foot trophy day at the Hap py Ramblers Motor cycle Club du ring th e third ro und of the AMA District 7 B/C Youth and Women's Championship Points Series . The Happy Ramble rs held a practice day the Saturday prior to the eve nt for the mo re than 500 racers who wo uld compe te to hone their skills on the rich, red clay of the Ramblers course . In t he fir st mo to o f th e 6 Scc ( 10- 1 I) division, VPE-spo nsored Steven Sparks grabbed the holeshot , ahead of Sanford Engines/Scot t! MX Bon e s p ilo t Bra ndon Se ibo ld and JT Motorsports/ FMF/ Renthal jockey Jacob Grove. Both Seibo ld and Grove quickly got past Sparks just a fe w t urn s into t he race , bu t midw ay throug h t he fir st lap, Gr o ve we nt d o w n , allowing Sparks and sever al other rider s to get by. Grove re mount ed mid pack but began to charge, and on the final lap he was able to work his way back up to seco nd. Sparks, Kawasaki ac e Jord a n Wa lke r, a nd Jos hua Villarreal rounded out the to p five. In moto two, Seibo ld and Gro ve lined up be side each oth er o n t he gate . The cr owd ant icipate d a close batt le, and they would not be disappointed. Villarreal absconded with the holeshot th is time, followed by Seibold, Walker, Grove a nd Spar ks. Aga in, bo t h Gro ve an d Seibold had the race under control coming out of the rhythm sectio n on t he first lap. This time, Grove made no mistakes . and though Seibold gave him a great race, Grove managed to hold on for the mota win and take the overall on the day. In the SOcc Stock (7-8) contest, KTM ride r Jaco b Runkles got out in fron t first , followed closely by the Kincaid Racing/66 1/GS3 ride of Bo b by Kins ley a nd th e KTM of C am p HilllBRXlLiquid Performan ce-backed ace Jare k Balkovic. By th e en d o f t he first lap , bot h CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 28,2004 67

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