Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ished first in their divisions. Sixteenyear-old Ryan Kudla was one of the talented "Minute S" riders and not only finished I Ith overall and first in the aboard his 2S0cc B division O'Neal/Casitas Storage backed Yamaha, but was also t he top ove rall B finisher des pite gett ing lost in one sect ion. "We were in a tight canyon section, and the markings were confusing," Kudla said . " I turned around when I shou ldn't have and lost about two minutes . This course was really fun - they had a very cool virgin trail in the back section. The speed averages were pretty fast so the y could get you off time ; you really had to 'concentrate on your timekeeping for this event." Other top Minute S finishers included Jim Sandefer who finished first in the Magnum Over SO Open />. class, and Cycle News off-road editor Kit Palmer. Palme r used to ride qu ite a few District 37 Enduro s and e ither still has what it takes to get a to p finish or was incredi bly lucky to team up with some experienced "Minute -Mate s" who dragged him to a first-place finish in the Sen ior Over 40 2S0cc B class. He'll tell you, though , it was because he still has what it takes. Go figure! Although he didn't win a class, Jared Webster, who was recently bum ped up to A status, st ill did a good job representing t he Minute 5 guys. Webster posted a respectable finish by placing th ird in the Open A division. One rider who used the heat to his advantage was Vet Over 30 250cc C rider Kevin Helfend who finished first in that division on his Mastercardbacke d Kawasaki. " I just seem to ride better in hot weather," Helfend said. "This race definitely put t he endurance fact or in enduro. I found it really tough to stay on time, and I was riding as fast as I could go ." He lfend compared the second loop of this enduro to a National-caliber hare and houn d loop with mind games thrown in. " I always think of enduros as chess on a motorcycle - it's not the fastest rider that wins, but the one that can play the game!" Helfend said. The atyp ical heat, which no doubt made the second loop more challenging than the Prospectors had in mind, certainly played a major role in this year's Gold Rush Enduro. Of the ap prox imate ly 335 riders that started, a little over 80 neve r made it to the finish line. eN GOLD RU SH ENDURO RED MOUNTAIN, CALIFORNIA RESULTS : MARCH 21 , 2004 (ROUND 2 OF 4) O / A: I. Nicholas Blais (Ho n); 2. Rick Oaniel (KTM); 3. Erik Mauso n (Ho n); ... Jim McGrath (KTM); S. Kevin Haste n (Yam) . O PEN A : I . Chuck McBurn ey (Hon); 2. Mike Baskin (KTM ); 1. Jared Webster (Yam ); .... Jeff C lements (KTM ): S. Mark Babcock (Hon) . OPEN B: I. Tyfer Smith (KTM); 2. Chris Ray (Kaw) ; 3. Richie Wohlen (Hon); 4. Kelly Christensen (Ho n); S. Eric Etucn (GG) . OP EN C: I. Eric Behrse (KTM); 2. Seth Ca rreon (KT M); 3. Chris Yaney (KTM); .... Eric Dal ton (Kaw) . O PEN 0: I . Bill Wadde ll (Hon); 2. Matt Schlo tte rbe ck (Hon). 4- ST RK A: I . N icholas Blais (Hon ); 2. Erik Mattson (Hon); 3. Chris Blais (Hon) ; 4. Br ent Farrell (H us); 5. Richard Lancaster (Ho n). 4- STRK B: 1. Scott Lynch (Hon ); 2. Robin Borrelli (KTM) ; 3. Nicho las Balderas (Yam). 4-ST RK C: I. Alex Morales (Yam); 2. Kyte Wealler (KTM ): 3. Keith Chri stensen (KTM) ; 4. Kirk Johnson (Hon); 5. Mkhael Updegraff (Yam). 4-ST RK 0 : I. Ted Guiliany (Yam); 2 . Tren t Defries (Yam); 3. Mike Dorsey (Hon); 4. Graham Brown (Yam); 5. Carl Grande (Hon). 25 0 A: I. Rodney Goehri ng (Hon); 2. Jess McKinley (Yam); 3. Andrew Goldammer (KTM) ; 4. Kellin Knight (KTM) ; 5. Luke Dod son (Suz). 2 50 B: I. Ryan Kudla (Yam); 2. Brad Price (Yam); l , Chad Peters (KTM) ; .of. Ra ymond Gray (Yam). 2 50 C: I. Pet er Shore (Yam); 2. Jason Shatwell (Yam); l . Jeffrey Do (Yam): 4. Gabriel Mora les (Ha n); S. Chris Holmes (Kaw) . 1 50 D: I. Eric Corne lison (KTM). 0 -1 00 A: I. Geoffrey Brownell (KTM): 2. Craig Simpson (KTM ); 3. Jeff Dillon (Kaw); 4. Jared H enderson (Yam). 0 -200 B: I. Jeff Truelove (Yam); 2. Tony Samero (KTM). 0 -200 C: I. Michael Hast ings (KTM ); 2. Estevan Kinney (Kaw). 0 -2 00 D : I . Brad Zimmer (Yam); 2. Daniel D avis (Kaw) ; 1. George Cast ellanos (Kaw); 4. Bryan Cantr il (Hon) ; S. Abraham Am ezguita (Kaw ). M INI A : I. Kellin Beakes (Kaw ); 2. Richard Chandler, III (Yam); 1. Jacob Argubright (Kaw ): 4. Cameron Kearney (Yam). M INI B: I. Brent Bet ker (Hon) ; 2. Kyte Br ist ol (Kaw) . MINI C: I. Jason Ramsey(Hon ). MINI 0 : I . Joseph Davis (Han); 2. Karl Keller (Suz); 1. Jacob Smith (Suz). W H N A: I . Amy Hasten (Yam). W H N B: I. Kim Lynch (Hon); 2. Heather Gongor a (Kaw); 1. Kim Qu inn (Kaw) W HN C: I. Rolli n Severance (KTM) ; 2. Heathe r Mazorow (Han) ; 3. Tara Too mey (Kaw); 4. Angela House (Yam); S. Kon Kemp (Yam). VET OPEN A : I. Rick Daniel (KTM) ; 2. Brett Hoffm an (Hon) ; 3. Craig Hunter (Hus) ; 4. Todd lies (Yam); S. Tim Schultz (KTM ). VET OPEN B: I. Mark Henry (Hon); 2. Steven Boudreaux (Kaw); 1. Robert Wranosky (Han ); 4. Gary K;og (KTM) ; S. Curt Yaney (KTM). VET OPE N C , I. Zen Todd (Hoo); 2. Wayne Cook (KTM); 3. Undsay SmIth (Hon); .of . Paul Nelson (Han); S. T im Morene (KTM ). V ET 250 A: I . Brett Ribeneck (Yam); 2. Tony Underwood (Hus); 3. Jeff Howard (Yam); ... Robert Keller (Kaw); S. Rex Steerman (Kaw). V ET 250 B : I. Kellin Bendey (Han). V ET 25 0 C: I. Kevin Helfend (Kaw); 2. Mark Patt ison (Yam); 3. Jim Pyeatt (Yam); .... Chris Cox (Kaw): S. Tim Alexander (H an). V ET 25 0 0 : I. Richard Clar k (Yam); 2. Wade Su (Hus); 3. Kris Pet erson (Han) . SR OPEN A : I. Jim McGrath (KT M); 2. James Curry (KTM); 3. Steve Morefield (KTM ); .of . Will iam Blocher (KTM) ; S. Phil Clowani (Yam ). SR OP EN B : I . Mike Richardson (Yam); 2. Barry Van Fossen(KTM) ; 3. Rob Hall (Yam); .of. Andrew N aykH" (KTM ); 5. 10'* 5m;th (KTM). SR OPEN C: I . Jeffrey Brown ( KT M) ; 2 Phil Brillin ger (Hon ); 3. Mark Slater (Hon) ; .of . Steven Bennis (Han) ; S. Steven Morgan (Hus) . SR OPEN D : 1. David Criswell (!'SpOrt - Spa 198 2 Corbin's Ride On Speed Speed 4/1 412004 B;3O AM Ame rica n Thunder - Grand Nat'l Roadster Show Speed 4/14/2004 10;00 AM 2 Wheel Tuesday - Greg White , ho st Speed 4/1 6/ 2004 3 ;00 AM AMA Formula Xtreme - Fonta na Spead 4/1712004 8 ;00 AM Corbi n's Ride On Speed 4/ 1712004 8 ;30 AM Speed 4/1712004 11;30 AM American Thunder - Gra nd Nat'l Roadster Show Mo toWortd 4/1712004 12;00 PM Top Dead Cen ter Spike 4/18f2004 Top Dea d Cen ter Spik e 4/18f2004 11:00 AM 2;00 PM MotoG P Wortd C'ship • South Africa (SOD) Speed 4/18f2004 3;00 PM THO AMA Supercross - Dalla s - 125cc ES PN2 4/1 812004 3;00 PM FIM Wo rld Supe rbike - Sa n Ma rino - Race 1 (SOD) Speed 4/1 812004 4;00 PM THQ AMA Super cro ss - DaUas - 250cc ESPN 2 Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spike 4/1 81 2004 4;00 PM FIM World Sup erb ike - San Marino - Race 2 (S OD) 412012004 412012 004 3;00 AM FIM World Superbike - San Marino - Race 1 12;00 PM FIM WoOd Su pe rsport - San Mari no 4l2Ol2OO4 1;00 PM FIM World Supe rbike - 4l2Ol2OO4 4l2Ol2OO4 2;00 PM MotoG P 250 - South Africa s.oo PM 2 W!leel Tuesday - Greg WM e, host Speed 4/20f2004 9 ;00 PM American Thunoer . V-Twin Expo Speed 4/2 0f2004 9 ;30 PM Corb in's Ride On Speed 4/2112004 t2;ooAM 2 Wheel Tuesday - Greg White , hos t Speed 4/21/2004 1;00 AM Ame rican Th under . V·Twin Expo Speed 4/2 1/2004 1;30 AM THO AMA Supercross • Dallas - 125cc ESP N2 4/21/2004 1;30 AM Corbin's Rid e On Spee d 4/2 112004 3;00 AM FIM Wood Superbike - San Marino - Race 2 Speed 4/2 112004 aeo AM Corbin's Ride On Speed 4/2112004 8 ;30 AM American Th under - V-Twin Expo Speed 4/2112004 t o;oo AM 2 W!leel Tuesday - Greg WMe . host Spe ed 4I22l2OO4 4I23l2OO4 4I23l2OO4 3:00 AM FIM World Supersport - Sa n M arino Speed 1;00 AM TH O AMA Supe rcross - oauas . 250cc ESPN 2 3 ;00 AM Mo1oGP 250 - Soo th Africa Speed 4/2 412004 B;oo AM Corbi n's Ride On Speed 4/2 4/2 004 8;30 AM Am er ican Thu nde r - V-Twin Expo Speed 4/24 /2004 11;30 AM MotoWorid Spike 4/2 4/2004 12;00 PM Top Dead Center Spike 4/24/2004 2;00 PM 11;00 AM 4/2 5/2004 3 ;00 PM FIA Europe an Dr ag Racing - UK Bikes Top Dead Cen te r Mo toG P World O'shlp - South Africa Spe ed 4/25/2004 4/25/2004 4 ;00 PM Mot oGP 250 - Sooth Africa Speed 4/2512004 10;00 PM THO AMA Sope rc ross - Sa n Lake City - 125cc ES PN2 4/2512004 11;00 PM TH O AMA Supercross - San Lake City - 250cc ES PN2 4/2712004 3 ;00 AM FIA Europe an Drag Rating - UK Bikes Speed 4/2712004 1;00 PM FIM Wortd Supe rbike - 4/2 712004 2;00 PM FIM Wor ld Supe rsport - San Marino Speed 4/2712004 3;00 PM 3;00 PM THO AMA Supe rcross - San Lake City · 125cc MotoGP World C'sh ip • South Afr ica ESPN2 4/2712004 4/2712004 4;00 PM Mot oGP 250 - Soo th Africa Speed 4/2712004 8;00 PM 2 Wheel Tuesday - Greg Whrte. host Speed 4/2712004 9;00 PM Am erica n Thunder - Las Vegas Au ction Speed san Mari no - Race 1 san Mari no - Race 2 Speed Speed Spike Spee d Speed Spee d 4/2712004 9;30 PM Corbin's Ride On Speed 4128/2004 12;00 AM 2 WhaeI Tuesda y - G'eg Whrte , host Speed 412812004 1;00 AM American Th unde r · La s Vegas Auction Speed 4/2812004 1;30 AM Corbin's Ride O n Speed 4/28f2004 aoo AM Corbin's Ride On Speed 4/28f2004 8;30 AM Am erican Thu nder - las Vega s AucU on Speed 4/28f2004 10;00 AM 2 Whee l Tuesday - G reg Whit e , host Spe ed For complete monthly listing go to flWlI,cyclenews,com & click o Vlistings nT A Ii ellhOlD Jrl E ll ilierl. ESm ,SIlII COli n iclliOftllnd Sp!ldJiliol liltld Ibm. SOD , 51 101'O lla,. N etworksfrequ n ymd ro s hed les. Consull y ur local cab lis stoconfirm b dcast d a lims etl o ifyp gramc u o le ling roa ales nd e. ESPN2 - Seals Communications - 770.631.5300, and Speedvision - 203.406.2500 Cycle N ews is n o t re spo nsible fo r c h a n g e s In s c h eduli ng. www.cyclenews .com CYCLE NEWS • APRi l 28, 2004 55

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