Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Team Jesus p laced eighth in Far mula Faur action at round two of the CMRA Mini Endurance Championship Series. Team K&N took control of the lead on the sec ond restart of the day and bega n to put laps on the field, and by the three-hour mark they 'd established a five -lap lead. Just into the fourth hou r. a wheel bea ring bega n to come apart on Team K&N's Yamaha TZ 8S. Howeve r, a t hird red flag soon appeared, and Team K&N was able to make most of t he repa irs during the stop page . Wh e n they returned to the tr ack, they were still one lap ahead of Hunke red Do wn Racing. For the fin al two ho ur s, Team K& N tried to maintain consistent lap times to th e finish, claiming th e overal l win by a six-lap margin. Team K&N also took th e Formula Four wi n, over Hunkered Do w n Rac ing, with Mys tery Da nce (co m pri se d of De re k De lpe ro , Ch uck Erg le , Je sse Johnson , Raymo nd Paris a nd Stephen Guynes) in third on a Honda RS8O. The Formula Five w inners were Team Bling. follow ed by Acculign (with Mark Essinger, Chris Thomas. Alan Tan and Troy Gre en o n a Der bi GPR) and (with Jon Weems. Frank Shacklee and Mark Niemi riding a Honda CRF 150). In the Formula Six division, Hi-Zoot (co m prised of Phillip Fisher. Scott McDe rmott and Nathan Winchester) took the win on a Yamaha YSR60. with Indenil e Racing (co m prised o r Les Banta , Mark David, Dust in Do mingue z and Rick Wagner) in second o n a MuZ SM 125, and C ycle I (co m prise d of Barb Pru ssiano, Scott Levine and Richard Desmo nd ) in t hird on a Muzzy SM125. Team Lean won the Formula Seve n class on a Yamaha YSR60 w ith Danny Mosley, Bobby Palmer, Ph illip Fishe r on board , followed by Hype r Cycle (w ith David Wilson and Stacy Bourland o n a YSRSO) and Speed Demo nz (w ith Dirk Ande rso n, Devyn Ande rson and Carter Burkholder on a YSRSO). Kende r Gard en top pe d the Prod uction class, with Den nie Spears, Alan Phillips and Je ff Phillips riding a YSRSO. She Use To Be Mine was sec o nd o n a Yamaha YSRSO ridde n by Jo n Brown , Tony Lo rino and Greg Sam pson , Team Ag Racing ro unded o ut the to p three on a YSRSO w ith Byro n Smith and Bryan Smith at the he lm. RESULTS O/A : I. Team K&N (Yam); 2. Hunkered Down Racing (Han); 3. Team 81ing (Apr) ; 4. My5tery Dance (Hon ); 5. J&R Racin (Hor); 6 . Hi-Zoot (Yam); 7. Indenile g Racing(MuZ): 8. Accul;gn(Deo'); 9. Cycle I (MuZ): 10. Sum 01 All PMu (Hen) : I I. THR (Hon); 12. Team Sidewinder (Apt-) 13. (Hon ); 14. Sabri nid< ; Racing (Ap<): 15. Dead Hone (Han): 16. CR 5;gn. 2 (Han) ; 17. Pink Lad", (Ap<); 18. Chicken Taco Dinne r (Muz); 19. Spo tt ed Dog Racing (Hon): 20. Team OZ Racing(Han ): 21. learn je,", ('0'''''): 22. STD Rating (Han ); 23. "learn Lean ('0'''''): H . RPG Racing (Apr); 25. Hyper Cycle (Yam). F ~4 : I. Team K&N (Yam); 2. Hunk""'" Down Rating (Han ); 3. t1y>t"'J' Dance (Han ): 4. J&R Racing (M..-): 5. Sum O f All Pans (Hon) . F ~S : I. "le a rn Bling (Apr) ; 2 . Ac cul ign (Der ); 3. 2Whee1z .com (Han) : 4. AFI Rating (Ap<); 5. Red 5pade Racing (Deo'). F-'; I. H,Zoot (Yam): 2. Inden,1e Racing (MuZ); 3. C ycle I (MU%); 4. l1'1R (Han); 5. learn Sidewinde r (Apr). F ~7 : I. Team lean (Yam); 2. Hyper Cycle (Yam); 3. Speed Demonz (Yam): 4. Team Cross Roads Honda. (Yam); 5. Team JP (Yam). PROD: I. Kender Garden (Yarn 2. She Use To Be Mine (Yam); 3. Team Ag Racing (Yam); 4. ); H5N Roang ('0'",,). ~~"'-"~ What can you do about it? As Am erica's only weekly motorcycle publ ication, we're the only thing you get that you even realize is latel (Whe n was the last time you knew your mon th ty magazine was a wee k late r tha n usu al?) are, and until the re's some bette r method (at a reasonable cost) to get your Cycle News delive red quicke r, we're all stuck with the same problem . Here are your oltema trlef for betterservice: Most Cycle News subscriptions are deliver ed via 2nd Class mail. The bulk If you are able to pay tor faster servic e. first -cla ss mai l delivery withi n the of what you pay for on your annua l subscription is pos tage . You are payUnited States for Cycle News , annual subscription price: $ 130 .00. ing for bette r delivery than wha t you have been receiving ... why? (Out side the U.S., first-class delrvery is available for $ 150 .00; Canada & Around the beg inning of 199 7, the U.S . Postal Service recl assified all Mexico are $1 45.00) . Cycle News ' toll-f ree subscription hotline is 1-BOO= publica tio ns into what they call -Periodicals" for the purposes of delivery 83 1·2220. speed . That means they now lump your Cycle News in with all the monthly publications and de liver them with the same urgency (or lack of or, Register your delivery complaints wtth the U.S. Posta l Service urgency). on-line at; www.u$ps .cust_hel Of, callhe U.S. _ Service toI-fTee consuner- . . - 24 hoursa day. All Cy cle News can do on our erid is get the paper shipped mmediatety atta r each weekend's even ts, and into the mail system , whic h we do , sawndaysaweel<-at H OG-ASK·USPS (1-800-275-8777). eve ry Tuesday morning. without fail (except on weeks with a Monday holiday, then we print Tuesday and ship you r paper on Wednesday morning). Piease keep your message brief , to the point descriptive of your delivery Attar that. it's out of our hands, and you need to register your delivery problems. and as poli te as possible , If the USP S hears from enough cus com plain t with the U.S. Postal Service. not us. We're as lr ustl ated as you tome rs, they can onty pay attention and improve their servic e. CYCLE N EW S • APRIL 28, 2004 75

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