Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

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Southern Enduro Riders Assoc. Kids Enduro Series Round r: Cajun Classic Nationa l Spicing Up the Cajun Classic By CAROLYN REED FOREST HILL, LA, MAR. 27 o re than gum bo was brewin' on the southern trails of the Kisatchie Nationa l Forest, w her e Louisiana Cajuns hosted M ro und o ne of the SERA Kids Enduro Series. Th e Acadiana Dirt Ride rs had more t han 30 youngste rs signe d up fo r the 22nd annual event . Four classes were in the gumbo pot , and things were "guaraaaanteed" to boil ove r, as the sou the rn kids w e re ready to get the race on ! The Beginner Pee We es spiced up th e trail first . o n a I-mile loo p that had surp rising turn s t hat led t he m into off-ca mb er trail s an d into a dirt pit full of curvy jumps and checkpoints. Lapping everyone else. e-year-cld Trent Wh isena nt took home th e bragging rights. as he and his PW50 w he tt e d the zesty appetites of the spectators. Taking second was Louisiana's ow n Cameron Reed. SERA's 4-year-old hare scra mbles po ints leader. Rudy Fe rguson and first-timer Hallie Rod ge rs kep t up nicely. showing off skill ful rid ing abi liti es for such young ri ders . Excitement wasn't lacking in the bigger Pee Wee class. The Tab asc o Sau ce here w as firey Micah Williams . w ho had t he fastest scorecard o ut of 10 kids. Alabama native Steven Nicholas was und eniably o n the gas as he t ried to catch up with the KTMmou nt ed first-place candidate , but he too k home second . Wrapping up third was Factory rider Ashto n Knight. followed by Cod y Lea chman. Kids Int erm ediate rider Jo rdyn DuBose added a bit of his own seasoning and put ano ther w in under his be lt . The IO-yearold Mississippi boy had to co ntend w ith experienced and wellro unded Kawasaki rider John Higue ra. "Jo hn was some heavy competition ." DuBose said. "He really made me work hard for the wi n." Sizzling 9-year-olds Payne Jones and Hunter Rowland made q uite a name for the mse lves last year and will be fun to wat ch in the new race se aso n. Wh at 's a gum bo wi th out a couple of "Naw lins" kids in the rou x? Eleven -ye ar-old tw in brot hers Jason and Jesse Wh ittington were on the trail , racing together fo r the first time . Jesse placed fifth in the class. Th e Ki s' trail boss decided to make the Vet Kids class earn d their finish-line rights with so me mega -hardball riding. This trail was definitely the final ingredient for a fulfilling. spicy sou thern race . The loop tw iste d do w n the piney fo rest o n a tedio us and exasperating o ne-of-a kind endu ro kids ' trail that was 2.8 miles long. Spencer Coo k adde d the final to uches of Caye nne pepper to the event. riding his new KTM to first place . putti ng preci ous sec o nds o n Tyle r Carte r. C handle r Rowland was back for the seaso n o pe ner and held o n to third with some re mar kable riding tale nt. keeping up w ith SERA' tw o leading hotshots . s Wh"t's "t the 'e"d'ng edge 01 motonyde news? Spencer Cook topped the Vet Kids class at the SERA Kids Enduro season opener in Fo re st Hill, Louisiana. Cycle New. Onl inel Now you can access inslont race re.ults ond the lotest breaking .tories in the world 01 motorcycling, with Cycle New.' home poge on the World Wide Web. Updoled doily, Cycle New s Online provides: CYCLE NEWS • APRIL28, 2004 63

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