Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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estyIe. the film makenbeve created a film that wi openyouwhole new dimensKl youhave...,... seen! Atn.e rider' film! SO nWuesfromlmpactV , deo. e)'!S to • $29 .95 (#016J) 50 Nuts (PG Venion) OVD Does sizematter? Notto the"nuts" J1tM~. Comealong wtthus for • SOcc - - . as we ride on the IWgtlways. byways. _ oAubs. andPUOS. You1 be ~ and0>NZed wtththe i"roo ~ .... ridon Q-ris an m Q-ris SIgerlord. AIIord, and the usual suspects, SIedred OM limed from....,.. SlanIlU, the best spots and the best IT"e ~. KaaVdeo.•$29.95 (#0200) Global Addiction OVD Tt;s is one0/ the""", - - . Resl)IeWleos n,.... · the one t;s SunJd AM 125 with. baddIp ilto theGnnd c.,on. Youl rewildthe moretimesthanyouC3I1 a>.ft, m you sdIwon', it. _lots 0/ other Godfrey-jlrod.o Ioo<>ge v.ih Mige 0/ i-Ms & K' ~ forma' n this coIIecso<> edition DVD. o..re5 miootes 0/ pu-eadren~ine from X.factor $J9.95 (#0151) Ryan Capes: My Way to t He Record OVO Ryan Capes quite possibly 5tlJCk the ~ggest air date. "MyWoy to '0 the Recon::I" docunena thejouney of a young man from the Washington State andis incredibly shortroad to record breakilg . success. Mo starrnr Enslow. Metzger. Faisst. lWitdt, andHoman. 60rnnutes from Impact Video $24 .95 (#011) Seth: The Hard Way OVD Gee "" close m penonaI withIreestyIe legend SethEnslow, a stoe Am F-.I.1O rnioolesfrom ~ Video. [M) ildodesspecialneracsiYe &YoeI>-coge, newIy..-eIeased cnsh Ioo<>ge, amkes m bIoopeo- from TheH.-dWoy. _ bIuejlt'nts 0/ Seth ·.1ao.nch ""l'. i>teaaVdeo. _ _.$29.95 ra-c...... Call to Order Today (#OI08E) S1ednecks 6 OVD k', """ time lor the sixth _ 0/ the iegendaly snow· mobleseries. Starmg Jay QUrm. Rran Ilntt. RobAIIord, Heath Grisby. Bj~. Sam ~ Geoff Kyle. Q-ris _ K;ie Ambl.rn. andDan GanlraaVdeo $29 .95 - Gu. "'IIedde" _VI (#016) J5/01 My Trip" Mike Cinqman OVD - "a pervas;.e pattern 0/ ilstobiIity" • is an acaJrate desaiption of IreestyIe legend M1 ~ jol.n'ey throughlie. You1litenllyget. look inside Onq', head "the_ wor1ge anddeletedscenes.10 rnioolesfrom XFoc:ur. .._.._ _.. _ _ _ .._ _.. _ ._ .._ $29 .95 (#0 129C) No Fear's Chapter Three OVD Thenext chapter n freestyle. Take. look an n depth look at the X Games withi-Ms Pastrana andBrian o..g,n'. anmilg l60 twist. looks at the Gm;ty Games. anda behndthescenes. look at the TheMet3I MLisha prMte COfT'll'lUld. 45 n"inutes from X· Factor $29 .95 _-mo (#020) The Way We Rode OVD one Part I focuses on the e<>1y days 0/ , freestyle andthe begmngs 0/thefreerid;,g moYement, leatlrilg p;onee.. ike Adoptante. Metzger. o..g,n andHuffman ~ trid.Md Bailey). 1 966 967 s...,eroowt 0/ MX (RJ goesfrom 17 to win). andthe ' 8 6 _ th SX()oIwon .... Jeff Ward battling" out down to the verylast comer 0/the fonallap). 15yean of histO<'( romed byFuA TIrottIeVdeo. aI ege from the_ poitt 01the top acsionsport athletes,. they compete andtake n the X Games expe-cyde! is anen......n;,gandErite _ rid01g areas. 5trnlg Rran VoIIapoto. Rran Shedder. Matt Boni. NkoIzri. and• spedaI appeannce by Josh Hansen. 45 ninut" from Impact Video. $29.95. (#015J) World Mini Grand Prix OVD Race Money Videos presentSthelOUJ World Mn ""'" with kids from ages 4-1 6 con¢'g n.. das5es " the worldfaoncus Us Vegas Nevada miri tr.Id<. Wardl,. these miri wanion compete andpve you a ~ 0/the Mu-e MX stan 0/ tomorrow. 90 n"inutes from X bcto.-. 14.95 . (#0225) Tested on Animals OVD Seethe top rrft-riden on the lTaCk, on the road, be01g kids m . do01g t!'« own brand o/Ireestyle. Tt;s ~ X is on the moYe and the .-Jessi !lrothen, the _ . theiii Brothers and [),..;Milsap are" the top 0/ the verytalented heap 56 rniooles . from h1>aaVdeo. _ _._ _ . • .$30.9 5 (#02]5) Generation Next OVD Rod<. & roI MX withsome 0/ the best )"Otion &do01g freestjle. _ _ $24 .95 from h1>aaVdeo sion and rebcuKI adjustments. and how to tlIIe for the ternin. Kyou ride. Japanese or E ""'P"'" off-road. MX or 00af.sp0rt bike, this _ is lor you. IndJdes • borosMXextreme short fihn. Jot " from RneIine MotOSJlO'1' $27 .95 (#0155) Greg A1bertyn 's Factoge ildodesall Gart Semcs·!atest trairOng anddiet information to makeyoua lean meanraQlg madW1e. The best tI"aIlO1g anddiet programs that he used to trail Jeremy McGr3th andmany 0/ theother top pros are""" MiIabIe to you through dis easy to U1derstand _ and.-.....aI. The _ begils on the most Orponan' objecs n tI"aIlO1g andrac· ing,the 1Tind_he1 e>pIail the ~ 0/ diMIopilgthe correct ITind set that wiI enable .. the other p;eees 0/the punle to IaIilto place. the most _ owIement tI"aIlO1g _ l o r Motocross ancVor 0fI.&ad Racing. 90 Mrutesfrom h1>aaVdeo. .. _._ $39 .95 mOUI£5 (#0140) On Any Sunday OVD ilnJce a.--e-,.• _ 1971 lim wtidl coven Wn..tIy .....-y form0/ motorcyde COfT"ll"lition fromthe AI1IU Grand NalionaIlOu- to Motoaoss; Desert Racing to IceRadrti; the I50Tto the Wodowmaker HIclirrb; the 8avreYiIe SaltFlats to the EIOnore Gnnd Prix. Tt;s special [M) lea.... the origW"oI mcMe ........ andlV spots. digiuIy drector·._ ~ SClUll!u>cl<, extendedtriI>.b to ~ McQueen. and il conYef"S3tion with director Bruce Brown. 96 rrinJtes from X-Factor. __..__ $34 .95 (#0140B) On Any Sunday Revisited OVD SLEDS (#0 135B) 2 Stroltruck andfriends set the world on rife v.;m awesome new backCOU'ltl)' set. Featuring nwryfirst _ "" the craziest chutesn No<1h America, TIvodemrucl< 2 takes you on steep anddeep jol.n'eyilto the extreme world0/ ~. 6Srnioolesfrom ImpactVdeo $24.95 (#OIOJ) A1tidty OVD "ErOl n c..dl, Cdorado. kIroo. t1ont:nl, lJah m ~ [M) ron.... 6 extra """'" 0/ un.t Ioo<>ge and - - . .. n cIFI [M) "'*r. -4li _from Mactcr. $29.95 u.rc ra-c _ ree.o-e (#0 10JA) Altidty J : Worldwide OVD Thedef..moYie! Get to knowthe riden ,. they you to Ulada. Naway Sweden, ~ and.. """ theU5A L-. to . 71,.-751-74ii 9 prn PST am.s ra-c When Ilruce a.--e-, made the first OAS. """" of outstand;,g lootage....... made the mcMe. Tt;s _ goesbad< ilto the ""'" to highlgh< the dirt trad< heroes' acOOn from that pe;ad . Thepersonafttiesfromthe moviereminisceaboutthat gnnd period 0/ the sport. Added [M) exdJsives ilcIud;,g riderprofdes. It... Mge "'" bod< n the day . ccmbiled with recent ilteMews andconvnentary by the Browns. MS, Roger DeCoste-. DamyLaPorte, Jeff Ward and more [M) ildodessameIoo<>ge,. the_ . withadlitionaI . [M) exdJsivesi-d.dng scnpbooI< photos. riderbios and• . speciaI_ with Ilruce Brown & Malcolm Snith o..r 70 n"inutes from X-Faaoo-_ _ . ._....__......_..$24 .95 (#0 IJ9) A Day in the Oir< OVD Tt;s doamenc:wy film takes )OJ rightilto the. - 0/. Motocros1 Grand Pri>< like noother. k·•• tndtionaI ThanksgMng ""'" hossed bythe Fh 1ndiJstIy. andpreseraaVdeo. ._..$29.95 or Order Online at Prices subject to change- please use current ~ as your ~ ~~..=: ~l~! ItIl~Tax.. Free shippW'Jg & Iundhng charges from Cycle News Products. Allow4-6 weeks for delivery.

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