Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(#0 14M) The Great Outdoors Special Edmon DVD You want more~ You got it. 100 minutes ofof aII-new and exdt01g footage lw1d-picked from 300houn offilm shot rI1 f!Jgtles Oldja-ros Stew.nto wY1!-Os fnt 1lSa:~ ~ Old as tileKem_ re<>rns to ny 125 West class. Ilery rornd. withaccornl""}ing rneMewswithtile top ridecs. Watch tile"tileDr." fIossl caM! hisW>f to tile dwnp;onship at tiledawn ofa new age ~ MocoGP r.lCing. DVD exrrasi1dude complete on-board laps frome>ery circuit. a dayin tile life of tileWest Honda Pons team behind tilescenes footage . anda chance to see all tile... &games from tile fIossl Fan Club pony. 190 _ from I'ihIteStarlDuke Video. ..........$34.95 (#01970) 2001 MotoGP 500 Se ries Review OVD Tho 200I AM SOO WorIlChan-;>Ionsh

bIy talented duo were always on"""" to dOh "'" tileaction ~ MocoGp. butwho could haveprecfocted tile manner in which tile last."... SOOs-orly seasonwould catch fire? Catd1alltile action~ tNs ofIodaI 3-houseason review on DVD 190 mirutesfran White Scr/Duke . Video $34.95 (#01971) Mota GP 2003 OVD Mota GP _2003 COYerS alltile h~ andlows. speedand action from anotherb10terT1g season of breathtaking r.lCing for you to re-1Ne. or to erjoyfortile fnt time. Tr.lCiic blend l of speed. rMWy, _to-wheel r.lCing andaneIectriIting atmosphere. allcapwred liltikes. Australian llucad rider Troy Bayliss """"""~ lifted tilecrown. buttho was no walkin the park. Y2K ~ Colin Edwards wason a mssianto prove tile Honda VIRI000SP ·2V·twin coJd snacch two tides in a rem,whileAussie veteranTroyCorserhad a major porn to prove on tile/>j>rila RSV-R 1000twin. RIslng stars i1clud01g Ben Bostrom put ~ their ..,... of b10tering perionnances ~ thisoIIodai revew of tile'0I I'O>Iid Superl>o1ery ree-d. 215""""" from WhiteStar/Duke Video. $39.95 (#01596) World 's Fastest Bikes OVD Cycle News' E ..-opean Correspondent Alan Cathcarttests tile top GPOldWorld Sup..-t;ke machn!s on chaIIeng01g aeults ~ Eu-ope andJapan. plusa lookat tile best rew sreetbkes. 11 0 """"" from I'ihIteStarlDuke Video .. . _ $34. 95 ISL£ of nmn TT (#01626) lsi. 01Man 200 3 OVD There'snoth01g kke f to victory Old"""" at MoIIy's sidec3r_ spiming OYer theMountain to yet one more win Pull upa chair ! andwe'l soon haveyouon tile edge 3 In hours from I'.1>te ! StarlDuke Video. .. $39.95 (#01599) Joey: 1952"2000 OVD Tho eagerly awaited DVD trhJte &follow...., to tile 200I dow"""'"""Ycharong joeyDu.-lop·s"""" & "'P"adona/ 5tOO)I from hun>bIe begimi1gs to FI WorIltitles record-breakmg exploits at . tile Isle of Man IT andCOU1tIess race_ across tileUK& ELnlpO. Tho DVD contains additional exclJsM>-to-DVD feanns, inckJding a gaJ1ely of carefully selected phocos of "Y Moun" and ..text pages detaik"ll hiscareer h~@tts . 110 mnutesfrom~e StarlDuke Video . $34 .95 STR£ET £HTR£fTI£ (#0501) 110% OVD Coo-oe along fortileride as tiletop freestyle sportbike ridecs In theUS travel coast to coast, battling to seewhowig become the '02XSBA National Champion. Wdtch 0l13li"ll street per. formedbytile top crewsfrom arorndtile a> Geoff Aaroo·s..;g;na1 video. dlsplayi"ll rials tile skilb that put him at tiletop . Included 0 trials ridN-.g ~ tile desert. woods. watetfafts, Caribbean beaches. Booos DVD f.... ture "Danger at OoMer/X·treme Trials Vol. I". -40 miootes from X-factor. . $29.95 (#0 116A) Balancing Act 2 OVO Geoff Aaroo shows hisandsome of tile bestridecs and extreme trials perlormances worldwide. Crilbea-l, Moab Utah. Luxen-bourg TdN. X-show. WorIlT rials. Vegas. Dome<-. Freeridlng. andmon!. SpedaI DVD bonus rea.... lncWngpho--d H:Ir"fbMe Zedrer 0lI tileaction _ tilecerO1glortlleve- they IIy, defti1g pi.Ms-by-God-WestV~ Watch 011roadlegends ildudl llScott Sumn-e<>. larry _ " . jeff Russel andmon! ' induert Nautf ~ """""il: new tricks ~ freestyle . motocross andthisDVD I'"""" whyheIstile best Starring: Travis Pastrana, Kenny 8artranl, Greg _ . Nate Adams. Rome!'ons. Mike Metzger. Drake McElroy. Tyler Evans. Olda hostof othertop freestyle pros. 30 minutes from I"l"" Video $29.95. . (#0 IOF) Crusty Demons: the 7th Mission OVD Jon Freeman &Dana Nicholson teambock '" to taketile troops tilebtest epic ~ AusoaIia &Caing _ exposed fan . _ withonearmdod beIindI""" back. junping.,.,. tine heIicopc coast of01ie. or Bntq a ~ off a IOO-ft. df[ 8Iend aIthatwilllro:re crashes, bacIdIps, _ s1lns Oldyou have _ tile8thDmnion. From F1esImomd Ftns. ..$34.95 (#0 123A) Jeremy McGrath: Steef Roots 2 OVD ExcluslYe footage tt-ot demonstrates exactly whyall-time s...,erooss chan'jlioo je BIzkI. 3lJocn Da.o.n, lim M.llisMlec\)raseIaNeen focxage Old bcnss[M)nuicbySaiv.l. 4S........ I-ornXfa:!ol: ......$29.95 nsvn. (#0132) Mota-xXx: The Se ries 1-4 OVD Howgood a deal Isthat? Tho rrn 4 Moto-xXx Vdeos, all squeezed no onebargain DVD. Approximately 200 minutes fromI"l"" Video $39.95 (#0162) 50 Frenzy OVD let tile ...-.oIution begin! SO Frenzy Is a coIIabor.ttion of XR SO rac01g, freestyle. Old5l1ee!. Tho film """ traveled aII_ tile west coast stopping at locations in both No &So. Calfornia, . i Arizona. andOklahoma. WIth., hou-of non-stop rid01g and

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