Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Showing impressive speed, Cory McDoniel (156) sw e pt the 125cc Pro class and placed se co nd in the 2 50 cc Pro division at round three of the CMA Pacific Coost Pro-Am Series. and the Pro -Am on Sunday. The place was already packed on Saturday, so it wasn't much of a surprise to see ne ar ly 60 0 e ntr ies for the big race , which was paying major dea ler dollars to almost every class. By sundown on Sunday, every resource , (rom track to eve nt staff to racers to the bike s t hemselves, had been used up; com plete exhaustio n was all that re mained. From the spectator's pe rspe ct ive , the ob vio us be nefit of a regi onal sh ooro ur is th e o p p or t uni ty t o se e r acers (ac e unfam iliar com peti tion. N owhe r e did th at yield more exciting action than in the Pro and Inte rmed iate classes . T he first 12Scc Inte rmediate race saw a grou p of Yamaha ride rs out front early. Beau Wiegand led Greg Fo uts and Greg Karman n. with Hon da-mounted Westo n Arthurs run ning fourth . Karmann made a spirited charge to take the lead and held on for the moto win. followed by F OUlS and Arthurs . The same grou p of riders split from the pack in the second race , but Arthurs was o n a mission, making the neces sary passes and edging Wiegand for the win. He needed some help to take the overall with 3-1 finishes , but he got it when Wiegand put himse lf in front of Karmann . The latt e r' s 1-3 tally ea rned him second overall. Wiegand (4-2) was th ird. Cory McDaniel rode an RMZ250 to a sweep of the 125cc Pro class, but it was close . For much of the two rnotos, Adam Miller we nt back and fort h w ith the Suz u ki pil ot . Miller even tually settle d for a couple of second-place showings, wh ile Buffalo Saito was third in bo th motos and overall. It would have been tough to find a dirtier, more worn-out crowd than the one that slowly exited the La Grange O HV Park. but there were also none more proud or sat isfied. T he muscle pain and fatigue cou ldn't be igno red , but they would fade, unlike the great stories and fon d me mo ries left in the ir wake. RESULTS so F{T: I . Drew Eldred ge (Hon); 2. Levi Walker (KTM); J . Tristan Mars eilles (KTM); .of. Swee t Pea De La Mora (KTM); 5. Kristin Howard (Pol). SO SHA FT: I. Renae B~ (Yam): 2. [ace MIsfeldt (Yam). 50 BEG: I. Brian Thommes (KTM); 2. Kyle We lls (KTM); J . Bruno Mor eda (KTM); -t. Brianne Jame s (Lem) : 5. zane Cau lk (KTM). SO NOV: I . Romey Miramo nte s (Pof): 2. Dan iel De La Mora (KTM ); J. Scott C rane ; -t. Tommy Steve ns {Lem ]: 5. Kyle Greener (Pol). 50 I N T: I. Cal John son (Po l); 2. Gun nar Sigier (KTM); J . Travis Burroug h (Co b). SO (5 -6) OPEN : I. Scott C ra ne ; 2. Briarme Jame s (Po l); J . Brian Th omme s (KTM); 4. Jo rd an Kanady (Pol); S:-Callion McH aney (C o b) . SO (7. S) OPEN: I. Ro me y Miram o nte s (SU ); 2. Cal Jo hnso n (Pol); J . Travis Burr o ugh (Suz) ; 4. Tommy I Stevens {Lem]: S. Brandon Christofferson (KTM). OUTLAW SO STK : I. Robbie Boggs (Hen) ; 2. Stephen Tarpley (Hen) . OUTLAW 50 MOD: I. Roben Alquist (Ho n); 2. Steve LOVilZUnO (Hen); J. Tyle r Boeddeker (Hon ); .of. Tyle r Bereman (Hon) ; S. Rkh Lee (Hon) . OUTLAW YTH , I. Oere k Bee (Hon ). 65 (5 .8) BEG, I. Gu nnar Siglet" (KTM); 2. Jennifer Bun on (KTM); l . Daniel De La Mora (Kaw) ; 4. Dalton Spjut (KTM); 5. Taylor Niznak (Suz). 65 (9 - 11) BEG: I. Brdndon Orr (KTM); 2. Gye Walter (KTM); l . Kyle Code ro (KTM); .04. Blaine C raft (Suz); 5. Chase Twoh" (KTH ). 65 NOV, I. HMk Branden (KTH); 2. lYle< Wymo; • . 1)'Ie' Wymoon Gnndzjuk (Yam), S. Cody Bennen (Yam). .... S5 BE G 0 -1 : I. Anthony Muera (Kaw) ; 2. Dalton Jo nes (Yam); l . Joseph Reynokfs; 4. AmandaAscarrunz (Yam); 5. Cody Olms ted (Hen) . 8 5 NOV 0 -1: I. Greg Groolelf (Suz); 2. Dustin Moody (Suz) ; J. Mario Bonfant e (Yam); .of . Jerry Cox J'. (Yam); S. Chmtian Krney (Yam). 85 N OV D· 2, I. Jad

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