Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

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Townley (30) and Sword a re now tied fo r the MX2 points lead. 13. Ke n De Ducker (4 5); 14. Paul Cooper (4 2); 15. Yoshi Atsuta (J7) MXl MOTO I: I . Ben Townley (KTM); 2. Marc de Reuve r (KTM); L Stephen Sword (Kaw); 4. Andrew McFarlane (!w) ; 6 . lYta Rattray (KTM); 7. Ca rl Nu nn (Han); 8 . Pascal Lauret (KTM); 9 . David Philippaerts (Yam); 10. Billy Mackenzie (Yam) ; I I. Mickael Masch io (Kaw); 12. Antonio Cairoli (Y am); 13. Aless io Chiodi (Yam); 14. C hristian Stevanini (Hoo); 15. James Dobb (Hoo) MXl MOTO 2: I . Stephen Sword (Kaw); 2. Ben Townley (KTM); 3. Marc de Reuver (KTM); 4. Ant on io Cairch (Y am) ; 5. James Cobb (Han); 6. Andrea Bartolin i (Yam); 7. Carl Nunn (Han); 8 . AIessK> Chiodi (Yam); 9. Marvin Van DaeJe (Suz) ; 10. Tyla Rattray (KTM); I I. Manuel Prie m (Suz); 12. Aigar l eok (KTM); 13. Anthony Boissiere (Y am) ; 14. Andrew McFarlane (Y ); 15. Pascalleuret (KTM) am FIM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MX2 SERIES PO INTS STAN D INGS (After 3 of 16 rounds): I. (TIE) Ben Town l@)' ( 119n)lStephen Sword ( 119); 3. Marc de Reuver ( 10 3); 4. Andrew McFarlane (98 ); 5. Tyla Rattray (8 ]/1 ); 6 . Algar Leok (75 ); 7. Jame s Dobb (7 1); 8 . Mickae l Masch io (6 7): 9 . Carl N un n (56); 10. Antonio Cairoli (55); I I. David Philippaern (4 ] ); 12. Manuel Priem (42); 13. Sebas tien Pourcel (39); 14. Anthony Bo issie re (] 8); 15. Marvin Van Daele (36) My OWN RACE 17 Marc de Reuver (2 -3) MX2 quite have it in the first mota, just too k the third place and got re ady fo r the second mota." In the seco nd rno to, Sword rod e even better, as he le d early and never gave Tow nley a chance to get close . But Town ley ne ver gave up an d ended up sec ond. " I pushed really hard to catch Swo rd, " Townl ey sa id . " I was ha ppy to finish second ." Sword w as q uite ha ppy to w in the seco nd moto. " I just had a good start and could hold a solid le ad ove r Townley," Sword said . "Whe n he ca me to me, I just ke pt my own pace an d did n't feel any nerves at all." eN GRAN D P RIX OF P ORTUGAL AGUEDA, P ORTUGAL R ESULTS: APRIL 3, 20 04 (ROUND 3 OF 16) MX I MOTO I: I. Stefan Everts (Yam); 2. Mickael Pichon (Hon); 3. Kenneth Gunde~ (KTM); 4. Steve Ramon (KTM); S. Cedric H elott e (Y am); 6. Kevin Strijbos (Suz): 7. Paul Cooper (Hon ); 8. Chris Burnham (KTM); 9. Javier VICO Garcia (Hon); 10 . Brian Jo rgensen (Hon); I I. Joel Smets (Suz); 12. Yoshi Atsuta (Ho n); 13. Lauris Freibe rgs (Hon); 14. Antt i Pyrhonen (Suz); 15. Marn icq Bervoets (Yam). MXI MOTO 2: I. Mickael Pichon (Hon); 2. Stefan Everts (Yam 3. Josh Coppins (Hon) ; 4. Cedric Melone ); (Yam); 5. Ken de O ijker (Hon); 6 . Steve Ramon (KTM): 7. Yoshi Atsuta (Hon); 8. Kev;n 5trijbos (Suz); 9. Kenneth Gunde~ (KTM): 10. Javie r VKO Garda (Hon ); I I. james N oble (Hon); 12. Tanel L.eok (Suz) ; I J. Ann; Pyrohnen (50,); 14 . Chm Maron (Yam 15. Mmo ~ (Hoo) ); FIM WORLO CHAM PIONSH I P MX I SERIES PO INTS STAN DINGS (Aker 3 of 16 rounds): I. Stefan Everts ( 129/ 1 w;n); 2. Ced ric Melotte (10 3/1); 3. Steve Ramon (102); 4. Josh CappO", (98); 5. Kennem Gundenen (9J); 6. Mid..e l P;chon (9 111); 7. K"';n Striioo. (68); 8. Ja"", Voco GYm (65); 9. Joel Smets (62); 10. Brian Jo.-gensen (60); I I. Tanel Look (57); 12. James Noble (47); After winning the ope ning round in Belgium, Marc de Reuver has been str uggling to find his cons istency when it comes to his speed . "I just don't know what happened ," de Reuver said. "I had noth ing for Townley and Sword . I tried to catch them, and I couldn't . Sure it's a worry, but I know I am the fastest rider out there. I just have to get my head together and work it out. What I can say is that I didn't have a bad start. I was fifth in the first mo to , the second lap I was second and riding behind Townley really easy, then I got arm pump , and I made a small crash. Then I crashed again when Sword was beh ind me. I was happy with second position in the first moto. In the second race , I just rode bad; never felt I had a chance . I pushed to get to t he two front guys but couldn't." 7 Ced r ic Mel o tte (5-4) MX I L&M Yamaha rider Cedric Melotte struggled with his starts in Portugal, but the Be lgian made good prog ress all weekend. "In the first race , I had a bad start," Melotte said. "I was middle of the pack, I passed a lot of guys, like Ramon, and then I came up to Smets. He was blocking me , and I tr ied some differe nt lines, but I w ent into a muddy corner and we nt over the handlebars , lost some places and again had to fight back. In the second rnoto , I was nervou s beca use I got a rock on my foot in the first moto, and it hurt rea llybad. I was nervou s at the start and got ano ther bad start. I was 12th on the first lap and again fought through. I got to fourt h, which was great. conside ring." 3 Joel Smets ( I I-DNF) MX I Joe l Smets , on the 4S0cc four-stroke Suzuki, didn't have much luck in Portugal and fe ll even further behind in points. "I felt good in the first rnoto , rode to a consistent top five, but then , on the last lap, I crashed and drop ped back to 11th place," Smets said. "In the second moto, I was riding www.cyclen for a podium place , but I sta lled the bike, or it stopped by itself, I'm not sure . I got going again but then was pushing too hard and crashed and hit my chest against the handelbars. That was it for me . I'm disappoin ted , of course. I'm losing ground on the championsh ip; it' s not looking good for me ." 26 Tyla Rat tray (6 -10) MX2 KTM factory rider Tyla Rattray, who won the MX2 class last week in Spain, could not back up his winning performance on a tra ck that might've benefited the four-strokes. Rattray rides a 12Scc twostroke. "I had a bad sta rt ," Rattray said. "It's difficultgetting into the first comer with the four-strokes. I just pushed really hard and got into sixth position , In the second moto, I had a bett er start but got pushe d wide in the first corner. I pushed thro ugh the field again and got 10th ." 15 Andrew McF a rlane (4- 14) MX2 Andrew McFarlane held secon d place in the champions hip comi ng in to Portugal, but with a 4-14 moto score in Portugal, the Australian slipped to fourth. "I had a terri ble qualification, which mea nt I was wide on the gate. In the first moto , I was okay out of the start, but in the second, I had a terri ble sta rt becau se of my gate pick. I am really disappointed , because I lost a lot of grou nd in the ser ies points." 31 Josh Coppins (DNF-3) MX I The New Zea lander had a mixed day in Portugal. Coppins, on the CAS Honda CR, failed to finish the first moto after crash ing twice and losing fuel. In the second moto, he was able to consolidate with a thirdplace finish. "I had third place early in the first rnoto,' Co ppins said, "then [Kenneth] Gunde rse n took me out, and I got up in last. Ramon ran over my bike and damaged the [gas] tank, and I lost some fuel. I crashed again, and then on the last lap, the bike sto pped ; I was ou t of fuel. In the second rnoto, I pushed hard but had no energy to race with Everts or Pichon. I was spent from the flrst-rnoto charge." CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 14, 2004 39

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