Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GPR /AMA District 37 8ig 6 Grand Prix Series Round 2 : Malcolm Smith Motorsports/Pralrle Dogs Grand Prix Dog-Gon-It It's Woods & Davis Again! By KANDY THORNTON SANBERNARDINO, CA, MAR. 6-7 M o re than 1300 parti cipants w ere treated to an innovative grand pri x course at Glen He len Raceway Park, site of round two of the G PR/AMA Dist rict 37 Big 6 Se rie s. The 12th annual Malcolm Sm ith Motors ports/ Prai rie Dogs Motorcycle Clu b " Dog-Go n-It" Grand Prix co ur se featured eight m iles of N at ional trac k, REM track, regional -pa rk asphalt se ct ions , and a sand wash that ran through th e middle of Gle n He le n. The fea tu red event at the Prairie D ogs Gra nd Prix was t he $ 300 0-purse night te am race. Th e Montcla ir Yamaha/MooseIYoshimura d uo of Na than Woo ds & Ty Davis were the top dogs at this year 's even t, leading the race fro m hol esho t to finis h. Due to an un d isclosed problem in the KTM pits, Kurt Case lli was late to the start line and missed the official one- row start. "I got the ho lesh o t and d id n't realize that t he KTM team d idn't make the start on time," stated Davis. " I saw a two-st roke t ry ing to catch up , and w e had a pre tty close race fo r a while, but then they dropped bac k. Racing at night is so differen t - you have to be smooth and not do anyth ing stu pid." Davis and Woods we re definitely smooth, and Caselli & Joe y Lanza fo und their batt le fo r th e night was for se cond , against the Temec ula Mo to rsp ortslGPR/Baj a Designs team of Mark T ille y & Scott Myers. Despite a late start. Caselli quickly made up time and handed off the KTM 250 SX to Lanza in fourth place. where th ey re mained until lap three, wh en Caselli moved up two posit ions by passing Myers and Johnny Campbell. Tilley got by Lanza o n the nex t lap, and the teams then settled into the pos itions in which they wou ld even t ually finis h when Caselli once aga in passed Myers o n lap five. "We lost a bo lt on our headlight and had to rely on our helmet lig hts ," sa id T illey. "I t slowed us down, but we just did our best. I c o uld se e Lanza 's N ight rid er ligh ts on his hel m et and w o uld rev t he bike wh en t he cou rse came clo se toge th e r to scar e him a lillie , bu t despite my best e ffort s, I co uldn' t c at ch him. We needed ju st a littl e mo re d istance ." The Ame rican Honda tea m of Campbe ll & Steve He ngeveld finished fo urt h, and Kendall Nor m a n & Quin n Cody fin ished fift h . Spectators were surpr ise d to see off-r oad legend Jimmy l ewis riding a grand prix. l ewis teamed up with Tod Sciacqua , and they finished sixth overal l. T ille y had a fantast ic weekend, finishing first in th e Four -Stroke Expe rt and O pe n Expe rt division s. Woods and Nicho las Burso n finished seco nd an d th ird in the Fou r-St ro ke cl ass . while Case lli and Paul Krause rounded ou t the podium in the O pen Expert division. Nor man also do u ble d up on th e w ins in t he 2S0 cc Ex pe rt an d 0 - 200cc Ex pe r t classes o n his FMF/ BRP/O' N eal Hondas. Burso n and Lanza finished second and third , respec tive ty. in the 0-200e c Expert class. Davis, Campbell and Krause took the to p th ree spots in the Vet (Over 30) Open d ivision. Kelly Yancey , Ann a Segale and Am y Haste n we re the to p finishers in the Women's Expert d ivision . eN GUN HIUN RACEWAY PARK SAN BERNARDINO, CAUfORNIA RESULTS: MARCH 6-7, 2004 (ROUND 2) MINI BEG: I. KennyArlmoto Jr. (Yam); 2. Zeupal Mao (Kaw) ; 3. Keenen Zamor.> (Hon) ; ~ . Kyle Y"""II (Yam); 5 . Dean Pierce (Han). MINI NOV: I. Brian Nelson (Suz) ; 2. Austin Harmon (Kaw) ; 1. Cooper Hall (Yam); 4 . Dillon Kuntz (Kaw); S. KhytarSizemore (Kaw) . MINI INT: I. Chris Bell (Yam); 2. Kyle Bristo l (Kaw). MINI EX: I. Jamie Lanza (Kaw l ; 2. Richard Chan dler III (Yam): 1. Jacob ATgubright ( Kaw ); omp.on (Suz ). )0+ 150 INT, '- OJ McGhee (Hon): 2. 2. Jim Latendresse (Ha n); 3. Buddy Bosh (KTH); 4. Jim Ronnie Smith (Hon ): 3. Chris Beny (Yam): ~ . Han< Connell Sander..- (KTM): 5. T.Y. _ (KTH). 60 + ex, I. leny (Yam); 5. James Furnish (Yam). ) 0+ 250 EX : I. Revelle Davis (Yam); 2. Ron Dugan (Kaw ); J. Oemis Tooman(Yam); H.vmon (KTM): 2. Jon z.Ivt (Su'): 3. WollySWnom (Yam): ~ . Terry N;eI (Hon ); 4. James Kohls (Tn) . VINT EX: I. David Carling (Yam): 2. Chn. Perrett (Hon): J. Rkhard Taylor (Kaw) : ~ . (C Z); 2. Bud dy Bosh (C Z) ; 3. Do n Doerkso n (Yam); 4 . Guy Rodges (Yom): 5. Jm Gonion ( Kaw) . 40 + 150 NOV: Bruce Leonard (YMn); 5. Jack Garjian (Hod) . SOHCK: I . I. Larry Thompson (Sut:); 2. Jim Thompson (Sur) ; 3. Ty Mike Bums Jr./Matt $idom (EML); 2. David Krohrv'Gary Cass Larson (Han); 4 . Charles Gilbert (KTM ); 5 . Ed Patt e rson (Han); 3. Mark McDad e/ Robe rt Morgan (ENt); 4. Chris (Han). 4 0 + 250 'NT: I. Dave Bender (Hon) ; 2. Johnny johnsorVPauI Stimson (KTN). SAT U/CLFO : I. Kurt Caselli Alexander (Hon ); 3. louie Ramo (Yam); 4. Pa.ul Mcl(jnney (KTM); 2. Steve Hengeveld (Hon); 3. Ty Da vis (Yam); 4. (KTM): 5. ...... Upon (Yam). 40+ 2S0 EX, I. Wolly Simon> Bre nt Harden (KTM); 5 . N icholas Bunon (Ha n) . SUN (Yam) ; 2. Jon zahrt (Suz) ; 3. John Langhammer (Yam); 4. U/CLFO: I . Elm e r Symons (KTM); 2. Reve lle Harrison Larry Gross (Yam); 5 . John Rudder (Yam). 40 + OPEN (KTH): 3. Ccail H

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