Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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requ ired big jumps between them . Then came a section with big cubes of cement. Section four consisted of big rocks. some of them on a lorry [semi-truck]. In numbe r ftve there were high. narrow cylinders put in an art ificial lake. It was forbidde n to touch the water! The last hazard was the we ll-known waterfall. First to go was Graham Jarvis. He had the unluckyjob of start ing all the sections. and he scored 13 points. Lampkin was best. picking up only three points. with Ragaone point more . Cabestany notch ed six marks and FUjinami seven . The parallel. disputed by Raga and Lampkin. was won by Raga. but it did not change the order. because Lampkin was faste r than the Spaniard. The same thing happe ned between Cabestany and Fujinami. The Japanese rider won, w hile Cabestany was careful to finish without dabbing, and thus he kept the th ird position and gained the last place in the final. FINAL This time, Cabestany was the unlucky rider who had to open the sections. which we re run in the opposite direct ions. The first turning point came in section two. when Lampkin fell off o ne of the big cylinders - fortunately without consequences other than the five heavy points he incurred . In section five Cabestany jumped too long and put his front wheel o ut of the tape . gathering the maximum five points. O nly Raga was cool enough to limit his mistakes at three feet in three sections. The win was the sixth consecutive for the World Champion. CN MOTO Cwa DE LA GAUDE NICE, FRANCE RESULTS: MARCH 19, 2004 (ROUND 11 OF 12) QUAUFYING: I. Doug Lampkin (4) ; 2. Adam Raga (4); J. Alben Cabestany (7); -4 . Takahea FU jinam i (1); 5. Harc Freoa (10). FINA L: I. Adam Raga (4); 2. Albert Cahestany (9); J. Doug Lampkin (12). WORLD INDOOR TRIALS CHAMPIONSHIP SER IES POINTS STANDIN GS (Aft er I I of 12 r ounds): I. Adam Ra (9 .01); 2, Takahisa Fujinaml (65 ); ga J . Doug Lampkin (6J); 4. Alben Cabestany (5 1); 5. M.,c Freixa (48). 1.800.831.22 UPCOMING ROUND: (9:00am - 5:00pm P.S.T.) Round 12 . R Germany, M ieso, arch20 CYCLE NEWS • APRil 14, 2004 57

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