Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Lee and Suzuki SV6SQ-mo unt ed Scott Levine were on the move as well, and they displaced Fait and Hudson later in the lap. Pirtle pulled a slight gap on the field, wh ile Hudson and Fait waged a fie rce ga me of cat -and-mouse ove r sec ond, rubbing plastic in the carousel tum and again in the chicane . "He was pulling me pretty good do wn the front straig ht , and he pulled up along side me down the front straight ," said Hudson, "so I just decided to try and beat him on the brakes and slam the door o n him everywhere I could." Starti ng lap fo ur, t he ord er was Pirtle, Lee and Levine , who held the top three positions o n the track as we ll as the top three For mula Two positions . Hudson , Fa it a nd Brad law were runn ing fourth thro ugh sixth overall but were the top three Super Motartls bikes . On th e fifth lap , Fait pulled even w ith Hudson down the bac k stra ight after the horseshoe and went around the o uts ide of him in the first part of the chicane, but Hudso n stood it up straight and got on the gas hard , shu tt ing the doo r o n Fait in the next righthander. From there on , Hudson held on to take the top spot in the Super Motard division. Up fro nt , Pirtle cr uised home with a three -second advantage over Lee for the For mula Two win, with Levine finishing third overall and th ird in Fo rmula Two. RESULTS SlSTK A AM: I . Kyle Rivers (Der) ; 2. Daniel Caldwell (Suz); 3. Bill D ra ke (Yam) ; 4. Nathan W e b er (Su z) ; S. jonathan Oaldey (Yam). S/ST K A EX: I. MIChae Sanche z l (Su z) ; 2. Shane Stoyko (Su z) ; J . Andy G alind o (Suz) ; .... 1..eonMd G,emillion (Suz ): 5. Mrl Debno (Suz ). S/STK B AM : I. Bnd Kelly (Suz); 2. Joe Bro w n ing (Yam); 3. Kyle Rivers (De r): 4. Bill Underwood (Yam); S. Daniel Caldwell (Suz) . SiSTK B EX, I. B""1eyChampion (y",,): 2. Min (K. w ): 5. Scott Beckley (y",,). , SlBK 0 AM, l. Chris Romeo (50<): 2. o;rl< Andenon (50, ): 3. Mark Price (Hon ); 4. Toby leslie (Bue) ; 5. Rick Wagner (Suz). SlBK D EX: I. jason Pirtle (Suz): 2. Roben Brad law (Suz); 3. Mike Pet itpas (Y am); 4. Michae l Ham ric (Suz); S. Chuek McCoy (K.w). lJW TW AM , I. Jon Frands (Ap,) : 2. Ch ris Romeo (Suz); 3. Nathan Weber (Suz); 4. Ross Stevens (Suz); S. D irk Anderson (Suz). LJW TW EX: I. Jason Pirtle (Suz); 2. Scott levine (Suz); J . Bill Eraal (Apr); 4. Micha el H umphries (Apr) ; 5 . J.R. l o pez (H o n). H/W TW AM : I. Dan Iel Bro w ning (Han) ; 2. James KIm ball (Ho n) ; J. N ick Tulloh (D ue); 4. Mark Go dfre y (Bue ); S. Dave Alsob rook (Ap< H,w TW EX, l. Ronn;e Lunsford (Due): 2. Michael ). Ne llis (Hon) ; J. Jim Anderson (Hon ); 4. Tim Haas (Hon) ; S. Eric Fait (Suz). 125 G P: I. Tyeer McDonilJd (Hon); 2. Jesse Jo hnso n (H on ); J . Danlel Bro w ning (Hen): 4. J.R. lopez (Hon); 5. Emme tt Di ~ (Hon ). JR HOTARD : I. Randall Fait (Yam); 2. Shea Anderson (Hon); J . Ricky Bueno (Kaw) ; 4. Rachel Brewer (Hon). S/MOTARD: I. Jody Hud500 (Hon) ; 2. Eric Fa it (Su z ); 3. Robert Bra d la w ( H a n); 4 . Laroy Mo nt g o me r y (AT K) : S. Mic ha e l Ma rt in (Yam) . U /L MOTARD, I. Roben B"" ~w (Hon) : 2. Jady Hud>on (Hon) : 3. Eric Fait (Suz):4 . Lvoy Mon tgomery (ATK): 5. Wade Hook (Hon) . VIN T SlBK: I. Dam Wilson (Suz) . VINT TW: I. David laRue (Hon) . CLSe U/L: I . Ste ve Findley (Suz): 2. Steven Isenhower (Hon) ; 3. C h.arl s Christine (Hon) ; 4. Chris e Vinso n (Ho n); 5. C hase lee (Yarn). CLse Sl B K: I . Mike Petitpas (Yam): 2. Robe n Bradlaw (Yam); 3. Charles Christine (Ha n); 4. Bubba Russo (Yam); S. Chu ck McCoy (Kaw). F·I AH: I. Carlo Ga ravaglia (Kaw); 2. Joe Browning (Y ); 3. am Will Shupak (Suz); 4. Natha n Weber (Suz) ; S. Jo nat h an O akley (Y . F- I EX : I . Michae l Sanchez (Suz); 2. Bradley am) Champio n (Yam); J . Dan ny D omInguez (Suz); 4 . Sha ne Stoyko (Suz); S. Ben Thompso n (Suz ). F-2 AM : I. Jon Fran cis (Ap r); 2. Ch ris Ro me o (Suz) ; 3. D anie l Bro wn ing (Hon); 4. Greg LeOair (Apr); S. Mark Godfrey (Bue). F·2 EX : I. Jaso n Pirt le (Suz); 2. Za chOllry Lee (Ha n); 3. Sco tt Le vine (Suz) ; 4. Jesse Jo hnso n (H a n) ; S. Tyle r McD on ald (Hon). F4 : I. Tyler McOonald (Y0llm); 2. Will Gnry (Y am); 3. Anthony Smit h (H o n) ; 4. Zac C ha pm an (Yam); 5. D ust in Meador (Hen). F·S , I. Kyle Riven (De ,) ; 2. C"""",, Cofer (Ap<): 1. """ Thompson(Ap< 4. Nkk Lee (Ap

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