finge r and ha d to mak e he r charge
to wa rd th e lead fro m fift h . By la p
three , Caldw e ll had gotten ar o un d
Q Uigle y for t he lead, wi th Vanc e in
th ird and Warren moving Up to fo urt h.
Caldwell str et ched o ut a comfortable
le a d ove r Q uigle y, w h ile Warre n
moved up to th ird . At the checkers,
Ca ldw ell too k a st rong w in , wi th
Qu igley in sec o nd, Warren in th ird and
Summer in fou rth.
In race two , Warren q uickly got
do wn to busin es s, pu tti ng rac e o ne
beh ind him and taking a do minant lead
fro m the start. Qu igley rod e stro ng in
seco nd, holding off Summe r. Caldwe ll
experienced shifting prob lems off the
line and didn't sta rt he r charge until
late in the race , finishing fourth. At the
stripe , Warren pulled the overall out of
the fire , gett ing the hat trick.
At round three of the CMRRA
Aft e r swee ping the For mu la
Championships Series, Brandon Warren
Extr e me and Exp e rt For m ula - G P
(84) topped the Amateur Formula SO,
co ntests with little challenge , Aq uino's
Amateur 80cc GP and Formula Thunder
Division Two contests. His brother Darryl
tes t came in the Expe rt 80cc GP class.
(64) placed fourth in the Expert 80cc GP.
Running at a torrid pace in race o ne ,
Aquino he ld off Skye Girard for th ree
lap s. Aq uino hel d his own agai nst th e more
Caldw ell. EX ST K: I. Leonard Mellgren ; 2. Tommy Aquino;
ex pe rie nce d gro up , t a king second , be hind
3. Sco tt Ga rner. BEG MOD : I. Just in D ucut ; 2. Kitt y
Brooks; 3. Usa lomenich; 4. Marc Galle r; S. Bryce Kombau .
Girard and ahead of Darryl Warren and SCOll
AM F-SO: I. Brand on Warre n; 2. Alan Mon e nson ; l . Jim
Spicher; 4. Dave Oventhal; S. Yasuyo Nakamura. AM F·G P:
In race two, Aqu ino was e qu ally q uick off
I. Daniel Warren; 2. Jim Freeman; 3. Je red Burrows; (Kaw): 5. Dustin H..-guth
(Kaw ). 85 MINI : I. McCo y O lde nbu rg (Yam ); 2. Ga vin
Kadlec (KTM); J. RyanMilar (KTM); 4. Urn Schaf
"'ISuz); 5.
M__ ' Otdenbu