Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMC Golden State Nationals Finals. Day I: Glen Helen Raceway Park Metzger Leaps Back Into The Fray! Moto rsp o rts Honda, clu ng to the lead, Sun City, Californ ia's Metzger hound ing him. After se ve ral pa ss attempts by Metzger, Holland appeared to have t hings wrapped up as they headed into the chicane just befor e the finish, but Met zger cho se that mo ment to make it clea r his comeback bid's for re al. As Holland used the inside be rm , Metzger shoved his front tire under nea t h a nd som ehow fo un d a n opening . Th e inside of t h e t ur n w as a qu icksand like mud bo w l th at co uld e as ily swallow any intruder, but Metzger somehow found his way through and sto le the lead and , 25 feet later, the win. Holland screamed "foul," cla im ing Metzger cut t he c o urse , bu t the pr otest fe ll on deaf ears. due to the lack of evidence left in the turn . Eve n tho ugh Holland returned in the second "'~.~: ',~o:'>C!~ moto and wha led on By JOHN BETHEA SAN BERNARDINO, CA FEB. 28 , " p sst . don't loo k beh ind you , but Mike's back!" Mike Metzge r, who spent the last few years pioneering the x -Games wit h his spectacular leaping abilities, has ret urned to motocross and appears to have brought along his competitive spirit as well. Racing a CMC event for the first t ime in abo ut five year s, Metzge r ch ose t he w e ek e nd op en er o f t he Go lden Stat e Nat ionals' finals to mark t he beg inning of his MX com eback tra il. which, he says, will lead to his appearing in the ou tdoo r Na t iona ls th is summer. Me tzge r showed te nacity in a terrific battle with C lov is, Ca lifor nia' s Rus t y Ho lla nd in the first 500cc Pro moto, a thriller that wen t down to t he w ire . Holland , on a C law son everyone else while earning the overall, the point had been made that Mike is back! The pair also faced off in the Ov er 25 Pro contest . Holland won bot h o ut ings. In fact, Holland w as just about in the hunt in everything, racing the single 20-minute 125cc and 250cc Pro contests. W ith t he m udd y conditions from heavy rains a few days before be ing a factor, Sean Coll ie r top ped T im Weigand in the 2SOS. and the two reversed the order in the 12Ss. with Holland not far back in each. In the 12Scc Pro con test, Holland took the le ad for th e first half. building a ga p of five seco nds - until Weigand moved his TRElO 'N eaJ Ho nda into the lead. With Collier clos ing fast on his Moto SportlT wist ed Honda. Holland was re legated to third with less than two laps to go. In the 2S0s . Ho lland again had th e early le a d. w it h Jim my Ne lson's FMF/No -Fear Y amaha in second, but Ne lson got stuck axledeep in the goo and spen t much of t he race wait ing to get his mo unt extricated . Weigand took the le ad on t he third lap but los t it to Collier with four laps to go. Holland tried to maintain third, but a hard-charg ing Metzger passed him on the final lap, setting up th e ir 500cc Pro confrontation later in the morning. Danie l Sani, also from Clovis. was the top Inte rme diate , swe ep ing both the 125cc and 250cc classes against form idable fie lds. while Ryan Villopoto once again dominated the 80cc ( 14- 16), Supermini and 80cc O pen classes. eN GLEN HELEN RACEWAY PARK SAN BERNARDINO, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: FEBRUARY 28, 2004 (FINAl ROUND, DAY ONE) so BEG : I. luke W""," (KTM): I . jonathan Soliz (Cob) : 1. Lynette Wilson (Ho n): -4 . Dertc Nordin (Pol); 5. John Cab< .... (KTM). 50 (4-6): I. 8""e <;,.." (Cob) : 2. eon.... Mitchell (Cob) ; 1. Maxwell Tedder (Kaw ): -4. Jake Koemke Rusty Holland to p p e d t he 500cc Pro and Over 2S Pro classes on the first day of th e CMC Golden Stale Nationals finals. (KTM); S. Scott Snow (KTM). 50 (7 -8): I. Michael Maze (Co b); 2. Ty Siminoe (KTM); 1. Kinser Endicott (Lem) ; -4 . Jesse Janco (lem); 5. Mike Victorian (KTM). 60 BEG: I. Be au Thompson (KTM); 2. Brando n O r r (KTM); 1. lane Gardn ... (KTM): 4. TylynSaucer (5oz): 5 . J onah Locks (Kaw) . 60 (0 -8) : I. Jonah Hill (KTH); 2. Ty Siminoe (KT H); 1. Michael Maze (Cob); .. . Jesse Janco (Lem); S. Kinser Endicott (Kaw). 60 (9-1 1): I. Jerem McCool (Kaw): 2. Jake Locks y (KTM): 1. Jeur Ne ~on (KTM): 4. J""'" Culbert>on (Sm) : 5. lAclwy Fu ""n (Kaw) . 60 OPEN: I. lAetwy Fussell (Kaw) : 2. Jeremy McCool (Kaw); 1. Aaron Siminoe (KTM); -4. Jessy N elson (KTM); 5. Colin Baker (KTM). 80 BEG: I. Cody Young (Suz) ; 2. Jackie M!S (Yam) 1. Zeupai Mao (Kaw); -4 . ; Stefan Waters (Suz); 5. Conkm Harding (Yam). 80 (7. 11): I. Zachary Fussell (Kaw) ; 2. Aaron Siminoe (KTH) ; 1. Jake Locks (KTN ); -4 . Jeremy McCool (Kaw) ; 5. Dillon Kuntz (Han) . 80 ( 12· U ): I. T..., PugmH-e (Hon) ; 2. Dean W""," (Yam); 1. Travis Bright (Yam); -4. Taylor Roben (Han); S. Tem T.... (Kaw). 80 ( 14-16), I. Ryan Vollopoto (Kaw): 2. Chasen Tedder- (Kaw). 80 OPEN : I . Ryan Vdlopoto (Kaw); 2. Tyler ViBopoto (Kaw); 1. Tayfor Rob«t (Han); -4. Travis Bright (Y ; 5. Dr ew Weaver (Kaw). S/MINI: I. Ryan am) Villopoto (Kaw); 2. Trent Pugmire (Han) ; 1. Tyter Vilk>poto (Kaw); " . Dean Wilson (Yam); 5. Taylor Robert (Han) . 115 BEG: I . Ryan Ray (Yam); 2. Adam Ylinen (Han) ; 1. Brandon Gillespie (Suz); -4 Keith Leonard (Kaw); S. l uke Bre hm . (Suz). 125 JR: I. Danny Han Yam); 2. Michael Ball (Yam); 1. J ared f'Mtridge (Sm) : 4. Shawn Mol.- (YMn 5. Joke (),waJd ); (Hon ). 125 INT, I . Daniel San; (5oz): 2. Jared M_ (YMn) ; 1 . Robert Memoli (H a n); -4 . And ro Korlaet {Kaw} : S. Matthew Tedder (Kaw). 125 PRO: I. ,m Weigand (Hon): 2. Sean Collier (Han) ; 1. Rusty Ho lland (Ha n); .. . Rory Sullivan (Hon) ; S. Derek Mahoney (Yam) . 150 BEG : I. Je ffr e y McVey (Kaw); 2. Andrew Ha m ilt o n (H a n); 1. Anthony Casdoo (KTM); -4 . Trenton Young (Kaw); 5. Justin Martin (Kaw). 250 IR: I. Mark Stultz (Yam); 2. Ricky Barge r (Yam); 1. Erik Coleman (SuI); -4. luke O 'Brien (Suz); 5. Greg Pierce (Yam). 250 IN T: I. Daniel Sani (SUI); 2. Vince nt Rhoads (Y am); 1. Kevin Frisbie (Yam) ; -4 Lany Reese (Suz); . 5. Je ff loop (Hon) . 250 PRO : I. Sean Collier (Hon); 2. Tim Weigand (Han); 1. H ike Mettger (Hon) ; 04. Rusty Ho lland (Han); S. Takuma Kojima. (Hon ). 500 AM: I. Miles Hansen (Hon): 2. jon H~I (Hon) . 500 PRO, I. Ru"YHolland(Hon): 2. Mike Metzger (Han); 1. Sean Collier' (Hon) ; -4. Brent une (Hon): 5. Tray;, Mari

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