Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMC Golden State Nationals Fina ls. Day 2: Glen Helen Raceway Park 250cc Pros but was soon passed by Saturday's wi nner, H o n da r ider Sean C o llie r, w it h Estacada, O regon's Ro ry Sullivan tu cking his W H o nda into second place at the midway mark. Even though Joshua La Fou nta ine and A Ward Winning Performance ~~~=~~ ~ Daniel Sani By JOHN BETHEA ; SAN BERNARDINO, CA, FEB. 29 m - ~ T he winn ingest big-race ace in CMC history added another victo ry to his total , but it 's be en more than a decade since his last triumph. When riders half his age are already co ns idering retirement from t he rigors o f mo toc ro ss, along co mes Je ff Ward to show there's still a lot of youngst er left in him. Ward won the Vet Pro class at the final ro und of the Golden State Nationals at Glen Helen Racewa y - his 36th major w in in Go lden State and TransCal since both series began. Ward w e nt head to head with another lo ngt ime ve te ran , He me t , Ca liforn ia's Ch ris Young, on a Shoei/Sinisalo Suzuki. The pair had a close race gOing, but a spill cost Young a shot at the win w hile Ward rode a Honda CRF to runaway wins. " Ge e z , t h at bike is fa st !" Young la te r o bse rve d, addi ng afte r a pa use , " I guess the rider has some talent , too ." Meanwh ile, Ryan Villopoto has bee n a ride r to be re ckon ed with in 80 cc action th is yea r, do minat ing (like Ward ie did in t he class 30 years ago) and winning t itles in both the 80cc Open and Sup e r mini classe s. He co uld have claimed the BOcc (14- 16) victory as well, going un de feate d thro ugho ut t he campaign , b ut the re we re too few entries at mos t events to qualifyas a class. Ot he r mi nib ike ri ders who do minat e d included Michael Maze and Zac hary Fussel l. Maze won both the SOcc (7-8) and 60c (0-8) classe s on Tulare Ho nda Cob ras , and Fussell to pp e d t he 60cc O pen and 80cc (7- 1 I ) con t e sts on a pair of Quantu m Glass /Scott Kawasakis. The oth er big delight for the fans was 16- First-yea r A rider Six also card ed two mo to 12Scc A wins, des pite challenges from runnerup Ke vin Mar kwardt in bo t h mo t os. ja me s Ho pkins rou nded o ut the to p th ree . Knox put his KTM o ut front in the first 8Scc Se nio r moto. At the dow nhill doub le o n lap on e , it was Knox, Mike Matway, joseph Tarver, Br ian An to nia k, Tyler McE we n and Jac o b Rowland. Matwa y moved into first , but Knox retook the le ad and fo und a litt le breathing roo m by lap thr ee . T he batt le for the top five positions was intense , w ith ma ny po sit ion changes t hro ugho ut t h e mota . At t he checkered flag, it was Kno x, McEwen , Tarver, Rowland and Matway. Rowland grabbed the holesho t in moto tw o, wit h Matw ay, Knox and Tarver right be hind . Knox moved into the lead and stayed in fron t fo r the win, but Rowland ke pt Kno x in his sights w hile collect ing se cond place for second overall. Matway, Tarver and Anto niak rounded ou t the top five for the mota, and Tarver's 3-4 finishes put him in third overall. Knox piloted his Suzuki to both Supermini moto wins. Ro wland carded a pair of seconds, ~ Q ~ ~ o if sc ored big wins in Intermediate action, they were not in the hunt fo r series awards after not having q ualified at e arlier rounds. Sani won his third overall on the weekend in the 250cc Intermed iate class . with La Fountaine seco nd, but jeff Loo p ea rned th e t itle . Loop also bagged t he Schoolboy championship, finishing second, beh ind La Fountaine's final-round win on a T ho r/ Sc hm id t KTM. eN GLEN HELEN RACEWAY PARK SAN BERNARDINO, CAUFORN IA RESULTS: FEBRUARY 29, 2004 (FINAL ROUND, DAY Two! 50 BEG : I. Jonathan Soliz (Co b); 2. Luke Wilson (KTM); 1. Skyler Seifert (Pol); 4. Joh n Cab rera (KTM); S. Lynette Wilso n (Hon) . SO (4 -6) : I. Blake Green (Co b); 2 . Maxwell Tedde r (Kaw); 3. Conner Mitche ll (Co b); 4. Scott Snow (KTM); 5. Jake Koehnke (KTM). 50 (7-8): I. Ty Sim ino e (KT M); 2. Michael Maze (C o b ); 1 . Kinser End icott (Le m); 4 . Mike Victo rian (KTM); 5. Je sse Lance (Lem). 60 BEG: I . Br.mdon Jeff Ward was the top Vet Pro at the Orr (KTM); 2. D alto n Za hrt (Suz); 3. Tylyn Saucer final day of the fina l round of the CMC (Su1. ; 4. Lande Gar dne r (KTM); S. Jonah Locks (Kaw ). ) 60 (0- 8): I. Michael Maze (Cob); 2. Jonah Hill (Suz); Go lden State Nationals. 1. Jesse Janco (KTM); 4 . Ty Siminoe (KTH); S. Kinser End Icott (Kaw). 60 (9-11): I. Zachary Fussell (Kaw); 2. Jessy N elso n (KTM); 3. Dam on Iwanaga (KTM); 4. C o lin year-o ld Jackie Ives of Exeter, Californ ia, w ho Bake r (KTM); S. Jam es Cu lbertson (Suz). 6 0 OPEN : I. rode a D&E Yamaha yz to the championsh ip in Za chary Fusse ll [Kaw ]: 2. Jes sy Ne lso n (KTM); 3. Austin the 80cc Beginne r class. The young lady was Pol ite lli (Kaw) ; 4 . Jeremy McC oo l (Kaw) ; S. Jake l o cks (KTM). 8 0 B EG: I. C ody Young (Suz); 2. Ste fan Waters also a conte nde r in th e Women's class, winning (Suz); 1. Jackie lves (Yam); 4. Zeu pai Mao (Kaw) ; S. Con len the final round. Hard ing (Yam ). 80 (7 - 1 1): I. Za cha ry Fussell (Kaw) ; 2. Jeremy McCool (!en(Han); 2. Jon Hall (Hon ). 500 PRO: I . Bre nt U ne (H on ); 2. Se an C ollier (Hon ). 4- STRK: I. G uy Tow (Hon ); 2. Tomm y Ramirez (Yam); 1. Larry Vasq uez (Hon). WMN : I. Jackie lves (Y ; am) 2. Tanya Elbe rs (Suz); 3. Erika Contreras (Suz); 4. Jam ie Pamin tuan (Suz); S. Sherry C ruse (Hon). SCHBY: I. Josh ua La Fou nta ine (KTM); 2. Jeff Loo p (Hon); 3. Curtis Malins am) (Y am); 4. Kevin 'Nageman (Hon ); S. Kyte Reiter (Y . 8TH (17-24), I. La")' Reese (Suz); 2. Ronnie R. ymond (Hon ); J. Mark St ultz (Ya m); 4 . Matt he w Te d d er (Kaw ); S. Er ik Coleman (Suz). 25 + AM : I. D arre n Sturgeo n (KTM); 2. Anthon y l e imas (Yam). 25 + MSTR: I. Jon Zah rt (Kaw); 2. Roby Dunham (Yam); 3. Tod d Leh man (Hon) . 2 5 + PRO: I . C hris Y ung [Suz]: 2. Matt Tedd e r (Kaw ). VET BEG : I. o C had tav eazc [Kaw] : 2. Andrew Tot h {He n] : 1. JeU Halt (Suz); 4. Jo n Hall (Hon ); 5. Delt Posey (Yam). VET JR: I. C huc k Pen ny (Yam); 2. Bret McCrory (Suz); 1. Joe He ald (Yam) . VET INT: l. Dav id Zah rt (Suz); 2. Greg Pie r ce (Yam); 1. Darren Stur geon (KTM); 4. Bill Blive n (Hon) ; S. Tim Mars h (Hon ). VET MSTR: I . Jon Zahrt (Kaw); 2. Jeff Daniels (Suz); 3. Milan Go ri (Hon ). VET PRO: I. Jeff Ward (Hon ); 2. Matt Tedder (Kaw ); 1. Chris Young (Suz). orr AM: I. Kevin Weltner (Suz); 2. Joel Harriott (Yam); 3. C huck Pen ny (Yam); 4 . Chris Glanz (Hon); S. Michael Nash (Suz). orr HSTR: I . Matt Tedder (Kaw ); 2. ·Jon Zah rt (Kaw); 3. David Zahrt (Suz); 4. Ton y Schu ler (Yam); S. Jim De Alba (Hon) . Series O'l ampions 50 BEG: Jonathan Soliz... 50 (4- 6) : Mitche ll Conner. 50 (7 -8 ): Michael Maze . 60 BEG : Brandon Orr. 60 (0-8): Michae l Maze . 60 (9 -1 1): Je rem y McC ool. 60 O PEN: Zachory """"" . 80 BEG, Jackie bes. 80 (7.11), Zachory Fusse ll. 80 (12 -11) : Tren t Pugm ire . 80 OP EN : Ryan Villopoto . S/H IN I: Ryan Vitlopoto. 125 BEG: Adam Ylinen . 125 JR: Damy Hart. 125 INT: Larry Reese. 125 PR O: JlITlmy Ne lson . 250 BEG: Jeffre y McVey. 250 JR: Luke O 'Br ien . 250 IN T: Je ff Loop . 25 0 PR O : Cody Randal l. 500 AM : Jon Hall. 4 -STRK: Tomm y Ramirez. WHN: Sherry Cruse. SCHBY: Jeff Loop. 8TH (17 -24): L.arry Reese . 25 + PRO: Chris Young. VET BEG: Andrew Toth . VET JR: Chuck Penny . VET INT: Greg Pierce . VET MS TR: Jon Zah n. orr AM : C huc k Penny. On- HSTR : Matt Tedder. (Hon); 1. David Leckron e (Yam). 40 + A: I. Roben Tallon (Hon ); 2. David We lsh (Hon ). 4 0 + B: I. David Lec krone (Yam); 2. Charles Nice (Y ; 3. Michae l Wade (Y ; 4. Jess am) am) Fr-ankhn (Yam); S. RandyHug (Yam) . OPEN: I. Josh ua Butler (Yam); 2. Sco tt Dillon (Hon ): 3. Donny McCauley (Hon ); .. . Jonathan Jackson (Y . am) Motorcycle Racing Associotion of Nevada Desert Series Rou nd 2: Goods prings Hare Scrambles Gosnell Goes at Goodspringsl By MICHAel COLLINS GOODSPRINGS, NV FEB, 2B-29 , T he yo ung hot sh ot o n t he orange KT M is starti ng the yea r off o n fire. On Saturday. Matt Gosn e ll won the 2S0cc Pro te am ra ce (with Clint Braun) at the Best In The Desert Laughli n Hare Scrambles and t hen turn ed aroun d the next day and scored first ove rall and first Open Expert at the Goodsp rings Hare Scrambles , ro und two of the Motorcycle Racing Association of Nevada Dese rt Series . The Wild 8unch Motorcycle Club designed a 28-mile loo p w ith singletr acks, sand washes and jeep trails , but best of all, a weeklong rainstorm made the www.cyclenews .com conditions perfect for a desert race . The Expert class lined up for the mass start o n a bu rned -o ut area in the dese rt . The start was 30 yar ds lo ng a nd funn el e d int o a singletrac k that led t he racers on a 13-m ile bo mb ru n before jumping into the 28-mile loop. Gos nell jumped out front with a qu ick kick on the KTM 300 but was closely followed by his you nge r brother Zach, on his Yamaha VZ250 F. Joey Morley passed Zach arou nd the 20-mile marker by using the Open-elass power on the KTM 525. After the first pass , it wen t do wnhill from there fo r the yo unge r G o sne ll. On t h e singletrack tra il, heavy hitters Kirk Step hens en CYCLE NEWS • APRll ?,2oo4 57

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