Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Northwest Superc r os s Championship Deschutes County Expo Arena Hagseth, Holland: Hard-Hitting Hombres! Ryan Te rle cki, Ho lland , Mike Corde r, Ryan Abrigo and David Rose escaped a turn-one pileup to lead the first mo to, but it was Holland w ho, after getting aro und Te rlec ki, e njoyed a large lead all the way to the finish. Ter lecki ran second for many laps until he wa s passed by the Suz u ki- mo u nt ed Ab r igo , wh o was impre ssive all weekend long. Terlecki clung to th ird at t he finish , wit h Hags e t h bre at hing dow n his neck in fou rth, ahead of Co rder. Hagse th, Terlec ki and Holland we re the top th ree at th e start of mo to two . Huffman got ar ou nd Terlecki early on an d cha sed down Hagseth , but Holland ove rtook both of the m and then set his sight on Hagseth. However, Hagseth did just w hat he had to do to clinch the 12Scc crown: He won . And he won rathe r ea sily, capping o ff his 1-1 -4 - 1 o ve ra ll w in . Huffman, who was also a strong pe rformer all weeken d lo ng, finish ed th ird in t he mo to , ahead of Cor der, Terlec ki and Abrigo. In the first 250cc Pro moto, Holland gated ahe ad of Billy Binckley, Huffman , Dan Moor e and Terlecki. Hollan d op en ed up a big le ad , while his chief competitor, Hagseth , was at the tail end of the pack and spen t the rest of the moto w orking his way through t he fie ld , Holland won, and Hagseth got around Huffman By CLAY LIGHT REDMOND, OR, MAR. 12·13 N atianal Arena cro ss reg ulars Brad Hagse th, Rusty Holland and Ryan Huffman went head to he ad at the sixth an nual No rt hwest Supercross Championship at Desc hutes Coun ty Fairg ro u nds in C en t r a l O r e go n . Both Hagseth and Holland clinched overall Pro -class titles - and the accompanying first-place checks of $150 0 from a purse of $ 12,000. The best race of the weekend was Friday's second 250cc Pro moto. Holland grabbed the lea d and t o o k off . T he bat tle for seco nd , though , between Hagset h a nd Yamahamou nted Hu ff man d r ew them clo ser to Holland late in the race . Huffman cre pt away from Hagset h, and with two laps re maining. he caught Holland, setting up a bar-to -bar batt le to the finish . Holland narrowly fe nd ed off Huffma n's last -dit ch antics fo r a w in, t ho ugh Ho llan d d id cartwheel off th e trac k after making contact w ith Huffman after the finish line. On Satu rday, Ho lland was t he picture of consistency in both 125cc Pr o motos, winn ing the first moto and placing second in mot o two. and Sam Jones we re both very eager to pass the young buck. Ste phenson's opport unity came on an uphill, where he we nt inside and Jones we nt outside of t he yo ungst e r. Stephensen made the pass, but Zach got crossed up in the dust and was pitched over the bars . Jones was right on Zach's rear t ire and had no chance to get ou t o f th e way; Jo ne s dr ove right int o Za ch 's bike , ca using se rve da mage t o bo th bikes ; luckily, neith er ride r wa s injure d, an d they limped their bikes to the finish line to tally a one -lap finish. After 40 miles of racing. the riders entered the pits for a quick splash of gas and maybe a drink. Matt had a comfortable lead over Morley, with Ste phe nsen right on Morl ey 's tail. The n the freight train of mo to rcycles came into the pits. The se cond loo p forced t he le ade rs t o disp lay so m e s kille d ri di ng , as t he y we re ca t chi ng la p pers 10 mil e s into lo op . T he wee klon g rai nfall mad e t he passing a little easier, accor ding to some of th e riders . Ke nny Courtu rier benefited fro m the lappe rs: Chasing his younger br other Ro nnie Cou rtu rie r, t he numbe r-one Four-Stroke ride r of 2003, was a bat tle all race, but a lapper caused Ronnie to make a mista ke , a nd h is b ig br ot he r t o o k advantage of his stu mb le a nd made the pass stick for the first Four-Stroke win of his caree r. In the Supe rm ini division, Clay Cutle r was battling for most of the day against Justin Wallis, but Cutle r had to settl e for second overall and first Amat eur Supermini ride r. Be hind Cu t ler ther e waged a battle be twee n YZB5 rider Zach Wats on a nd Taylo r St eve ns . T he y t ra de d positlon s all day, but Watson finally made th e 58 pass th at sea led t he deal for second place in Amateur Supermini class. RESULTS 50 NOV: I. Daylon Reese (Hus); 2. Tyler Jones (KTM); (KT M). 50 AM: I. Colton Gubl er (KTM); 2. l uke Wills (KTM); r, Henry Unsowe (Hon ). 50 r. Pet er Yo ungbloo d Rusty Holland topped the 250cc Pros at the Northwest 5upercross Championship. late in the race to finish secon d and salvage his 250cc title ho pes . Holland ran out front in the weekend's final moto, but t he Ho nda ride r crashed shortly after the start. The n Holland franticallywo rked his wa y ba c k u p thro ugh t he fie ld wh ile Hagset h he ld a co mfo rt a ble le ad . Ho lland blitzed past a battling Huffman and Terlecki to finish seco nd, edging moto winner Hagseth for the 250cc title. "I though t that I had to beat Brad and win t he moto t o wi n ove rall," sai d a sur prised Holland. "This is really great, to finish the way t hat I did after having to come from so far eN back," EX: I. Hunte r Tyler (KTM); 2. Pierce Ho hfre per (KTM): a. Mason Baker (KTM). 60 NOV: I. Jo rd an Sobey (Kaw): 2. Paul Dape llo (Kaw); l . Kyle Wate rs (Kaw). 60 AM: I. Ryan McMartus (KTM). 6 0 EX : I. Tallon Taylor (KTM); 2. lYIer Pennewell (Kaw); l . Kade Wadswo rth (Kaw). 80 NOV: I. Taylor Benshof (Ho n); 2. Je re my Purvine s (Kaw); 3. Bre nt Michael s (Ho n ). 80 AM : I . Clay Cutler (Yam); 2. Zach Wats o n (Yam) ; l . Taylor Ste vens (Yam). 80 EX : I. Justi n Wallis (KTM); 2. C urtis Bradley (Yam). CMC Copperstate Classic Motocross Championships Rou nd 2: Thrashe r/a nd Mo to cro ss Park Robinson, Straight to the Frontl By ROBERT VAN DAMME GLENDAlf, AZ, FEB. 29 D yan Robinson used a co nsistent 3-2 tally to the ove rall in the 12Scc Intermediat es, while Andy St ra ight wo n bot h motos in the 12Scc Junior class at the se cond rou nd of the Coppe rstate Classic, prese nted by Jim Bog, ard RV, Fra nklin, Gordy's, FMF AEO, Team Champion and Wick Chiropractic at Thrasherland Mot oc ross Park. Chris Blose gamered the lead at t he start of the first 12Scc Intermed iate mot o . Then came Ryan Nasse r, Ro binso n and Austi n Schnuur. Robinson move d aro und Nasse r in turn tw o . Blose had opened up a gap on the rest of the pack by the end of th e first lap. Then, on lap two , Blose went do w n on the nort h side of the cou rse , ha nd ing t he lead ove r t o Ro binson . St e ve n Sch wartz s ta rt e d fifth bu t passe d Schn uur o n lap o ne and t he n went by both Nasser and Robinson just before the finish line on lap t hree . 5chwartz then pulled away for the moto win. Alex Haag to ok several laps to get in a groove , putti ng o n a charge on t he last tw o APRIL7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS I ~arner laps. O n the final lap, Haag passed Nasser on the start strai ghtawa y. T he n Haag passe d Robinson on the final corner by cutt ing back to the inside to garner second place. Na sser absco nded with t he lead in moto tw o, over Robinson , but Robinson had moved by N ass e r by t he en d of la p one . T he n Sch wartz passed Nasse r co ming o ut of t urn tw o for secon d. Wh en the pack came over the top of Be nt Hill, Schwartz had taken over the top spo t. Blose started last, but by lap two he had passed Haag, 5chnuur and Nasser. During lap three , Blose passed Schwartz just before the side-hill jump. Blose we nt on to take the mota w in. Schwartz went down in the final corner, allowing Robinso n to finish second in the mota and take the overa ll for the day. Third went to N asser, follo w ed by Ha ag , Schnu ur and Schwartz . In the first I25cc Junior moto , Colin Ruthem pulled out in fro nt of the pack. Mark Soldevere sat in the seco nd spot, followed by 5traight. O n t he secon d lap, Straight we nt by Soldever e in turn two for second. The n Ruthem we nt down, 40th Anniversary DESCHUTES COUNTY Expo ARENA REDMOND, OREGON RESULTS: MARCH 12·13, 2D04 Friday 125 PRO : I. Brad Hagset h (Hon) ; 2. Ryan Terlecki ilIT1); l . Rusty Holland (Han); 4. Ryan Abrigo (Suz): S. Mike (Y Cord er (Han ). 250 P RO : I. Rusty Holland (Han ); 2. Brad Hagse th (Ho n); l . Ryan Huffman (Yam): 4. Mike Corde r (Hen); S. Ryan Terled (Kaw ); S. Bobby Worth (Yam) . S/M IN I, I. Jeffrey Jenkins (Kaw); 2. Ryan Jones (Kaw); 3. Douglas French

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