Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Brian Brown battled with Pearson for the win. (Bottom left) Joey Lanza won the Four-Stroke class. (Below) Idaho's own Tommy Ady. (Below center) A dusty David Pearson. (Bottom) Destry Abbott struggled with a damaged footpeg . "It was a good dropped for real. Some riders jumped and then killed their bikes only to have the banner drop all the way, signaling the start. Some of the others jumped and kept going, leaving the re st a bikelength or more behind. But that didn't seem to matter to Abbo tt , who got to the front in a hurry. Right on his tail was Kendall Nor man, who has given up his usual 12Scc mount in favor of a 250 this year. Brown , who had what he said was "about a 25-kick start," was mire d in the dust behind the leaders. Despite having his prechosen bomb-run ro ute blocked by anothe r ride r, Russell made due with a new line and emerged from the dust among the leaders. Not long after the mass start , the pack disappeared over the valley and into the hills. The first loop was 60 miles, and the trail too k the riders into the O wyhee Mountains sout h of the Snake Rive r. By the time they re-emerged into view, an hour and 20 minutes later, a lead pack had distanced itself from the rest of the fiel d. With the pits in sight, four bikes were separated by less than 30 seconds . Brown was leading, followed by David Pearson and then Abbott. and Russell's Yamaha was the caboose on a freight train of KX500s. The Team Green pits had their hands full when the ir top three riders showed up within seconds of one anothe r. To make matters wo rse, Abbot t came in wit h a broken footpeg and had to get that patched up. losing precious minutes in the process . Brown was in and out of the pits first , and David was not far beh ind. Just down Pit Row, Russell grabbed fres h goggles and just enough gas hopefully to reach the alte rnate gas on loo p two. Heading out on loop two, it was a drag race between the two cousins - Russell, on the Yamaha, and David . on the Kawasaki - as they headed out side by side. Russell to ok to the sagebrush rou te , apparently confident there we re no hidde n rocks or holes, while David got shuffled back to third . Shortl y thereafte r, Abbott left the pits. now in fourt h place, as he headed into a loop full of big whoo ps with a foo tpeg that still was n't day for me" I mean its always a good day when you WI n' - Russell Pear son CYCLE NEWS • APRI L7,2004 39

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