Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2004 ••-NCE SESIES ----~ ~ ~ ~I:I Honda Yamaha of Redlands 8:30AM to 2:30PM Nick Moore (14) and Mike Besemer 196) contest the Open Expert ra ce in Chowchilla, Califarnia. 1 to 3 man teams 6 teams to make a class 4 MILE COURSE ,,.-eII..II: • 251cc·OPEN Expert • 251cc·OPEN Sportsman • 125cc·250cc Expert • 125cc·250cc Sportsman • OVER 30 Expert • OVER 30 Sportsman • OVER 40 Expert • OVER 40 Sportsman • IRON MAN ...Single rider only • BUSINESS CLASS • FAMILY CLASS sleep dunng the night. Godspeed, Ray; your pre sence around th e track will be missed. RESULTS PIP 2- ST RK: I . Danie l Calde ir-a; 2. Danie lle Diaz; J. Ch ivon Crump . PIP 4 · STRK: I. Kaylin Crump: 2. leah Faro . P/W STK: I. Michelle Taryn: 2. Karla Wood . 50 MOD : I. Brianne James : 2. Ty Hickman; 3. Nicholas Morales . 65 N OV: I. Danielle Dial; 2. Bronson Bauman : 3. Stephen Morales . 65 EX; I. Tony Davila. 85 NOV; I. Briar Bauman : 2. Danielle Calde ira; J . Justin Pera. YTH 100 MOD : I. Michael Sanchez; 2. Yobi@Jacobsen: 3. KaylinC rump . OPEN 4·S TRK : I. Micllael Sanchez ; 2. YobieJacobsen: 3. Dennis Trentman. ADULT 100 STK: I. Jon Curry. 115 NOV: I . Larry Clover; 2. J ohn Walker. BRAKELESS : I. David Nicholson : 2. Alan Shaw; 3. Joe Oi Salvo. VINT 2-CYLI NDER : I. Jerry Kennedy; 2. David . Nicholson. 40+ NOV : I. Mike Poulson; 2. Michael Vargas 40+ EX: I. Johnny L..anon; 2. Rob McCartl1y; 3. Michael Crump. SR: I. AI lodwigsen. VINT NOV: I. Rick Cremona.. VET NOV: I. Marshall Lopp ; 2. Michael Vargas. VET EX: I. Rick Cremona. 2. Rob McCarthy_ OP EN EX: I. Nick Moore ; 2. Michael Besemer. GFI North Winter Series Round 3: Ho llister Hills GP Tra ck E SHIP E UI E Morrison Slams the Doors By JIM AND FARRIHN ENOS HOLLISTER, CA FEB. 1 , 1IIIIIrIJluJJll'J; • 2 bikes perteam- 1 in impound &the other on thetrack • Unlimited pit stops and rider changes • Unscheduled water breaks • 1vehicle perteam in pit row • Teams may begin pit set-up on Sat. March 13 @ 3PM • No quads or 60cc bikes allowed I '.Ir 1IIIIIr."•••IIIUIU.I: • $90. 00 perteam Pre-entry • $100. 00 perteam Post-entry • $45.00 Iron Man Pre·entry • $50. 00 lron Man Post: ntrY •• • Registration Entry Hours: 3PM to 6PM, Saturday March 13 6:00AM to BAM, Sunday March 14 • Numbers will beissued at slqn-up • Gates Open: Saturday, March 13 @ 3PM • Gates Close: Saturday, March 13 @ 10PM • Gates Open: Sunday, March 14 @ 6AM • Sunday Gate Fee: $10.00, $5.00 for kids ages 6·12, free for kids under 5 years old' ISHE A A t was Super Bowl Sunday, but on a field of a differ ent kind, Charlie Morriso n team ed up wit h his trusty Thousand Oaks Yamaha/FMF/ 90 9lSh ift/RG3 -backed YLs to claim victory in the I I 12Scc and 2SOcc Intennediate classes at round three o f the GF I North Winter Series. Those res ults were very sat isfying, as his comeback from a prior injury appeared to be complete, and for those who know the Santa Rosa resident, the 01' fast-and-aggre ssive Morrison was definitely back on track . In fact, American Suzuki's Casey Hinson found that out firsthand, as the two engaged early on in both 125cc Inte rmediate ou tings. W hile Hinson gra bbed t he ho lesho t in bo t h mo t e s, Morrison lur ked close beh ind and made identical. aggressive passes in the exact same spot to take over the lead each time out. It was in a small uphill sect ion, several turns out of the gate , t hat Morr ison fou nd eno ugh daylight on t he inside to push Hinson w ide . However, Hinso n hounded Morrison the enti re first moto an d nearly passed him on several occasions , as Morrison mad e m istakes on nearly every lap. In mota two , Hinson was just a few seconds beh ind at the finish to take a welldeserved second overal l. However, following the conclusion of mo ta two, Hinson was visibly frustrated with Morr ison's aggress ive moves and, with a sho rt exchange of words, made sure Morrison knew it. Morrison's younge r bro ther Jared (4-3 ) rounded out the top three on the day , edging out Jordan Mockridge (3-4) and Greg Kannann (10-6). '" passed Hinson quick but rode real tense in that first moto," said Morrison. " I gave him chances he should have never had. As far as his prob lem with me after the second moto, I jum ped into the tum at the top of the hill, just like in the first one , and kind of pushed him wide, but we didn't touch, and even if I did stuff him, hey, that 's racing." p-------------------------------------o YES! SI.u t my subscrt puon immed iately ttl Cycle News. t year l 50 Ies ucs fur $-IS.OO. (can be bill~ t 2 m unthly peymentsj o Na m e A d dres s City _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sta te Zip _ _ Phone _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ord er Da te o 24--hour FAX Order Lin e (714) 75 1-6685 • E-mail: Expiration Date _ Please bill m e I payment of S45 Bill 2 pa yrnen ts u f $22.50 F.ncJ(II:.",.~t is my ch.,."lercard _ (1rw t\IC /Visa# Su~ rip ticon r:J Ren ewal o o Mesa, CA 92628-508-1 $ Thi s is a :.J Ne w To ll Free Subsc ription Hotline (800) 831-2220 Signature o _ Send to: ~ Inc. no. 80,508-1. Costa [ n 'ry week for h ..·u ye.U (lOO Iss ues fOT $8(lOO ) [J Silo; m onths second cla ss (1.' iss ues (or 2.1.00) ,'N' ("oil_ _\. !not rloI. c--u .wM.... io

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