Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Honda rider Co ry Green got the holesh ot in th e 2S0cc Intermediate class. Zack Blackwell wasn't far behind on his Yama ha, and he eventually got around Green to take first. Riece Robertson gated th ird on his KrM and held that spot to the checkers. Bre tt Cue go t ar ound fe llow Yannaha rider Nick Richart on lap three to finish fo urth . Du ane Goodwin got the holeshot o n his Honda in the Over 25 Amateur class but had dropped bac k to fifth by t he end of lap two. Brian Gamer too k ove r the lead on his Yamaha and finis hed in first. G reg Ingels moved his Kawasak i into the seco nd-place spot, only to be passed on the last lap by Y amaha rider Hank Howe. Goodwin moved up a sp ot t o finish fourth . and Honda pilot David Gall rounded out the top five. The crew at Sooner State Cycle Park and all the racers who hung in t he re sho uld be congratulated on getting round one under their be lts. It was an e xcellent effort on everyone's part. RESULTS P/W OIL.INJ : I. Mitche ll Merrell (KTM); 2. Tanner Sne ll (KTM); 3. Tre vor Jones (Y ; ... Reed Piatt (Y am) am): S. Marc us McCawley (KTM). P{W (4.6) : I. O w e M..-qu;er (KTM); 2. Ha yden Sch ultz (KTM); 3. Dalton How e (KTM); 4. Aust in Fo rkner (KTM); S. Mitchell Merre ll (KTM). P/W (7 -8) : I. Michael Wr ight (Kaw); 2. A. J. Gea rhart (KTM): 3. Jord an Payne (! (Yom) 115 BEG: I. jacob ); . Bagw ill (Yam) ; 2. David Klump p (Suz); 3. Jacob Koo nc e (Kaw): ... Brad Wikel (Y am); S. Mark Brandon (Kaw). 125 N OV: I. Justin Berry (yam); 2. Chris Dacus (Kaw); 3. Kasey Wo n hingt on (Hon); ... Broc k Halverson (Hon) ; S. Danie l Q u e _x (Hon ). 125 INT: I. lad< Blackwel (Y l om); 2. VInCe Mont eleone (Kaw); 3. Ryan Von: (Suz); ... Max jordan (Hon) ; S. Cory Gr ee n (Hon) . 125 PRO: I. Robbie Smith (Yam); 2. Mar k Blackwe ll (Yam); 3. C raig Royse (Hon): .. . Dustin C urley (Kaw): S. Jeff Crutcher (Suz). 2 50 BEG : I. Matt Har r iso n (Yam); 2. Dust in Bald w in (Han): 3. Jule s Chanebois (5",); 4. Kyle RDby (Y om); S. Toby 5mJth (Kaw) . 1 5 0 NOV: I. Broc k Halve rso n (Ho n) ; 2. Ga rett G re e n (Ho n) ; 3. Bo bb y Ada ms (Yam); .. . Lo gan Fu lle r (Yam); S. Gregg Albertson (Yam). 1 50 INT: I. Zack Blackwell (Yam) ; 2. Cory Gree n (Hon) ; 3. Riece Robertsoo (KTM); 4. Brett Cue (Yam) ; S. N ick Richart (Yam). 1 5 0 PRO: I . Robb ie Smith (Yam): 2. Jeff Crutcher (Suz): 3. Mark Blackwell (Y am); .. . De nn is O w ens (Yam); S. Danny Patru m (Yam). OPEN OUTLAW: I . Vince Mont eleone (Kaw) ; 2. Garett Gr ee n (Hon) : 3. Brett C ue (Y am): ... Kasey Wonhington (Hon ); S. Garrett Teasle y (SU . WM N : I . Darme Maynor (Suz); 2. I) Missy Clark (!oo (Yom); S. Ricky Swon (Kaw) . 85 (14 -15): I. Richard White Jr. (Kaw): 2. Dillon W~ liams (Yam). 85 O PEN : I. Jeffrey Fisher (Kaw); 2. Chaz Hollad~y (Yarn): 3. Cody Vaughan (Kaw) : .. . Cory Perdue (Suz): S. JUStin Dtckey (! (Yom ); S. Kyle Richardson (Kaw). 125 IN T: I . Trevor Monks (5oz); 2. Michael Kasberg (Yam): 3. Chase Hackett (Suz); ... David Je nsen (Yam); S. Devin Blackbum (KTM). 125 OPEN: I. Trevor Monks (Suz) ; 2. Mic hae l !n Jac""'" (Y om); 2. Marl< Comet.. (Hon ). 40+ EX: I. l.ony Monon (Yom ). Chowchilla Fairgrounds Moore Pours It Onl By KAREN GOULD CHOWCHILlA, CA, FEB. 7 \ A /i nning both the Open Expert class and V V the money race , Stoc kton Honda-Yamaha/P init Motorsports/Mothe r's Polishes/Sier ra Wate r-spon sored Nick Moore was the leader of the pack at Chowchilla this week. The ta lented Moore easil y finished first in both rac es and cro sse d th e finish line standing on his bac k w he el. Mike Besemer has consistently been running near the front of the pack, and he did so again on this night. finishing in the second spot. Jerry Ke nnedy and David Nicholso n put on quite a show. Riding those heavy. loud and fast Triumph motorcycles aro und this oval , t hes e two were well ma tc hed in talent and po wer. Turn after turn , N icholson got on Kenn e dy's w hee l. but Kennedy pulled away slightly on the st ra ights , Kennedy won the Vint ag e two cyli nd e r co ntest , w h ile N icholson beat every one else in the Brakeless class. Joh nn y Lars on too k ho me t he firs t -place tro phy in the Ov e r 40 Vet Expert even t after dicing with Rob McC arty. T he two swi tc he d pos itions througho ut the race. McCarty finished sec ond . Rick Crem ona. w ho ride s as a Vet Expe rt and a Vintage N ovice , w o n both o f t hos e classes. Michael Sanchez continues to dom inate the Youth IOOcc Modified class. and this week he also won the Ope n Four-Stro ke class. Sanchez rides this track smoothly and gets the holeshot in mos t races . Joh n Walker rod e a great race in the 2S0cc class, finishing first in his first-ever race on his brand -new 250. Michael Avila and Tony Davila again rode the 8Sce Expe rt class this week, Avila was first to the chec kers, Brons on Bauman to ok the win in th e 6Scc Op en class wh en Weas e l Hickman fe ll com ing out of turn four right before the checkers. Danie lle Caldeira topped th e girls in the Powder Puff class. leading from pole to pole In the Two-Stroke class, while Kaylin Crump took the win in the Four-Stroke class. Danielle Diaz was the fastest 6Scc Novic e rider on this night. taking the win, followed by Bauman and Stephen Morales. In the 6Scc Expert event, Tony Davila was the first across the line. The Speed way classes were lighte r on this night. Usually, it' s Bry an Yarrow and the Division One ride rs thrilling the audie nce, but on th is night it was Rick Gutz ke , Brian Daland and Clark Cravella taking the first three spots in the Support Speed way event . W ith o nly six w e ek s le ft in t his se ries of racing at Chowch illa. the te nsion is mo unting. The new track is be ing cut for t he Sunday Summe r Series at the Chowchill Fairgro unds. a On a sad note , we have lost another o ld· timer. Ray Huff came out to watch this week's races at Chowchilla and then passed away in his

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