Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

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~E1NTS CMC Golden State Nationals South Round 2 : Racetown 395 RAeETOWN 395 ADELANTO, CAUfORNIA RESULTS: JANUAR 17, 2004 (ROUND 2) Y Nelson Takes Two Steps Forward By JOHN BETHEA ADELANTO, CA, JAN. 17 fte r ta king a pair of thi rds in th e CMC Go lden Stat e Nati onals So ut h o pe ne r a wee k earlier, Jimmy Ne lso n decided to kick his Yama has into higher gear and take tw o steps fo rward , an d he e me rg ed as the wi nne r of both Pro classes at Racetown 395 . The 18yea r-o ld fro m Batt le Mou ntain , Ne vada, placed h is FMF/N o Fe a r/DVS/909/0a kley-bac ked Yamaha in the winne rs' circle in the 2SOcc Pro class ear ly into th e progra m with his 20-minut e 5010 race over Honda pilot James Povolny of A Mendota H eight s, Minnesota, and local favor it e Daryl Ecklund of Lancaster in th e fourth race of the program. The trio faced off again two ho urs later in the 12Ss, Ecklund snapped the lead away from holeshot artis t Nelso n early on , but it took on ly Nelson a few laps to rec over, as he mo ved b a ck aro u nd Ec klu nd 's Brot he r hood Clothing/Chapa rra l Hon da for the le ad again. Povolny was not far back, and late in the race he closed on Ecklund, and w ith two laps to go he pushed his Fly RacingIT BT/M iche lin/Pro Circuit-backed CR around him for second. The three fin ish ed in that order in b oth showd own s. Two othe r riders dom inat ed Spo rtsman rac ing: Ryan Villopoto , wh o tripled in 80cc ac ti o n, and Michael La Pag lia , w ho bagged three wins as we ll. For the seco nd we e k in a row, Pouls bo, Washington's Villo poto we nt undefeated in all six o f his mote s. pushing his Team Gre e n/ Thousand OakslThor/Smith/Og io KX to ea rly lead s in the Supermini, 80 cc O pe n and 80cc ( 14-16) ra ce s, neve r to be headed. The 15ye ar-old rec eiv ed his toughest challenge in the Supe nnini co ntest, in w hich he was chased by Simi Valley 's Trent Pugmire, on his factory backed Ho nda of Ho ustonN arner/Sinisalo XR, in the se c o nd mo t a. A spill le ft Pugm ire wallowing in fifth at the finish of the first moto, bu t his second-m ota reboun d was good e nough t o gar ne r t he ru nne r-u p honors. Pugm ire d id sweep his 80cc (1 2- 13) ev ent, howe ve r. American Suzu ki's La Paglia sco red big in thr ee of his fo ur classes . He won all six motos en ro ute to victories in 12Scc Schoo lboy, 2s0cc Inte rme diate and Fo ur-St roke classes. A rare four-class sweep was not in the cards, though, as the IS-yea r-old cra shed in his first 12Scc Inte rmed iate moto and could only finish sixth. Even though he wo n the Contingency division's second race , he co uld only claim fourth overall, a s th e q ua lifier finish es carried ove r to determ ine t he final order. Howe ver, seven wins out of eight tries wasn 't bad for the Alloyspo nsored youngster from Murrieta. In that hard -fou gh t 12s cc Intermediate co nte st , Andrew G uzman won his heat and rode his Calioway/ RG3/Re nthaIlBridge stone Kawasa ki to second in the final to secure the overall win. T he close st finish of the day came in the 80cc (7- 11) class, wh e n Blake Baggett and Nick Paluzzi took the check ered flag in a virtu al dead hea t. When Baggett was declared the winner on his Fo x/D unlop /Exce llTw in Air Kawasaki, Paluzzi came back w ith a vengeance , acing the sec ond mota and giving his John Burr Cycles eN sponsors the to p spo t on the pod ium . 50 BEG: I. Jame s Masterpool (Kaw); 2. John Cabrera (KTM); 3. Ian Jones (Hon). 50 (4-6): I . Nicho las Jo ne s (tern): 2. Maxwell Tedder (KTM); 3. Blake Green (Cob); 4. Jake Koehnke (KTM); 5. Chaz VilSquez (Cob) . 50 (1 -S): I. Michael Maze (Cob) : 2. Joseph Reynolds (KTM): 3. Kinser Endicott (Kaw): .... Desmond Spears (KTM ); 5. Ryan Surratt (KTM). 60 BEG : I . Bryce Orton (Kaw); 2. Tylyn Saucer (Suz); 3. Dalton Zahn (Sm); 4. Kyle O 'Neal (Sm); 5. jesse Masterpool (!on (5u, ); 5. Za<:hvy Fus'" (K3w). 80 (12 -13) ; I. Trent Pugmire (Hon) ; 2. Miehael Halt (Kaw ); 3. Coie See?' (Soz): .... Dean Wilson (Yam); 5. Taytor Robert (Hon) . 8 0 ( 14. 16): I. Ryan VlIIopoto (Kaw); 2. Drew Gossetaar (Suz): 3. Kyk! Cunningham (Kaw) ; .... Tye Hames (Kaw) ; 5. Jake Hulen (Suz). 80 O PEN: I. Ryan Villopoto (Kaw); 2. Kyte Cunninglwn (K3 w); 3. Cole Seely (50,); 4. Drew GouebM (Suz) ; 5 . Michael Hall (Kaw) . S/M INI : I . Ryan Villopoto (Kaw); 2. Trent Pugmire (Ho n); 3. Kyle Cunningham (KTM): 4. Col e Seely (Su z) ; 5 . Michael Hall (Kaw) . 11 5 BEG CNTNGNCY: I. Keith Leonard (Kaw); 2. AJ. Maul (Suz); 3. Ryan Ray (Yam); 4. Adam Ylinen (Hon): 5. Br a n d o n Gilles pie (Suz) . 125 B EG T RPHY: I. Shane Blanchard ( Hon) ; 2. D am o n Butts (Yam); 3. Danny Ramirez (Ho n ); 4. Cody Johnston (Yam); 5. Todd Valentino (Kaw). 115 JR CNTNGNCY: I. Phillip Bruscella (Suz); 2. Tanner Langham (Kaw): 3. Brandyn Trav is (lem) ; .... Do m in ic k Desimone ( Ho n); S . Sleven He mbree (Yam). 115 JR TRPHY: I. Brys Kuntz (Yam); 2. Ryan Abler (Hon) ; 3. Matt Rose (Kaw); 4. David Vanderziel (Han); S. Edd ie Wool m ore (Hon). 115 INT CNTNGNCY: I. Andrew Gu zman (Kaw); 2. Ja ke Weimer (Suz ); 3, Casey H inson (Suz); 4. Michael La Pagtia (Suz); 5, Donnie Weber (Kaw). 115 INT T RP HY: I. Alex G aines (Hon) : 2. Jason Jeffrey (Kaw) , 3. Brock Whitehead (Suz): 4. Steven Figueroa (KTM) ; 5. Brett Klein (lem). 125 PRO: I. Jimmy Nelson (Yam) ; 2. James Po vo lny (Ho n ); l . Daryl Ecklun d (Hon) ; 4, G ray Davenport (Kaw) ; 5 . Andy Bakken (Yam). 150 BEG : I. Brc c Arm bruster (SUz.): 2. Chris Mila (Ho n) ; 3 . Andrew Ha mi lt o n (Hon); 4. Justi n Mart in (Kaw) ; 5 . Ada m Ylinen (Hon) . 150 JR: I. Da nn y Hart (Yam); 2. Cha d Gor es (Suz); 3. Brian Davis Jimmy Nelson topped both the 125ee (Yam) ; .of . Rick y Bar ger (Yam ); S . Er ik and 250ec Pros at round two of the CMC Coleman (Suz) . 150 IN T: I. Michae l La O rr Go lden State Nationa ls South. Brot e n staying on Sparks' back wheel. O n the slippery, t ight track, there was no chance for pas sing in th is race. Following Boe hlke were Gophe r Glass rider Randy Thistle and first-time Pro rider laubersheime r, o n his Honda . Coming into this ro und , Sparks and Brot e n we re tied in series points ; wit h this win, Sparks now takes a slim margin for first-p lace points in this class. Triumph-mounted Ron Lee man again wo n the Vintage Twin class. Following Leeman was Greg Gonczy, on his Integrity Metalworks CG Racing Yamaha. Gon cz y has been maki ng adjustments and upgrades to his bike recently and seems to have it worki ng really well. O ther doub le -class w inners o n th e night included Leeman , Ryan Mill r and Tim Ne wton. e Ro und five is slated fo r Feb rua ry 7, and although Staples had a recent snowfall of more than 20 inche s, the Moto Do me's par king lot will be plowed out, and the track will be ready for so m e m o re ho t acti on in nor ther n Minnesota. Mota City Mota Dome Indoor Dirt Tra ck Series Round 4: Mota City Mota Dome Sparks Ignites at the Moto Dome By DAN BROTEN STAPLES, MN, JAN. 24 w: t h sm ooth rid ing and g rea t star t s , Chad Sparks, on a new Honda CRF4S0R, took th e w ins in both the sO Scc Pr o an d O pe n Pro classes at the Moto Dome in Staples, Minnesota. Forty-n ine ri de rs sho w ed up on a brisk no rthern Minnesota night to ba ttle at ro und four of the Mota City Mota Dom e Indoor Dirt Track Series. The Open Pro riders tackled the t ight track, w hich was a litt le slippery on th is evening. Th e first of two heats saw Sparks and Crown Funding ride r Willie Broten battling it ou t , with Broten passing Spar ks on lap e ight to ta ke t he win . T he second he at was won by veteran rider Kurt Boehlke , w ho was riding his fo r me r KTM mount, which no w be lon gs to Chris Laubers heimer. £..11 I:r:: C O II A D V ') l: ')fV'\A • rvr. ~ Uning up for the O pen Pro final, Brote n was flanke d by Bo ehl ke a nd Spa r ks. T he flag dropped , and nine riders t ook off . Spa r ks , Broten and Boe hlke all go t t o turn one tog e t he r. Brot e n was sq ueezed in be tw e e n Boe hlke and Sparks and wen t do w n, Sparks was now in c harge, wi th Boe hlke a nd Eric Bro uhard in tow. Sparks put som e distance on t he pa c k a nd le d con vincin gly at t he flag . Rounding out the to p five were JPG rider Troy Johnson and old hand Billy Holfmeister. Afte r a bad crash at rou nd three , Hoffme ister put in a good showing on his trusty Row e With his se cond w in o f the se aso n in th is class, Spa rks is no w 16 poi nts be hind se ries leader Brouh ard, wh o was last year's champion. Se ve n r ide rs line d up fo r t he SOScc Pro class. Aga in Spar ks got a pe rfect st art , wi t h Broten and Boehlke right beh ind him. Broten and Sparks pulled away from t he pac k, with AlJ: IAlC .ilnfh Paglia (Suz) ; 2. Jeff loop (Hon); 3. Joshua La Fountaine (KTM); 4. Don nie Weber (Kaw); S. Jeffrey Page (Han). 150 PRO: I. Jimmy Nelson (Yam); 2. James Povolny (Hon); 3. Daryl Ec klu nd (Hon); 4. Mic ky Gr iffin (Yam); 5. Bo bb y Garrison (lem). 500 AM: I. Jon Halt (Hon). 500 PRO: I. Matt Me bane (Han) . .of -STRK : I. Michael La Paglia (Suz); 2. Steven Hembree (Yam); 3, William Co llins (Yam); .... Aust in Boyd (Yam); S. Tommy Ramirez (Yam), WMN: I. Elizabeth Bash (Kaw); 2. Malerie Pnxhnavy (Kaw); 3. Sherry Cruse (KTM); .... Tanya Elbers (Suz ); 5 . Erika Co ntre ra s (Suz) . SCHBY CNTNGN CY: I. Michael La Paglia (Suz ): 2. Jake Weimer (Su:z); 3. Devin Sullivan (Han): 4. Jarred Browne (5oz): S. Casey Hinson (Sul ). SCHB Y TRP HY: I. Tanner Langham (Kaw) ; 2. Gumar Strum (Yam); 3. Eddie WocHmore (Hon ); 4. Mike Meade (Kaw); S. Justin Pamintuan (Suz) . 8TH (1 7- 25); I. Juon Jeffre, (K3w); 2. La")' Reese (Sm ); 3. Joshua La Fou ntaine (KTM) ; 4. Justin Reese (Yam): 5. Erik Coleman (Su:z). 15 + AM: I. TOrTey Woodruff (Yam). 25+ MSTR: I. Jon Zahrt (Kaw); 2. Eddie taree (Kaw); 3. Travis Platea u (Yam). 15 + PRO: I. Ch ris Young (Suz); 2. Matt Tedder (Kaw). VET BEG: I. Dell Posey (yam): 2. Jeff Hall (Suz); 3. Jon Hall (Han). VET JR: I. Chuck Penny (Yam): 2. Jom Blood (Suz); 3. Allen Grant (Hon ). VET INT: I. David Zahrt (Suz); 2. Greg Pierce (Yam); l . Tsn Marsh (Han); 4. Chris Champlin (Hon ); S. Eric Casas (Hon ). VET MSTR: l. Jon Zatvt (Kaw); 2, Dustin Evans (Suz) ; l . Nick Mairose (Han). VET P RO : I. Chris Young (Soz); 2, Matt Tedder (Kaw). O fT A M: I. Chuck Pe n ny (Yam); 2, Joel Harritt (Yam); 3 . Joe Crouch (Yam); 4. Milton Mize (Hon); S. Michaei Nash (Sut) . MST R: I. Matt Tedder (Kaw) ; 2. Jon Zahrt (Kaw) ; 3. David Zahrt (Su z) ; 4 . Tim Marsh (Hon); 5, Eric Potter (Han) . Ryan Miller was the winner of the 85ee Mini and 80ee Open classes at round four of the Mota City Mota Dome Indoor Dirt Track Series. li.nni\l~rC::lrll RESULTS MICR O SHAFT: I. Uam Strong; 2. McKenna OIdenburJ (KTM); 3. Rochelle Paul (Yam); 4. Wya tt Jacobs ; 5 . Blake Miller. MICRO C HAIN : I. Jo shua Swenson (KTM); 2. Austin Midas (KTM); J . Blake Miller (KTM); 4. Uam Strong ; S. Emma Miller (KTM). 65 MINI: I. McCoy Oldenburg (Sut):

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