Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

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Moose Western Regional Cross Country Series Ro und I: Prairie City GP Matt Mari o Ue (Yam). B OPEN : I . Terry Miller (Yam); 2. Blaine Willis (Yam); 3. Jaso n Mars h (KT M) . B 4·STRK : I . Sha wn Fre id ng (Kaw) ; 2. Byron Rifenberg (KTM); 3. Stewart Ferrie (Yam). B VET: I. Mark Silva (Yam) ; 2. Byro n Rifenberg (KTM); 3. Doug Petrosky (Yam). B SR: I . Ron Minor (KTM); 2. Randy Roberts (Han); 3. Scott Rabeneau (KTM). B 515ft: I. Jim Peacock (Hon ); 2. Mid'tael Schultt (KTM); 3. Richard Kroske (KTM). B WMN : I. Jenna Pinto (Ha n); 2. l e sha Kubacki (Yam); 3. Anne Creson ( KT M) . B GENT: I . Steven Cam pbell (KTM) . C 100: I . T h o m a s Simonta cchi (Suz); 2. Chad Materl (Yam ); 3. D ina We r ney (Ha n) . C 150: I . Migu e l Rangel (Kaw} 2. David Mar ney (KTM); 3. ; Jerame Tee t (Yam). C OPEN : I . Robert Mills (KTM); 2. WilHam Englebrick (KTM); 3. Joe Cook (Han) . C 4-STRK: I . Bryon Crahs (Hon ); 2. Mike Morretino (Yam); 3. Shawn lescher (Ha n). C VET: I . Br ia n Davis II (KTM); 2. Terry Haggart (Yam); 3. Michael Stirling (Yam). C SR : I. Jeff Akers (Kaw); 2. Fra nk Burm an (Yam); 3. George l o wery (KTM). C Sl5R: I . Brian Willett (G a s) ; 2. Ro b ert Henne ss e y (KT M) ; 3. Norman Sperle (KTM). C WMN : I . Kacy Marti nez (Hon); 2. Belinda Claar (GG); 3. Nicole Menvielle (Ha n). C GENT: I . Bo b Collins (KT M) ; 2. Bob Mars (Y am); 3. Charles Watson (KTM). Wesner's the Top Prairie Dog BY CHRIS GHIONE SACRAMENTO, CA, JAN. 18 T eam Green/Mateo Tools/San Luis Motorsports-sponsored Craig Wesner was t he top dog at the annual running of the Prair ie City GP. Nearly 1000 racers took part in t he ope ning ro und of the AMNDistrict 36 -sanctioned se ries. Rain earl ier in the week created so me of th e best race co nditions Prairie City has seen in recent years , and about 200 riders lined up for NB race , ready for th e run -to- your-bi ke , Le Mans-style sta rt . KTM rider jordan Brandt took the holesh ot but quickly went down in the first motocross section, giving t he le ad to We sner. Others qu ickly moving up front we re Kawasaki rider Dam ia n Galfo rd a nd Ho nda -m o un te d Gr eg Ghion e. Wesner, Galfo rd and Ghion e q uickly pulled away fro m the rest of the field and had a great battle fo r the lead th at last e d for tw o laps. Gh ione was the first to fall off the pace afte r he tried to make a pass for the lead. "T he seco nd lap. go ing out towards t he mo tocross track," Ghio ne recou nted, '" pulled into seco nd place and was going for first and crashed real hard o n my right side and landed o n my shoulde r." Taking advan tage of Ghio ne's mistake was Fairfield Cycle Center/Shift/Posey Racing/RG3 Suspens ion-backed Rod Kreiss, w ho had gotten off to a slow start but had moved up q uickly. "T he dirt w as aweso me o ut t he re, " said Kre iss, "and that was on e of the thing s that hel ped me pick pe opl e off left and right. It wasn't real mudd y; it was pe rfect tract ion, so you co uld just rail th e outside , and I pas se d loads of peopl e right off the bat , and next thing Kevin Snyde r's tu rn came in the Vet Ov er 30 co ntest . He to pped th e TT final with ease, over Scott Larm and Chris Grissom. A hole shot in t he IIl-ri d e r Vet sho rt-t rac k eve nt was the ti c ke t , a s he held o ff Pete She pp a rd by a bikelength for th e w in. joh n Faulkner was a close thi rd . ove r Dea n Faulkne r, '70s Singles winner Bill Gruwell, and Gene Yo pp. Kevin gated third in the O pe n Pro-Am short track and witnessed a serious battle for the lead as N ic ky Ha yd e n lo oked fo r a line around lead er Aaron Ladd. As the laps wou nd down , Ladd he ld tough, and w he n th e re d flag flew wit h tw o la ps le ft , t he r ac e was called complet e , and t he to p thre e were se t. Just in Hanna jockeyed past Rob Lampkin and Stevie Nace into fourth at the finish. Illinois rider Ladd resum ed th e point in the Ope n Pro final. with H ayd e n on his heels . Hayden's near highside allowed Dean and john Faulkner to slip into seco nd and th ird . Ladd increased his lea d en route to the win, and the top four rem ained the same . Gruwell filled o ut the top five. Hayden overcame poo r sta rts t o get into the lea d in th e Open Pro an d Pro -Am TTs and parlayed those leads to large wins . 62 yo u know, I could see the leaders." Just beh ind Kreiss but also making a charge forward was early race lead er Brandt , backed by Braughton Fire Prot ection and City Boots . T he battle for th e le ad betwee n Galford a nd We sn er last ed into t he fifth lap , unt il Galford cras hed out of th e lead , dam aging his bike in the pr ocess . After Galford was slowed , Kreiss, Brandt and Ghion e were all able to get by him. Afte r Galford dropped back, Wes ne r cruised to victory. "To be hon est. I can't remember how many time s me and Dam ian passed ea ch oth e r o n laps o ne through four," Wesne r admitt ed. "We were going back and forth pretty much all day. I think I dro pped back abo ut as far as third and kind of just stayed con siste nt and rode as hard as I cou ld w here I felt com forta ble and cr uised where I didn't." Krei ss rod e ho me in se co nd , just a few seconds ahea d of Brandt . in third, and Ho nda Pe nlnsu laiF ault line Sus pe nsion / Moose rider Ghione , in fourt h. Finishing in fifth was NorCal Motorsports/Fly Gear/Aria Helmets-sponso red Er ic DuC ray, follow e d by Galfo rd in sixth . Finish ing in se ve nt h was d efe nd ing se ries cham pion Brian Spe rle , who crashed hard and had to battle fo rw ard from way back in th e pack. Ro un ding out t he to p 10 were jeriah Gu rley, Luke No ble an d john Mason. ja me s Stanly was the top B rider, Cu rt Wilcox topped t he Sen ior race, and Bryan C roft took th e eN overa ll C win. PRAIRIE CITY GP SACRAMENTO, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: JANUARY 18, 2004 ( ROUND 1) O/A : I. C ra ig Wesner (Kaw) ; 2. Rod Kre iss (Suz); 3. Jordan Brandt (KTM); 4. Greg Gh ione (Hon); S. Eric DuCra.y Ladd returned on e more ti me in the Mad Dog short track and rode away to the win. over Na ce, whi le jeff jone s gr abb ed t hird from Stock- class w inner Jo n Go odwin and Dako ta Simms. justin jenke l pulled the lead off turn two and never looked back en ro ute to the w in in the a s cc class. Carver followe d him past Hayde n and Frankie Le e into secon d, w hile Jo nat han Heiden he ld off Michae l Heide n, jake Lewis and Colby Chandler for fifth. Carver the n wen t on a run , winning the ascc TT afte r a race-long bo ut w ith Hayde n an d t he n sw ee ping th e 200cc Amateur divisions. jacob Morris and Nick McFadden swapp ed the lead and w ins in the SO classes, w hile Jake cc Lewis rolled th e 65cc division. April Ladd had do uble wins on the TT and close secon ds to Wom en 's -c1ass w inne r Nikki Spore a nd Jo n Good win in th e Stock XRIOOclass. RESULTS Short Tra ck SO SHAFT: I. Nick McFadden (Yam) ; 2. Jaco b Morris (Y ; 3. Travis Zapfe (Han ); 4 . luke Baird (Yam); 5. Andrew am) Hughes (Yam). 50 CHAIN : I. Jacob Morris (Cob); 2. Bailey Edsall (KTM); 3. Andrew Hughes (KTM); 4. Nick McFadden (Co b) ; 5. Travis Zapfe (Ho n). 65 : J. Jake Lew is (Kaw ); 2. Ethan G illim (Kaw) ; 3. Jacob Morris (C o b); 4 . Blake Tabor FEBRUARY 25, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Cra ig We sn e r (2 ) was the ove rall wi nner a t the Moose We stern Regional Cross Cou ntry Ser ies opener. (Yam ); 6. Damian Ga lford (Kaw) ; 7. Br ian Sperle (KTM); 8. Jeriah G urley (KTM); 9. luke Nobl e (Hon) ; 10. Joh n Mason (Yam). A 200 : I. Ja re d Orrock (KT M); 2. W illiam Ro uss e l (KTM); 3. C had Mart in (KT M). A 25 0 : I. C raig W esn er (Kaw); 2 . Rod Kre iss (Suz: ; 3. ) Damia n Galford (Kaw) . A OPEN : I . Jordan Brand t (KTM); 2. David Fish (KTM); l . Shawn Wilco x (KTM). A 4 · ST RK: I. Greg Ghion e (Ha n); 2. Brian Sperle (KTM); 3. John Mason (Y . A VET: I. Eric DuCray (Yam); 2. Joh n am) Side y (Hon); 1. Nick Thorn (Kaw). A SR : I . C urt Wilcox (Kaw); 2. Mike Scott (Yam); 3. Jeff Irwi n (Kaw) . A SlS R: I . Jerry Faun (Hon); 2. Robert Hershey (Hon); 3. Bob Bowers (H us). A WMN: I . Heather Wilson (Kaw); 2. Naomi Willis (Yam) . A GENT: I. Eugene Price (Suz); 2. Doug McCaleb (KTM); 3. Fred Cameron (TM). B 100: I. Nick Rizzi (Y am) ; 2. Brian Fe trow (Y ; 3. Shawn Bailey (Hon). B 150: am) I. James Stanley (Han ); 2. C raig Hill (Hon) ; 3. Rod Kre iss was runner-u p at the onnual running of the Pra irie City GP. (Hon ); S. Tren t Sheppard (KTM). 85 : I. Justin [en kel (Kaw) ; 2. jeff Carver (Kaw); 3. Hayden Gillim (Hon) ; 4. Frankie lee Gillim (Hon ); 5. jonathan Heiden (Yam). X RIOO 5TK: I.Jon Goodwin (Ho n); 2. April ladd (Han ); 3. Skeeter W illiams (Y am); 4. C ath ie Ve lotta (Hon) . MAD DOG: I . Aaron ladd (Han) ; 2. Ste vie Na ce (Ha n); 3. jeff Jon es (Han); 4 . Jo n Goodw in (Han); 5. Dakota Simmon s (Yam) . 200 AM : I. Michael Sttlvey (Kaw); 2. Chri s Grissom (Suz); 3. Ross Atwell (Han ); 4. Brandon Likens (Ha n); 5. John Lampkin (Yam). 100 PR O ; I. Stevie Nace (Y ; 2. Justi n Hanna (Hon ); 3. Erhardt am) He isner (Yam) ; 4. Dakota Simmons (Yam) . OPEN PRO· AM: I. Aaron Ladd (Hon) ; 2. Nicky Hayde n (Ha n); 1. Kevin am). Snyder (Han); 4. Justin Hanna (Hon) ; 5. Rob Lampkin (Y OPEN PRO: I . Aaron ladd (Han ): 2. Dean Faulkner (Rot); 3. Joh n Fa ulkne r (Yam ) ; 4. N icky Ha yde n (H an) ; 5 . Bill Gruwell (Hon ). WMN : I. Nikki Spore (Hon); 2. April Ladd (Ha n); 3. Ke lly Be ll (Ho n) ; 4. Cathie Ve lott a (Han). VET 30 + : I. Kevin Snyder (Ha n); 2. Pete Sheppard (Ho n); 3. Joh n Faulkner (Yam) ; 4 . Dean Faulkner (Rot); 5. Bill Gruwell (Han) . SR 40 + : I. Gene Y opp (Hon ); 2. Dennis Porter (ATK); 3. Ed Clark (Ha n); 4. Ron Anderson (Han ); S. John Gilligan (Ha n). S/SR 50 + : I. Dennis Port er (Han); 2. Ron Anderson (Han) ; 3. Ed Clark (Rot) . LT VINT: 1. Ste v e Atwe ll (Su i); 2. John Gilligan (Han): 3. Tony Brennan (Han); 4. Denni s Porter (Ha n) ; 5. Skeeter Williams (Yam) . '70s SG l.: I. Bill Gruwell (Yam); 2. Joh n Faulkner (Yam); 3. Dean Faulkner (Hon ). TT 5 0 SHAFT: I . Jacob Morris (Yam); 2. Nic k McFadden (Yam); 3. l uke Baird (Yam); 4. Travis Zapfe (Hon) ; S. Andrew Hughes (Yam). 50 CH A IN : I . Nick McFadden (Co b); 2. Jacob Mo rri s (Co b); 1. Bailey Edsall (KTM); 4. Travis Zapfe (Hon) ; S. luke Baird (Co b). 6 5: I. Jake lewis (Suz); 2. Neal Dalton (KTM); 3. Blake Tabor (Hon); 4 . Ethan GiI1im (Kaw). 85 : I. Jeff Carver (Kaw); 2. Hayden Gillim (Hon) ; 3. Frankie lee Gillim (Hon); 4 . Jake lewis (Suz); 5. Ethan Gillim (Kaw ). XR IOO 5TK: I. April Ladd (Han) ; 2. Cathie Velo tta (Hon ); 3. Austin Zen trnye r (Hon). MAD DOG: I. Stevie Nace (Han); 2. Dakota Simmons (Y am). 100 AM: I. Jeff Carver (Kaw); 2. Ha yden G illim ( H a n) ; 3. Frankie l e e G illlm ( H a n) ; 4 . Nathaniel Vowell (Yam) . 100 PRO·AM : I . Kyle Snyder (KTM); 2. Jeff Carver (Kaw) ; 3. Dakota Sim mon s (Yam); 4. Jo nathan Heiden (Yam); 5. Frankie lee Gillim (Han). 150 A M: I. John Lampkin (Yam). 150 PR O : I. Just in Hanna (Ha n); 2. Ste vie Nace (Yam); 3. Dakota Simmons (Yam) . OPEN PRO-AM : I . Nicky Hayde n (Hon ); 2. Justin Hanna (Hon); 3. Ste vie Nace (Y ). OPEN PRO : I. Nicky Hayden am (Han) ; 2. Aaron Ladd (Hon) ; 3. Eldred Bristol (Ha n). WMN: I. Aprilladd (Hon ); 2. Cath ie Velotta (Hon ). VET ]0 + : I. Kevin Snyder (Hon) ; 2. Scan l.arm (Ha n); 3. Chris Grissom (Suz). Indoor Motocross Winte r Series Round 9: Co/sonic Arena Wisdom Looking Smart By CINDY GIBSON SHELBYVILLE, TN, JAN. 23 riday, january 23, was the o pe ning day fo r Calsonic Aren a's most exciting even t of t he year. Victory Sports hosted ro und nine of th e Winte r Indoo r Series in Shelbyville , Tennesse e , where the two-day event kicked off on Friday morning, w ith practice and qualifiers continuing throughout the day. Afte r the completion of the qualifying heat s, re main ing co nte nde rs were F

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