Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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titles - in the SOCcc A and Over 30 classes - to go along with his Pro Shootout money win. RESULTS Robert Sumbera ran away w ith th e National Championship in the always to ug h 6 5cc class in Gladwin, Michigan. Ayott e an d Ch az Spr ingst ee n. Ayotte came from beh ind to run down Springsteen, and the two went at it . wide-open. full-tuck pos ition. Ayotte led off of turn four, but a sour plug in his Low e-sponsored 85 cc Suzuki failed . w hich let the hard -charg ing Springsteen pass him by half a whee l at the line in t he cl ose st rac e of th e weekend! Afte r Saturday's racing was done, the work wasn't over. Promoters Mark Che za and Chris Liesen w ent to w o rk , plowing and brooming the co urse , as w ell as putting mo re wate r o n the track tha t night so the big bikes co uld start on a com pletety new surface for the big show on Sunday. On Sunda y. the 150 race rs on han d were gr eeted by 8 -d egre e temperatures , wh ich is grea t for m ak ing ice , but not fo r starti ng motorcycles . Riders were scramb ling to put bikes in vans and trailers to warm them before they t ried kicki ng or pull ing th e ir ma chines to life. The sp onsors ~ including Intersta t e Oil s, Great Lakes, RayC 's. Magic Motorsports, MCR, and Mikes Motorcycle - pro vided $4S00 dollars for the Pro classes. Th is ye a r, t here w e re two Ko ld Kutte r classes: the 2S0-4SOc class and the 25Occ-andc Up class. Both were op en to Pro and A riders. The first rac e of t he da y was the O p e n Shootout. Some riders' faces were long when Cra ig Pickett rolled his perfectly prepared KX500 to the line, as the odds we ren't good for the oth er riders . Pickett put his head down , never looked back and ea sily pulled a lead over Michigan youn g guns Brian Smith, Nichole Cheza and Corey McDennitt. Smith couldn't close the gap on Pickett, and, with the front straight st ill to go , his CRF4S0R slowed , le lli ng m ult iple Amateur Nat ional title holder Cheza squeeze by at the line to take seco nd place! The second Pro ra ce was full o f 4 S0cc Hondas and Yamahas, but all their ride rs saw was the bac k of t he wide-open roost of t he flying Smith, as he starte d in front and stayed there, ahead of McDermitt and Cheza. Smith entertained the crowd with a stand- up wheelie all the way do wn the front stra ight on the coo ldown lap. In t he end , Pickett went ho me w ith two nft r- ... n n I I A n v ,,\ c "\1"\1"\" _ "v,., r Sa turday 5 1 (4-8) SHAFT STUD , I. AMon """enberry (Yam); 2. Ale x Tyo (Ya m); 3. Aust in Sande rs (Ya m) ; of. De vin Rugensteln (Yam) ; 5. Steven Ulm an (Ya m) . 51 (4 - 8) CHAIN S TUD : I. C h r is to p h e r Schultz (Pol); 2. 8 0 Bruze ws ki (KT M); 3. Ja red Dull (KTM); of. Garrett Feher (Co b); S. Sara Co w d re y (l e m) . 65 ( 7- 11) STUD: I. Robert Sumbera (Kaw) ; 2. Travis Liesen (Kaw) ; 3. Andrew Johnson (Kaw); of Ky~ Fou rnier (Suz); 5. Michae l Mucha . (Kaw). 85 (T.1 5) STU D, I. Chu Spnn gneen (Hon) ; 2. Daniel Ayott e (Suz); 3. Nick Page (Kaw); of. Michaef Johnson (Hon) ; 5. Brad Fou rnie r (Yam). 86-10010 P EN STUD: I. Zachary Bambe rg (Yam); 2. Mick Jacqu e s (Hon) ; 3. Jayso n GLKfwer (Kaw); 4. Joe Do ktor (Hon) ; 5. John Dc ktce (Ha n). 1 5 0 RUBBER SOLD: I. N o r m an Fors tn e r (Ha n) ; 2. De lme r Dod d (Yam); 3. Jo seph Buc kley (Ha n); of. Ron ald Dodd ( Ha n) ; 5. Mic h ae l Wi lliams (Ha n) . lSI / O P EN RUBBER S O LO: I . Mike Sho rt (Hon ); 2. Delmer Dodd (Hon) ; 3. Joseph Buc lde y (Han): of l eo Anthon y (Y . am): S. Robert Be nne tt (Ha n) . SDCR OP EN STUD: I . Da vid Krzyzaniak (KTM); 2. Steve Kurchan (Han); 3. james MUrTay (Ya m ) ; 4 . David Sc h luc kb ie r (Han ) . SDCR 8 6- 3 6 0 RUBBER : I. Jeff Kocher (Yam); 2. Timothy Ham mar (Hon ); 3. Russ Woolner (Kaw); of. Shawn Coltson (Hon ); 5. Je ffrey Oefauw (Hon) . SDC R 361 -5 05 RUBB ER: I. Steven Yoder (Yam) ; 2. Robert Scott Jr. (Ha n) ; 3. Jeff Koche r (Ha n) ; of. Robert Scott (Yam) ; 5. T imothy Hammar (Ha n). S DC R 506 + RUB BER: I. Tim Gr aves (Ha n); 2. l eo Antho n y (Hon) ; 3. Norman Forstner (Han) : 4. larry Roelens (Yam): S. Greg Eno (Yam) . Sunday 150 A STUD SOLO: I. Dav id Julian (Ha n); 2. Jo hn O lmstead (Kaw) ; 3. Steve KUl'"chan (Hon ); of. Trif~y Sloan (Kaw) ; S. Kyle Whi tis (Ha n) . 1 5 0 B S T U D SOLD: l. WoK"'" Hufton (Hon) ; 2. o...k Hueph Bernman (Kaw); 4. Jooeph Sam> (Hon)' 5. Rusty Swain (Hon ). Southern Enduro Riders Association Ha re Scrambles Series Round 2: Blaz;ng Sad d le Ha re Scram bles Reed Rode a Blazing Saddle to the Winl By CHARAY DuBOSE PETAL, MS, FEB. I A gain, Stephen Reed rode to anot her overall /'"'\s ERA victory at th e Blazing Sadd le Har e Scrambles held in Petal , Mississippi. Round two was hosted by the Mississippi Hi-Point Motor~ cycle Club at the Sunrise Motocross Track. Du e t o th e overwhelming tur no ut (2 16 ride rs), t he start wa s del ayed by almost tw o hours , but when the flag did dro p, the dirt went flying. The club sent the racers straight to the motocross track , where some flew through the air over the tabletops and doubles, proving that the woods isn't the on ty te rrain th ese boys can ride . Afte r an e xhaust ing mile of motoc ross t rack, th e ride rs w e re sent into the wood s. where th ey faced some tight sec t io ns mixed with some open, fast, dangerous trails. Nolan Knight took the holeshot , followe d closely by Cliff Ou sley and Eric Elam. The fight was on, as the 10 A.A riders too k to the track, and th e order shuffled as Elam led them into the woods. After the se cond lap, the ba ttle ca me down to Reed and Carter for first and second, with Reed leading three laps and Carte r lead ing two. On lap th ree , Reed an d Carter bo th had lap ti m e s o f 19 m inutes and 30 seconds. Reed took a we ll-deserved overall for the day after a six-lap battle with Carter. "The trails were marked really well, really fast at t imes," Reed said . "O n the first lap , I passed three rid ers fo r the lead and was a b le to hold on for the most of th e race . Landon was one heck of a contender an d pushed me very hard ." "First of all, I loved the locenon - I hope we have more events there in the future ," said the second-pla ce finisher. Carter. "We all had a good battle going at the beginning. Then Cliff passed us on the second lap at a pretty good pace ; he clipped a stum p and cras hed pre tty hard. Then I spen t the rest of the race trying to get by Stephen. I passed him in the woods after the gas on the fourth lap. Then he passed me "'~''''Il: back o n th e fift h . I' d ju st like to th an k Ha tt iesb ur g Cycles fo r setting up my new RMZ2S0, and it's bee n fun. I haven't rode it but once an d wa sn' t sure about how it wo uld perform, but I really liked it: ' Elam and Knight finished fourth and fifth ove ra ll. Taking fifth overall was Op en A rider Wesley Wyatt; the 24 .y ear.old Alaba ma boy also took first in his class. This was just Wyatt's t hird ra ce in the last six month s, and wha t a co meback it was: Wyatt turned lap times that would make many seaso ned racers jealous. " G r e a t trails and great track! " Wyatt enth used . "I got stuck on the fifth lap; I made a bad line cho ice . My goa l for this year is to ride all the races, and I'd like to thank my mom , dad and Central Alabama Motorsports for th eir eN supp ort:' RESULTS O /A, I. 5tephen Reed (GG); 2. Landon Caner (Suz) ; 3. Eric Elam (Suz) ; of. Nolan Knight (Kaw) ; 5. Wes ley Wyatt (KTM); 6 . Gary Joh nston (Suz) : 7 . Glen n D. Hollingshead (Hon) ; 8 . Dean Grewe (KTM); 9 . Carsten Ca gle (Suz); 10. Jose p h B. Co uch (Han) . AA : I. Stephen Re ed (GG); 2. Land o n Cart e r (Suz); 3 . Eric Elam (Suz); 4. N olan Knight (Kaw); S. Gary Joh nston (Suz). A OPEN: I. Wes ley Wyatt (KTM): 2. Joseph B. Couch (Ha n); 3 . Richa rd Barre tt II (Kaw); .... Ben Weathers; 5. Bryan Petty (KTM). A 200 : I. Jeff Parke (Kni): 2 Will McConnell (KTM); 3. Mark Akers (KTM); of Jimbo Hitchen (Y ); 5 . Jason Reine (Suz). A VET: . am I. Glenn D. Hollingshead (Hon ); 2. Dean Grewe (KTM); 3. Jimmy Bates (KTM); of. Jinvny Ward (GG); 5. Russell Harper (Yam). B OPEN: I. l ee Everett (GG); 2. Dustin Stevens (Suz); 3. Jeff Elliott (Han) ; of W. Calloway (Hon); 5. Damon . Ha llmar k (Suz). B 100: I. C h.u Aken (Yam); 2. Michael Jo hnso n (KTM); 3. Kevin Gray (KTM); of je ssie l. Polke y . (Kaw); 5 . Raben W. Sm ith Jr. (Yam) . B VET: I. Scott Hubbard (Suz) ; 2. C h ris Vest (KTM): 3. Kenny Ch isolm (!erso n (KTM); 5 . S. Daniel (KTM). C 100: I. Robert E. Singley (GG); 2. Jack Willis (KTM): 3. Robe rt Smith (Yam): of. Man Burne tt (Yam); 5. 80 H..,..,. (Kaw). SR: I. M. Schrim'h'" (KTM); 2. Donny C. G r iffin (Ha n); 3. Do ug Kadrovach (Yam) ; of. L. Dilworth (J

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