Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ron Caldwell (929) went 5- 1 at round three of the Vet X Winter Series and sits atop the point s sta nd ings in the 36-4 2 Beginner class. Rupe r ( 1-2) and Jacq ue s Germa in (4-3) . Bob Bang made his first ventu re out to a Vet X race and came up w ith a 6-4 score (o r fourth o verall. outru nning points leader Owen Fitzsimo n (5-5), w ho has finished no w orse th an fifth. reta ining his top spot in the series. M att McBr ide remains the man to beat in the Over 43 Inte rmediate class. despite missing out on round three. McBride tallied 1-6 and I- I finishes at the first two roun ds and so re mains ahead of Dan Hendricks, who picked up a class sweep du ring rou nd thre e . Giovann i Palmier i chased He nd ricks in bo th mot os for second ove ra ll. Palm ie ri is running fo urt h in points , beh ind Robert Von Schne ida u b ut ah e ad of Rudy C havez. In the Ove r 43 Expe rt class, Dave Fontes re mains ato p the point standings with his 2- 3 finishes . Afte r finis hing wi th a 4- 4 sco re at ro und o ne , Andy N o rth r u p missed o ut o n round two bu t im pro ved his game at round three with 3- 1 finishes for the overall win. Rick jo hnson wo n t he firs t mo ta but sli pped t o fourth in mot a tw o for thi rd ove rall, ahead of Rob Petrin (5-2) and Brett Sauve (4-5). With six straig ht moto w ins, jaso n Williams has bee n the man th us far in the 28-35 Expert class . Torco O il's T im Doyle sits amo ng th e points leade rs in se con d spot , desp it e missing th is ro un d and do ing no w o rs e t ha n fifth at round on e . jim Gibb s sits in the num ber-t hree spot w ith 6-2 and 2-2 mota sco re s and a no show at round two . Brand on Milste ad was in great shape afte r tw o ro unds in th e 28 -3S Pro class , but he suffered a dislocated hip w hile participating in the San Diego SX and w ill be out fo r six wee ks; eve ryone wishes him a speedy re covery. jaso n Larson battled with Milstead pr ior to that injury a nd is no w th e to p po ints e ar ne r, w ith no s how ing w orse tha n se co nd place . La rso n sw e pt t he mo tos t his time ou t , leavi ng Mike Ho rt o n (3-2) and Nick Mairo se (2-3) to sw ap second-place mot a finishe s. Horto n mo ves into se co nd in poin ts , with Milstead st ill in th ird , ahea d of Mairose , w ho earned so me po ints for his first appearance in the se ries. RESULTS 18-35 FIT: I. Travis Junge; 2. Dan Anderson; 1. Susan Dunn; 4. JeMifer O ·NeaJ. 28-3 5 BEG: I. Richard AleKM'lder, 2. Ekn Miller; 3. Michae l McAJoney: 4. Gary Howard; S. ch CMF Houser. 28-35 NOV: I . Mike Rye.-; 2. Ryan Murillo; 1. j.anxl Scoggin; 4. Stefan Neary; S. Brad Pteto . 28.)5 INT: I. Mike Crosby; 2. Dave Uppert; 1. Nick Santana. 28-35 EX : I. Jason Williams; 2. Jim Gibb1. 28-35 PRO: I. Jason lArson; 2. Mike Honon: 1. Nick Mairo se . 36 ....2 BEG: I. Ronnie Garcia; 2. Joe N ovelich: 3. Ron Caldwell; 4. Alben Serrano; S. Andy Rose . 36 ·42 NOV: I. Dou g Rupen ; 2. Jacques Germain ; 3. 80Mie Warch; 4. Bob Bang S. Ow en Fitts imon . ; ]6....2 IN T: I. Brent Potter: 2. Do ug Da viso n; 1. Travis Sm ith: 4. ARtion Daily: s. Brian Hill. J6....2 EX: I. Mark Dwyer; 2. Steve Reeves: 1. Adrian Oomo . 36-4 2 PRO : I. Willy Musgrave: 2_Jim Henn; 3. Kevin Vtdana-Barda; 4. Loren Pochirowsld. 43 + BEG: I. Tim Williams; 2. Bill Rudell; 1. Ed Merati: 4. Tom Zmudka; S. Mike Probst . 43 + NOV: I. Chuck Bruni; 2. KartKogler; 3. Bob Blake; 4. G iff Houser, S. Rick Monimer. 43 + INT: I. Dan Hendricks: 2. Giovann i Palmieri. 43 + EX : I. Andy Northrup: 2. Dave Fon tes ; 1. Rick John so n; 4. Rob Petr in; S. Brett Sauve . S U P KID S BEG: I. Eric Naume tt; 2. Blake Novelich: 1. ChaseNove hch; 4. Nick Serrano; S. Matthew McGregor. SUP KIDS NOV: I. Billy Musgrave ; 2. Cade n Probst: 1. DIllon Kuntz. S UP KIDS INT: I. Jeremy Fraijo. SUP BEG: I. Tyler Reading: 2. Ja red Sullada ; 1 . But c h Miller; 4 . Todd Bald i; S. Tr avis Williams. SUP NOV : I. Bry5 Kuntz : 2. Mike Ryer: l . Jarod Scoggin: 4. Shay H oshi: S. Jeremy Fraijo. SUP tN T: I. Mike C rosby: 2. Shay Mosh i. SUP EX : I . Jim He nn: 2. Dave Fontes; l . Adrian G a rno ; 4. Rick Joh nson . AMA National Ice Race Championships Gladwin Cou nty Ice Ca rnival Club Pickett Pulls Down Kold Kutter Dough By DARREL HILTZ ALBRIGHT SHORES, MI, JAN. 3l-FEB. 1 U Th is is t he b e s t ice race I've ev e r I been to ." That was thr e e- time nat ion a l title holder and indoor ice cha mp C raig Picken 's esti mation of the AHA Ou td oo r Ice Racing N ationals in Albright Shore s, Michiga n. Fo r t he last fe w week s, t he w e ather had b een pe rfect fo r Come join us for "Fun on Old Wheels " during Bike Week! ~ ---------- Feb. 26 Thursday, ------------------------- -------------------------- AHRMA Roadracing, Jennings GP, Jennings, FL Fr iday, Feb. 27 WERA Vintage Roadracing, Jennings GP AHRMA Cross Country, Gatorback Cycle Park, Gainesville, FL AHRMA Observed Trial, Gatorback Cycle Park ~ Saturday, Feb, 28 AHRMA Post-Vintage Motocross , Gatorback Cycle Park AHRMA Half-Mile Dirt Track, Oglethorpe Speedway, Savannah, GA ~ Sunday, Feb. 29 AHR MA Vintage Motocross, Gatorback Cycle Park AHRMA Short Track, Cross Roads Motorplex, Jasper, FL AHRMA Roadrace Registration Day, AMI, Daytona Beach See the great machine s, meet legendary racing heroes! ~ Monday & Tuesday, March 1 & 2 AHRMA Classics Days Roadracing, Daytona International Speedway Celebrating the 50th anniversary of BSA's top-5 sweep of the Daytona 200! ~ Wednesday, March 3 AHRMA n & Short Track, Orange County Raceway, Bithlo, FL ~ Details: • 615-851-3674 makin g ice . and the G lad w in Co u nt y lee Ca rn ival C lu b put in many ho urs bu ilding a beauti ful half-mile tra ck. The two-day even t sta rted on Saturday w ith the Y uth and Rubber classes . The racing was o t op-not ch , w it h m ore th a n 200 riders in atten danc e . T he 8S cc and 8 6 -200 cc classes fea tured tw o of the best races of the day. Th e e ight-lap 8Scc ma in event be ca me a due l be tw e e n two aw eso me r ide rs : Danie l \IlI\AI\AI r ll What's on your mind? Letters to the editor... r len C\AJC Int'l MX Final March 19-20-21 Mosler Valley USA DallasiFt. Worth, TX Info. r n rn ,..v,.., ~ ~~'Alr. • :114-:1 51-9900 c:c onI I Anv ....r "' 1"\1"\ ~ 'Yft

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