Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LIMITED EDITION MOTORCYCLE ART BY HARRY MILLER ~~Metn.orial" Series This Series · • FI.6CoIoI', lJmItl d E Itlccl ...... sv-d by ArtI8t • Only 250 In each aerI•• • Printed on H•• vy 100 lb. stock • Ready to frame Davev Camlln 20" X 24· Iowa's Favorite Racer Own a Piece of History for only: • • • • S80 Artist Proof $65 Sgned & Numbered (Artist Only) $45 Unsigned Prints 9lipping Included Jesse Brad en of O klahoma got the holeshot in t he sec ond moto, w ith Holladay in his wake and the Wharton brothers in hot pursuit. By the end of lap one , Blake had secured the lead, with Tyler in second and Holladay In third. Braden held on to fourt h, leaving Timmons and Berry to battle it out once again, this time over fifth place. Timmons too k fihh ove rall. Bru ce Do zier co nt inue d to b laze a winning trail in the 65cc (7-9) cl as s, ta king t he overa ll win via a 1-' score , ahead of Dakota De nnis (2-2). Bea u Hu ds on has bee n hard to beat lat ely, b ut Tyle r Heem sbergen pulled a ll the win in mota one of the 65cc ( I0- 1I) class. Hudson bounced back in moto tw o with the victory and used his 2-1 punch to take the overall win. Hudson and Heemsbergen also faced a ll in the 65cc O pen contest and followed the same pattern, wi th Heemsberge n winning the first moto but Hudson to pping the seco nd o ne to take the overa ll win. RESULTS Roger Reiman 19· x 24· 1964 Grand National Champion Rich Graham 20·x 24" 1993 Grand National Champion -- Rodnev Farr;s 24" x 20" Always a Midwest Crowd Pleaser Will Davis 20" x 24" 2000 AMA Sportsman 01 the Year CA Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax, Includes Shipping (U.S. only) To Order, use the CN Products order form in the back of this issue, or call Cycle News Products at 714-751-7433 (9al11-5pl11 PST) 5 1 (4-6): I. Parket'" Fleming (KTM); 2. D ilkln lewis (KTM); 3. Matthew Coffey (KTM); • . Tote Chi>m (KTM); 5. c...y HUggin> (KTM). 51 (7-8), l. Jolm-Heruy Powen (KTM); 2. Sterling King (KTM); 3. Brett Mo Ungfonl (Kow); 3. Huntt ... Wouon (ICTM); • . "-on La", (Kow); 5. lYle<" Heemsbeon (Kaw) ; 2. Jaso n langford (Kaw ); 3. Hu nner Watson (KTM): 4. Da kota De nnis (KTM); 5 . Bryce 00_ (Kaw). IR SlHINI 65 -85 SAT, l. Ry>n Eppe" (KTM); 2. Zeb Sm it h (Ho n); 3. Avlery Hickey (KTM ); 4. Rich ie Matzke (Kaw) ; S. Sam Broecain (Yam). JR S/H IN I 65 -85 SUN: I. Zeb Smith (Hon ); 2. Ryan Eppers (KTM); 1. Nicholas Lartanzlc (Kaw); 4. Franc o Casale (Hon); S. K1ay Stephenson (KTM). 85 BEG (7 -11), l. Ch ristophe, Hom (Kaw). es (11 -15 ), l. John Col Bak... (Yam 2. Oon"" Hom (Kow); 3. Kyle Stone (Y ); om); • . J ocob Trott... (Hon) ; 5. betwy JonKek (Kow). es (7-11 ), l. Ry>n EPI"'" (KTM); 1. lob Smith (Hon ); 3. AVo..-y H ider (KTM); • . KIoy 5tephemon (Kaw); 5. Sam Broecam (Y om). 85 ( 1111), l. Blake WIwlon (Suz); 2. lYle<" WIwlon (Suz); 3. Ch.u HoIbd3 y (Yam); • . [esse B....... (Suz); 5. CooTer To nvnons (Y om). es (,.... , 5) , I. Wl Hahn (Han); 2. RJ

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