Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Florida Winter Am Series Final Round; Gatorback Cycle Park GATORBACK CYCL£ PARK GAINESVIllE, FLORIDA RESULTS: JANUARY 24-25, 2004 (FINAL ROUND) Skinner, Johnson Claim Pro Titles fin ished the series with a flnal-rcund victory By JEFF LAYMAN GAINESVILLE FL JAN. 24-25 , , he 33rd annual Winter Am Series. present· ed by FMF, wrapped up where it all began, at Gato rb ack, and nume ro us championship battles were deci ded at the final ro und. The drama unfolded unde r sunny skies, which made fo r perfect co nditi ons over the final two action - packed days o f racing at the historic facility. After five consecutive weeks doing battle in the I25cc and 2S0cc Pro classes, WMR Competition Performa nce/American Suzukibacked Shaun Skinner and Factory Connection Honda rider Keith johnson emerged with Win· ter Am titles. Co m ing into the final round , what was shaping up to be a champion ship fight in both Pro division s among three combatants was narrowed down to two, as Team Green's Kyle Chisholm bro ke his arm in an unfortunate cras h during practice the week prior, forcing the fast Floridian to t he sidelines. Not only was C hisho lm leading both A classes before the setbac k, he was also tied with Skinner for the lead in the 125s and sat third in the 2SOS, just six points out of fim. Fittingly, Skinner was the most successful A and Pro -class comp etito r on the weekend, taking wi ns in the 12Scc A, 125cc Pro and 2S0cc Pro classes , securing the 125cc A and 12Scc Pro crowns in the process. De spite Skinner 's w in in the 2S0cc Pros , johnson persevered for the champ ionship, taking it with two po ints to spare via his runner-up performance at the final roun d. The 2S0cc A title went to BSY Yamaha's Jacob Saylor, who T over the seco nd -p lace finishe r an d series run ner-up. Honda of Ho usto n/F MF-backed Zack Lundy. While many class championships provided nail-biting finishes , non e eclipsed that of the 125 cc C cla ss , w hich saw full ga tes and qualifie rs th roughout the series . Florida's Troy Snyder had a t h r-ee- p o in t ad van tage on Western Powersports' C hris Pixle y befo re Gatorback , with Maryland 's Jacob Miller another six back in third. Sean Ridgeway pulled the first-moto holeshot, but Miller bolted past to ta ke the lead by the end o f the op en ing circuit , with Pixley in tow, while Snyder was mired in the back after a bad start . Miller put in a flawless ride throughout the moto, taking the win three seconds clear of Pixley, while Snyder fought his way to fifth at the checkers, setting up a flnal-moto showdown for the title amo ng the three of them . Georgia rider TravisTurner was quickest off t he gate to start moto two , ahead of CamHo Gomez and Miller. By the completion of lap one, Miller had wrestled his Honda into the lead , with Pixley fourth and Snyder seventh. Pixley put his head down and battled his way to second before the white flag came out , and he chased Miller across the line at the end of the mote to take second overa lland secure the champ ionship. Miller's final-race win broke the tie-breaker with Snyder for second overall in the se ries. Other W inte r Am standouts includ e d Flo rida 's Kyle Meeks , North Carolina's Ian Tre tt e l and Michigan's Nico Izzi, with three titles each . eN Virginia Championship Hare Scrambles Series Awards Banquet: Radisson-Fort Magruder Greer Celebrates Fourth Grand Championship By HEATHER GREER WILUAMSBURG, VA, JAN. 10 T he VirginiaChampionship Hare Scrambles Se ries held the biggest banquet in its 19year history, with more than 500 guests packing the grand ballroom at t he Radisso n-Fort Magruder hotel. The banquet was not only a celebration of the acco mplishments of the riders but also of the hard work of the promoters, volunteers and sponsors who have made this ser ies one of the best in the nation. The pre banquet happy hour was packed with people chatting and bench-riding while watching videos prod uced by Mike and Mary Jackson of the 2003 season. Riders and their fam ilies also had a chance to buy 2004 competition cards, the new sc oring ~o CI:DnlIAnV '1 1:: '1"".14 • rvr, ~ transponders, and the sharp , new 2004-se ries T-shirts . Dr e w Smith of WER donated a steering stabilizer that was raffled off, raising more than $700 for the Horizon ride rs. There we re also disp lays by Fly, Pr o Actio n, BBR Mot o rspo rts and Answer. Casey Cycle C ity, Lew is Mo torsports and jimmy's Cycle Sales displayed several of the exciting 2004 bikes. When the season begins on March 14, there will be two new classes in the series: a junior Mini Girls class and a SOcc XRC Adult class, where people 18 or olde r can get their kicks riding the smaller bikes. Fly introduce d the "Fly Bucks" program to award riders wearing Fly gea r. Kawasaki and Suzuki announced very generous co nti nge ncy programs. Red Bull, Motos Costa Rica. WElt. Duvall. Regina Chains, BBR Motorsports, Western Powe rsports and ,.,~WC Sa t urday 50 STK (4 · 6 ): l. Chmtopheo- Salter (tern) : 2. Mason Price (Pol); 1. Zacha ry Sanden (KTM); 4. [asen More llo (Cob); 5. Matthew Patten (Co b). 50 ST K (7-8): I. Max Tannenb.aum (KI M); 2. R.J. Hampshire (Kaw); 3. Rowtand Papp (Cob) ; .. . Bl'3Odon Slane (KTM); 5. Dillon Smith (KTM). 65 (7 .9): I. Nikolas Desiderio (Suz); 2. Gavin Trettef (Suz: ; ) 3. Brett McMichael (KTH); 4. Adam Cianciarulo (Kaw); 5. DvUn RolHmon (50,). 65 ( 10· 1 1): I. Ian "lrertel (5",): 2. Scott Elderfi e ld ( KTM); 3. Tyler Moore (Kaw); .. . Justin Starling (Suz) ; 5. Brandon Mays (Suz) . 85 (1. 1 1): I. Ian Trettel (Suz); 2. Tyler Moore (Kaw) ; 1. Zacke ry Freeberg (Suz); 4. Brandon Ha ys (Suz); S. Robby Hun (Yam). 85 ( 12. 1] ): I. Ben Lamay (Suz); 2. Nico lui (Sol) ; J. Colten Maynard (SUl); 4. Blake Wharton (SU 5. Trey Canard 2); (Kaw) . 85 (14 ·15 ): I. Joe La Falce (SUl); 2. Pat Pixley (Kaw) ; 3. Bo Partin Jr. ( SUl ); 4. Joe y Denne (Suz ); 5. Brendan White (Suz) . 115 A: I. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 2. Han Goerke (Suz); 3. Simon Hom ans (Y am); 4. N icholas E.....".. (y",,); 5. zad< Lundy (Hon) . 125 B: I. Kyle Meelu (Kaw); 2. Kyle Tobin (Suz); 3. Jase Lewis (Hon); 4. Dea n Dyeu (Suz) : S. "JYle.- u..say (Kaw) . 125 c:, I. Jacob Miller (Hon) ; 2. Chris Pixley (Kaw); 3. CamiJo Gome l (Yam); 4. th,;, 0... (Suz); 5. Troy Snyder (50<). 125 OPEN (NO A RIOERS): I. K Meek> (Kaw) : 2. KyleT_ (Suz): 3. "JYle.yle Livesa y (Kaw) ; .. . [ase Lew is (He n): S. N icholas Mackie (Kaw). 250/500 A : I. Jacob Sa yloo- (y",,): 2. Zack Lundy (Hon) ; 3. Matt Goerke (Suz); 4. Jordan Peeples (Yam) ; S. Michael Steveson (Kaw). 250 /500 B: I. Scott Simon (Kaw): 2. Jimm y AlberUon (Y am); 3. Qu inton Bigalo w (Yam) ; .... ea.e Studstill (Yam); S. AshJe.e Woskob (Kaw). 250/5 00 C: I. Billy N elson (Yam); 2. Justin Knott (Yam); 3. Troy Balsters II (He n): 4. Kevin Osborne (Hon); 5. Christ opher Pannell (Hen). 150 OPEN (N O A RIDERS): I . Qu inton Bigalow (Yam); 2. Jona tha n Cam p (Kaw); 3. Jake Allen (Hon); 4. Barrett Smith (Yam);5. Dave Grover (Hon) . Sunday 50 OPEN : I. Brett McMich ael (KT H) ; 2. Da ria n RotH""", (Suz): 3. Eric G.-ondahl (Pol): 4. Cody ChiY>olm (Cob); 5. Dillon Smith (KTM). 65 OPEN : I. Ian Trettel (Suz): 2. _ Mays (Suz): 3. Scott Eldeoo (Hon) : 3. jacob 5ayIo< (Y",,) : ... Chad Charbonneau (Hon); 5. Nicholas Evennou (Yam). 1 5 0/ 5 00 PRO: I . Shaun Skinne r (SU 2. Ke ith Johnson l); (Ho n); 3. Jaco b Saylor (ya m); 4. Matt Goerke (Suz ); S. Donald McGou"Y (Kaw) . 4·STRI(, I. Kyle Meek. (Kaw ): 2. Scott Sears (Ho n); 3. Pau lo Stedile (Ya m ); 4 . Jimmy Albe rtson (Y am); 5. Kyle Garro (Hon ). WMN : I . Sarah Whitmore (Yam); 2. Jes sye Davis (Kaw) ; 1. April Hodg e s (Kaw): 4. Cayle 50."" (Hon). 16-14 : l. Kyle Meek. (Kaw) : 2. )o« Se an (Hon); 5. Martln Davalos (Suz) . U+ : I . Bar ry Cant.., (Suz); 2. Earl May (Hon ); 3. ,.,..... Topp;ng (Su, ); 4. Davis Gu imaraes (Y ; 5. Kevin Cczadd (SU . ]0 + : I. am) l) Earl May (Hon) ; 2. Barry Cars ten (Suz); 1. Kevin Cozadd (Suz) : 4. Lee Tatham (Hon) : 5. lee Spomn (Hon) . 35 + : l. Earl Hay (Hon) ; 2. Kevin Knight (Hon); 3. Steve Dumond (Suz) ; 4. John Shields (Yam); S. Arty Coker (Hon) . 40 + : I. Earl May (Hon); 2. Kevin Knight (Hon); 1. John Lundy (Hon); ... TimOlhy Eggers (Hon) ; 5. John Shields (Yam). 45 + : I. David Bow ma n (SUl); 2. Kelly Bowen (Hon) ; 3. Robe rt 5haun 5kinner (50) took the 125cc Pro-class title at the Florida Winter Am Series finale. He also took the 125cc A crown. Blue Ridge Powe rsports were also announced as new se ries sponsors. VCHSS riders will be awarded mo re than $200 ,000 in cont ingencies in 2004! The Horiz on rider committee awarded 33 Horizo n riders with troph ies and bags full of contingencies . Some 186 trophies were awarded to the 21 points-paying classes, and 737 troph ies were awarded to the youngsters over the past year. George Greer was recognized for being the only rider to have tra phied every year since the begi nning and fo r riding in the AA class th e longest. Shane Hartless was recognize d for being the youngest class champion . jes sica Morrison bro ke the records for the most class wins and the most points scored in a single season . VC HSS presi de nt R.J. Fad d is thanked Caro lyn and jessica Honeycutt for creati ng and selling the series T-shirts. hats and sweatshirts; his family for their support in help ing with signup, scoring and the banquet programs; and Carlene McFarland and George Greer for the ir assistance throughout the series . Fadd is .4nth An n iv<:rc:"ru awarded the prestigious Havol ine Award to Travis and Bob jones of GoRace!lnc. for their e fforts , spe nd ing long nights and morn ings working on bikes so that riders could get to the line. The last award of the night, the porcelain eagle Grand Champion trophy, belonged to jason Greer, who set a new record for the most o verall wins of any rider in VCHSS history. Although th is w as his fourth year up at the podium, Greer admitted he had not lost his "pu blic speaking" nerves, but he eloq uent ly thanked his family, frie nds and spon sors for their support in getting him to the top during the 2003 season . FINAL RESULTS GRAND CHAM P: Jason Greer (Y am). AA: I. Stephen Edmondson (KTN ); 2. Daniel Mor rison (Kaw ); 3. Chance Baker (Y am); ... George Greer (Yam); 5. David Ashley (KTM); 6. Travis Jone s (Ho n); 7. Ashley Hall (Hen ). 200 A: I. R.J. Ferguson (Kaw): 2. Robby Norwood (KTM); 3. Tim Bongard (KTM); .. . Josh Gra y (Hon); 5. Brian Thompson (KTM). 15 0 A: I. Chuck Hancock (Yarn) 2. Dean Ingram (Suz); 1. Eric ; Hyt inen (Ya m ); 4 . Brand o n N e ro (KT M); 5. To m m y Tomlinson (Yam). 4- ST RK A: I. Justin Stone (Yam 2. Jason ): BaJoni (Hen); 3. Robert ~ (KTM); .. . Andrew Williams s (Ya m ); 5. Tommy Re yno lds (H o n) . VE T A : I. Gle n n Holcomb (KT M); 2. C huc k Honeycutt (Yam); J . David

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