Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GPR/AMA District 37 Big 6 Gra nd Pr ix Series OPEN NOV: I. Kameron Burge r (Suz); 2. Bryan Norman (Hon ); 3. Patrick Healy (Yam); 4. joe Ostenn Jr. (Hen): S D' m Burrou s (KTM) . . gh OPEN INT: I. Matt Zang (Kawl ; 2. Tim Brewster (Hen): J. jared Webst... (y",,); ~ . Woll Ugh""" (KT S M): . Juoo Jemigvl (Han). OPENEX: I . M;vknlley (Hen); 2. Ku" Caselli (KTM): 1. Steve Henge veld (Hon); 4. Bren t Harde n (KTM); 5. Qui n Cody (Hen). n DiSPT NOV: I. Randy Snodg=s M, n..-soo (KTM): J. Jeff Sneddon (Hen). (5uz ): 2. Cra;g D/SPT IN T: I. Steve Grangetto (Hon) ; 2. Tom Marshall (Y . am) WMN NOV: I. KMsandra Kehoe (Hon ); 2. Faye Campbell (Han); J. She Woods (y",,); 2. Bobby IlondsISNno Espos;to (! WOOyth (y",,): 2. Tyler [e rnigan (Ya ; 3. Cory Evanson (KTM); 4. Scon Slater (Kaw ); S. m) Cody Carling (50,) . 1 00 INT: I. Adam lane (Suz); 2. Kris Nelson (KTM); 3. jeff Trulove (Yam); 4. Mason Parta in (KTM); 5. josh Hagey (Hus). 200 EX: I. Bobby Bonds (! (y",,); ~ . Mick E kberry (y",,): S. (Hen) : S S . teve Hen geveld (Hen) . OPEN BE I. Scott M..-phy (Hen) G: . r ~. Kandiee Kirkmeyer (Yam); S. Dawna Oelke (Suz) . WM N INT: I . Trkia lane (Hen): 2. Kendra Hoover (y",,): J. Stacy Doerksen (50, ). WMN EX: I. Kelly Y"",ey (KTM): 2. An", Seg.Je (Yam); 3. Amie Mann (KTN); 4. Vanessa Crawford (KTM); 5. Amy Hasten (Yam). 30 + 250 BEG: I. Damn Mason (Y ; 2. Anthony am) Felix (Yam); 3. Joh n Barger (Yam); 4. john Audiss (Hon ); 5. Dan Arcese (Yam). 30 + 2 50 NOV: I. R.K. Field (Suz); 2. Michael Beck (Yam); 3. Andre w Ga iger (Ha n); 4. Ed Patt e rson (Hon ); S. Adam Vaughn (Kaw). 30 + 150 INT: I. Da rin layton (Yam); 2. Ch ris Beny (Yam); 3. Mark Connell (Suz); 4. James Furnish (Yam); 5. Kevin Bentley (Hon) . 30 + 150 EX: I. Sean Bradle y (Y am); 2. Pet e Feldman (Ha n); 3. Brent Farrell (Hcs): 4 . Dal Tru bey (Kaw); S. William Kent (Hon ). 30 + OPEN BEG: I. Ron Bailey (Han ); 2. C huck vchva (Ha n); 3. Jo hn Walker (Hon ); 4. C ra ig Matte rson (KTM); 5. [ason Fumtsh (KT M). 30 + OPEN NOV: I. Jeny Evans (Hon) ; 2. Bre nt O rtlieb (KTN); 3. Antho ny Sme tan a (Han); 4. Zen Todd (Han): S. J Passell (Hen). osh 30 + OPEN INT: I. Tony Beoert (Hon) ; 2. Brian Cam pbell (KTM); 3. Jason Nye (Yam); 4. Darrell Melton (y,m): S. 10" Coth ran (y",,). 30+ OPEN EX: 1.1)' Davis (y",,): 2.Johnny C=pbell (Hen); J. Rick D",iel (KTM): ~ . Rick O'Don ll (Hen): S. ne Dave OOOas(Yam). 40+ 15 0 BEG: I. Randy Difranc esc o (Yam); 2. Don Wysel (y,m): J . Guy Rodger> (y",,): ~ . Hershel Moody (Yom S Chm Perrett (Hen). ); . 40+ 250 NOV: I. \.any Thompson (S uz); 2. M"'Y Desbrcw (Hon ); 3. Ed Patterson (Hon ); 4. Lance Horton (y",,); S. CIw1es Gilbert(KTM) . ~O+ 2S0 INT: I. Geoon (Y",,);~. J (Hen): S. pe M): im G' egg Doyle (Hen ). "0 + OPEN NOV: I. Brian Steve ns (Yam); 2. Tim Moon: (KTM); J. Bob Briggs (Hen): ~ . Keith Mitte rmeer (Hen); S J.D. Lavanol (S ). . u, ~O + OPEN INT: I. D.J. McGhee (KTM); 2. Pete Bende, (Han): J. Brian Cam pbe ll (KTM): ~ . G~ Heuser . (Hen ): S M;vk Mullin., (KTM). 40 + O PEN EX: I. Jon Ortner (Hon ); 2. RK:k Daniel (KT J. Fred Hatch (y",,): ~. Andy Seg.Je (Hen S jim M): ); . McGr.nh (KTM). 50 + 1 50 NOV: I. William Cook (Yam); 2. Bob Mars (Y ; 3. Pete Kolbet (Y m); 4. John McElhen ney (Hon ); 5. am) a Har old Claus (Hus). 50+ 2S0 INT, I. Randy Banales (KT M):2.JimmySm;th (!der .. . (KTM); 3. Dav id Roger> (Hen): ~ . J ack Gorland (Hen S ): . Michael Yetton (KTM). 60 + EX: I. De nnis Tooman (Yam); 2. Terry Nichols (y",,): J . Norm Go;g... (Hen) ; ~ . Al Guz man (!

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