Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2004 Daytona Bike Week Calendar MAR. 7 Bless ing of the Bikes - St. Paul's Catholic Ch urch - US Hwy. I, Daytona Beach - 7:30 a.m. - Ride to Bellair Plaza lor parade start 386/255-098 1. An nual Ha r ley-David so n Parade Formation 8:30 a.m. - Leaves Irom Bellair Plaza, Atlantic Avenue to Daytona International Speedway, 9:30 a.m. - Harley Heave n, Horseshoe Curve - 386/255-0981. [ackson Ho le Saloon - 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service and blessing 01 the bikes with the Brotherhood 01Jesus - Legendary biker celebrity Mickey Jones - Last-minute shopping - 10 a.m.-6 p.m. - Free parking - 1081 N. US I, Ormond Beach - 386/673-6996 . Bike Week information is available on -line through the "Official" Bike Week Internet site at: . E-mail address: . For more inlormation on the Daytona Beach area , contact the Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau at 386/255-C415 or 800/854-1234. 01 lam -O n Prod uctions 26th an nual Daytona Swapmeet - 10 a.m .-6 p.m. - American Motorcycle Trade Show - 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Custom bike day and show. and side car and trike day and show - 12:30-2 p.m. - Judging 3 p.m. - Wild animal extravaganza I:30-3:30 p.m. - Team Extreme motorcycle stunt show Volusia County Fairgrounds - Rte. 44 and 14 301/336-2100 - times daily - Volusia County Fairgrounds 301/336-2100 - I, Wood and Co, 17th annual Antique and Classic Motorcycle Auct ion . Swap Meet and Tra de Show - Auction at I p.m . Edmunds Center, Stetson University, Deland 352/795-8895. MAR. 6 Na tion al Assoc iation to Pro tec t Child re n Poker run - Registration 9- 11 a.m. at Volusia Mall (main entrance , across Irom Speedway) Finish point is Volusia County Fairgrounds at 3 p.m. - Prizes awarded to three best hands. MAR. 5 Custo m Am e rican Iro n Daytona Rally Sponsored by American Iron Magazine - Free bike show and Iree field events open to all customized American motorcycles, regardless 01 age or style - Free bike show lor classic, customized touring and sport/race bikes, and Iree field events - Magazine coverage and a chance to have your bike photographed and leatured in American Iron Magazine - Registration open at 10 a.rn., troph ies at 3 p.m. - Daytona International Speedway. Boardwalk Me r chants 13th a nnual Boardwalk Classic Ride -In Bike Show Registration 8-11 a.m. - Show begins at II a.m. - Awards at 4 p.m. - Cash prizes and trophies Enter Boardwalk lrom comer 01 Main Street and Ocean Avenue - 386/253-0254. la m-O n Produ cti o ns 26th ann ual Daytona Swapmeet and Am e rican Moto rcycle Trade Sh ow Continues - Antique bike day and show - 12:30-2 p.m. - Judging at 3 p.m. - Wild animal extravaganza - Nitro Dirt Drags and Rodeo - I p.m. - Team Extreme motorcycle stunt show 3 J::A. ~I:ODIIADV. :><; :>MA • CY.CII= Bikers in the Pari< - International Custom Bike Show- Registration at noon - Judging at 3:30 p.m. - $10 per bike - Daisy Stocking Park - 559 Mary McLeod Bethune Boulevard- 386/255-7040. Boa rd wa lk Cho pper an d Cust om Bike Show - Registration 8-11 a.m. - Show at II a.m. - Awards at 4 p.m. - Cash prizes and trophies - Enter Boardwalk Irom comer 01 Main Street and Ocean Avenue - 386/253-0254. Dayt ona Beach Co m m unity Found a tion Official Custom Motorcycle Drawing to benefit Bike Wee k Festival Task Force - I p.m. at Bandshell behind Adam's Mark Resort 386/255-0981. Harley-Davidson Acti vities - MDA auction and bike raffle - Noon - Ocean Center Arena. Jam -O n Pr od uct io ns 26th annual Daytona Swapmeet and American Motorcycle Trade Show - Last day - 10 a.m.-6 p.m. European bike day and show - 12:30-2 p.m. Judging 3 p.m. - Volusia County Fairgrounds 301/336-2100 - . 32nd an nual Rat's Hole Custom Bike Show New location: Peabody Auditorium - All contestants line up next to curb on Wild Olive between 7:30 & 8:30 a.m. - Judging starts at 10 a.m. - 600 Auditorium Boulevard - 386/454-3496. N~W~ Letter from the Mayor: Dear Bike Week Visitors. On behall 01th e city 01 Dayton a Beach, I wou ld like to welcome you to o ur fine city and the "Wo rld's Larges t Moto rcycle Event." We want you to have a grea t time wh ile you are here, and we ask that you be cons iderate 01 our re side nts and all 01the other visitors who will join us lor this event. You may have read some articles or heard som e rumors tha t the city 01 Daytona Beach is no longer inte res ted in having yo u visit ou r area . I want you to know th at everyo ne is welc ome to ou r city as long as th ey follow th e same rules and laws that ou r citizens must abide by every day. Every yea r, ou r 65 ,000 citizens welcome almost a hall-million mot or cycle en th usiasts to ou r community. The city's goals include creating a balance between special eve nt tou rism and the quality ollile lor our year-round citizens . In order to move toward ou r goals , the city's Code has been am ended to create several new laws, with which we wou ld like you to become familiar. The first law has to do with public nudity. Basically, it is unlawful lor anyo ne to intentio nally appear, or cause or permit ano ther pe rson to appear, in a pub lic place in a state 01 undress. Persons in pub lic places must have lull and opaque co verings ove r their private body parts. Although some noises encountered during motorcycle weeks are unavoidable, distracting noises purposelully created by persons desi ring to attract attention to themselves may distract drivers Irom the sale operation 01the ir vehicles on public rights-ol-way. Therefore the second new law proh ibits rapid throttle advance or "revving" of an inte rnal combustion engine resulting in increased no ise from th e engine. Therefore, w e ask th at yo u be mi ndful 01 the noise that you and your mo tor cycle crea te, especiallywhile driving in residen tial areas and du ring nighttime hours. Please drive quie tly and res pectfully as yo u wo uld within yo ur neighborhoods at home. The final new law prohibits the car rying or cons umption 01 alcoholic beverages in par king lots ope n to the general public within 100 leet 01the State Road A IA right-of-way within the city 01 Daytona Beach. This new rule was des igned to minimize the excess ive noise , littering and obstruction 01 pedestrian and vehicle move ment w ithin our hotel parking areas and to kee p ou r guests sale . The salety and sec urity 01 our visitors and residents has always bee n one 01 our highest prio rities. We hope tha t you will take part in the many exciting races , co ncerts and activities that are planned lor Bike Week 2004. We want everyone to have a terrific time when they visit Dayto na Beach . Remember to please "Ride Qu iet" and be courteous to those aro und yo u. Byworking together, we will all have a great year! Please ride salely and en joy you r vacatio n! Yvonne Scarlett-Golden Mayor 40th Annlversar.u _

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