Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Y am). 80 INT: I. Dustin Pipes (Hon); 2. Prest on Mull (Y am): 3. Zach Andrade (KTM). 80 (8 -11 ), I. SeeohgyIe (y",,); 2. Rkh ;e Fletcher (Hen) . 80 (12 -16 ); I. Dustin Pipes (Hon); 2. Prest on Mull (Yam): l . [eel Fittro (Yam); 4. Brian Foster (Suz); 5. Larry Quintana (Hon). S/MINI : I. joshua Duppong (Yam 2. Dus tin Pipes ): (Hen ); 3. ZKh (KTM); 4. M;chael Parks (Suz); 5. Cj. (Hen). 125 BEG : I. She lby ~t (Suz); 2. Andy Sm ith (Yam 3. Shane Blais (Yam); 4. Rieley ); Peoples (Suz); 5. Marl< Obon (KTM). 125 NOV; I. )mh Frttro (Kaw ); 2. Anthony Gonzales (Y am); 3. DonaJd Ert el (yarn); 4 . Col in Clay (Hon); S. Prest on Mull (Yam). 125 INT: I. Casey Hinson (5uz); 2. Jeff Aless i (Hon) ; 3. Scotty Atves (Hon); 4. Michael Farghe r (Hon ); 5. Jon Nicolaus (Hon). 125 PRO : I. Cory McDaniel (Suz); 2. Nick Davis (Suz ); 3. Brandon Jones (Suz). 250 BEG : I. James Clayton (Y am); 2. Mike Painter (Y am); 3. Joe Coelho (Hon); 4. Piluf Law renc e (Hon); 5. Gary Peters (Hon ). 250 NOV : I. Jeremy Joh nson (Y am); 2. Anthony Gonzales (Y am); l . Clay Patt ers on (Hon ); 4. Do nald Ert el (Y ): 5. Joe Nicholson (Y . 150 INT: I. am am) Casey Hinson (Y am): 2. Scotty Alves (Hon) ; 3. Roscoe Gray (Hon) ; 4. Jeff Mars h (Hon ); S. Rory R-ldo vic.h (Hon). 250 PRO : I. Adam Miller (Hon); 2. N ick Davis (Suz ); l . COI"ey McDaniel (Suz); 4 . J.R. Arch utowski (Hon ); 5. Shawn Parks {Suz}, 4-STRK 90-150: I. Chase Myers (Yam); 2. Brett Hein (Han ); 3. Jon Levine (Ha n); 4. AJ . Jone s (Suz); 5. Anthon y Nava (Y am). OPEN: I. Rory Radovich (Ha n); 2. Aaron Y ouse (Ha n); l . Roscoe Gray (Hon); 4. Jeff Marsh (Hon); S. Ryan O 'Sullivan (Hon). WMN : I. Jolita Nava (Hon) ; 2. Amanda Kutchera (Yam); l . Me lissa ANa (Kaw); 4. Carll O 'Sullivan (Ya m ); 5. Kryst le Pac he co (Suz). SCHBY: I. C ase y Hinson (Suz); 2. Jeff Alessi tHan); 3. Jos h Fittro (Kaw ); 4. Prest on Mull (Y am); 5. Daniel Duarte (Suz). 30 + BEG: I, Ray Hoss (Y am): 2. John Earl tHan ); 3. Todd Larromc a (Y am). 30 + NOV: I. Kevin O 'C on nor (Han). 3 0 + INT: I. Aaro n Mattso n ( H a n) . 30 + PRO : I. Dennis Krine r (Han) . 40+ BEG : I. Stev e D'Eredita (Hon ); 2. Dave Kelly (Sen); 3. Mike Siebenhoar (Yam). 40+ NOV: I. Bil l Johnson (Hon ); 2. Troy Myers (Yam): 3. Ray Buck (Han). 40 + INT: I. Bill Carnes (Han) . XR5 0 OUTlAW STK: I. Mario Bonfante (Hon ); 2. Yob, e jac:obsen (Han): 3. M~ Pim ik (Hon) ; 4. Justin Durgt on (Han) ; 5. Stephen Tarpey (Han). X R50 OUTlAW HOD: I. Robert Alquist (Hon) ; 2. Chad Willey (Hon ); l . Ch ris Tripp (Hen). XR50 OUTlAW (9-12) ; I. Anthony N"", (Hen). OFC 6., I. ZKkary Knudson (KTM). DFC 8 0: I. Dustin Pipes (Hon). DFC BIBK.: I. Adam Miller (Han ). And"". ""en ~ Automotive Flnishes .....~ . . . ... . '1:'''1): 'J]' .: .-....'fJ.. .:.:L. .:. .". .. -.. . .,... .:J: ' . . . .... , ' ' :/( ~:: = : .~ ]. LAS VEGAS NEVAIJA te - Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit Banquet Texas Motor Speedway ~@% Pentons Star at l~,S.~S Banauet FORT WORTH, C#f~"(O '1'' 'o,,''''''01i.8#f,,, 'It'~8 rx. JAN. 10 A bout JSO people turn ed out for t he Texas State ChampiI""\o nship Enduro Circuit auction and banquet, making for a fantastic e nd to the 2003 Texas en duro sea son . The au ct ion brought in $3800 , due in large part to the event's official sponsor, Tucker-Rocky, whic h was re prese nte d by sales manage r Terry Bills. Th e trophy ban que t featu re d speeches by Jack and Jo hn Penton , The Pentons shared stories of the beginning s of t he sport and its history. It is awe -inspiring to be reminded t hat so much of what we have in our sport today can be traced directly to the wo rk and inspiration of John Pe nton. The influence of Penton Motorcycles (which are now KTMs) may be obvious, but many younger riders we re unaware of John 's connection to Acerbis plast ics and Alpinestars boots , John 's tales of riding across the country in his quest for the record are an inspiration to all riders. Th is ye ar 's event include d ma jor spon-sorship from ICO Comp uters ' Suzanne and Ke rry Mackenroth. who do nated a ne w Checkmate computer as well as four gift certificates. The raffle tickets sold at the banquet resulted in a $ 1200 contribution to TSCEC. The overa ll winner of the TSCEC Championship was Michael Wilson . Th rough speed an d consistency, he won the overall trop hy and was also the newest inductee to the TSCEC Hall of Fame , T he TSCEC Hall of Fame also includes honorary inductees, and this year that honor was shared by Bruce and Fredna Lair . Both of them have wor ke d tireless ly for ye ars, sco ring an d officiating at enduros. The Steven Griner Sportsmanship award was presented to t he "Silve r Fox," Jack Henry, who is a Hall -of-Famer w ith mult iple sta te enduro championships and is also a proven Baja rider. There was no doubt that Henry is a true "class act." The Rookie of the Year award is presented to the mostimproved A rider. This choice of year's recipien t surprised no one, as Co le Kirkpatric k advanced from the C class to the A class, where he handily won the 200cc A class and finished sixth overall. He will be promoted to the AA class for next year, This wa s George McMah an's last year as pres ide nt. Th e TSCE C has really blosso med under his leadership. The banquet held at Texas Motor Speedway was just o ne of man y contributions McMahan made over the past five years. Scott Frost was installed as the new pre siden t. w ith David Stuart as • TRACK 1 00 % VIEWABLE • M I NUTES FRO M DOWNTO WN LAS VEG AS • OVER N I GHT PARKI N G AT T HE MXTRACK ,:+ ALL N EW EVENT LAm UT TRACK FOR THE .. _II.IJW~J.L:l.....w,;a;;,t,;,IWLW";LI,l,;"",".....uI&l,l,;ll,;Lll,;l,\"'• • ~ ~ CLASSES FOR ALL AGES & A BILITY LEVELS 50 P, Wee Stk Thro 6 125 Open Thru 16 50 P. Wee Mod. Thro 6 Non Pro 50 P. Wee Stk. 7~ 125 Stk. Beg. 50 P. Wee Mod . 7~ 125 Mod. Beg. 50 Super PW Mod. 6--9 125 ss , Novlee 65 Jr. Cyele Stk. 6--8 125 Mod. Nov ic e 65 Jr. Cycle Mod. 6-8 125Stk.lnter. 65 J r. Cycle Stk. 9·11 125 Mod. Inter. €i J r. Cycle Mod . 9·11 S 125 St k.. Pro €i5Jr . Cyele OPEN 125 Mod . Pr o 85 St k. Thru 11 250 Stk.. Novice 85 Mod . Thru 11 250 Mod. Nov k e 85 Stk. 12-13 250 St k. lnter . 85 Mod . 12·13 250 Mod.lnter. R5 St k, 1....16 250 Stk. Pro 250 Mod . Pro 85 Mod . 14-16 85 OPEN Plus 30 Open "8" Su pe r Mini Mod. Thru 16 Plus lO A AGE CLASSES EFFECTM APllIL I , 2004 If you don't see local coverage in Cycle News of events in your area, you can help by becoming a Cycle News contributor. You write the story (and shoot photos) at your local club and Irack events, and submit the story to us for publication. We'll even pay you for what we print. All you have to do is call the Cycle News headquarters at 7 14-751-7433 (weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. P.S.T.; Tuesday thru Friday) and ask for a ' contributor kit". We'll send you all the details about how to write local stories for Cycle News. REMEMBER... We can't run it if we don't get it! www.cyc CYCLE NEWS • FEBRUARY 11, 2004 61