Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tonn (Suz); 5. Ryan Persinger (Yam) . 250 C : I . Tyle r Pemberton (Y arn); 2. Rustie Goddard (Hon ); 3. Andy Niles (Hon ); 4. Matthew Bonness (yam); 5. William Panons (Hoo ). SCHBV; I. Zach Arne> (Soz); 2. Kody Price (Hon) ; 3. J""'" Kreit ze r (Suz) ; 4. Kevin Wright (Kaw); 5. Allen McClure (Kaw) . 16-24 : I. Derrick Arledge (KTM); 2. Mikey Nibert (Yam) ; 3. Josh Adair (SU ; -4 . Adam Tonn (Suz) ; 5. Aaron I) Harvey (Kaw). 25 + A: I. Vincent Kamow (KTN); 2. Mark Roop (Suz); 3. Dale Slabaugh (Suz); 4. William Rogers 111 (Yam) ; 5. Rob Bingman (Y am) . 15 + D/C D-I : I. Randy W,& (Y ht arn); 2. won Schmitt (Hon ); 3. Brian Purdy (Yam); -4 Jeremy Jones (Hon); 5. Aaron Womstaff (Yam 25+ B/C . ). 0 -2 : I. loren O'Cull (KTM); 2. Jaso n Holbrook (Yam); 3. Brad Van Winkle (KTM); 4. Donald Spaulding (Hon) ; 5. Matthew Bon ness (Yam) . 30 + : I. Mark Roo p (Suz) ; 2. Dwight Voltz Jr. (Hon); 3. Clayton Fair (Kaw); 4. Jeremy Jones (Ha n); S. C huck Nicholson (Suz). 40 + : I. Rick Custard (Hon) ; 2. Brad Van Winkle (KTM); 3. Kim Hamilton (Yam); 4. Dale Ringwald (KTM); 5. Mark Farner (Suz). PIT /BK : I. David Whitcraft {Suz}; 2. Ross Adams (Y am); 3. Kim Hamilton (Y am); 4. Carl Custard (Hon); 5. Andy Niles (Hon) . OPEN B/C: I. Christopher Robbins (Hon) ; 2. Dale Ringwald (KTM). Saturday MICRO (4 -6): I. l ucas Mason (KTM); 2. Bryce Miller (KTM); 3. Oru Campbell (KTM); -4 Carey Davis (Co b); 5. . Logan G" ';on (KTM). MICRO (4 .8), I. "lyl < Reno (KTM); e 2. Dylan Volt z (KTM); 3. l ucas Mason (KTM); 4. Cale b Houser (Cob); S. N icholas Jones (KTM). MICRO (7-8 ): I. Davey Boysel (KTM); 2. Gunnar Flavell (KTM); 3. Tyler Reno (KTM); 4. Code y Hard ing (KTM); S. Josh Burt on (KTM). 65 (7- 9): I. Jacob Berger (Suz); 2. Jake Fowler (Kaw); 3. Davey Bo yse l (KTM); 4. Matthew Blum (Suz) ; 5. Gunn ar Flave ll (KTM). 65 ( 10 - 11): I. Daniel Herrlein (Y am); 2. Aust in Primavera (Suz); 3. Michael Mahaffey (KTM); -4 Mitch Dowell . (KT M); S. Ro c ky Par son s (Kaw) . SO (7 . 1 1): I. Au stin Primavera (Suz); 2. Jackie Hoo ver (Y arn); 3. Shelby Wolford (Suz); -4 Michael Mahaffey (KTM); 5. Curt Gaskl (Y . am). SO (12·15): I. Hous ton Wireman (Suz); 2. James Kreitze r (Su1. ; ) 3. Kody Price (Ho n); 4. Emmett Rowland (Yam); S. Austin Sto ut (SuI) . 80 EXTRA (9~ 13)/(14. 15): I. James Kreitzer (Su'1.); 2. Emmett Rowland (Yam); 3. Kody Price (Ho n); 4. Josh Abre cht (Suz); S. Ryan Bre wer (Kaw). 125 PRO: I. Jared Grabiel (Kaw); 2. Vincent Karno w (KTM); 3. Dona ld Nap ier (KTM); 4. Ton y Robinson (50'1.); S. Doug Gall (KTM). 125 B: I. Derrick Arledge (KTM); 2. Aaron Harvey (Kaw); 3. Lince Mowell (Su'1.); 4. Todd lies (Suz); S. Cody Scott (Hon) . 125 C: I. Tyler Pembe rton (Y am): 2. Garren Gatre ll (Hon ); 3. Ca me ron Re agan (Yam); 4. Eli Gr ay (Suz); 5. W illiam Pars ons (Hon ). 2 50 PRO : I. Vincen t Karnow (KTM); 2. Jared Grabie l (Suz); 3. Mark Roop (Suz); 4. Shaun Kuchler (Hon ); 5. Doug Gall (KTM). 250 B: I. Zach Ames (Suz); 2. Ross Adams (Y am); 3. Brian Bonham (Hon); 4. Clayton Fair (Kaw); 5. Adam Tonn (Suz). 250 C : I. Tyler Pe mbe rt o n (Yam); 2. Nathan Edwards (Suz); 3. Williarn Parsons (Hon ); 4. Shane Maybe rry (Su'1.): 5. W illiam Young (Suz). SCHBY: I. Zach Ames (SUI): 2. Austin Sto ut (Suz); 3. Kody Pr ice (Hon) ; 4. Emmett Rowland (Yam); 5. Cameron Reagan (Yam). 16-2 4: I. De rrick Arled ge (KTM); 2. Josh Adai r (Suz); 3. Brian Bonham (Hon); 4. Cody Scott (Hon); S. Aaron Harvey (Kaw). 25+ A: I. Vince nt Karnow (KTM); 2. Hark Roop (Suz); 3. William Rogers ttl (Yarn 4. Rob Bingman (Yam); 5. ); Dwig ht VOItI Jr. (Ho n). 25+ B/C : I. Brad Van Win kle (KTM); 2. loren O 'Cu ll (KTM); 3. Randy W ight (Yam); -4 . Jeremy Jones (Hon); S. Jason Holbrook (Yam). 30 + : I. Mark Roop (Soz) ; 2. Loren O·Cull (KTM); 3. Rkk C"""" (Hon ); 4. Chuck Nicholson (SuI); S. Cayton Fair (Kaw). 40 + : I, Brad Van Winkle (KTM); 2. Rick Custard (Hon); 3. Dale Ringwald (KTM) ; 4. Mark Farner (Suz); S. Gary Burton (Ho n) . PIT /B K: I. David Wh itcraft (Suz); 2. Kim Hamilton (Y am); 3. Bess Ad"", (y",,); 4. Carl C"""" (Hon ). OPEN B/C, I. Christopher Robbins (Ho n); 2. Da le Ringwa ld (KTM); 3. Martez Cuff (Hoo); 4. Brad Haser (Yam ). Sunday MICRO (4 -6) : I. lucas Mason (KTH); 2. Bryce Miller (KTM); 3. Dru Campbell (KTM); 4. earey Davis (Cob); 5. Evan Cheek (KTM). MICRO (4- S): I. Caleb Houser (Co b); 2. Dylan Cook (KTM); 3. Nicholas Jones (KTH ); 4. Dru Campbell (KTM); S. Dylan Vola (KTM). MICRO (7-8), I. Jacob Falls (KTH); 2. Davey Boysel (KTM); 3. N icholas Jones (KTM); -4 Tyler Reno (KTM); S. Nathan Y . oder (KTM). 65 (7 -9): I. Jacob Berger (Suz); 2. Jake Fowler (Kaw); 3. Davey Boysel (KTM); -4. Matthew Blum (Su'1.); S. Derek Fo wle r (KTM). 65 (10-11 ): I. Daniel Herrlein (Yam); 2. Austin Prima vera (Suz); 3. She ldon Haud enshil d (KTM); 4. Mitch Dow ell (KTM); S. Blain Brown (Yam). 80 (1 ~1 1 ): I. Curt Gas ki (Y am); 2. jackie Hoo ver (Yarn); 3. Michael Mahaffey (KTH); 4. Daniel Herrle in (Y arn); S. Jacob Berger (Suz). SO ( 12. 15): I. Houston Wirem an (Suz); 2. Josh Abre cht (Su1.); 3. Kody Price (Ho n); 4. Emmett Row land (Y am); S. Matthe w Prathe r (SuI ). SO EXTRA (9- 13)/( 14-1 5): I. Josh Abrecht (Suz); 2. Emmett Rowland (Y am); 3. Mark Burns (Y am); 4. Kody Price (Hon) ; S. Ho uston Wireman (Suz). 125 PRO : I. Vincen t Kamow (KTM); 2. Tony Robinson (Suz); 3. Doug Gall (KTM); -4 Mikey Nibe rt (Y . am); 5. Matthe w Ray (Y arn). 125 B: I. Cody Sco tt (Ho n); 2. Lance Mo wel l (Suz); 3. Joel W irt hma n (Ya m); 4. Ho usto n Richa r ds (Ya m); 5. Aar on Strickland (Hon). 125 C: I. EliGray (Suz); 2. Allen McClure (Kaw); 3. Ronald Ve ltre (Yam); 4. J ason Holbroo k (Yam); S. Joshua Smith (Y am). 25 0 PRO: I. Vincent Kamow (KTM); 2. Ton y Robinso n (Suz); 3. Doug Galt (KTM): 4. Ste ve Jo ne s (KTH); 5. Mark Roop (Suz). 250 B: I. Brian Bonham (Hon); 2. Adam Tonn (Suz); 3. Ross Adams (Yam); 4. Johnn y Q uinn (Y am): S. Aaron Strickland (Hon). 250 C: I. W illi m Parson s a (Hon ); 2. Jason Amspaugh (Suz); 3. Nathan Edward s (Suz); 4. Danie l Blair (Suz); 5. William Y oung (SuI) . SCHBY: I. Kody Price (Ha n); 2. Ryan Persinger (Y am); 3. Emme tt Rowland (Yam): -4 Eli Gray (Suz); 5. Allen McClure (Kaw). 16·2 4: I. . Cody Sco tt (Hon) ; 2. Ho ust on Rich ard s (Yam) ; 3. Lance H owe ll (Suz); 4. Adam Ton n (Suz); 5. Joel Wirthman (Yarn) . 25+ A: I. Vincen t Kamow (KTM); 2. Mark Roop (Suz); 3. William Rogers til (Y am); 4. Chuck Nicholson (Suz); S. Rob Bingman (Yam). 25 + B/C: I. l o ren o'cou (KTM); 2. Brad Haser (Y ); 3. Brad Van Winkle (KTH); 4. Jason Ho lbrook am (Y am); S. Brian Purdy (Yam). 30+: I. Mark Roop (Suz); 2. l oren O 'Cu ll (KTM); 3. Jeremy Jones (Hon); 4. Rick Custard (Hon); S. Chuck Nicho lson (Suz). 40+ : I. Brad Van Winkle (KTM); 2. Rick C ustar d (Ho n); 3. Kim Hamilto n (Yam); 4. Greg Bare nthin (Yam); 5. Mark Farner (Suz). P IT/ BK: I. David W hitc raft (Su1.); 2. Kim Ham ilto n (Yam); 3. Ca rl Custard (Hon ). OPEN B/C : I. Dale Ringwald (KTM); 2_ Brad Haser (Yarn 3. Christop her Robbins (Ha n); -4 Kevin ); . Harris (Ho n); 5. William Weaver Jr. (Yam). Mutant Motorsports/Mission Motorcycle s Winter Storm Series Rounds ' -2: LaGrange SVR A Alessi, Hinson Storm LaGrange By RANDY HElM LAGRANGE, CA, JAN. 10-11 oW that 2004 is upon us, a new racing season begins again. At laGrange, there we re more than a fe w ne w machines that were touching dirt for the first time . What better way to break in a new scooter than at the races? At the first two rounds of the Winte r Series, t he weather cooperated for the first time in Northern Ca liforn ia in quite some time . The ove rcast skies kept the sun hidden, but th e track stayed moist all weekend , making fo r pe rfect racing condit ions. Jeff Alessi and Casey Hinson batt led throughout the weeke nd in the Intermediate classes and the Schoo lboy division. The two up-and-comers may be a pre view of wha t the future holds in sto re : Both riders have factory backing. and one cou ld expect to see them in the big show (supe rcross and nationals) in the not -too·distant future . Just returning to racing after re coveri ng from major injuries, Alessi seemed to be finding his speed again. When he is fully healthy. the young Honda rider is a for ce to be rec koned N 60 with. On Saturday, Ales si t ook w ins in t he 250cc Intermediate and ' Schoolboy classes and runner-up in the 12Scc Intermed iate class. On Sunday, Alessi started out str ong in the 2SDcc Intermediate class but ended up go ing do wn and taking himself out of the mota. Alessi was visibly so re from the crash, and it had an effect on his day 's results: Alessi finished second in the 12Scc Intermed iate and Schoolboy classes and didn't contest his second 2S0cc mota, Hinson, who represents Suzuki, was also on the gas throughout the wee kend , and he did his share of w inn ing in the Inter med iate and School boy classes , O n Saturday, Hinson won th e 125cc Int~rmediate class and also finished ru nner-up in the 250cc Intermed iate and Schoolboy classes. Sunday was Hinson's day, as he swept all of his classes , including the 12s cc and 2SOcc Intermediate classes. Hinso n also put the RM atop the podium again in the Schoolboy class. The Fittr o broth ers were also out in force this weekend. josh won the I25cc Novice class, and his you nger brot he r Joe l did his share of FEBRUARY 11, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Jeff Alessi (80 1) leads Casey Hinson (249) and Scotty Alves (481) in the 125cc Intermediate class at the Mutant Motorsports/Mission Motorcycles Winte r Storm Series opener. butt-kicking, posti ng wins in the 80cc Novice class on both days. Josh was fast all weekend. t oo , finishing second on Sat urday to Nicolas Baker in the 125cc Novice class . On Sunday. j os h pu t the ham mer down and wo n bot h motos for the overallon that day. O n Sat urday, Honda rider Chris Loredo to ok home t he money in both the 125cc and 2S0cc Pro classes . Loredo won bot h 125cc motos con vincingly. Nick Davis wen t 2-2 for second overall, and Paul Timmerm an finished 3-3 for th ird ove rall. O n Sunday. Davis split mota wins wi th Cory McDa nie l to fi nish seco nd. McDa niel took the overall with 2- 1 fin ishes . Brand on jo nes fin ished th ird . On Sunday, Adam Miller we nt I-I for the 2s0cc Pro overall; Davis (2-2) finished second overa ll, and McDaniel (3-3) was third . Davis w o n Sunday 's Dash For Cash after Miller tried a wild move at the finish and came up short . Sunday 's Dash was Miller's. R ESULTS Sa tu rd a y P/W SHAFT: I. Jake Fletcher (KTM). 5 0 BEG : I. Michael Kutch era (KTM); 2. Just in Hitc h (KTM); 3. K.C. Nabors (KTM); 4. Jordan Kanady (Pol). SO NOV : I. Scott Crane (Pol). 50 INT: I. Cal Johnson (Pol). X R50: I. Erik N elso n (He n): 2. Summ e r Kutchera (Hon). SO (4·6) : I. Scon Crane (Po l); 2_Justin Hutch (KTM); 3. Jordan Kanady (Po l). 6 0 BEG: I. Austin Lauzon (KTM); 2. Ryan Fulto n (KTM); 3. Jame s Vega (KTM); 4. [ace b Sexton (Kaw); S. Justin Mart in De l Camp (Kaw). 60 NOV: I. Zackary Knudson (KTM); 2. Tyler Wymore (Suz); 3. "r-Lc White (Kaw) ; 4. Anthony Parks (Suz); 5. Paul D'Eredita (KTM). 60 IN T: I. Joshua Greco (KTM); 2. Damon lwanaga (KIM). 60 (0-8): I. Paul O'Ered ita (KTM); 2. Jennifer Burton (KTM); 3. Jayso n Peer (Kaw). 60 (9 - 11): I. Joshua Greco (KTM); 2. Damo n lwanaga (KTM); 3. Zackary Knudson (KTM); 4. "l-Lc White (Kaw); S. Tyler Wymore (Suz). SO BEG: I. larry Qu intana (Hoo); 2. Steve n Pim ik (Yam); 3. T-l o White (Kaw); 4. Chris Helm (Ho n); 5. Matth ew Ferry (Yam). 80 NOV: I. Joel Fitt ro (Yarn 2. Brian Foste r (SU 3. Mark Browne (Hon ); 4. ); I); Brian AlqUis (Y t am); S. Damon Iwanag a (Yam). SO INT: I. Dustin Pipes (He n): 2. Preston Mull (Yam); 3. Zach Andrade (KTM); 4. T.J. l orenz (Ho n); S. Michael Flores (KTM). SO (S - I l) : I. Zach Andra de (KTM); 2. Sean Argyle (Yarn) ; 3. Ritchie Fletcher (Hon); 4. Brian Alquist (Yam SO ( 12-1 6): ). I. Dustin Pipe s (Ho n); 2. Pre sto n Mull (Yam); 3. Mich ae l Flores (KTM); 4. joe l Fittr o (Yarn S. larry Quintana (Hon ). ); S/M INI: I. Nick Bake r (Yam) 2. Joshua Duppong (Y ; 3. ; am) Michae l Flores (KTM); 4. Michael Parks(Suz); 5. Dustin Pipes (Hon). 125 BEG: I. Brad Patte rso n (Han); 2. Shelby Paget (Suz); 3. Andy Smith (Yam); 4. Mark Browne (Ho n); S. Jo hn Ware (SuI). 125 NO V 0 -1: I. N ico las Baker (Yarn) 2. Josh ; 40t h Anniv er sary Fitt ro (Kaw) ; 3. Do nald Erte l (Y am) ; 4 . Joshu a Ou p po ng (Yam); 5. Colin Clay (Ha n). 125 NOV 0 -2: I. larry Vasque z (Ho n) ; 2. Cyle Teal (Yam) ; 3. Rich le e (Ka w); 4. Joe N ichols on (Yam); 5. C had Jacob sen (Yam). 125 IN T: I. Cas ey Hinso n (Suz); 2. Jeff Alessi (Ho n); 3. Scot ty Alves (Ho n); 4. Antho ny Maniglia (Yam); 5. Kris Triest (Y arn). 125 PRO: I. Chris Lore do (Ha n); 2. N ick Davis (Suz); 3. Paul Timme rman (Suz); -4. Brandon Jone s (Suz); 5. Je ss Med le y (Ho n). 25 0 BEG: I. Donn ie Roe (Yam); 2. Marc Je nsen (Ho n); 3. James Clayton (Yam); 4. Paul Lawre nce (Ho n); 5. Ditton Qu intana (Ho n). 25 0 NOV : I. Anthony Go nza les (Yarn); 2. Jere my Jo hnson (Y am); 3. Do nald Ert el (Y am); 4. Joe l Rich (Han) ; 5. Travis McRae (Yam) . 250 INT: I. Jeff Alessi (Hoo ); 2. Scotty Alves (Hon); 3. Roscoe Gray (Han ): 4. Kris Triest (Y am): 5. Anthony Maniglia {Yam}. 250 PRO: I. Chris Loredo (Hon); 2. Josh Cox (Yam) 3. Paul Timmennan ; (KTM); 4. Nick Davis (Suz); 5. john Blair (Hon). OPEN: I . Aaron Youse (Ha n); 2. Jeff Marsh (Hon): 3. Kris Triest (Yarn) ; 4. Ryan O 'Sullivan (Ho n); S. Rich lee (Kaw) . 4 -ST RK 90-1 50 : I. Alan Martin (Yam); 2. Chase Myers (Yam 3. Brett ); He in (Hen ): 4. Rich l ee (Yam); 5. A.J. Jones (Suz). W MN : I. [ohta Nava (Hon); 2. Amanda Kutchera (Yam); 3. Melissa ANa (Kaw) : 4 . Carli O 'Sullivan (Ya m). SCHBY: I. Jeff Alessi (Hon ); 2. Casey Hinson (Suz); 3. Josh Fitt ro (Kaw); 4. Preston Mull (Yam); 5. Daniel Duarte (Suz). 30 + BEG: I. Joe lynam (Hon) ; 2. Roy Huss (Yarn); 3. Gene Cardejta (Hon); 4. Josh Earl (Hon) ; 5. Richard Marcon e (Y am). 30+ NO V: I. Kevin O 'Co nnor (Hon ). 30+ PRO: I. John Blair (Hon): 2. Shawn Par ks (Suz). 40 + BEG : I . Troy Myers (Ho n); 2. Steve D'Ered ita (Hen): 3. TIm Green (Y am); 4. Greg Webb (Yarn ); 5. Mike Kutchera (Hon ). 40+ NO V: I. Bill Joh nso n (Hoo ). 40+ INT: I. Bitt Carnes (Ha n): 2. Mark Haw kins (Suz). X R50 OUTLAW ST K: I. Mario Bonfante (Ho n); 2. Yobie Jaco bson (Hon); 3. Danie l Nava (Ha n); ... Stephen Tarpley (Hon) . X RSO OUTLAW MOD: I. Robert Alquist (Ho n); 2. Chris Tripp (Hon); 3. Chad Willey (Hon). X R50 OU TLAW (9-12): I. Brian Alqu ist (Hon ); 2. Anthony Nava (Hon). DF C 60: I. Joshua Greco (KTM). DFC SO: I. Dustin Pipes (Hon). DFC B/BK: I. Nick Davis (Suz). Sunday P/W S HA FT: I . Jake Flet che r (KT M). 50 BEG: I . Jord an Kanady (Pol); 2. Justin Hitch (KTM); 3. K.C. Nabors (KTM); -4. Michael Kutchera (KTM); S. And rew Figue roa (Po l). 5 0 NOV: I. Scott C rane (Po l); 2 . Ch r ist o phe r Buckman (KTM). 50 ' NT: I. Cal Johnson (Po l); 2. Austi n Hammes C e m). XRSO: I. Erik Nessen (Hon); 2. Summer l Kute he ra (Hon). 50 (4 · 6) : I. Jor dan Kanady (Pol); 2. Scott Crane (Pol); 3. Justin Hitch (KTM): 4. Clay Tripp (KTH). 50 (7-S): I. Cal Johnson (Pol); 2. Christopher Buckman (KTM); 3. Steve n Lawrence (KTM); 4. Andrew Figuer oa (Po l). 60 BEG: I , Ryan Fulton (KTM); 2. Mich ae l Pimi k (KTM); 3. Jenn ifer Burton (KTM); 4. Justin Del Cam po (Kaw); S. Steven Williams (KTM). 60 NOV: I. Zackary Knudso n (KTM); 2. Nick Willey (KTH); 3. Paul D'Ered ita (KTM); 4. T-lo White (Kaw); 5. Anthony Nava (Kaw). 60 INT: I. Joshua Greco (KTM); 2. Damon lwanaga (KTM). 60 (O·S): I. Cal Johnson (KTM); 2. Paul D'Eredita (KTH); 3. Jennifer Burton (KTM); 4. jayson Pee r (Kaw). 60 (9 -1 I): I. joshua Greco (KTM); 2. Damon lwanaga (KTM); 3. Zackary Knudson (KTM); 4. Nick Willey (KTM): S. T-lo W hite (Kaw). SO BEG : I . Larry Q uin ta na (Hon ); 2 . Rit c h ie Fle t ch e r (Ha n); 3. Ken ny Marcotte (!

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