Austin Eitel (331) and Tony Blood (642) lead the way in the 12Scc Novice
class at the Amateur Winter National at Perris Raceway.
Siminoe (KTM); 3. St e ve n To kars ki (Kaw ); " . Eric Yorba
(KTM); 5. Shawn Grine n (KTM). 60 BEG: I. Kyl Wolack
(Yam) ; 2. Bla ke li lly (Kaw); 3. Kyle Bra ke bill (Kaw) ; 4.
Brand o n O livares (Suz); 5. Tristan Post (!Lacombe (KTM). 50 OPEN: I. T·Oon lerille (KTM). 65
BEG: I. Col by Lacombe (KTH); 2. Ty Jones (Kaw) ; 3. T-Don
lerille (Kaw) ; " . Paul Camino (Kaw); 5. Beaux Martin (Kaw).
65 OPEN: I. Adam WoIsefer (Kaw) ; 2. Beaux Martin (Kaw).
80 BEG : I. Josh Udilay (Hon ); 2. Todd DiGeorge (Hon ); 3.
Ty Jo ne s (Kaw) ; -4. Sco tt Cannino (Ya m) . 8 0 (7 - 1 1) : I.
Brendan Harp (Suz) ; 2. Hunt er Stewart (Yam). 80 (12. 15) :
I . Mitch Goumey (Kaw); 2. D J Cortez (KTM). 80 OPEN :
I. OJ Cortez (KTM); 2. Mitch Gou rney (Kaw) ; 3. Brendan
Harp (Suz); " . Hunter Stewart (Y ). 115 BEG: I. Robby
l erille (Suz); 2. Guy Montana (Suz); 3. C hris Rosso (Suz); " .
Jo sh Adams (Kaw) : 5. Dillon Simmo ns (Hon ). 125 OPEN : I.
Sca n Simo n (Kaw); 2 . Jacob Babin (Yam) ; 3. Kory Bo nd
(Yam) ; " . Patrick Fricts her (KTM); 5. Robby Len lle (Suz). 125
NOV: I. Daniel Crayton (KTM); 2. Warren Virgets (KTM): 3.
D u st in Sampey (Kaw) ; 4. Kory Bo nd (Yam) ; 5 . Michae l
Haffner (KTM). 2 50 NOV: I. Chris Pursell (Hon ); 2. Con nor
l eonard (Hon) ; 3. Gabe Aitken (Yam); .. . Dan Dulap (Y
SR C: I. Marc Gu llotta (KTM); 2. Randy Be noit (Kaw); 3.
John Howard (Kaw); " . Jim McGuire (Hon ).
Glen Helen Raceway Pork
Batman & King Kong
Terrorize ROTMX
A s if it isn't hard enoug h to maintain focus.
/'"'\t he shen anig ans of racers in tights and
capes and gorilla su its (a.k.a. Kurt " Batman"
Sofka Jr. and Mike "King Kong" Mosca ) lighte ned up the atmosp here at the Riverside Old Timers' season finale at Gle n Helen . Running
the trac k backward gave four-str okes a definite
advantage on the long uphill start . but the tight
comers stillallowed the two-strokes to narrow
the gap.
Willie Musgra ve pretty much ran his ow n
race, we ll ahead of the Master B racers. Sofka
held off Dave Eropkin in the first mota but then
stalle d his Yamaha while lead ing the se cond
mota. Eropkin jumped into the lead but then
stalle d his Honda two turns later, hand ing off
t he le ad to Michae l "T he Pup" Ne a l. So fka
stormed from last back up to third fo r second
O nly five points out of third overall for the
year. Br uce Ho ove r had one foot on the
podium with a first-mote win in the Amateur
50 class. Howe ver. Fate did not favor him, as his
Honda died just t hre e feet o ff the st art ing
block. Some 40 kicks late r. he went on the
attac k. but he cou ld only muste r 16th out of 22
r iders . Meanwh ile . Las Vega s r ide r James
McConnell took the overall with 3-1 finishes,
ahead of KTM·mounted RaySimmons (2-2) and
Robert Marchbanks (5-4).
Scott Walker Sr. was a force to be reckoned
with, as he nailed the holeshot in both mot os of
t he Over 50 Novice division. Still, Bill Trave r
managed to po wer his Kawasaki to back-to bac k wins for the overall. Kurt Sofka Sr.
demonstrated that speed is hereditary, placing
seco nd ahead of Denise de Vines (2-3).
40 t h Anniversary
earl Foley also absconded with the holeshot
in both motos of the O ver 40 Expert contest
a nd ne ve r looked back. Mark Moore (2-4)
challenged for second in the first mo to but was
edge d out by Joh n Estes (3 - 2) and Jon
Whitcomb (4-3) in the second moto.
In t he O ver 50 Expe rt d ivision , Dave
Stephe ns went 2-1 for the overall. beati ng out
Jack Roten ( 1-2) and Jack Garland (3-3).
Philip Maust 's second-mota ho lesh ot was
short -lived in Over 40 Amateur action, as Ross
Thompso n too k bac k the lead on the second
lap. Richard Kastner stuck to Thompson's rear
tire in th e first mota and even too k the lead for
one lap but fell back to second whe n the pair
encountered a backmar ker. Tho mpson too k the
overall, with Maust secon d and Craig Petersen
(4-3) third.
Tom Burba's second qualifying ride in th e
Ove r 40 Novice division coul d well get him
bumped up to Amateu r. Burba batt led w ith
Do n Je nse n and finally too k the lead midway
through the first heat . However, Jensen jumped
out front in the second mota and held it all the
way to the end fo r the overall victo ry.
40+ NOV: I. Don Jensen (Yam); 2. Tom Burba ; 3. Jim
Male (Hon); " . Cam Cameron (Hon ); 5. Dale Hequembourg
(Yam). 40+ AM : I. Ross Thompson (Hon); 2. Philip Maust
(Hon) ; 3. Cr aig Pe te rsen (Suz); 4. Richard Kastner (Hon) ; 5.
Ste ve Phillips (Kaw). " 0 + EX: I. Carl Foley (Yam); 2. Joh n
Estes (Y
am); 3. Mark Moore (GG): 4 . Jon Wh itcomb (Yam); 5.
Joh n Tim mermans (Hon) . 50 + NOV: I. Bill Traver (Kaw); 2.
Kurt Sofka Sr. (H a n); 3. De nise d e Vine s (Soz); " . Aske r
larnk jae r (Suz); 5. Scan Walke r Sr. (Han) . 50 + AM : I.
Jame s McC on nell (Ha n); 2. Ray Simmons (KTM); 3. Robert
March banks (Y
am); " . Mo rr ow Flee t (Yam); 5. Tho mas Smith
(Yam). SO+ EX : I . Dave Step he ns (Yam); 2. Jack Rote n
(Yam); 3. Jack Garland (Hon) ; 4 . Te rry Messe r (Hon ). 50+
MSTR: I. Carl Gazafy (Sul ). MSTR A : I. Willy Musgrave
(Yam). MSTR B: I . D ave Ero pkin (H a n) ; 2. Kun Sc fka
Jr. (Yam); 3. Mich ae l N eal (KTM); " . Brian Otto ; 5 . Kirk
Bassett (Yam).