Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_t Gallo (Suz); 3. james Kreitze r (Suz); -4 . Josh Abrecht (Suz); 5. Emmelt Rowbnd (Yom). 80 EXTRA (9· 13)/( 14-IS ), I.)"'" (Suz ): 2.) esse """'" (Yom 3. Kody Price (Hoo): 4. ): Envnett Rowland(Yam); 5. Zachary Cochran (Hon). SlM INI ( 12- IS): I. Tooy (;,110 (Suz) : 2. Kyle Burl 'le (Suz) : 3. [ames Kreitze r (Suz); -4 . Jesse Kuzbyt (Suz); S. Austin Queen (Yam). 115 PRO: I. Nathan Skaggs (Yam); 2. Paul Justus (Suz); 3. Willy Brown ing (Yam); -4. Mike Katin Jr. (Suz); S. Nick Metcalf (Suz). 115 B: I. l evi Kilbarger' (Yam); 2. Zach Ames (Suz); 3. Patrick Massie (Kaw ); -4 . Scott H icke nbo tto m (He n): 5. Dempsey Haning (Yam). 125 C: I . Cameron Re agan (Yam); 2. Tyter Pemberton (Yam); 3. Jesse Russell (Yam); -4. Ronald Veltre (Yam); S. Ryan Persinge r (Yam). 15 0 PRO: I. Willy Brow ning (Yam); 2. Michael Me rcer (Suz): 3. Nick Me tcalf (Suz); -4. Vincen t Kamow (KTM): S. Steve And rich (Suz). 1 50 B: I. bch Ames (Suz); 2. Fletche r Shryock (Kaw): 3. Just in Ne w man (Suz): 4 . David Lee zer (Suz); S. Kyle Schmelze r (Yam). 250 C: I. Tyter Pemberton (Yam) ; 2. Eric Forbe s (Ha n); 3. Cody Upton (Suz); 4 . Ryan Pers inger (Yam) : S. D an ie l Bla ir (Suz). SC H BY: I . Zach Ames (Suz); 2. Le vi Kilbarger (Yam); 3. Nick Edge ll ( -4 . Shawn Jo hnso n (Suz); S. Daniel Harba ugh (KTM). 16-24: I. Perry Hoo ve r (Yam); 2. Pat rick Massie (Kaw) ; 3. Craig Garrett (KTM); 4. Jo sh Ada ir (Suz ); S. Timothy Han ing (Ha n) . 2 5 + A : I . Vince nt Karnow (KTN) : 2. Richard Hoy (H o n ); 3. Dale Slabaugh (Suz): -4 . Mike Blair (Suz): S. Hark Weaver (Kaw). 25 + BlC : I. RandyWight (Yam); 2. Brad Van W lt'lkle (KTM); 3. Donovan Minnear (Hon ); -4 . David leezer (Suz); S. Harold Go ings (Yam). 30 + : I. Dale Slabaugh (Suz); 2. Mark Roop (Suz): 3. Richard Robinson (Suz): -4 . Loren O 'CuIi (KTM): S. Matthew Robinson (Hon). 4 0 + : I. Rkhard Robinson (SU ; I) 2. Rick Custard (Hon) ; 3. Brad Van Winkle (KTM): 4. Vincen t Loyola (Hon ); S. Mark. Farner (Suz ). OPEN BlC: I. Brand on Jones (Hon) : 2. Christopher Robb ins (Hon ): 3. Jason Brown (Ha n); -4 . Malon e Stinso n (Yam). PITI8K: I. David V\!hitcraft (Suz); 2. Eric Fo rbes (Han) ; 3. Ross Adams (Yam); -4 . Kim Hamilton (Yam): S. Nkbolas Ca rroll (Suz). Sund a y MI CRO (4 -6 ) : I. Nash Kissel (KT M) ; 2 . Tate Bro ck (KTM): 3. Stephen Gre tchen (KTM): 4 . Caleb House r (lem): S. Lucas Mason (KTM). MICRO (4-8) : I. Caleb Houser (Cob) ; 2. Austin Adkins (Cob) ; 3. Nicholas Jones (KTM): -4 . Hud son Park. (KTM); S. Shane Smaltwood (C o b). MIC RO (7-8) : I. Darren Walsk (Pol); 2. D~vey Boysel (KTM): 3. Jesse Wahen (KT M); 4. Seth Ha rnishfege r ( KT M); S. G un nar Flavell (KTM). 6 5 (7 -9) : I. TyJer Wozbe y (KTM): 2. Jacob Berger (Suz); 3. Zane Bum s (Suz): ... Matthew Blum (Suz); 5. Blake Hoffman (SuI) . 6 5 ( 10 . 11) : I . Austin Primavera (Suz); 2. Tyler little (Kaw) ; 3. Michae l Mahaffey (KTM): -4. Rodcy Parsons (Kaw): S. Ste ve n G ross ( Kaw) . 80 (1 - 1 1) : I. z.ctwy Cochnn (Hoo), 2. Ilnndon ReIYnen (Suz ), 3. lYIer Utrle (Kaw); -4. Jeffre y Parker (Suz); S. Nicholas taut (Suz) . 80 (1 2 - 15) : I. Tony Gallo (Suz): 2. Kody Price (Ha n): 3. Em me tt Row land (Yam) : -4 . James Kre itzer (Suz); S. Jos h Abr echt (Suz). 80 EX TRA (9 - 1] )/( 14- 15 ): I. Em me tt Rowtand (Yam): 2. Kody Price (Hon ): 3. J osh Abrecht (Suz); -4. Houston Wireman (Hon) ; 5. J.J. Anderson (Hon) . S/ MINI ( 12- 1S): I. James Kreitzer (Suz): 2. Je sse Kuzbyt (Suz); 3. Tony Gallo (Suz): 4. Chase Fry (Suz): S. Dustin Dou glas (Suz). 115 PRO: I. Nick Met calf (Suz); 2. Nathan Skaggs (Yam); 3. Mike Kattn Jr. (SUI); 4 . Michae l Merce r {SUI} ; 5. Willy Bro w n ing (Yam) . 12 5 B: I . Zac h Ame s (SUI) : 2. l e vi Kilbarger (Yam): 3. De rric k Arledge (KTM); 4. Pe rry Hoo ve r (Yam); 5. Shawn lies (Suz). 125 C: I. Casey Mull (Yam): 2. Tyson Snyder (Kaw ); l . Ryan Persinger (Yam): -4. Jason Garber (Suz): S. Allen McClure (Kaw). 250 PRO: I. Mike Katin Jr. (Suz): 2. Willy Browning (Yam); 3. Doug Gall (KTM); 4. Shaun Kuchler (Hon ); S. John Wisenbarger (Yam) . 1 50 B: I. bch Ames (Suz): 2. Ross Adams (Yam): 3. Justin Newman (Suz); 4 . Brian Bonham (Hon) : S. Aaron Striddand (Hon ). 250 C: I. Tyter Pemberton (Yam) : 2. Ryan Pe.-Pnger (Yam) ; 3. Chad Go'"g (Kaw ): -4. Danie l Blair (Suz); S. William Young (Suz). S CH BY: I. Zach Ames (Suz); 2. levi Kilbarger (Yam) ; 3. Devan Welch (Suz): -4 . Daniel Harbaugh (KTM); 5. Tony Gallo (Suz). 16- 24 : I. Perry Hoover (Yam ); 2. Derrick Arledge (KTM): 3. Brock Evans (Suz): -4. Scott Hickenbonom (Hon) : S. lAnce Mowel l (Suz). 25 + A : I. Vincent Kamow (KTM): 2. Mark Roop (Suz): 3. Matthew Robinson (Ho n): 4. Richard Robinson (Suz); S. Dwigh t Voltz Jr. (Hon) . 25 + B/C : I. Brad Van Winkle (KT M): 2. l oren o'cou (KT M); 3. D o no va n Min near (Ho n); 4. Brian Purd y (Yam); S. Jaso n Holb rook (Yam). ]0 + : I. Mark. Roop (SUI): 2. Richard Robinson (SuI ); 3. D o no van Minne ar (Hon); 1. Dwight Volt z Jr. (Han); S. Lo re n O'Cull (KTM). 40 + : L Richard Robinson (Suz): 2. Rick Custard (Ha n); 3. Brad Van Wi nk le (KT M): 4. Tom Young (Yam); S. Kim Hamilton (Yam) . OP EN B/C : I. Jeff Wippel (Yam): 2. Brandon Jones (Hon ); 3. Dan jones (Yam): -4. Christopher Robbins (Hon ): S. William Weaver Jr. (Yam) . P IT/BK: I. David Whitcraft (Suz): 2. Ross Adams (Yam): 3. Kim Hamilt on (Yam): 4. Carl Custard (Hon ). Clark Ca un ty Are nacro ss Scra mbles Watts Upl By JUSTIN WHARTON BATTLEGROUND, WA, DEC. 6 A le e Watts w as untou chabl e in t he 8 5cc /""\ranks at the third race of the Clar k Co unty Are nacr os s Scra mbl e s . Wa t ts pil o t ed his MS R/Renthal/Pro Caliber/P hatrix/jjW Designsbacked Suzuki to a perleet swe e p of the 85cc Expe rt and 85cc O pe n classes. In the a scc Open ma in event, Watts blasted into the lead off the start, with Ben Baldasano close beh ind. Watts immed iately stretched out a lead, leaving beh ind fellow Suzuki ride r Dustin Sullivan . Bra e Barn e s and Baldasano ba tt le d briefly, but even tually Barn es solidified his thirdplace pOSition, w hile Baldasa no se tt led for fo urt h. Watts too k a conv incing win, and second we nt t o Sullivan , w hile th ird w as t aken by Barnes. Fourth went to Baldasano, and Tho mas Pe ace ro unded out the to p five. W atts perfo rm e d a re pe at in t he e s cc Expert main eve nt , and desp ite Sullivan's best e fforts, he c o u ld n' t sta y o n pace w ith th e ultraq uick, I I-year-old Watts . T he battling Ba ld as an o an d Ba r ne s foll o w e d d istan t ly. Barn e s, who last yea r wa s co mpet ing on an X R80 , wa s now sho w ing o ff his new found a re nacro ss skills, and he pu lle d away from Baldasa no . Watt s won , se co nd wa s t ake n by Sullivan, Barnes stormed to a solid third, fou rth we nt to Baldasano, and Tyler Meade picked up fifth. The ICO-15Occ Four-Str oke Women ·s class provid ed some unusual exciteme nt as friends jessie Wharton and Cassidy Bragg waged battle . In the main event, Bragg got a litt le sidew ays off the start , yet she held on to a go od positio n. Wharton was not as fo rt unate and had to work her way up to Bragg. When Whart on did, she did everything in her power to pass Bragg, but it pr ov ed t o be a litt le ha rd e r tha n she ' d 50 th o ught. Behind th e tw o racers was Yamaha ride r Katie Elme r, but she co uldn't keep pace with the two Suzuki riders up fron t. When the c he c ke red flag ca me out , Bragg e dge d o ut Wharton just e no ugh to take the wi n. Second place wa s taken by Wh art o n, and Elme r was third , while Lisa Moo re finished fo urt h. In the Big Bike O pe n main event, the ride rs too k off a little he Sita ntly, as there was a trick start, and some riders we re a little unsure o f t hemsel ve s. Taking the holesh ot was Jame s Hamilton, wh ile second place was occupied by his brother Danie l Hamilton . The tw o siblings raced around the tr ack, but Jame s even tua lly bu ilt up en ough o f a le ad for some breat hing ro o m , while Dan iel wa s t ry ing to ad just t o riding a borro wed KX2S0 four-st roke . In t he latt er stages of the race , Danie l tried a do uble jump out of a corner that no o ne e lse had tried t hr oughout th e day. and he e nded up flying through the banners! Taking over t he seco nd place wa s Kyle Laude rmilk, w hile Daniel was slow to get up. Danie l finally re mo unted and cros se d th e line in third, and fourth went to Cra ig Peters on. I. Cooper Garza (KTM). 6 5 OPEN : I. Aust in Van Met er (KTM): 2 . Talyn Taylo r (KTM): a. Ryan Mira nd a. (KT M) . 10-1 10 4 -STRK STK (3 -8) : I. Justin Richardson (yam): 2. KyieJotvlson (; 3. Brian Bemet (Hon) . 70 -11 0 4 -ST RK STK (9-1 ]): I. Christian Peterson (Han): 2. Shannon Holt (Hon ); l . Saw' Wiles (Hon) ; -4 . Kasey Bond (Hon ); 5. Kabe Elmer (Yam). 1Q. 1 10 4 -STRK MOD (9 - 13): I. Tra vis Ohge (Ho n) . 1 0 -11 0 4-STRK STK ( 14+): I. Justin Wharton (Xu ). 70· 110 4-STRK MOD ( 14 +), I. Nk Ohge (Hoo): 2. Dale Peste s (Hon) . 8 5 BEG : I . Austin Van Meter (Hon ); 2. Erik Marring (Yam); 3. Alex Coleman (Yam): 4. Wes Ochs (Yam): 5. Cody Sigle (Suz). 85 OPEN BEG: I. Erik Morring (Yam): 2. Alex Coleman (Yam): 3. Charles wheeler (Suz): 1. Devan Murra y (Kaw). 85 EX: I. Alec Wa tts (Suz); 2. Dust in Sullivan (Suz ); 3. Brcc Barnes (Suz); -4. Ben Baldasano (Ha n): 5. Tyler Mea de (K.1w). 85 OPEN: I. Alec. Watts (Suz): 2. Dustin Sullivan (Suz): 3. Brcc Barnes (Suz): 4 . Ben Baldasano (Han); 5. Th o mas Pea ce (Yam) . 100·150 4 -STRK STK WMN: I. Cass idy Bragg (Suz); 2. Jessie Wha rton (Suz) : 3. Katie Elmer (Yarn): -4 . Usa Moore (Hon ). 100 -15 0 4 -ST RK STK (o--Il): I. Dannilaulinen (Hon) : 2. Tyler Baker (Yam); l . Gavin McGee (Suz). 100- 1S0 4 -STR K STK ( 14+): I. Ted Holt (Hoo): 2. Thom:u Peace (Hoo). 100 · 1SO 4- ST RK MOD ( 14+): L Thomas Peace (Hon ): 2. Dale Pestes (Hon) ; 3. Brandon Graviet (Yam). 125 BEG : I. Ty1er Flanagan (Suz): 2. Brandon Johnson (Suz): 3. Anthony Pearson (Slu): 4 . Clark Moore (Suz): S. Tyson Graham (Yam). 2 50 BEG: I . Tyson Glawe (Ho n); 2. Jeff Kimbrough (Ho n); 3. Bra nd on Bum (Kaw ); -4. Aaron Gruettke (Hon): S. Andy Daooson (Hon) . ] 0+ BEG : I . Jeff Kimbrough (Hon) : 2. Robert Shaffer (Hon ): 3. Andy David so n (Hon ): 4. Shannon Barn e s (Yam). ]0 + SPTSMN : I. Garren Elme r (Yam); 2. Clark Moore (KTM): 3. Craig Hillesiand (Ha n). 40 + BEG : I. Tom Potter (Yam); 2. Steven Potter (ATK) . 4 0 + SPTSMN : I . Robe rt Schuh (Han); 2. Ted Holt (Han). BIB K: I . James Hamilton (Hon): 2 . Kyle Laudermu'c (HNl) ; 3. Dan''''' Ham ilto n (Hon ); 4. Craig Peterson (K.1w). Edwards Air Farce Ba se Prince Crowned King By GREG ROBERTSON EDWARDS AFB, CA, DEC. 7 ilo ting his Answ er/P ro Tape r/66 1/ Go at. backed yz 125, Tony Prince split moto wins P with Anatol Kozlows ki to top the (2Scc No vice class at Edwards Air Force Base d uring California Racing Club 's Sunday motocross. Max Harter shot his YZ 250 F int o an imme diate first -m ote lead; unfo rtun at el y for Hart er, it only lasted abo ut three turns before he went down in the Edwards sand . Kozlowski found himself run ning ou t front , ahead of Ryan Rie ss, Prince and Ken Slater. Prince displa ced Rie ss ba ck t o t hird place a nd then quic kly closed to the back fende r of Kozlowski. T he Yamaha-mo unted duo argued ove r the lead all th e w ay t o t he c hecke rs , w ith Ko z lowski kee ping Prince at bay for the w in. Th ird went to Ri ess, followed by Corey Mart in and Harter. Prince dec ided he had eate n eno ugh sand in the op e ning moto and procee de d to absco nd wit h th e holesh ot in moto two t o cure t hat pro blem . Prince e njoye d a slight lead for th e first co up le o f lap s be fo re bo t h Rie ss a nd Kozlowski reeled him in. Riess faded slightly as the race con tinued , making it a two-ride... battle ove r the to p Spot. Prince uppe d th e pa ce on the final circuit to secure the overa ll on a 2- 1 day. Kozlowski finished second in the mo ta for seco nd ove rall, with Mart in (4-3), Slate r (6-4) and Harter round ing ou t the top five. Reggie Lamson nabbed the hole shot in the opening Senior Amateur moto abo ard his new RM2S0 , ahead of Fran k Mattoc ks , De a n Je nnings and Mike Go sse laar. By lap three , Gosse laar had made his way into th e lead on his CRF250R. and he held off Lamson for the win. Jennings, Mattoc ks and Randy Winslow engaged in a go od bat t le o ver th ird for most o f the moto , with Matt ocks coming o ut o n to p. Lamson reeled off another holeshot and led mo to two for a littl e more than a lap befo re Gosse laar outb rak e d him go ing into a turn . Gos selaar's reign lasted a co uple of laps, until Lamson fo und a way ba c k around hi m. It became a dash to the chec kers, but Goss elaar w e nt down jus t two tu rn s fr o m t he finish, handing Lamson the win and, with it, the overall honors. Mattoc ks prev ailed in a battle wi th Winslow for third over all on 3-3 ride s. RESULT S SIP/W (4-6), I. N,d>olM )0.... (Lem) . SIP/W (7-9): I. Joseph Reynolds (KTM): 2. Dillon D runvnen (KTM): 3. Diego Ben ed etti: 4. Ryan Cantrell (KTM): 5. Race Lombardi (KTM). I) 65 BEG : I. Jason Bunch (SU : 2. She lby War d (Kaw). 65 (4 -8): I. Joseph Reynolds (KTM); 2. Bre nde n Murra y (KTM): 3. James Hen (SUI ). 65 (9-1 1): I. Joe y Savatgy (KTM): 2. Mich ae l Baker (Kaw) ; 3. Chris C a rr illo (Kaw) ; 4 . D illa n Ep stein (Suz) . 85 BE G : I. Joey Savagty (Su z) : 2 . Er ic Naumetz (Suz ): 3 . Christian West (Hon): -4 . Justin Jo ne s (Kaw): S. Edd ie Arke (Yam). 8 5 (7 -11 ) : I. Cody Eastman (Su z ); 2. Na than H e igh t (Ha n) . 8 5 ( 14-1 6 ) : I. D re w Go sse laar (Suz): 2. 8roc Condon (Suz). SiMIN I: I. Ryan Robison (Hon) . 125 NOV: I. Tony Prince (Yam); 2. Anat ol am Korlowski (Y ): 3. ~ Martin (Kaw ): -4 . Ken Slater (Y ): am S. Max Harter (Yam ). 125 INT: I. Ryan Reina (Yam); 2. Jimmy Hazel (Yam ) ; 3. Ryan Peterson (Su z): -4 . Brett Auerbach (Yam). 125 PRO: I . Jeff Eide (Hon) : 2. Nicholas Burson (Kaw) . 150 BEG : L Matthew Zang (Yam): 2. loren Sharp (SuI ); 3. Cory locKwood (KTM); -4 . Brian Evans (Hon). 250 NOV: I. Kasey Morris (Kaw). 250 INT: I. Bryon Ward (Hon): 2. Gra nt Moo re Jr. (Suz): 3. Bra ndo n Reina (Yam). RESULTS SO BEG O il-IN) : I. Corbin Kesler (KTM); 2. Tmothy Meade Jr. (Yam) ; 3. Jace Siderius (Yam ): 4 . Ryan Martin (KT M): S. Za cha ry W illiam s (SUI ). 50 BEG : I. Jordan ConkJin (KTN): 2. Andrew Nessel (Pol): 3. Shawn Harmon (KT H) : 4 . Iwty Cu",! (KTH) : S. D"'o<3 Whanoo (Pol). SO (4 -6): I. Samue l Mercer (KTM); 2. Ryde r Waite (Pol) . 50 (7 -8 ): I. Mitchell Vaughn (KTM); 2. Mason Wharton (Pol): 3. Cody Smith (KTM) : 4. Brenden Del..,.".. (KTM) : S. Skyl.,. Ha ine s (Suz). 50 4 -STRK STK (3 . 8 ): I. Andrew Nessel (Hon); 2 . Justin Richardson (Hon): l . Justice Sathe r (Hon) ; 4 . Trist an Bo nd (Ha n) . 50 4-STRK STK (9-1l ) : I. j e ss ie Wharton (Suz). 50 4-STRK MOD (9 - 1]): I. Cooper Garza (Hon) . 50 4·STRK MOD ( 14 +): I. Justin Wharton (Xu): 2. Aron Gruettke (H on) . 50 OPEN: I. Samuel Mercer (KTM): 2 . Mitchell Vaughn (KTM): 3. Walker Roe (KTM): -4. Saige Rilatos (Cob ); S. Mason 'Nharton (Pol). 65 BEG : I. Mitche ll Vaughn ( 2. Mason Holt (Kaw): 3. Aaron Beck. (Kaw): -4 . ): Mason Wharton (Suz): S. Jeffrey King ( ). 65 (4 -8): I. Talyn Taytor (KTM): 2 . Ryan Mira nd a (KTN) . 65 (9 - 1 1) : JANUAR 21, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Y Tony Prince (916) topped the 125cc Novices during Ca lifornia Racing Club Sunday motocross action at Edwards Air Force Base. 40 t h Anniversary

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