Fl o r ida Winter Am Series
Round I: Gatorback Cycle Park
Skinner Takes the Opener
A lmo st 900 riders attended the op en ing
/""\,-o und of the Florida W inter Am Series,
and American SuzukiNlMR Co mpetition Perfo rmance/ Shift-backed Shaun Skinner re igned
in th e A and Pro div isions over th e two days of
racing. The two-ti me loretta's cham p scored
th r ee out of four overall wins against some
serious compe tit ion . Had he no t stalled his
bike off the line and then lost the left grip on
his han dle bar in Sat urday 's o pe ning 250cc A
mo te . he may very we ll have swept them all, as
he came back to win th e second o uting, ahea d
of ove rall win ner Jacob Saylo r. w ho to o k top
hono rs w ith a pair of runner-up finishes.
Perfor man ce Ho nd a's Earl May was th e
other tr iple winner at ro und o ne, scori ng w ins
in the Ove r 25, Over 35 and Ove r 40 classes.
Ohio 's Matt Barn e s was q uickest off the
ga te in the o peni ng 125cc A mo to , ahead of
Ski nner a nd Kawa saki teammates D o nn ie
McGo urty and Kyle C hisho lm, Yamaha suppo rt
ri de r Pau l Pe reb ijnos , an d Michiga n's Jo sh
Lichtl e . Skin ner too k the po int on lap two.
Bar ne s , Ch ish o lm , Mc Gourty and lich t le
fo llo w ed . Barn es fade d to fift h, a nd Licht le
passed McGourty for third, but Skinner ran to
th e checkers unchecked. Lichtle crossed the
line six seconds be hind C hisho lm , in thi rd .
McGourty finished fou rth .
Mc Go u rty nai led the se co nd- m o ta
holeshot, with Skinner and Uchtle in his wake.
The thr ee quickly bro ke away fro m the pack.
McGourty was simp ly flawless lap after lap;
and gifte d on -t ra ck perfo rm ances drew ra ve
reviews fro m t he vie w ing pu blic . T he F&S
Suzuki-spo nso red Ames tallied a total of seven
class wins over the three-day eve nt, capturing
the 250cc B class on each day and a few wins in
th e 12Scc B and Schoolbo y class es as well.
Ki lbarge r, o n his Y
amaha, on ly had two wins. yet
he wa s aggressive and co nsta nt ly cha rging all
weeken d lo ng.
In th e e lder ly-e xpr ess de partment , t here
was an army of fast and old guys tearing up the
jumpy circu it and a w hole lot of gre at racing
go ing o n. Ohio 's leg end ary " King Richard "
Robinso n wo rked his new F&S Suzuki ride to a
few class w in s , w hile Ma r k Ro op , Da le
Slaba ugh, Brad Van Winkle and Rick C usta rd
were all brilliant thr ougho ut the mo to fest . each
making the podium a regular meeting place .
despite numerous pass attempts by Skinner, he
held on to win. With less than half a lap to go ,
Skinner messed up his drive out of the comer
before the famous "Elevato r " step-up jump .
and Lichtle new over his head to ma ke the
daring pass int o second . Skinner re claim e d
second for good four turns later.
Skinne r ( 1-2) won overall , w ith McGourty
(4 - 1) second and Lich t le (3-3 ) edging out
Chisholm (2-4) for th ird.
In Sunday 's 12Scc Pro class , Barnes again
scored the holes hot in the o pe ning 20-m inute
mota and led the fre ight trai n that w ent all t he
wa y back to ninth place. Skinner was fou rt h
but fo rce d his way t o seco nd o n lap two .
Ch isholm and Lichtle batt led fo r third. Skinner
made a bold pass o n Barnes. and C hisholm also
passe d Barnes fo r secon d o n the same lap. By
halfway, Lichtle had joined th e leade rs , and the
t hree stead ily dista nced thems e lves from th e
pack. Ski n ner t o o k t he mo ta wi n by t w o
seco nds ove r Ch isho lm: Lichtle w as e ight
seco nds behind in third.
In mo t o two . Skinner wres tled the le ad
from Mc Gourty o n t he se co nd lap and
streaked away fo r the two -mo te sweep and
the lion's share of t he Pr o purse . Chisholm
fought past Johnso n, Saylo r and McGo urty to
secure a runner-u p finish with his 2-2 posting .
REsws: DEaM8Ul27-28, 2003 (ROUND 1)
Satu rda y
so S T K (4 ·6): I. Coleman Martin (C o b ); 2 . Maso n
Price (Pol) ; 1. Bailey Enlo w (Co b ); 4. Ch rist opher Salte r
(Lem ); 5. Zach>rt Sande" (KTM). 50 STK (7.8), I. B
McMic hae l (KTM); 2. R.j. Ham psh ire (Po l); 1.
Matthew Burkeen (Co b); 1. Joshua Hyde (Suz );
5. [ar e k Balkovic:(KTN ). 65 (7-9 ): I. Zachary
Bell (Kaw) ; 2 . Lucas Lo w e (KTM); 1. Ga vin
'Irer tte (5uz) ; .of . Ada m Ctanciarutc (Kaw) ; S.
Benjamin Lau (Kaw ). 65 ( IQ..I I): I. Brandon
Mays (KTN) ; 2. Tyle r Moo re (Kaw ); 1. Justin
Starlin g (Suz ); 4 . Cameron Reas (KTM); S. Ian
Tre tt el (Suz). 85 (7 - 11): I. Malcolm Stewart
(Kaw) ; 2. Ian Trette l (5u z); 1. Tyle r Moore
(KTM); 4. MIChael Oar-ke (Yam S. Robby Hus.s
(Yam). 85 ( 11-1 3): I . Nee lui (Suz) ; 2. Austin
Stroupe (Yam); 1. Ben lamay (SUl); 4. Taytor
Joh nson (5u z); S. Blake W harto n (Suz) . 85
(1 4 . 15) : I. WilHam D uff y (Sua }: 2 . Jac ob
Patter so n (Yam) ; 1. Jo e Lafa lce (Suz); 4. Bo
Part" j q Suz); 5. joey Desane(Suz). 125 A: I.
5h a un Skinn er (5 uz ); 2 . Donald McG o u r t y
(Kaw); 1. Josh UchtJe (Suz); 4. Kyle Ch isho lm
(K.lw ); 5. Kerth Johnoon (Hon ). 125 B, I. Kyle
Me e ks (Kaw ); 2. Kyle To b in (Suz); 1. Martin
Davalos(Suz); 1. Chase 'Nhi tten (Yam); S. Cody
Patterson (Yam). 125 C: I. Troy Snyder (Suz);
2. Jacob Miller (Hon ); 1. Camilo Gomez (Yam);
.of . Jon Boydston (Yam ); S. Glen Mart in (Kaw ).
12S O P EN (N O A RID ERS ): I. Kyt Mee ks
(Kaw); 2. Kyl Tobin (Suz); 1. Cody Patterson
(Yam ); 4 . Andrew Zambon (Kaw) ; S. Ja son
Villatico (Kaw). 2S0 OPEN (N O A RIDER S):
I . Jonathan Camp (Kaw); 2. C o le Studst ill (Yam
1. Brad ley Bern ier (Y
am); 4. Sage Foste r (Yam);
5 . John Lundy (Hon) . 150/ S0 0 A: I. Jacob
Saylor (Y
arn); 2. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw): 1. Keith
Johnson (Hon ); .of. Donald McGourty (Kaw ); S.
Matt Barnes (Ya m) . 25 0 / 5 0 0 B : I . Brent
Shaun Skinner was nearly flawless at
C arden (Han ); 2. Jonathan Ca m p [Kaw}; 1.
Gatarback, taking wins in the 125cc A,
Qu inton Bigalow (Yam); 4. RyanWarren (Kaw);
S. Dale Kump (Ya m) . 2 50 / 50 0 C: I. Er ic
125cc Pro and 250cc Pro cla sses at the
McCan n (Yam ); 2. Bra d Haar (Han) ; 1. Billy
Florida Winter
Nelson (Y ); 4. Christopher Panne (Hon) ; 5 .
Am Series opener.
Guy Gelinas (Hon ).
Su nd a y
Charbonneau (Hon ); 2. Dustin Pulley (Hon ); 1. Scott Jendro
50 OPEN : I . Brett McMi chae l ( KT M) ; 2. Daria n
(Hon); 4. Kyle Meeks (Kaw); 5. Cole 5wdsti ll (Yam). WM N :
Robins on (Co b) ; 1. Brandon Slan e ( KT M) ; 4. Ma x
I . April Hodges (Kaw ); 2. Kassie Wilks (Y ; 1. Kandise
Tannenbaum (KTM) 5. Darren Walsh (KTM). 6 5 OPEN : I.
lind ley (Hon) ; .of . Jenn ifer Squire (Yam); 5. Brianna Mahon
Ian Trettel (5uz); 2. Scott EIderl" (KTM); 1. Br3ndon Mays
(Suz). 16-24: I. Jordan Peeples (Yam); 2. Martin Davalos
(KTH) ; • . J"'tin 5wling (Suz); 5. Garrett Smith (Suz). 8 5 JR
(Su1:); 1. Matt Joh nson (Hon) ; 4. Bradley Benver (Yam); 5.
MINI (9- 13): I. Austin Stroupe (Yam); 2. Blake 'Nharton
(Suz); 1. Cotten Maynard (Suz); 4. Malcolm Ste wart (Kaw) ;
Ryan War re n (Kaw ). 2 S+ : I. Earl May (Ho n); 2. Jarren
5. Ian Trett el (Suz). 5lMI N I 10 5 ( 12. 15): I. Nico lu i (Suz);
Tipping (Suz); 1. Lee Tatham (KTM); i . Kevin Co 1add (Suz);
2. Austin Strou pe (Yam); 1. Cotten Maynard (Suz); 4. Craig
S. Lee Spann (Hon ). 30 + : I. Barry Carsten (Suz); 2. Earl
Dube (K.lw) ; 5. Ben Lamay (Suz). 125 YTH ( 12 - 15), I.
H ay (Hen) ; J. lee Tatham (KTM); 4 . Gayton Die""'" (K.lw) ;
KyleTabon (Suz); 2. Camden Cruz ( Kaw); J. Cody Patterson
5. I (Y ); J . D:Md John"", (Yam); • .
(Hon); S. C had Charbonneau (H o n). 4 -S T R K: I . Chad
Ronnie Ray(Hen); 5. H ,ke Caiazza (Hen) .
5/MINI ( 12-1 5): I. James Kreitzer- (Suz); 2. Tim GIas.sbum
(Suz). 12S PRO: I. Nick Metca lf (Suz); 2. Vincent Kamow
(!cob a....,. (Suz). 65 (10-1 1), I. Jan- J"'tice (KTH ); 2.
Jesse Kuzbyt (KT M); 1. Aust in Prim avera (Suz); .of . Mitch
Dowell (KTM); 5. Michael Mahaffey (KTM). 80 (7 - 11): I.
Nick Metcalf (3) nabs the holeshot in Friday's 125cc Pro contest
at round four of the American Motosparts Ohio Arenacross
Championships in Columbus.
McClure (Kaw); S. Mark Roush (Hon) . lS0 PRO: I. Mike
Katin Jr. (Suz); 2. Na than Skaggs (Yam) ; 1. Willy Browning
(Yam) ; 4. Michae l Mercer (Suz); 5. Doug Gall (KTM). 150 B:
I . Zach Ames (Suz) ; 2. jesse Miller (Hon ); 3. Kyle Schmel zer
(Yam); .of. Scott Schindler (Hon ); S. Ross Adam s (Yam). 2S0
C: I. Tyier Pemberton (Y ); 2. Johnny Qu inn (Yam); 1. Ryan
Pe rs inge r (Yam) ; .of . Daniel wnscn (Suz) ; S. Cody Upton
(Suz). SCHBY: I . Levi IGlbarger (Yam 2. Zach Ame s (Suz);
1. Daniel Harbaugh (KTM 4. Devan Welch (Suz); S. Emmett
Row land (Yam) . 16 ·24: I . Do ug Gall (KTM) ; 2. Derric k
Arledg e (KTM); 1. Josh Adair (5uz); .of. Ross Adams (Yam); S.
Perry Hoov er (Yam). 25 + A : I. Vincent Kamaw (KTM); 2.
Mike Blair (Suz); 1. Richard Hoy (Hon ); .of. Mark Roop (Suz);
S. Ric har d Robinson (5uz) . 25 + ole : I . Loren o'ccu
(KTM); 2. Randy Wight (Yam); 1. Scott Curren (Kaw ); 4. Dan
Jone s (Yam); S. Jason Holbr ook (Yam). 30 + : I. Mark Roop
(Suz); 2. Richard Robinson (5uz); 1. Kevin H ildebrand (Suz);
4. Matt hew Robinson (Hon ); 5 . Dan Jones (Yam). 40 + : I.
Brad Van Winkle (KTM); 2. Richard Robinson (Suz); 1. Rick
Custard (Hon); 4. Hark Fa rn e r (5uz); 5 . Vincent Loyo la
(Hon ). OPEN B/C: I. Brandon Jones (Hon); 2. Mike Seife rt
(H on ); 1. Ch rist opher Robbins (Ho n); .of . Malon e Stinson
(Y . PIT /B K: I . Davk:l Vv'hitcr.!ft (Suz ); 2 . Patric k Mauie
(Kaw) ; 1. Ross Adams (Yam) ; .of . Perry H oo ve r (Yam) ; 5 .
Andrew Hyde r (Y ).
MIC RO (4- 6) : I . Shane Smallwood (C o b); 2. Robe rt
Stiers (KTM); 1. Robert Vall (KTM); .of . Stephen Gretchen
(KTM); 5. Nash Kissel (KT H) . MICRO (4 . 8 ) : I. Caleb
Hou"" (Cob) ; 2. Shane 5maJIwood (Cob); J . N ~"'" jones
(KTM); 4 . lucas Mason (KTM); S. Dr u Ca mpbell (KTM).
MICRO ( 7 -B): I. Darren Wal sh (Po l); 2 . Da ve y Boysel
(KTM); 1. Logan Piccirillo (Suz); 4. Jesse Walters (KTM); S.
Sam Napodano (l em ). 65 (7 -9), I. Tyfe< Wozbey (KTM); 2.
Egan RoseN(KTM); 1. Davey Boysel (KTM); .of . Derek Stinson
(Kaw) ; 5. Derek Fowle< (KTM ). 6 5 ( 10- 11)' I. Jan- J.".;ce
(KTM); 2. Austin Pr imavera (Su z): 1 . Michael Mahaffey
(KTM); .of. Blain Brown (Y
am); S. Sheldon Haudenshild (KTM).
80 (7 .1 1): I. James Justice (KTM); 2. Austin Prinvven. (Sut) ;
J . Zach>rt Codvan (Hen ); '. Nichola> Laut (5oz); 5. H ichael
Hahaffey (KTH) . 80 ( 12. 15), I. Kyle Burl,1e (Suz) ; 2. Tony