Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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American Matosports Arenacross Championship Serie s
Rounds 7- 9: Hende rson 's Arena Complex
Chamberlain Invades Jackson!
JACKSON, OH, DEC. 12· 14
anada's Pie rce Cha mberlain came down
from the frozen north and thr ew the locals
fo r a loop, as the Yama ha-m o unted Pro
wrecked the Saturday party for the large group
of Expert riders who had gathered mostly from
Ohio and its ne igh bori ng states . Driving 10
hours from his hometown of Freelton , O ntario ,
the Yamaha Canada and Machine Racing-backed
Pro just barely made it in time for Saturday
night' s racing, yet he put on quite a show for a
late arrival.
Taking a fourth- place start on his blue 2S0cc
machine, Chamberla in quic kly scramble d his
way up front for the win. Then, in the 125cc
Pro class, it was all business for the Canadian, as
he jumped on an intense holeshot and sto rmed
off for the win. john Wisenbarger, Friday night's
125cc Pro main-event winner, came in second.
Wisen barger and Cincinnati's Doug Gall battled
it out with northern O hio fast guys Mike Katin
and Vince Karnow all weekend, gaining some
successful trips to the podium and heaps of co ld
cash a long t he way. Ho w e ve r, Sa turday
be longed to the Ca nadian , as C hambe rlain
simply stormed this fo rme r horse arena nea r
jac kson , tak ing both of Saturday night's Pro
classes and the respect of the cro wd . He was
e xtremely fast, especially in the comers.
On Sunday, Chamberlain finished in the
runne r-u p sp ot, behind Wisen barger, in the
12Scc Pro main - the best race of the weekend.
Cha mberlai n once again mastered the 2S0cc
Pro class.
Friday's main events we re all about Gall and
Wisenbarger, as Wisenbarger tore up the 12Scc
Pro classes w hile Gall to ppe d the 2S0cc Pro
mains on his KTM.
Once aga in, F&S Suzuki's "Zac h Attac k"
Ames put on a " fe st iva l of s pe e d . " The
inc redibly talented IS-ye ar-ol d na tive of
Prospect, O hio, was unbeatable all w ee ke nd .
Ames nonchalantly spanked the Inte rmediate
classes, dusting off his RM Suzukis and rompi ng
away with every J2Scc and 2S0cc B-c1ass moto
over t he wee kend. As fo r his " a cade m ic"
endeavors, he also whisked his way through the
Schoo lboy division with ease.
M ICRO (4- 6) : I . Tat e Bro ck (KTM): 2. Na sh Kisse l
(KTM); 3. Sean O rders Jr. (KTM); 4. Hudso n Park (KTM); S.
Lucas Mason (KTM). MICRO (4-8): I. Caleb Houser (tern):
2. N icholas Jones (KTM); 3. Lucas Mason (KTM); 4. Dylan
Voltz (KTM); S. Tyler Reno (KTM). MICRO (7-8): I. Darren
Walsh (KTM); 2. Dave y Boys el (KT M); 3. Jesse Wa lte r s
(KTM); 4. Gavin Chinn (Co b); S. Nathan Yode r (Kaw). 65
(7- 9) 0 · 1: I. Cody He rron (KTM); 2. Jacob Berger (Suz); 3.
Der ek Fowler (KTM); 4. Zane Burns (Suz); 5. Corey Neely
(Suz). 65 (7 -9) 0 ·2: I. Jake Fowler (Kaw); 2. Matthew Blum
(Suz); 3. Davey Bo ysel (KTM); 4. O ak Welch (Co b); S. Jord an
Bre wer (Kaw). 6 S ( 10-11): I. Austin Primave ra (Suz): 2.
Rocky Parso ns (Kaw) ; 3. Mitch Do w ell (KTM); 4 . Je ffre y
Gra gg (KTM); S. Blain Brown (Yam). 80 (7- 11): I. Jackie
Hoo ver (Yam); 2. Michae l Mahaffey (KTM); l . Rocky Parsons
(Kaw); 4. Zak Ca rter (Kaw); S. Blain Bro wn (Yam) . 80
(12- 15) : I . Jame s Krei t zer (Su z) ; 2. Hou st o n Wi re man
(Hon); 3. Emmett Rowland (Yam); 4. Josh Abrec ht (Suz): S.
Matth ew Prather (Suz). 80 EXTRA (9.1 3)/( 14· 1S): I. Josh
Abrecht (Suz); 2. Emmett Rowland (Y
am); 3. Jame s Kreitze r
(Suz): 4. Kody Price (Hon); S. Matthe w Prathe r (Suz). 125
PRO: I. Joh n Wisenbarger (Yam); 2. Vincent Kamow (KTM);
3. Doug Gall (KTM); 4. Jared Grabiel (Kaw); S. Tony Robinson
(Suz). 12 5 0: I. Za ch Ame s (Suz) ; 2. Derrick Arled ge
(KTM); 3. Pe rry Hoo ver (Y
am); 4. Levi Kilbarge r (Yam); S.
Cody Scott (Ha n). 125 C: I. Garre tt Gatre ll (Hon ); 2. Travis
Ca rr (Yam) ; 3. Tyle r Pemben o n (Yam); 4. Ro nald Veltre
(Yam); 5. Bob Tucker (Yam). 2 50 PRO: I. Doug Gall (KTM);
2. Mike Katin Jr. (SUt); 3. Scott Kuchle r (Yam); .. . Vincent
Kamow (KTM); 5. Steve Jones (KTM). 25 0 B: I. Zach Ames
(Sut) ; 2. Ross Adams (Y
am); 3. Scott Schindler (Hon); ...
Aaron Strickland (Ho n); 5. Brandon Jone s (Hon). 15 0 C: I.
Tyler Pe mbe rton (Yam); 2. Johnny Qui nn (Yam); 3. Darcey
Robe rts (Suz) ; 4 . Willi a m Young (SUt ); 5. Ke nneth
Shiverdec ker (Y
am). SCHBY: I. Zac h Ames (Suz); 2. Levi
Kilbarger (Y m); 3. Devan Welch (Suz); 4. Jo shua Smith
am); S. Allen McClure (!