Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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SJO Productions Supercross De /taP /ex Marsack's Sack of Goodies By BART NEWMAN GRAND RAPIDS, MI, DEC. 12 n Mi chigan, col d w eather in Dece mber is a I given, but that does n't mean racing has t o stop . For three years running. 5JO Productions has turned up th e heat by br inging racing inside. Jac ob Marsac k needed a w he elbarrow - or at least a large sac k - to carry ho me his w innings after topping the DFC and the 250cc Pro main. as w e ll as finishing second in th e 12Scc Pro main. Marsack, John Gre we, Tomm y Barro n and RandyWoodring lined up for the DFC w ith one thing in mind : laying claim to big money. Gr ewe nailed the start , but Woodring had the lead as t he pac k e xited t he w ho o ps. wi t h Grewe, Marsack and Barron giving chase. Marsack got inside of Gre w e and w as no w second , w ith Woodring in his sights . Wit h three laps go ne , Mars ac k w a s on Woodrin g 's tail , w it h t he w ho o ps, a rh ythm sect ion an d thr e e tur ns rem aining. Marsack dived inside of Woodring in an aggressive move that put Woo d ring off the track and Marsack out front for the w in. Woodring' s fast quali fi er had his Treds & Sleds/MCR Suspension/ZM X Kaw asaki on the pol e in t he 12Scc Pro main. Gre w e gra bbe d anoth er hole shot o n his Village Motorsports rid e , but Wo odring wa s on th e mo ve in the w hoo ps, grabbing the lead. With Gr ewe out of the wa y, Wood ring checked o ut, w hile a "'lNVVF battle" broke out over se co nd . Grewe , Mike Mercer, Marsack and Ryan Wh ite wer e all flying, eac h loo king fo r a chance to take se c o nd. Gre w e w as keepi ng the kids at bay until, wit h two laps to go , a lap per and Mercer came into play, and both riders w e nt do wn . Woodring t ook the win o n the back wheel, wh ile Marsack inherited second after the de mise of Grewe and Mercer. Whit e grabb ed third . In t he 2S0cc Pro ma in , it was Marsac k, Grewe, Woodring and Bar ro n roaring down the w ho o p sect ion as the pack left tur n on e . Flowing l ik e l iquid on hi s Champ ionsh ip Po wersp orts/S upe rior Fire Protect ion CRF4S0R, Marsack quickly opened up a lead that wouldn't be touched . Grewe had his hands full with Woodring and Bar ro n and was looking at rea r fenders after lap three, as the pair w ent at it , each hop ing to have a shot at Marsack . At the midway point , Marsack was in control, and Barron w as in second, ho lding off the advances of Wo odring. Grew e was in fourt h. Back-ro w starter Dere k Rose had now crac ked into the to p five. The last half of the race was a riding lesson taug ht by Marsac k, who was the 2S0cc Pro w inne r. Barron took his MXPr ivert SoCal/Scott/Mic helin-backed CRF4S0R to the runner-u p spot. Wood ring grabbed th ird . "I was fast in the whoops ton ight, w hich was t he ke y, " Marsack told t he anno unce r afte rw ard . " Me R Suspen sions has the bike set up perfectly." In SOcc act ion, Ashton Hayes grabbed the hol eshot and held o ff the furious c har ge of Ethan Cooper. The two young lads were on the gas and had the cr owd on its feet , cheering. RESUL TS 50 (4- 6) BEG : I . Etha n Cooper (Yam); 2. Kame-on Shyne (Yam): 3. Michael Har rigan (Yam); 4. Collin Wh itfield (Y am); 5. Spencer Thompson (Ho n). 50 (7-8) BEG : I. Asa Vandermo le n (Yam): 2. Tyler Hage (Hen): 3. Ca itlin Alviar (Hon ); 4. Tyler Nolff (Y ); S. Domi nic T hom pso n (Hon ). 50 am (4 -8) : I . Dillen Finley (KTM): 2. Jared Baker (KTM): 3. Matt Callan (KTM): 4. Jarre d W illiams (KTM): 5. Mitch O sraftn (KT M). 50 JR : I . Ashton Hayes (KT M); 2 . Ryan Tolsma (KTM); 3. Ethan Cooper (KTM): 4 . Kameron Shyne (KTM); 5. t-tcxemre Edward s (KT M) . 50 S P T: I . Ethan Cooper (KTM); 2. Ashton Haye s (KTM); 3. Kameron Shyne (KTM); 4 . Zach G ietzen (KTM); 5. Thomas Hatfield (KTM). 65 (7-1 1) BEG : I . D illion Finley (Suz); 2. Karsten Reinhold (Kaw]; 3. Asa Vand e r mo le n (Kaw) ; 4. Andre Baile y (Kaw) : 5 . Levi Sleight (KTM). 65 (7- 1 1): I. Cod ie Bylsma (KTM): 2. Dou gie Moline (KTM); 3. Taylor Brockhouse (KTH): 4 . Brod ey Gou ld (KTM): S. D illon Everitt (Kaw) . 8 5 BEG : I. Shawn De Jange (Yarn); 2. jon Tassell (Kaw) ; 3. jeremy Koning (KTM); 4 . Matt Wyman (Kaw) ; 5. Brad ley Oswalt (Hon ). 85 (7.11) B EG: I. Connor Le a ry (Yam); 2. Mitche ll Pat e er (Kaw ); 3 . C had Stam ps (SOl) : 4. Casey H irdes (Yam): 5. Bra ndo n TerMee r (Yarn 85 (7 -1 1): I. Cod ie Bylsma (KTM); 2. Chan ce De ll ). (Hon) : 3. Do ugie Moline (KTM); 4. Cody Whal e y (Yam): S. Taylo r Broc khouse . 8 5 ( 11 - 15) : I. Brad Keister (Kaw); 2. Andy Myers (KTM): 3. Timmy Carpenter (Yam); 4. Thomas Dentler (Kaw) ; 5. Kirk Kooienga (Yam). 125 JR: I. Kyle Glass (Hon ); 2. jordan Hawle y (Yam) : 3. Brad Keister (Kaw ); 4 . Sha ne l ar se n (Yam); S. Jo sh Mars h (Yam). 12 5 P RO : I. Randy Wo odring (Kaw ); 2 . Jake Mar sack (Ha n); 3 . Ryan Wh ite (Suz) ; 4. Mike Mercer (Suz): S. Josh Bra ken (Yam). 125 B: I. Kyle Glass (Hon ); 2. jos h Gruppen (Yam); 3. Kyle Vanderwagen (Suz); 4. jordan Hawley (Y am); 5. Jason Qu inn (Kaw) . 125 C: l. jo sh Med ley (Yam); 2. Jam es Ouzts (Y ); am 3. Zack Mars h (Yam); 4 . Reggie Carr (Hen ): S. D an D eyman (Hon ). 2 50 PRO: I. Jake Marsack (Hon ): 2. Tommy Barro n (Hon); 3. Randy Woodring (Kaw ); 4 . Ryan Whi te (Suz): S. De re k Rose (Hon) . 25 0 B: I. Kyle Glass (Ho n); 2. David Ja ke Ma rsa ck to pped the 2S 0 cc Pro class and the Das h For Cash at the SJO Supercross in Grand Rapid s, Michigan. Oo st e r ho ut ( H o n ) ; 3 . j osh Gru pp e n (Ya m) : 4 . C hris Manninen (Y am) ; 5. Brand on Gunia (Yam). 15 0 C: I. Chad Leno rd (Yam); 2. Bob Fishe r (Yam); 3. John Ca ldwell (Y ; am) 4. Dan Whit e (Yam); 5. Tim Ferwerda (Suz). WMN (1 2 · 15): I . Ange la Ko o ier ga (Yam) ; 2 . Je ss ica Hri gora (Ho n) ; 3 . w): 4. Tracie Anders (Hon) ; 5. Terre Miran da Sode rstrom (Ka Gof o rt h (Yam). TRL (7. 1 1): I . Je rry Stoken (Ho n) ; 2 . Brittany Sharp (Han ); 3. Tim Robb ins (Suz): 4. Pie rce Soule (Hon): 5. Ty Ralston (Yam). 16 -2 4: I. James Blain (Hon) : 2. David Oosterhou t (Ho n); 3. Jos h Gru p pen (Yam): 4. j osh Med le y (Ya m ); 5. Sc ott Klu m p ( H en). 25 +: I. Rick Sche ltem a (Hon); 2 . lames Aide (Hon) ; 3. Da vid Walt ers (Yam ): 4 . Brand on Guni a (Yam); 5 . Blaine Sac kit t (Yam). 35 + : I. Rick Scheltema (Hon): 2. Jim Ste in (Hen) ; 3. Tod d Ti mm e r (Kew): 4. Ken t leary (Ho n) ; 5. Thomas Sawyer (Yam). 0 CL: I. Rick Stevens (Hon ); 2. Dave Van Guilder (Suz): 3. jim Anders (Yam); 4. Eddie Bussing (Kaw); S. David Van Guilder (Suz). DFC: I . Jacob Marsac.k. CMC Northwest Winte r Are nacross Se ries Round 4: Forster Livestock Pavilion Huffman, Terlecki Strike in Salem! By CLAY LIGHT SALEM, OR, DEC. 12·13 A MA Nationa l vete rans Ryan Huffman and /"'\Ryan Terlecki were the top performers at the fourth roun d of the CMC Northwest Arenacross Ser ies, held at Fo rste r Livestock Pavilion . The event doubled as a qua lifying round for the up comi ng Northwest C halle nge Pro-Am event, fo r which Huffman. Terlecki and many others q ualified durin g the two consecutive nights of racing. Wh ile Huffman and Terlecki never squ ared off, both came awa y w ith impr essive 2SOcc and Op en Pro wi ns . Terlecki troun ced the comp etit ion on Fr ida y night, topping Wash ingto nian Da le Ainslie fo r the 2S0c c Pro w in . Huffman was the sole Pro rider the following night, but with his w in. the ride r fro m Rosebu rg, Oregon, joined the riders vying fo r the top payoff from th e purse of mo re t han $3000 later this month. Perhaps the most successful Amateurs of the wee kend we re Erik Meusling, Sam DeAtley, and the domina nt 50 cc rider, jonathan Andrews. Meusling scored a pair of overall w ins o n Friday, no t chi ng the 12 Scc and Bef o r e The Hill victories. Meusling also snare d a 12Scc junio rclass w in o n Saturday nig ht to captu re t hre e ov e rall w ins on t he weekend . DeAtley, w ho made the tre k from Lewis to n, Idaho, took home the to p brass in the I25cc Intermediate and Bef o re T he Hill Intermediate classes on Friday night. Te rlecki was the lone Pro in the co mbined Open Pro/ Before The Hill Junior/ Intermediate co nte st. He thundered ou t of the gat e on his Y amaha YZ4S0F and assumed the point pos ition from st art t o finis h . Terlecki w allo pe d the compe tition in both motos to finish ahead of Me us ling in moto one. Te rle cki then posted another strong performance in mota tw o to finish ahead o f DeAtley. Both DeAtl ey and Meusling w e re overall w inners , as DeAtle y was co ntes t ing the Intermed iate class and Meusling the junio r ranks. Ainslie has been o n a ro ll in the Eve rgreen State, posting a string of outdoor victo ries this fall. However, the Washingto nian was no match fo r Te rle cki o n th is da y: though Terlecki had Ainslie in his shadow for m uch of both motes, Ainslie couldn't find a way aro und Terlecki, w ho wo uld pre vail in both motos. KTM rider Raym Conkey trailed the Pro duo in bo th motos to snar e the Inte r med iate -class wi n, followed by Kevin Pe t r ush kin and Cody Ho ckema, w ho placed first and second in the 2S0cc Junior class. On Saturday, Huffman was clearly the fastest rider in atte ndance . It was too bad t hat Huffman didn't get to batt le Te rlecki, as the tw o www.cyclenews .com rarel y go head to he ad due to the ir bus y Na tional schedules. How ever, Huffman had to co ntend with a pack of Before The Hill ride rs before he could score his win. Meusling, who w o uld later do minat e the 12Scc Junio r class , darted to the fro nt of the field at the unleashing, ke e ping Huffman at bay o n the opening lap. However, Huffman wa s to o much for the 15year-o ld, le aving Meusling to fend off his Before The Hill-class co mpetito rs. RESULTS Fri d a y P/W (0-6): I . Ryan Burggren (KTM): 2. C hance Atkinson (KTH ); 3. R.J. Je nks (Yam). P/W (7- 8) : I . Jonathan Andre w (Cob ); 2. Keltin Boylcin (Hus); 3. Tristan Vers tee g (KTM). 50 OPEN : I . Jo nat ha n And re w (Co b): 2. Breanna McLuskie (Co b): 3. Chance Atkinson (KTM). 65 (0- 8): I. R.J. l e ach {Suz]: 2. Bran do n Barber (Suz). 65 (9 - 11): 1. Nash Blayloc k (KTM). 6 5 OPEN : I . Brandon Barber (Suz): 2. R.J. leach (Suz). 85 BEG: l. Brodie Anderson (Y am); 2. Tisha Feele y (Yam ); 3. Co le Hockema (Suz). 85 (9 - 11): I. Jar ed Wood (Yam): 2. G lenn Presrbclt (Suz): 3. Nash Blaylock (Yam). 85 (11-1 3) : I. Tyler McClinto n (Yam): 2. Charlie McC art hy (Kaw ). S/ MINI: I . Jared Wood (Yam); 2. Tyler McClinto n (Yam). 125 B EG: I. Greg Brown (Yam); 2. Ch ris McDan ie l (KTM): 3. Phillip Springer (Kaw ). 125 JR: I. Erik Meusling (Suz); 2 . Aaron McClinton (Yam); 3. Kevin Petrush kin (Yam). 12 5 IN T: I . Sam DeAtley (Suz); 2. Raym Conkey (KTM). 125 PRO : I. Dale Ainslie (Y am) . 250 BEG : I. Jo n Jo lley (Hon ); 2. Scott Smits (Hon ): 3. Mark Sepulveda (KTM). 150 am) ; 2. Cody Hockema (Suz); 3. JR: I . Kevin Petrushkin (Y Ben Sannan (Ha n). 250 INT: I . Raym Conkey (KTM). 150 PRO: I . Ryan Terlec ki (Yam); 2. Dale Ainslie (Yam). OPEN AM : I . Ben Sannan (Ho n). OPEN PRO : I . Ryan Terleck i (Yam). WMN BEG : I . De b ra Ande rson (Ho n); 2 . Lyndy Fee ley (Kaw) . BTH JR: I . Erik Meu sling (Ho n); 2. N ick Nowak (Yam): 3. Aaron McC linton (Y ). BTH INT: I. Sam am DeAtley (Suz). 30 + BEG: I . Craig Schoc ko (Kaw): 2. Mark Sepu lveda (KT M): 3. Terry O lsen (Yam). 30 + JR: I. Bill Graves (Yam): 2. Jon jo lley (Hen ); 3. Scott Hoc ke ma (Suz). 30 + MNY: I . J.R. Meusling (Suz). 40+ JR: I . Ste ve Fidle r (Hen ); 2. Zac k Mclai n (Yam); 3. Steve Stea m s (KTM). 4 0+ MNY: I. Greg Gates (Hon) . Saturday PjW (0-6): I. Jerem y Wilto n (Co b): 2. Brayden Massey (Po l); 3 . jacob C rawford (KT M). PjW (7 -8): l. Jonath an Andrew (Cob ): 2. C hris Alldredg e (Co b); 3. Tristan Versteeg (KTM). 50 OPEN : I. Chris Alldredge (C o b); 2. Jo nat han Andre w (Co b): 3. Bra yde n Massey (Po l). 65 (0-8): I. Chris Alldredge (Suz); 2. RJ. leach (Suz); 3. Brand on Barber (Suz). 65 (9-11): I. C o lin Baker (KTM); 2. Brad Frace (KTM): 3. Nash Blayloc k (KTM). 6S O PEN: I. Colin Bake r (KTM); 2. Brad Frace (KTM); 3. R.J. Leach (Suz). 85 BEG : I. Brod ie Anderson (Yam) : 2 . luke Aldrich (He n): 3. C ody Hoc ke ma (Suz). 85 (9- 11): I. William See {Suz]: 2. Gle nn Prestholt (Suz ); 3. Stee le-Angle Davidson (Yam). 85 ( 12- 1l): L Dann y Gubser (Ya m) ; 2 . Ty ler Sc h wen tker (Yam ) ; 3 . Tra v is McCl inton (Yam). 8 5 (14 - 16) : I. Alle n Yothe r (Kaw ); 2. am): 2. Ransom Smith (Suz). S/ MIN I: I. Danny Gubser (Y Tyle r Schwentker (Yam): 3. Travis McCli nton (Yam). 12 5 BEG: I. Phillip Springer (Kaw) : 2. C hris Egan (Yam ): 3. Ch ris Eells (Y am). 125 JR: I. Erik Meusling (Hon ): 2. Aaron Tunnell (Y ); 3. Travis Mc Mackin (Yam). 125 INT: I. Adam Metzler am (Suz). 25 0 BEG: I. Dave Harden (Kaw) ; 2. Mike Dahlman (Hon ); 3. Scott Hoc kema (Suz). 250 JR: I. Za ch Tait (Yam) : 2. Ke vin Petru shkin (Yam): 3. Jerek Sauced o (Hen ). 25 01NT: I. Be n Hurlburt (Hon) : 2. Eric Rogers. 2 50 PRO: I. Ryan Huffman (Yam). OPEN AM : I. Aaron Tunne ll (Yam). OPEN P RO : I . Ryan H uffman (Yam ). WM N BEG : I . Debr a Anderson (H on): 2 . Alicia Reader (Yam). WM N : I. Mary Radmacher (Suz). BTH JR: I. Matt Wilso n (Yam); 2. Aaro n McClinton (Y ); 3. Kevin Petrushkin (Y . 30 + BEG: I. am am) D ave Burgg ren (Yam ); 2. Pa ul Me u sling (Hen) : 3. Zack Mclain (Yam). 30 + JR: I.}on Jolley (Hen). 30 + MNY: I. Ben Hurlb urt (Hen) ; 2. Eric Rogers (Hon) . 4 0+ JR: I. Rick Radmache r (Suz): 2. Mike Fallon (Suz). 40+ MNY: I . Dave Fo x (H us): 2 . Gr eg Gat es (Ho n); 3. D ave Har den (Kaw) . 50+ : I . J.R. Meu sling (Suz). C YC LE N EW S • JANUARY21, 2004 55