Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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victory we nt to Tracy, and Ross was se cond, while Clevenge r finished third , fourt h wen t to Vielle, and Blood was once again fifth. T he 8 5cc ( 12 - 15) ma in ev e nt w as do minat e d by YZ 85 ride r Travis McClinton, who snared the holeshot , while KTM -mo unted Trevo r Co ltr ane and Kyle Garman fo llowe d . McC lint on w as unto uchable t he en t ire mot o , while Zach Johnson and Coltrane we re locked in a fie rce bat tle for se co nd . Zach narrowly edged out Co ltran e for se co nd , and Colt rane finis hed t hird. Fourth we nt t o Garman , and Ryan Holland was fifth. RESULTS 5 0 OIL IN J: I. Bre nd an Sta ley (KT M); 2. T imothy Meade Jr. (Yam); 3. Dakota W harton (Ho n). 50 BEG: I . Dakota Wharton (Po l); 2. Bre nd an Staley (KTM); 3. Michael Ramirez (KTH) ; 4. Kyle Fahey (Pol); 5. Warren Higgins (Hon ). 50 (4-6): I . Samuel Me rce r (KTM); 2. Ryder Wait e (Po l); 3. Dako ta Bellro se (KTM); 4. Michael Ramire z (KTM). 50 (7 .8 ): I. Mitchell Vaughn (KTM); 2. Matthew Shirley (PDf); 3. Mason W harton (Pol); 4. Cody Smit h (KTM); 5. Jo nath an Andrew (Co b). 5 0 O P EN : I. Mitchell Vaughn (KTH); 2. Manhe w Shirley (Po l); 3. Maso n Wharton (Pol); 4. Samuel Me rce r (KTM); 5. Jo nathan Andrew (Cob ). 65 BEG (4 -8) : I. Tim Ullrich (KTM); 2. Mason Wharton (Solo); 3. Trae Johnson (Kaw); 4. Mitche ll Vaughn (Kaw). 65 BEG (9 .11 ): I. Dillan Bo es pflug (KTM); 2. Tyler Bunch (KTM); l . Caylen Clard y (KTM). 65 (4·8) , I. Ry", Mi"md. (KTM). 65 (9. 11), I. Austin Van Meter (KTM) 2. Brandon Charron (KTM); 3. Kyle ; Ulr ich (KTM); 4. Julian Doa ne (Kaw) : 5. De vin Harr iman (KTN ). 65 OPEN : I. Bra ndo n Charron (KTM); 2. Julian Doane (Kaw); 3. Cooper Garza (KTM); 4. Devin Harriman (KTM); 5. Ryan Miranda (KTM). 85 BEG (7. 1 1): l. Alex Coleman (Yam); 2. Tony Blake (Hon) ; 3. C hris Kolde (Yam); 4. Bre nd an Johnson (Yam); 5. Vincent Vale nti (Kaw) . 85 (7- 11) : I. Austin Ullrich (Hon ); 2. Co llin Megee (Suz); l . Kyle Ulrich (Sue): 4. Austin Van Mete r (Hon ); S. Alex Coleman (Yam). 85 ( 11- 15): I. Travis McClinton (Yam); 2. Za chary Johnso n (Hon ); 3. Tre vor Coltrane (KTM); 4. Kyle Garman (Y am); 5. Ryan Holland (Kaw) . SlMINI: I. Travis McO inton (Yam); 2. Wes Johnson (Suz); 3. Trevor Co lt rane (KTM); 4. Zachary Johnson (Hon ); 5. Cody Williams (Yam). 115 BEG: I. Josh W illiamson (Yam) ; 2. Jared Re nnie (Ho n); l . Carl Parkhill (KTM); 4. Jake Ballensky (KTM); 5. Jonathan Carney (Yam). 115 JR: I. Antho ny Boespnug (Yam); 2. Ryan Ho lland (Hon); 3. Danny Goodell (Suz); 4. De von Elia (Yam); S. Travis Bro guie re (Yam). 115 IN T: I . Ant hony Ce rruti (Yam); 2. Joe y Lancaste r (Hen): 3. And re w McClure (Yam). 115 PRO : I. Tra cy Johnso n (Yam ): 2. Ross John son (Ho n): 3. Bryan Clevenger (KTM); 4. Joel Ard (Yam); S. Tyson Blood (Ho n). 250 BEG: I. Jo n Blake (Hon) ; 2. Travis Bush (Yam); l . Jared Rennie (Ho n); 4. RJ. Logue (KTM). 250 JR: I. Ryan Broguire (Yam ); 2. Drew De nny (Yam); 3. Ch ris Williams (Yam); 4. Just in Wharton (Hbg): 5. Mike Nichols (Hon) . 250 INT: I. Danie l Ham ilton (Ho n); 2. Danie l Krick (Ho n) ; 3. Dust in Lafave (Ho n); 4. Garren Elme r (Yam); 5. Jo shua Johnso n (Hen). 150 PRO : I. Tracy Jo hnson (Yam); 2. Ross Johnson (Ho n); 3. Bryan Clev e nger (Kaw ): 4. J.R. vleue (Hon ); 5. Tyson Blood (Hon) . 4 -STRK.: I . Don Bcespflug (Yam); 2. Matt W ilson (Yam); 3. Kyl Lauderm ilk (Ho n); 4. Devon Elia e (Ya m) ; 5 . Ant h o n y Bo espflug (Ya m) . B/BK: I. Jam e s Hami lton (Ho n); 2. Dan iel Krick (Hon); l . Jos hua Johnson (Ho n); 4 . Matt Wilso n (Yam); S. Daniel Ham ilt o n (Ho n). WMN : I. Je nni Wilson (Su z); 2. Andrea Melo (Yam) ; l . Can dice Adsero (Kaw) . VET JR: I. Jo hn Da y (Yam); 2. Derek Carter (Hon). VET INT: I. Don Boespflug (Yam); 2. Mike N ichols (Hen ). orr IR: I. Dan SoIland (Kaw); 2. Jay Loundagin (Hoo); 3. Robert Broguire (HOll); 4. Dave Renner (Hon ). Peel, Waters Top Waldner Benefit Race NEWTON, AL, DEC. 7 he local mot ocross community came out to Ri erside MX to support one of its own . In v a fre ak accide nt last August, MX dad Wayne Waldner suffered a severe injury to his left arm. He has had seve ral surge ries and faces anot her major one o n his roa d to recovery. A fam ily fr ie nd , Da nette Bush , was th e driving for ce beh ind the Wayne Waldner Benefit Race. With ass istance from Brittany Richard , Bush organized th e eve nt, sec ure d doz ens of high-qu ality doo r prizes for a raffl e, and held a T-shirt sale. Chu ck Branso n co vered th e cost of t he trophies, and Keith Stumpf's Dixie MX track crews vo luntee re d to wo rk the race. Three pit-bike race s were held at half-time to increase rider part icipation. Several thousands of dollars we re raised to aid Waldner financially. Vete r an r ac e r Rhet t Pe e l a nd KT M youngster William Waters we re two of the top riders of the day. With th e goal of making th e Loretta Lynn's final in 2004, Pee l deb uted a b r and -new YZ 250 and he ld bac k st ro ng c ha lle nge s fro m Hond a 450cc r id e r Chris "Hercules" Haver and Branson to go I-I in the O ve r 30/0 ve r 40 contest. Waters dominated t he competit io n in t he 65 cc ra nks , ri di ng aggre ssive ly all day and scor ing a total of four moto wins. Haver led Peel, Alex Mcinnes and Dwayne Marks in the first Ove r 30/0 ver 40 mota . Pee l closed in on Have r, and the y ran side by side over several do ubles. Buck Waters battled with YZ rider s Mcinnes and Marks for th ird. Peel pass ed Have r at t he e nd of t he jump-filled st raight for the lead. Haver dropped back but sti ll ma naged t o hold on t o se c o nd , o ve r Mcinnes. In moto two, Haver again used the powe r of his big four-st ro ke to ru n ahead of Peel before he stalled in t he whoops and dropped to sixth. After finishing outside the t op five overall in moto one, Branson reeled in Peel. Mcinnes ran th ird , just ahead of Waters, Haver an d Do n T 54 Invasion of the Preteensl BY LANE LEAVln PERRIS, CA DEC. 13 , The National Cham pion California Youth Tri• als Team do minated anoth er rou nd of the ITS Winte r Trials Ser ies. The few exce ptions included a Novice-class win by Dave "C rash" Cooper, w ho was r unne r- up in t he 125cc National Trials Series in 1980. Coope r has found his lost fo rm after a long 20-year layoff from motorcycle riding. Coo per pulled off a huge 25point win over Greg Fisch and Jake Moo n. Adult rider Clyde Butler won the Advanced class by one point over Chris Collins, a former Nat ion al MX r ide r from th e late 1970 s. However, the se guys must be taking a hard look ove r th eir sho ulders at the pack of "unde r age 12" riders who will soon be moving into th eir class. These adu lts ride we ll, but every wee k the kids just kee p getti ng better and better. Twe lve-year- o ld Andrew Olda r wo n t he Adult Inte rmed iate class by t hree points over 10-year-o ld National Champion Eric Storz , with five po ints . Both of thes e riders are brea thing do w n th e collect ive necks of the best adu lts co ntes t ing the seri es . Adult ride r Tim Holm, w ith seven po ints, place d th ird, bar ely edg ing o ut Ren tha l Ha ndl eba r e xe c utiv e Kev in Reynolds, who dropp ed eight points for fourth. Eight -year-ol d Na t iona l Trials C hampio n Chase Harker won the Adult Sports me n class wit h 10 poin ts. Nation al number -four, 9-yea rold Daniel Leavitt , lost 14 points, beat ing adult rider Steve Sto rz (who also lost 14 points) o n cleans. T he Kids cl ass w as wo n by 7-ye ar-o ld Rebecca Leavitt, who drop ped I I points. Leavitt will be part of the 2004 Califor n ia t e am contesting the National Cham pionships. R ES ULTS ADV: I. Clyde Butle r: 2. Chris Collins. INT: I. Andrew Oldar; 2. Er ic Storz ; 3. Tim Ho lm ; 4. Kevin Re yno ld s . SPTSMN : I. Chase Harke r; 2. Daniel leavin ; 3. Steve Storz . NOV: I. Dave Cooper; 2. Greg Fisch: 3. Jake Moon. KIDS : I . Rebecca Leavitt. Rodney Farris Memorial Indoor Race Race , : Maryland State Fairgrounds Cow Palace Riverside MX BY HUGH GATLIN ITS Win ter Trials Series Round 4 : Trials Land Majeski Rules at the Palace By BEN BREECH Bush. The racing was close, wit h all four ride rs occupying the same turn at one point. Peel put 25 years of mot ocr oss expe rience to wo rk and kept Branson at bay fo r the Over 40 and over all win. Haver made a nice recovery and to ok the O ver 30 win, over Branson, 1-2 to 4-1. Taylo r, Alab ama 's Brantley Herman edge d Waters for the ho leshot in the first co mbined 65cc moto and kept his to< out fro nt for half a lap. On ce past, Wate rs kept the throttl e pinned an d cle are d t he d oub le com ing ou t o f th e Horseshoe on his way to a huge w in. Dakota Smit h move d to seco nd, with Herman, Lake Ge nard and Gunnar Smit h making up the top five. Dakot a got th e hole shot in race tw o, but Waters we nt wide in th e first turn and came out w it h th e lead . Dakota and He rman sho we d good speed but couldn't match Waters' pace up front. Dakota passe d Herman for good over a table t o p for se co nd , w hile Michae l Branso n pilo t ed his RM to fou rt h, be h ind a fad ing Her man. RESULTS PjW 50: 1. Reed Miller (Hon) ; 2. Cla yt o n Bea so c k (Yam) ; 3. Kristyn Beas oc k (Yam); 4. Jaco b Be aso ck . PfW (4-6 ): I. Dustin Jones (KTM); 2. Scotty Haver (KTM). MIN I 4 -StRK: L Lake Genard [Kaw]: 2. Ashlee Be asoc k (Ho n). I R MINI : I. William Waters (KTM): 2. Gunnar Smith (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Dakota Smith (KTM); 2. Brantley Hennan (Kaw); 3. Lake Genard (Kaw); 4. Michae l Branson (Suz); 5. Gunnar Smith (KTM). 65 (7 -9) : I. Willia m Waters (KTM). 85 BEG: am); 3. I. Cameron Hen derson (Yam) : 2. Douglas Brown (Y Brad Jackson (Kaw) ; 4 . Robert McDan iel (Yam); 5 . Angie Knox (Ho n). 85 (7-1 1): I. Ke ndall Mason (Suz); 2. Gary Drummon d (Y . 85 (12 . 15): I. Jonathan Wh ite (Hen): 2. am) Christian Tramel (Kaw); 3. Brad Jackson (Kaw). S/M INI : I . Jonat han White (Ho n) ; 2. Blane Mason {Suz): 3. Christian Tramel (Kaw); 4. Ga ry Dru mmo nd (Yam). 115 B: I. Ben Waldner (Yam ); 2. Blan e Maso n (Suz); 3. Jere my Richard (Ho n). 125 C: I. Kendall Maso n (Suz); 2. Dan ny Brow n (Kaw) ; 3. Aaron Bo ur ne (Yam); 4. Timmy Smith (Yam); 5. Chad Ree ve s (Yam) . 12 5 0 : I. David W iggins (Yam); 2. Drake Sanders (Y am); 3. Jake Hendri x (Kaw); 4. Austin Seale (Yam); 5. Dustin W iggins (Yam). 1 50 B: I. Be n Waldn er i (Yam); 2. Mike Quagliaroli (Yam). 250 C: I. Jason Phill ppi (Kaw); 2. Don 8u sh (Ho n) . 150 D: I. Sam [arvis (Yam). YTH ( 12-15 ): I. Aaron Bourne (Yam); 2. Austin Jone s (Yam); 3. Do uglas Bro w n (Yam ); 4. Austi n Seale (Ya m) . YTH ( 16 -19) : I. Ben Waldner (Y ); 2. Mike Q uagliaroli (Y am am); 3. Josh Wynn (Kaw); 4. Je rem y Richard (Hon ); 5. Timmy Smith (Yam). 30+: I. Chri s Haver (Hon ); 2. Chuck Branson (Hon); 3. Alex Mdnnes (Yam); 4. Buck Walters (Hen) ; 5. Mike Rivers (Yam ). 40 + : I. Rhe tt Pe e l (Yam); 2. Do n Bush (Ho n) . HBBY: I. Jo se ph Wi lliams (He n) : 2. Ricky King (Hon) ; 3. Tony Yates (Kaw). JANUARY 21,2004 • CYCLE NEWS TIMONIUM, MD, DEC. 12 A fte r being awa y for almost 10 years , Tom /""\M ajeski sho wed he hasn't lost much of his winning ability by taking the 250cc-class final. Of co ur se , having a ve ry fast machine he lps. And he had one : his protege jake jo hnson's Moro ney's Hon da CRF450R. Fo r th e 27t h straight year, the Baltimo re Co unty Trail Ride rs and th e Cockeysvil le O pt imist C lub tea med up to ru n th is late fall serie s of indoo r short-track racing. As usual, it was he ld on the Maryland State Fairgrounds. In orde r to finish at a dece nt time , a few things were changed (compared to no rma l Amateu r race s in t his area): Tim e trials we re used to dete rmine st art ing spots fo r th e 125cc-andlarge r cl asse s ; Am at eu rs and Expe rt s ran t ogeth e r; ride rs co uld only en t e r one class in t he timed classes; and a heat and a semi we re run to se t the o rder for the finals. In the 250cc class, homet own ride r Cor ey Hor mes took the lead out of the second turn, ahea d of Majeski, Dillon Cava and Dave Smith. The fro nt trio stayed close and pu lled awa y fr o m the re st. W hile Maje ski wa s right o n Hormes' tail, Cava was still in st riking range until he bobbled on the I Ith of 15 laps. While he lost ground, he was far e nough ahead of the others t hat he didn't lose any posit ions. After poun d ing o n Ho r m es fo r a lm os t 14 la ps , Majeski timed his move com ing off the fourt h tu rn to take the wh ite flag and slipped unde r Hormes for the win. Harold Brossman led a tightly bunched field com prised of Doug Reinert, Mark Burkholder, Sco tt Saun ders a nd Pau l Sho e ma ker as t he 450cc class headed off the secon d turn. They stayed very close thro ughout th e e ntire race, with no change of positions . Reinert co nstantly fought with Brossman for the lead but co uldn't find the spot to co mplete the job. 40 t h Ann ivers ar y A pair of motocrossers [angled in the I25cc final, with joseph Schueler taking the lead and holding it fo r t he d ist an ce fro m Sha w n Rothst e in. Be hind t he m , Brando n Robinso n, Joey Parks, Jo rdan Harris and Joh n He nde rso n battled for third. He nderso n worked his way by Harris for third by the 12th lap. Little Cory Texter pulle d a surp rise win in th e X RI00 final, grabbing a ho lesho t o n his Lancast e r Harley-Davidson -sponsore d Ho nda from five- time Gra nd National Champion Chris Carr, Scott Saunde rs and Donnie Mulle n. Ca rr t ried to move Texter wit h his front tire but had the wrong placem ent, and he fell in th e fourt h tu rn on t he fifth lap. On the seventh lap, Mullen got by Saunders fo r sec ond, but he co uldn't catch Texte r. Co ry 's sister Shayna top ped th e Wo me n's class, w hile Brett Pugh topped the 85cc class. Joh nson held off Majeski for the XR50 win, and Matt La ngreh r w o n t he 65s. Dylan Blett ne r wo n t he 50c c O il-Inje cte d cla ss , and Kyle McKim topped the 50cc (4-8) final. RESULTS 50 O IL-INI: I . Dylan Blenne r KTM); 2. Logan Ehrets (KTM); 3. Bradley McKim (Y ; 4. Colton Smith (Y am) am); 5. Cart er Dumps (Ho n). 50 (4- 8 ): I. Kyle McKim (Lem); 2. Bailey Spence (Lem): 3. Joe Schmidt (l em) ; 4. Tyler Stace y (Lem ); 5 . Greg Betts (KTM). SO ADULT: I. Jake Johns on (He n): 2. Tom Mateski (Ho n); 3. Casey Weikle (Hen); 4. Jay Rassa (Hon); 5 . Jeff We ikle (Ho n). 65 : I. Matt Langreh r (Kaw); 2. Th omas We bb (Kaw); 3. Colin We bb (Kaw); 4. T. Irv in (KTM); 5. Jo ey Alexa nd e r (Kaw). X R I 00: 1. Cory Te xt e r (He n) : 2. Do nn ie Mullen {Hen]: 3 . Scott Saunders (Ho n); 4. Chris Klinefelte r (Hon) ; 5. Ryan Henderson (Ho n). 85 (7 - 15 ) : I. Bre tt Pugh (Y am); 2. Brian Mye rs (He n): 3. Shayna Texter (Yam); 4. Jason Cole (Kaw); S. Frank Valentine (Yam). 11 5: I. Joey Schu e ler (Yam) ; 2. Shawn Rot hst ein (Hon) ; 3. Joh n He nderson (Hen); 4. jordan Harris (Yam); 5. Brandon Robinson (Kaw). 250: I. Tom Majesk i (Ho n); 2. Corey Hennes (Hen ): l . Dillon Cava (Yam); 4. Dave Smith (Kaw); S. Paul Allison (Hon ). 450: I. Haro ld Brossman (Bul); 2. Doug Reine rt (KTM); l . Marl< Burkholder (Bul); 4. Scott Saunders (Suz); S. Paul Shoemaker (Yam). 4 50 PRO: I. Mike Va rn e s (Yam); 2. Do n nie Mullen (Yam) ; 3. Ja ke Joh nson (Hon); 4. Tom McGrane (Ho n); 5. Alan Niles (Hon) . WMN: I. Shayna Texte r (Hon ); 2. Nico le Meste r (Hon); J. Nicole Hen de rso n (He n): 4. He at her Alexande r (Ho n); 5. Karen Parks (Ho n).

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