Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Eric Wood won the GTO, Unlimited Supersport and Unlimited Grand Prix cla sses at the CCS Florida Region grand finale. c o m pe t iti on . Luck fin ish ed second , and Pihok ke n w as t hird. May was d isqualified for run ning an illegal tire. Narup w as the ho lesh ot king in the fina l eve nt of the day, leading t he first half of th e Unl imited Gra nd Prix. Wood had see mingly settled into seco nd at the end of th e first lap. but he made his pass on lap three and opened a gap the rest of the field could not close. Narup maintained second, w ith May hot on his tail all the way to the checkers. RESULTS AM GTO : I. Brian Shaw (Suz); 2. Sam Raybou rn (Hon); 3. Jason Campbell (Yam); 4. Rodolfo Ramirez (Suz); 5. Laz Diaz (Ya m). EX GTO: 1. Eric Wood (Suz); 2. Darren Luck (Suz); 3. Geo ff May (Suz); 4. Marco Mart inez (Suz); 5. Rick Naru p (Suz). AM GTU : I. Darren Mulvaney (Suz); 2. jason Campbell (Yam) 3. Greg Melka (Hon ); 4. J.B. Layman (Yam); ; S. laz Diaz (Yam). EX GT U : I. Jeff Wood (Yam): 2. Pedro Valiente (Yam); 3. [c hno Bo wma n (Yam); 4. Dar ren Luck (Suz ); 5 . Ral p h Fern a nd ez (Suz ). AM GT LIGH TS : I. Stephen Servis (Suz); 2. Russ Bolle (Suz); 3. Ste ve n Lec kie (Sur ]: 4. Antonio Com a (Ha n): 5. Raymel Per ez (Suz). EX GT LIGHTS : I. Michael Mills(Suz): 2. Alex Ferre ira (Suz): 3. Christopher Boy (Bim): 4. Jerry Wood (Duc); 5. Do uglas Scheer (Suz) . GP SGL : I. Steve Wenner (Ha n): 2. Chris Ham ilton (Hon) : 3. Scott Coccol i (Hen); 4. Fed ereco Cortes (Yam); 5. Edward C hirino (Yam). AM l./W GP : I. Mark Kelly (Yam): 2. Stephen Servis (Suz); 3. Steven Leckie (Suz); 4. Jay Ed dy (Ha n); 5. Fed e re co Cortes (Yam). EX l/W GP: I . Barre tt Lon g (Ya m ); 2. Christ opher Boy (Bim ); 3 . Ralf Hellstrom (Ha n) : 4. Michael Mills (Suz); 5. Alex Ferre ira (Suz). AM M/W GP : I. Da rren Mulvaney (Suz): 2. Jaso n Campbell (Yam); 3. Anto nio Coma (Suz); 4. Zoltan Bo ros (Han): 5. Kenny Rodriguez (Hon ). EX M/W GP : I. Pedro Valiente (Ya m): 2. Brad Graham (Suz): 3. Andre Bibeau (Yam): 4. John Waters (Han ); 5 . Thomas Pfune r (Suz) . UIL GP: I. Eric Wood (Suz); 2. Rick Naru p (Suz); 3. Geo ff May (Suz): 4. Scott Ri chey (Suz): 5. Edwar d Us (Suz). l./W SPTSMN: I. t Glen Piro (Ha n); 2. Joh n Aksel (MuZ): 3. Dave Gabe rt (Han): .of . David Wea ver (Ha n): S. Co lin N ew m an (Kaw ). MIW S PTS MN : I. Andrew Hamblin (Bue); 2. Neville Hall-Reace (MuZ): 3. Shawn Sundheim (Ha n); .of. Robert Cote (Doc) ; 5. Greg Dooe y (Hen ). L/W VINT: I. Tash Zarvalas (Han); 2. Scott Turner (Han) ; 3. Rudo lf Schachinger (Hen ): 4. Anthony Milillo (Han); 5. Stua rt Bazerm an (Hon ). H/W VIN T: I. Rudolf Schachinger (Lav): 2. Joe Lanza (Suz); 3. Tash Zarvalas (Han ); 4. Dan Leary (Yam); 5. Richard He rrington (Hoo) . AM U/ L S/SPT: I. Brian Shaw (Suz): 2. David Webster (Suz); 3. Rodolfo Ramirez (Suz); 4. laz Diu (Yam): 5. Jo se Mor eau (Suz). EX U/L S/SPT: I. Eric Wood (Suz); 2. Darren Luck (Suz): 3. jim Pihokken (Suz); 4 . Edwa rd Us (Suz); 5 . Scott Ritchey (Suz). AM L/W S/SPT: I. Stephen Servis (Suz); 2. Ron Belisle (Suz); 3. Russ Bo lle (Suz); 4. Steven Lec kie (Suz); 5. Robert D'Angelo (Suz). EX l./W S/SPT: I. Alex Fe rreira (Su1. ; 2. Steve Bolden (Suz); 3. Rick Do ucett e (Suz): 4. Alan ) Qu inn (Su1. : 5 . Sven Desouza (Suz ). A M M/W S/SPT: I. ) Da rr en Mulvaney (Suz); 2. G reg Melk a (Ha n) : 3 . Jas on Campbell (Yam): 4. J.B. layman (Yam); S. Steve Vento (Suz). EX M/W S/S PT: I. Jeff Wood (Yam): 2. Johno Bo wman (Yam): 3. Pedro Valiente (Yam); 4. Darren Luc k (Suz): 5 . Ralph Fe rn andez (Suz ). AM H/W S/5 P T: I . Bria n Shaw (Suz); 2. G reg Melka (Hon); 3. Laz Diu (Yam); 4. Rodolfo Ramirez (Suz): S. Patric k Erickson (Suz). EX H/W S/S PT: I. Da rren Luc k (Su1. : 2. Edwa r d Us (Suz ); 3. Jim Piho kke n ) (Suz); 4. Scott Ritchey (Suz); 5. Joe Hayes (Yam). AM SfTW : I. Sam Raybou rn (Ho n) ; 2. C h ris Bro wn (Ap r); 3. Dave Gabe rt (Suz); 4. Luis Wassman n (Due ); 5. Lou is Quert (Due). EX SfTW I. Christopher Boy (Duc): 2. Tom Fo um ier (Due); : 3. Jo h n Die ric kx (Due): 4 . Dou glas Gras (Duc) ; 5 . Luis Sakamoto (Due) . AM F-40: I. Da vid Webster (Suz): 2. laz Diu (Yam): 3. Robert D'Angelo (Suz): 4. James He in (Suz); 5 . Robert Greer (Yam). EX F-4 0: I. Edward Us (Su1. ; 2. Juan. ) Ca rlos Diaz (Suz): 3. Je sus La Ro sa (Su1.): 4. Javie r Picon (Y am). AM UW S/B K: I. Stephen Servis (Suz): 2. Ron Belisle (Suz): 3. Russ Bolle (Suz); 4. Steven Leck ie (Suz): 5. Anton io Coma (Ho n). EX l/W S/8K: I. C hristop he r Boy (Bim): 2. Joh n Cos ta (Bue ): 3. Michael Milts (Suz); .of . Ale x Ferreira (Suz); 5 . Ric k Do uce tt e (Suz ). AM M/W S/BK: I. Gre g Melka (Hco) : 2. Darr e n Mulvaney (Suz); 3. Kenny Rodriguez (Hon ); 4. Zo ltan Boros (Hoo) : 5 . Antonio Coma (Suz). EX M/W S/B K: I. Johno Bo wman (Ya m); 2. Pe dr o Valie nte (Yam): 3. Brad Gra ham (Su1.): 4 . And re Bibeau (Yam) ; 5. Je remy Haid uk (Yam). AM H/W Sl BI<; I. Brian Shaw (Suz): 2. Jose Mor ea u (Suz): 3. Laz Din (Yam); 4. Patrick Erickson (Suz): 5. Je ff Breton (Suz). EX H/W S/ BI<; I. Jim Pibokken (Suz); 2. Edwa rd Us (Suz): 3. Scott Ritchey (Suz): 4. David Ruocco (5uz ): 5 . David McEnery (Suz) . THND R/B K: I. Michae l Mills (Suz); 2. John Costa (Bue); 3. Jerry Wood (Duc): 4. Franc isco Gomez (Suz): 5. Mark Ham ilton (Su1. . S/S GL: I. ) Glen Piro (Hon) ; 2. Neville Hall-Reace (MuZ): 3. John Aksel (MuZ): 4. Patrick Weekley (Yam): 5. David Weaver (Ho n). Gea rgia Tri-County Seri es Final Round: So uthe rn Extre m e MX Park Weavers Peel Off Some Sweet Vidalia Wins By CRAIG JOHNSON VIDALIA, GA, DEC. 7 \ A /h en all was said and done, the Weaver victory as swe et as a Vidalia o nion . Brot he rs Chandler, Blake and Stephen Weaver all wo n a class apiece, each by winning bot h moto s in the ir resp ecti ve classes . The youngest, Chandler, wo n the 6Scc Novice class; Blake wo n the Junior Mini; and Stephe n took the 85cc Advanced class. VV family tasted Th e da y s ta rte d off a little chill y, a s temperatures dipped to a r ound fr e e zing. Ho we ver, t he da y w a r me d nice ly, a nd th e racing hea ted up as well. Owner Alan Campbell did an outstanding job of prepping the trac k for th e final round o f t he Georgi a Tri-Co unt y Series. The first to race was Blake Weaver. When the gate dropped , Blake took off on a 6S to snatc h the lead away fro m any 8Scc riders in the 6S-BScc Junio r Mini class . Blake pulled out the victory. Reese Gran tham passed Justin Lloyd on the last lap fo r second o n the track. Kyle Varnadore held fourt h at the start, but a mishap on lap two dro p ped him back in t he pack. Moving up to sec ure fourt h was Taylor Ho lt. Dylan Waters rounded out the top five. Blake was untouchable in mot e two , pulling out another win. This time, Lloyd held off the lone Superm ini rider, Gran th am , fo r second when they encoun te red lapped traffic on the last lap. Varnadore got another good start and held on to fo urt h the entire t ime . Ho lt and Waters battled for fifth, wit h Waters getti ng the spot at t he halfway flag. Stephen Weaver was the next one to race, in t he co mbined 85cc Novice a nd Adva nced co nte st . Ste phen q uickly pu lled away from Garrett Sm it h to tak e the first -m oto w in. Gatlain Daniel, Lloyd and Grantham each held the ir respective positions to take third through fifth. In mo to t wo , Sm it h go t the jump on Ste phen to lead the first lap. Not lon g after that, Ste phen made the pass and we nt on to take another win. The top five rema ined the same as in the first moto. Chand ler Weave r went on to win big in the first co mbined 65c c Novice and SOcc Open mota. Nathan Arndt kept second from the get go, a nd Dillo n Smith , Garrett Skipper and Cameron Fife rounded out the top five. The second mot a was again all Chandler's. This time , Arndt and Waters battled it out for t he second spot. At the halfway mark, Waters found his ope ninggoing down the front stra ight. Arndt got a little out of sha pe thro ugh t he double -double section , and that was all Waters needed. Smith and Fife finished fo urth and fifth, res pectively. The series championship awards, along with the Florida/Geo rgia Series awards , will be given out in mid-Febr uary, after all t he ho liday hoopla. RESULTS P/W 50 : I. Trey Denis (Yam): 2. Harris Kain (Yam): 3. Morgan Johnson (Yam). 50 NOV: I. Garrett Skippe r (Pol). SO OPEN : I. Dillo n Smith (KTM): 2. Garrett Skipper (Pol). 6 5 BEG : I. Dillo n Smit h (KTM); 2. Clay Spires (Suz) ; 3. Dillon Varnado re (Suz); 4. James Woods (Suz). 6 5 NOV: I. C han dle r Weav e r (Sua): 2. Nath an Arndt (Kaw) ; 3. Dylan Wat e rs (KTM); 4. Camer on Fife (Suz): S. Dillon Varnado re (KTM). 65 ADV : I. Garrett Smith (KTM): 2. Taytor Ho lt , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,z o en z I o ..., Cl « 0: o >- "' ~ o I 0.. Stephen Weaver was one of three in his family to sco re double mota wins at the fina l round of the Georgia Tri-County Series. (Suz); 3. Blake Weav er (Su1. . 6 5- 8 5 lR MINI (7· I I) : L ) Blake Weaver (Su1. ; 2. Justin Uoyd (Suz): 3. Kyle Varnadore ) (Suz): 4. Dylan Waters (KTM): 5 . Taylor Holt (Suz). 8 5 BEG: I. Cole Evans (Kaw); 2. Hannah Twilley (Yam); 3. Andr ew Spires (Suz): 4. Kyte Varnadore (Suz): S. C had Cannon (Hon ). ) 85 N OV: I. Just in Uoyd (Su1. ; 2. Reese Grant ham (Hon ); 3. Nathan Arndt (Kaw); 4. Andrew Spires (Suz). 8 5 AD V: 1. Stephen Weaver (Suz) : 2. Garrett Smith (Kaw); 3. Ga tlain Danie l (Suz). 85 - 10 5 SlMIN I (1 2- 15): t. Reese Grantham (Hon ). 125 SCHBY ( 12- 15): I. Brent Carden (Hon) : 2. lY Pannell (Hon ): 3. Jonathan Edge (Suz); 4. Bret Evans (Kaw); 5. Austin Mays (Suz). 125 MNY: I. Jaso n Waters (Yam); 2. Step hen Anderson (Yam). 125 ADV: I. Brent Carden (Ho n): 2. Rock Courson (Su1. . 125 N OV: t . Ty Pannell (Hon ): 2. J.J. ) ) Nakelskl (Han); 3. Jonathan Edge (Su1. ; 4. Drei Thompson (Yam); 5. Bret Evans (Kaw). 125 BEG: I. Corey Hart (Yam); 2. Parker Dubo is (Yam ); 3 . Jeremy Gr o o me s (Yam) : 4. Brandon Overstreet (Yam); 5 . Brandon Smith (KTM). 250 MNY: I. Lee Tatham (Hen): 2. Jason Waters (Yam); 3. Steve Dum o nd (Su1. . 2 5 0 A DV: I . Ro ck Courso n (Suz). 250 ) NOV: I . J.J. Nakel ski (Ha n) . WMN : I. Hannah Twilley (Yam): 2. Haley Harper (Yam); 3. Angela Mays (Suz). 16·29: I. Steph e n And e rso n (Yam) . 30 + MNY: I. Le e Tath am . (Hon ): 2. Stev e Du mond (Suz); 3. Ty Reeves (Hon ): -4 Rock Courson (Suz); 5. Craig Johnson (Yam). 3 0+ NOV: I. Ron Twille y (Hco }; 2. David Overby (Hon ). 4 0+ NOV: I. Ron Twill y (Hon); 2. David Ove rby (Hon ); 3. Ernie MIlian (Ha n): e 4. David Strinmski (Kaw): 5. Van Ande rso n (Ho n). Clark County Arenacross Johnson & Johnson Relatively Ouchless By JUSTIN WHARTON BATTLEGROUND, WA, DEC. 7 Y amaha-mounted TracyJohnson was unstop pable in the 12Scc and 250c c Pro classes at the Clark County Arenacross in Battlegrou nd, Wash ington . In the 12Scc Pro main event , Ross and Tracy Johnson we nt into the first corner toge the r, Ross came o ut just ahead of Tracy. Ross and Tracy put on an awesome show, as the two w e re flat-out flying. Tracy slippe d by on th e seco nd lap to take t he lead , but Ross wasn't about to give up, and he cont inued to pressure Tracy for several more laps, but eventua lly he fell off the pace of the more experie nced Tracy. Former 8Scc supers tar Ross then had to hold o ff advances fro m the Clevenger Suspen sionspon sor ed Bryan Cle venger, w ho had slow ly crept up throughout the moto. There was lots of action furth er back in the pack. as joel Ard, Jam e s Ha m ilto n and Tyso n Blo o d w e re con sta ntly swapping posit ions until Hamilto n www.cyde m w e nt into t he w hoop sectio n way too fa r sid e w ays a nd end ed up s liding t hro ugh it without his bike! Hamilton's misfortune left Ard with some breathing roo m, and he moved up to do battle with the leaders . When the chec kered flag waved, Tracy scored a sure victo ry, wh ile Ro ss followed a few seconds later in second . C levenger was thi rd , and Ard w as d irectl y behin d him in fourth . Taking fift h was Blood . Clevenger pulled the t rigge r the fastest in the 2S0cc Pro main event, with Don Boespflug fo llow ing. Honda pilot j.R. Vielle got stu ck in the gate and was forced to play catch-up the whole race . Tracy was on fire, and, true to his w ild - ma n r iding style, he s hot by both Clevenger and Boe spflug on t he firs t lap . Li kewise, Ross moved up and passed Clevenger to cla im t hird . Ross then we nt to work on Boespflug, and aft er se veral la ps Boespflug stalled his YZ4S0 F fo ur-stro ke , and Ross moved up to second . Despite a He rculean effort, Ross co uld n't catc h Tracy, and by the halfway point everything had pretty much settled down. The CYCLE NEWS • JANUARY 21, 2004 53