250 PRO : I. Todd Gos.selaar (Han); 2. Nicholas Burson (Han ); l . Pat Wade (Yam).
JR VET BEG: I. Teny Crouse (Han ). JR VET NOV: I. Steve Mcive r (Han) . VET
NOV: I . Steve Mciver (Hon) . VET INT: I . Mike C rosb y (Y . VET EXlPRO: I.
Jon Zahrt (Suz) ; 2. Fran k Co stanz o (Hon); l . Nick Mairose (Kaw). SR NOV: I.
Mark Schuster (Han ); 2. Marty Schneide r (Yam). S R AM: I . Reggie Lamson(Su:r.);
2. Mike GosseIa.1r (Ho n); l. Fran k Mattoc ks (Han) ; .of. RandyWinslow (Hon) ; S.
Dean Jenn ;ngs (Hen). SR EX, I. RandyTrttjemer (Hen); 2. Ruu Schou (Hen);
l . Bam Simons (Yam). OfT 40+ NOV: I. Earl Penny Jr. (Yam); 2. Myron Lapka
(Hen) ; 3. Urry IOnch (Hen) . orr 40 + AM , I. Geo,.. And (KTM); 2. Ron
Wade (Yam). orr 4 0 + EX: I. Garry Conner (Yam); 2. Steve Durschlag (Hon ); 3.
Brian Farner (Han ): .of. Mar1l. Mangold (Hon ). OfT 50 + NOV: I . Asker Larnk)aer
(Suz). OfT 50 + AM: I. Britt W\Je$t (Hon) . OfT 50 + EX: I. MKhaeI Burnett
(Hon ); 2. Dennis Tooman (Hon): l . Bob Dunham (Yam). orr MSTR A:. I. Richard
Bunch (Yam). orr MSTR B: I. Bruce Lockwood (KTM).
Victo rville Motocross Com p le x
Hall's Passage
into First
ro ups of up-an d- coming " young guns" cam e ou t t o Vic-
to rville for the penu ltimate round of th e VMC Fall Series.
When the dust settl ed. topp ing all of the Inte rmed iates was Randall Hall.
Whe n th e gate dr opped for the first 125cc Inte rme dia te
moto , Brett Klein absconded w ith t he holeshot over Hall, Ryan
Pen hall and Brand on Bosworth. After two laps. Klein had Hall
close on his heels, look ing for a way aro und. T his duo slow ly
pulled a lead ove r Pen hall and Bosw orth. On lap five. Klei n got
some br eathing room w hen H all we nt down in a tight right-hand
corner after a long w hoo p sectio n. At the checke rs, it w as Klein
w ith the w in, over H all, PenhaJl and Bosworth.
Wh en the gate fell for moto two , Klein again ran away w ith
the holes hot , ove r Hall. Penhall and Boswort h. Hall was not
going to eat r oo st for a second time ; he made a very aggressive
move on Klein over a large step -up . Th is jump must be cleared
fro m a ramp that spans only half the width of the trac k. Afte r a
tight squeeze th rough th e next two single-jump sections . Hall
had the lead over Klein. The n Klein ke pt Hall honest all the way
to the checkers . as the pair had a small lead over Penhall and
Bosw orth.
Hall claimed th e overall wi th a 2- 1 moto tally. over Klein's 1-2
sco re . Penhall garn ered th ird with a 3-3 tall y. and Bosworth
earned fourth w ith 4-4 finishes.
Pee Wee Tra de:
am). HON (6-6): I. Anthony Gonules (Hen); 2.
U/CL FD: I. Coli L.avorti (Y
Matt Bohnstedt (Hon); 3. Kurtis Peterson (Han) ; .of. Trevor Jessen (Suz). HO N (7.
9): I. Ruben Murphy (Han): 2. Haden Jense n (Ho n): l . Kyfe Armstrong (Hon) .
YAM (0-6): I. She lby Kelley (Y ). YAM 80 (7-9): I. Steven-Lee Large (Yam); 2.
Corey Vannatta (Yam); 3. Shawn Vannatta (Yam). S/ 5T K (0·6 ): I. Cody Ketley
(KTM); 2. MKhael M"lby (KTM). SISTI< (7 . 9), I . M"hoeI Freuod (KTM). 70·1 25
4-STRK A : I. Che lsie Nordeen (Kaw). 70 -1 25 4 -ST RK B: I. Emiliano Gar da
(Su:r.); 2. Chrntian Barnes (Yam
Ma in Track
SlPfW : I. Cole Gardner (KTM): 2. Lane Gardne r (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Danie l
Cortines (Suz): 2. Matt Ascencio (Suz): l . Kory Bard (Kaw ): 4. Mason Ro berts
(Yam); S. Westin Mathe s (KTM). 65 N OV: I. Ryan Robles (KTM); 2. Crash Bell
(Suz): l . Connor Green (Kaw). BO BEG: I. Crash Bell (Suz); 2. Dean Hawki ns
(Hon); l . DyIlan Buc knaJi (Yam); .of . Nick Enyart (Yam); 5. Adam Zilla (Han ). 80
NOV: I. Jeremy Fraijo (Suz): 2. Co nno r Penhall (Kaw); 3. Cameron Heckman
(Y ; .of . Chris Green (Kaw). SIMINI : I. Connor Pen haJl (Kaw); 2. Jeremy Fra ljo
(Suz). WMN BEG: I. Samantha. Steffan (Hon ); 2. Nikki Stewart (Hon ); l . Sarah
Suchomel (Su:r.): -4 C .J. Watier (Han) . 5 CHB Y: I. Ryan Penhall (Kaw); 2. Brandon
Bosworth (Kaw) ; l . Brian Bebeck (Yam). 125 BEG : I. Cot y Von d ra ce k: 2.
Anthony Sanabria (Kaw ); l . Matt Gamboa (Hon ): .of . Enc Martin (Y : 5. Austin
Rich (Kaw). 125 NOV: I. Brian Bebeck (Yam 2. Billy Enyart (Y ); l . Ryan Bum
(Yam); .of . Wesley Ostman (Hon) ; S. Joseph Sample(Yam). 125 INT: I. Randall Hall
(KTM) ; 2. Bre tt Klein (Hon ); l . Ryan PenhaIl (Kaw): .of . Brandon Bosworth (Kaw).
125 P RO : I. Ch ris Thompson (Su:r.). 25 0 BEG: I. Eric Eigenhuts (Yam): 2. Jeremy
Hozen (KTM): l . Sean Martin (Yam). 25 0 NOV: I. Jake Narmore (Hon ). 25 0
INT: I. Josh Thompson (Han ): 2. Nate VVood (KTM): l . Bryan Mullin (Kaw). ] 0 +
BEG : I. Chad Je nse n (Ya m). ] 0 + NOV: I. Kevin Arlotti (Hon): 2. Br uc e
Thompson (Han): 3. Darren Cortines (Y ): .of. Da....e Dubin (Suz); S. Brian 5eip
(Yam). 30 + INT: I. Gene Dickinson (Yam ). 40 + BEG: I. Jimmy Lav c rct Sr.
(Han); 2. Mike BoskOV'Ch (Y ): l .jim Williams (Y ): 4. Eddie Vannatta. (Y
am) .
40 + NO V: I. L.arry Peacock (Y ): 2. Mark Sherwood (Kaw): l . Monte Pritchett
(yam): .of . Dave Dubin (Suz) . 4 0 + INT: I. Bruce Thompson (Han) ; 2. Tim Williams
Team Rac e
65 : I. Con nor Gr ee n/C ras h Bell (Kaw ). 8 5: I. Dan iel Armstron glMkhael
Suc homel (Ya m): 2. C h ri s G r e e n/ Rya n Ro b le s ( KT M). 12 5+ : I. Jo s h
T ho mpso n/ Ke vin Arlo tt i (Ho n); 2. Sean Mart infTre y Garcia (Yam) : l . Rick
GreerVjom Bell (Yam): ~ . Nikki StewartlMeianfe StewYt (Hus).
N a me
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