Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8 0 (9· t I ) : I. William See (SUl): 2_ Ryo!!n Robert5 (Yam) : 3. Glenn Prestholt (Yam ). 80 ( 12 . 13) : t. Danny Gubser (Yllm ); 2. Travis McClinton (Yo!!m l: 3 . Tyler McClinton (Yo!!m) 80 ( 14- 16): I. Ko!!mrtn Nielsen (y am ): 2. Cody Shelton (Hon) : 3 DougCroc kett (Yam ). S/MI NI: I. Danny Gubser (Yam): 2. Travis McClinton (ya m ); 3. J yles Monlgomery (Sw ). 125 BEG: 1. Tyson Dines (Hon); 2. Jeremiah Sparks (Yo!!m) ; J. Stume Skiles (Han). 125 JR : I. Mlltt Wil son (Vam ); 2. Wes Baughm an (Kll w); J. Kevin Petrushkln (Yll m ). 125 INT : I. Rand y Pekerek (KTM) : 2. Mike Horban (Yam): J. Ryan Huege (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. l<'Ichory Fettf nqer (Hon); 2. lGch To!!it (Kow): 3. ~ miM Sparks (Vo!!m). 25 0 JR: I. Bred Batchelor (Yam) : 2. Jerek SIIucedo (Hon); J . Rylln Hopson (Yllm). 25 0 INT: 1. Ryan Huege (Hon) : 2. Randy Peko!!~k (Yo!!m) : 3. Matt Prll (Hon) . (7 · 8) an d 50cc Open m otos. Alldredge was al so v i c t ori ou s i n th e 60c c J unior class . although a fourth overall win wou ld el ude th e Suzuk i rid er in the 60cc Open cl ass, as th e two oldest riders in the field - Justin Co nn and Coli n Bak er - woul d pl ace ahead of Alldredge in both m ot os. On Sunda y , loc al Yam ah a rid er D ann y Gubser wa s o n ha n d . Con t estin g h i s f i rs t round of the series, Gub ser ca me awa y wi th a pair of overall win s in the Supermini and 80 cc (12-1 3 ) clas ses. Suzuk i-m oun ted J y les Mont go m ery , winn er of th e Superm in i cl ass th e day pr io r, split m ota wins wit h Gub ser on day two. Montgomery was impr essiv e in his m ote -on e w in , ahead of Travis McCli nton an d Gubser. Howev er , Mon tgom ery co uldn 't repli cate his o pe n ing- m ota p erform an ce and co u ld o nly mu ster a fifth -pla ce fi nish in m ota two. Gub ser got ar ound ear ly lead er McClinton to po st a victory, wh ich was good fo r the ov erall win via 3- 1 p lacing s. McClinton (2-2) finish ed seco nd ove rall , ahead of Mont gomery (1-5) . A n unusually large fie ld of 125 cc Interme d iate riders was on hand for the series' fin ale. Sannan an d Hueg e wag ed anothe r o f thei r cl assi c co nfro nta tions in th e o pe n ing mota, al tho ug h th ey wo u ld tangl e in bot h m oto s; Sannan finished the day w ith a 1-6 score , and Huege mirror ed that w ith a 6- 1 sco re. Huege led fo r m uch of the first moto befo re he and Sannan bumped , and Sanna n won . Mo to two was a rev ersa l , although t his time Hueg e wou ld exi t th e m elee with a m ota win. Neither rider , however , wou ld snare th e overall win, as KTM rider Peka rek 's 3-2 placings would net the sou the rn O rego n rider the overall wi n. Horban ( 2-3) , Hu ege (6- 1), Sanna n (1-6 ) and Jacob O berle (4-4) rounded out the top five . A ll dredge fina lized th e series the same way he sta rte d it - w it h hi s do m ina ting per fo r m an ces in the 50cc classes. He also add ed a win in the 60cc Junior class to post his sixth ove rall win of the week end . 2SOPRO: I. J.R. V'leIle (Hon) . OPEN AM: I. BenSensen (Han) : 2. Zach Tait ( Kaw); J . Bryon Smith(HUll). WM : I . Jeanne van Buskirk (K.1w); 2. Saro!!h Costa (Stu): 3. M.!rryRadmachrr (Sul) . Bnt JR: 1. Cody Crum ley (Yam ); 2. Matt Wilson (Yll m ); 3. Brad Batchelor (Yo!!m). BTH INT: 1. Pec.e SIInOlln (KTM) . UTH JR: I. Dene Smith (Hoo ). s OT H BEQ : I. Keith Brenenstu hl ( Yll m ); 2. De ve Bu rggren (Vllm ): J . John Fowler (Hon) . OTH JR : 1. Frank Jac ob sen (Han) ; 2. Bryon Sm ith (Hus) : J. Scott Hock emo!! (SUl ). JR : I . Dave Harden (Kawl: 2. Frank Jacobsen (Han) ; 3. Steve Fidler (Hon ). orr INT: 1. Brien Barber (Han) : 2. Grant Brown (Yom ): J. Bill Famoll (Hus). MNY: I. Deve Pox (Ko!!w); 2. G~g Go!!tes (Han). 50. : I . Ric k Radrnac:he (Sw: ). r 4-STRK: 1. Cody Cruml ey (y am): 2. Ian MaCUfM (Vam ); 3. Mati. Wilson (Yam ). O rr orr International Old-Timers Association Annual Race Series Round 13: Victorville Motocross Complex Kray Takes the Pot with Five Aces B y G ENE H IGGIN BO TH AM VICTORVILLE, CA . OCT. 25-26 Th is hotly conte ste d series, which began in the unseasonably wet state of A riz ona in March and ended in Victorville within the sight and smell of th e fir es in the mountains nea rby . ranged as far north as Calgary, Alberta, Cena da , and as far east as Idaho Falls, Idaho . at the foot of the Rocky Mou nta ins. Those who pa rt icipate d i n t h e O ld -Ti me rs Seri es h a v e learn ed th at trave l to other tracks and states is a rewa rding ex perience. Most have deve lo ped clo ser fri ends withi n their cla ss of co mpetition tha n they m ay have in their own hom e to wns. The Riv er si de c ha pte r. led by p resid ent Frank Derb y , hosted a very successfu l event, wit h a g rea t series of m ot o s on Satu rday ca pped off with a grand m eal for all . Th e scorers we re pu t to t he test . w ith m any m ot o s co m b i n ing as many as three classes. The Rivers ide folk did a great job, and their effo rts are greatly appreciated by all. The Vi ct o rville M otocross Complex was groomed to perfecti on. with particular care g iven to the app roac hes to all jumps. There were fast sweepe rs, double jumps (incl ud ing one 90 ·footer) , ta bl eto ps and a toug h uphil l double that had a very sho rt approa ch out of a tigh t co rner. This was the setting for th e fina l ro und of th e series and th e c ha mpio ns h ips th at in m any ca ses had co me down to this final race. Th e O ver 60 Expert cha m pio nship was not o ne o f tho se , how ev e r. B o b Kr ay fr o m the Rock y Mou nta in chapter rode the VMC li ke it wa s his pr act ice track . Last ye ar's champion, L.A .' s Gary Will ison , dogged Kray close ly in Forster livestock Pavilion Salem, Oregon Results, October 25-26, 2003 (Rounds 7 and 8 o f 8 ) Saturday P/W (3 ·6) : 1. Je remy Wilton (Cob); 2. Ryan BuTgg~O (KTM): 3. Trevor Newman (Hus) . P/W (7- 8): 1. Chris Alldredge (Cob) ; 2. Coby Ay~ (Cob) ; 3. Ryo!!n Newmen (Cob ). 50 OPEN: I . Chris AlldrMge (Cob); 2. Ryo!!n Newman (Cob); J . Tyler Jo!!smef(KTM). 60 BEG: I. .Jeremy Wilton (Ko!!w ): 2. Aaron Beck (Ka w) ; J. Coby Ayrf'S (KTM). 60 JR : 1. Chris Alldred~ (Suz) ; 2. RJ. Leech (Suz): J. Brandon Barber (Sul) . 60 SR: l. Justin Conn (KTM); 2. Colin Baker (KTM): 3. Tro!! vis Conk lin (Kaw). 60 OPEN: I . Justin Conn (KTM): 2. Colin Baker (KTM) : 3. Chris Alldredge (Sull. 80 BEG: 1. Nile Johnson (Yom) ; 2. Chucky Fettinger (Han) : J . Joel Peener (Hon). 80 (9· 1 1): 1. Glenn Prestholt ( VlIm); 2. Will iam See (SuI): J. Ryen Roberts (Yam ). 8 0 (12.13 ) : J. Tr a vis McClin ton (Yll m); 2. T yler McCl int on (Vllm) : 3. Ty ler Schwentker (Yo!!m ). 80 ( 14.1 6): 1. Ko!!mrin Nielsen (Yam): 2. Doug Crockett (Yam) ; 3. Chris Egan (Vo!!m ). S/M INI: 1. J yles Montgomery ($uz:I : 2. Trevts McClinton (Yam ); J. Tyler Schwentker (Vam) . 125 BEG: 1. ShaM Skiles (Han); 2. JerMtiah Spa rks (Yam); J . Tyson Dines (Hoo). 125 JR : I . Cody Cru mley (Yo!!m) ; 2. Mott Wi l~n (Va m) ; 3 . All ron McCIintoll (Yam) . 125 INT : 1. Pfote Sannan (KTM): 2. Mike Horb.!ln (Yam) ; 3. Ryan Huege (Hoo). 250 BEG: 1. Zach Tait (K4w); 2. Je~iah Spar ks ( Yllm ); J. Dave Harden (Ko!!w) . 250 JR: I. Brad Batchel or (Yo!!m) ; 2. Ben SIInno!!n (Hon): J. Do!!l· las Smith (Han) . 250 INT : 1. Ryan Huege (Ha n): 2. Man PeU (Hon) ; J . Ro!!n dy Pekllrek (Yam ). 250 PRO: I . J. R. Vielle (Hon). OPEN AM: 1. Ben Sannan (Hon); 2. Bryon Smith (Hus) : J . Mike Do!!hlmo!!n (Han). WMN: 1. Heidi Koerschgen (Hon): 2. SIIro!!h Costa (Sw); 3. Bre· IIno!! Pulido (Kll wl . Bnt JR : 1. Matt Wilson (Yo!!m): 2. Ao!Iron McClin ton (Yo!Im); 3. Brad Bo!! tchelor (Yam ). Bnt INT : I. Pete Sannan (KTM) . INT: I. Matt Prll (Han). OTH BEG: 1. Keith Brenenstuhl (Vo!Im) ; 2. Craig Schacko (Yam) : 3. Dennis Child (Hon) . OTH JR: 1. Bryon Smith (HUll); 2. Mike Dohlmo!!n (Hon); J . Scott Hockema (Sul) . OfT JR: I. Ji m Valenco urt (Vam) : 2. Da ve Harden (Kaw) ; 3. Brian Barber (Hon) . MY: 1. Dave Faa (Kaw); 2. Dave Shepard (Hon): 3. Greg eac h mota. but Kray , ridin g like the 60 -yea rold " k id - that he is (he always looks li k e he' s in the wrong pra ctice) , won all five moto s handil y . The Over 50 Expert champ ionship di d depend on the outc om e of this race. O reqon ian J immy Harris wa s in a ti e w ith J err y Wink e lbauer of t he Si erra Chapte r, b ut in order to take the champ ionship, Harris had to win the overall to break th e tie . It was not to be, but Harris gave it h is all, wi th consistentl y good starts and strong fi n ishes , includi ng a m ot o win fo r second overa ll. Yam ah a rider J ac k Rot en from Riverside wo n th e overa ll with thr ee moto wins and a co up le of seco nds . Win kelb au er, thoug h plagu ed by poor sta rts, was able to co me through the pac k and was a consistently st ro ng fi n is he r , c o m in g u p wi th thi rd o ve rall an d the c ham p ionship fo r th e year. In th e Ov er 40 Experts clas h . Bob Bro wnlie and Ron Hudson, both from O rego n, fo und the track to thei r liki ng , and wi th co nsistent finish es they were the first and second points w in ners. Alberta 's Zoli Ber enyi Sr., return ing from a bad tumble in th e Calgary race last August, once agai n showed h is do minance amo ng the Over 70 Experts . Rarely getting a good start. he worked throug h the pack w ith ease. Central Va lley rider D u ane Sp e n c e w a s a lways a th reat to Bereny i but was un able to get a win on this week end . Ev ery one was at the fence to wa tch eac h Ma ster·c1ass m ote. and they were treated to sca ry ae rial displ ay s by Eric McK enn a . Zo li Berenyi J r. and Scotty Walk er Jr. (as well as by m ost of the cl ass) ove r the 90 -foot doubl e . 3. 3. 3. Victorville Motocross Complex: Bob Kray (57) leads the way on the first lap, w ith George Spearing (3) from Riverside and Jim Denevan (17) from Arizona In hot pursuit. Kray won all five motos for the weekend i n Victorville, California, and the annual championsh ip in the Over 60 Expert class at the final round of the Internat ional Old-Timers Association Annual Race Series. 3. J. 3. cue 5. Kelley Hampton . 50 . NOV: I . Robert Dyk mans ; 2. Les Oldenbrook; 3. Mol'TOlll Fleet; 4. F~ Kdlmick; 5. John Craft. SO. AM.: 1. Michael Burnett; 2. James Peterson: 3. Herb Allen: 4. Cleyton lDonsfoot; 5. Uoyd Carr. so. EX: J. Jilek Roten; 2. Jimmie Harris; 3. Jerry Winkelbauer; Mike McKay ; 4. Phil CfUl; 5. Ed Perriton. MSTR: I . Bill Maaim ; 2. Rudy Koop : 3. Garry Roestel; 4. Cilli Gazafy; 5. Go!!ry Chase. 60. NO V: I. Ken Feulner; 2. Dennis Pangburn : J. Kurt Sofka Sr.; 4. Dan Nelson; 5. Sco tt WlIl ker Sr. 60 . AM; 1. Dennis Tomo!!n: 2. Bruce Hoover; 3. Phil Black: 4. AI Smith; 5. Harold Noell. 60 . EX: 1. Bob Kray: 2. Gll J'yWill ison; J. J. Roberts; 4 . George Spt"aring; 5. J im Denevan. 70. AM: l. Bruce Cornell; 2. Bob Al loy. 70. EX: I. l oli Berenyt Sr.: 2. Dcen e Spence; J. M"... Goode; 4. Tony Armada ; 5. Fred Sessions. MSTR A: 1. loli Berenyi .Jr.: 2. Sco tty Wa lk er J r.: J . Mo!!rk Frenkhn: 4. Shawn Hybar ger; 5. Eric McKenna MSTR B: 1. Dave Eropki n; 2. Kurt $atk a Jr.: 3. Dan Scho!!rf: 4. Mik e McMurry; 5. Michael Neet Int erna ti onal O ld · Ti me rs A sso ciation An n ual Race Ser ies Fin al Standings (After 13 of 13 rouocls): NOV : L Brian SW llnson ; 2. Mark Bolton; 3. Dave 5p.'lulding; 4 CUrti 5 Po!!ulsen: 5. Cam Co!!meron. AM: I . M ike Do wney : 2. Mike Robinson; 3 . Mike Marek ; 4 . Michaeol Mosca: 5. Marcus Crider. EX 1. Roo Hudson; 2. Robert Marks : J . I'Iorm Eberle: 4. lllfll~ : McCarver, 5. Mike EJlis. 50. NO V: I . Kyle Montgo mery: 2. tes Oldenbrock: 3. John Rock ; 4. LarryKiBCh; 5. Denise De Vines. SO. AM: I . Jeff Kis.. ..inger; 2. Mich lle1 Burnett; 3. Jo!!lTIeS Peterson: 4. Gordon $kirmf'r; 5. John Meusling . SO. EX I . Jerry Wlnke lbauer; 2. .Jemes Harris; 3. Ed Perriton: 4. : J ack Baken; 5. F~ Wheeler. 60. NO V: 1. Scott Walk er; 2. Dennis Pangburn; 3. Uoyd Jones: 4. Louie Chase; 5. Ken Feulner. 60 . AM: 1. Leroy Frencerd: 2. Bruce Hoover; J. Phil Black, 4. Mike Dobb ins; 5. Harold Noell. 60. EX: I . Bob Kroy; 2. Bart Kellogg : 3. Gary Willi son; 4. Leurenee St. Pierre; 5. Cali Bowling 70 . AM: 1. Bruce Cornell ; 2. Nate House; J . Dan McCo!!rthy; 4. N. rm Arm5troog ; 5. Grllnt Lewe , o 70 . EX: I . Duane Spence; 2. loli Berenyi Sr.; 3. Mall:Goode: 4. Gene Hrebsky. 5. Tony Armad a. 50. MSTR : I . Charlie M.!rrsho!!ll; 2. Garry Roestel; J. Gary Ch a~ 4. Don Tocher; 5. Steve MdChll do. MSTR A: I . Eric McKenno!!: 2. Mark Kdestner; 3. Shawn Hybll rger; 4. M.!rrkFranklin ; 5. ZoIi ~yi Jr . MSTR B: 1. Kip Tem pleton; 2. D.II e Ernpkm : J . Mike McMurry: v 4. Donie! Schorf: 5. lllrry Brown . so. B y LARRY W O O S TER orr NOVEMBER 26. 2003' NO V: I. Dan iel Moril les; 2. Dave Spauldi ng; 3. Eric Alloy ; 4. Mark Togudli: 5. Stephen Vin Curt'k. AM.: I. Mort Smi th : 2. Michael Mosca: J . Ro!s Thomp son; 4. ""'reos Crider; 5. Tim Will iams. EX I. Bob Brownlie ; 2. Ron Hudson: J. Steve DuBChlo!!ag: 4. : Last Call Gales (Honl . 50.: 1. Rick RadrMcher (Suz) ; 2. Klirl Koe~ (Hon) . 4·STRK: I. Mike Horban (Yam ): 2. JetCOb Oberle (Yo!!m ): 3. M.!rtt 46 V ictorville Motocross Complex V ictorville. California Re sults, October 25·26, 2003 (Round 13 of 13) Western New York MX Association Inc. Round 29: Frozen Ocean MX Park ant WI1sorI ( Vam). Sunday P/W (3 ·6) : I. Wyo!! tt Fowler (HUll); 2. RYlln Burggren (KTM): Nash Basney. P/W (7-8): 1. Chris Alldl'l! dge (Cob) ; 2. Ryan Newmo!ln (Cob); 5Lephen Blaine (Hon). 50 OPEN: 1. Chris Alld~ge (Cob) ; 2. Ryan Newman (Cob) ; Tyle r Jasmer (KTM) . 60 BEQ; I. A aron Bec k (Ko!! w ): 2. RYlln Newm an (KTM): Casey Sutton (Kaw ). 60 JR : I . Chris Alldredge (Sul ); 2. Brll ndon Barber (Suz). 60 SR: I . Brendan Johnson (KTM). 60 OPEN: I. Ko!!leb Basney (Kil w); 2. Chris AJld~dge (Sw); Trae Johnso n (Kawl . 80 BEG: I. Nile Johnson (Vam); 2. Chucky FettJnger (Hon) : Add ison Tague (Ydm) . McK enna and Berenyi Jr. wer e side by side and ch ang ing le ads often in th e first m oto. Mc Kenna even tuall y pulled ahead for the win . Th ere w as more of th e same in the second m ota , but th is time McK enn a went down in a slide and was unabl e to catch Bereny i before the check ers. In m ot a three, it appeared th ere would be m or e of th e same wh en McK enna went down agai n in the sweeper and Berenyi m ov ed int o fir st. McKenna was up qui ckl y and on th e ga s to catc h up wh en he crashed hard on th e land ing aft er a tabl etop (it turns out he had a fla t fro nt tir e) an d rang his bell prett y hard; he retir ed fo r th e rest of th e week end . Fro m th at po int on , Berenyi J r. had his way in eac h rema in in g m oto , w inn ing th e ove rall. Lu rk ing in th e bac k ground, Walk er and Mark Fran kli n k ep t him hon est. Now th at the serie s is com plete, there is a sense of sad ness , bec au se the season- lo ng fell ow ship is gon e - at least until nex t March and it w ill be so re ly m issed . Those alr ead y loo k in g fo rward to next year should have a gr eat of f -season , bu t po li sh up and im pro ve yo ur ridi ng sk ills so you can kick bu tt next yea r! I e ne""s A UBU RN, NY. OCT. 26 T he rank s at Frozen Ocean swelled to well over 2 50 rider s fo r th e fi nal WN YMA po ints race of 20 03 . The Denman fa m ily and track cre w had "The Place To Race" in fine shape . The last call for points woul d test the skills of the best rid ers fro m northern Pennsylvania to southe rn Ontari o , Canada, and fro m eastern Oh io to the Jersey Shore, with all po ints in bet wee n covered . With ind ustry leaders such as No Fear , Scott USA. Moose Racin g Prod uct s, DP Brakes, MxRide.c om , Dunlop tires, L A . Sleev e and Garl ock Offi ce Produ cts suppo rting the 1200 -plus rider base, it's no wonder the WN YMA co ntinues to lead th e MX way of li fe in t he a rea . Imit ated but never , eve r du pli cated , it's no fl uke tha t for th e last 30 years the WN YMA has remained the best race series in western New York. Spea king of testi ng the best, a dirty dozen of th e WN YMA,'s highest senior cl ass, th e Over

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