Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WM.N OPEN: 1. ElizlIbeth McFlIrlllnd (KlIIII ); 2. An gelll Keit h (KlIIII): 3. MaC)' K im~1l (Suz): 4 . Holl y Kodlln (Hon ); 5 . Klitie lupe (Su.). SCHB I. RYlin Grentom (Sw ); 2. H. McMJUan (Stu); 3. Lance Y: Stevens (Sul ); 4. tccee Windham (Stu) : 5. MaxSwein (KlIIII). 25. A: J. Brad Wool!it' y (Kalil) ; 2. Shane Clam pitt (KlI w); 3. Dev e Glirdner (Hon); 4. Jame !t Hillin (Hon); 5. JlI son Nimitz (Han) . 25. B: 1. Mik e Walling (Hon) ; 2. Trll vis Thomp son (K aw); 3. Brian McCann (SOl) ; 4. Eddie Anderson (Yam) ; 5. Keith Kli rstedt (YlIm ). 25 . C: 1. Dustin Noble (Hon): 2. Mik e Moye (Han); 3. Denni!! Heue (Kaw); 4. Denver Posey (Han): 5. Mitch voute (Hon). r 30 . A: I. Jimbo Mort on [Sue]: 2. Pete Sul li va n ( Hon) ; 3 . ThomlI , rIChter (Han ): 4. Greg Howard (Hon); 5. .Jeecn Nimitz (Hon). 30 . B: J. Brian McClinn (Suz): 2. Keith Comtnll nlkl' (Yam); J. Trllvi, ThompllOl'l (KlIw); 4 . Eddie Anderson (Yam ). 40 + A: 1. Pete Sulli van (Hon): 2. Greg Howard (Hon): 3. Vernon Pett erson (Hon): 4 . Bruce Frey (Hon): 5. Andy Munro (Hon) . 40 . B: L Andy Kimbrell (Yam ): 2. Todd Miller (Hon); J . Bubba Spears (Han) : 4. .Jeb Wooc 15(Hon): 5. Hennen Telile (Hon) . INDUSTRY: I. SMun MlIrtin (Hon); 2. Patrick Owen (KlIw); J. !...lIfT}' Hughes (Han): 4. HerTT\lln Teale (Han); 5. Neveen Desseneyeke (Han). Xtremeworld Arenacross S eries Round 2: H arperStadium The Sheriff Locks Up Three By C HUCK B ALL FORT SMITH, AR , OCT. 25 -26 A pur se of nearl y $4000 wa s up fo r grabs as rid ers in vad ed Fort Sm ith , A rk an sa s, to do battle on the tight confi nes of th e Harp er Stad ium rod eo arena . Names such as De m uth , Marl ey , Humphrey , Sm ith and Kur osk y got th e week end starte d off wi th hea t races to take th e fastest 12 in each class to thei r ma in events, which were th en run mu ch like a trad itiona l m otocro ss race: by runn ing tw o m otos. Ab oa rd his Y am ah a, Co l t Hump h r ey abs cond ed wi t h t he f irst 12 5 c c h eat - ra c e hol eshot and led J osh Demuth and crew into th e first corner. Demuth co ntin ued to pressur e Humphrey as the t wo pounded o ut lap aft er lap . Demuth show ed hi s prowess in th e who op sect ion, using that speed to pass Humphrey in a co rner. At the end , Dem uth and Humphrey went one-tw o. Th e second heat looked mu ch lik e th e first, but with Chad Cook , J ohnny M arl ey , Ada m Mennenga and Robbie Smi th running nea r the front . Marley was ted no time getting around Cook and into th e lead , and he rode off to vi c tory , ahead of Menneng a and Cook. Humphrey again go t out to an early lead in th e fi rst 250cc heat race, but Mennenga stole th e show by passing Humphr ey and riding off wi th the win . In heat tw o , Demuth again got th e sta rt , j us t ahe ad o f Josh W ei senfel s, Ma rley and Sm ith . Marl ey q ui ckly m ad e h i s wa y p ast W eisenfels, as did Sm it h. With Demuth rid ing w ell. Marl ey wo ul d have to sett le for seco nd and Smith for third , as Demuth too k the win. A s t h e ga te s f i ll ed fo r th e n ig h t ' s fi rst 125cc m ota , all ey es were on Demuth as he la id d o w n th e l aw w ith hi s T ea m Shogun / Yamah a YZ25 0F , getting out to the early lead ah ead of LCS rider Mennenga and T eam Faith ride r Robbie McQuany. Th e m an on th e m ove was Reyna rd Mod ificati on s-backed Marley, as he let it all hang o ut in hop es of catching th e leaders. It wasn 't to be, th ou gh , as De m uth ro de wi th near perfect io n , winning th e m ota ahead of Mennenga and Cook. Th e seco nd m ot a was mu ch like th e first , as Dem uth aga in rock eted out to the lead and never looked back. The 125cc LCQ winner , Smith , en de d up th ird, behin d Demuth and Mennenga. Th e fir st 25 0cc m ot a came and went, and so did Demuth, as "The Sheri ff" rod e flawl essly on hi s way to victory . Th e sur pr ise rider of th e m ota was off- road spe cia li st W eisen fel s: Aboar d hi s KTM 2 50 , he held Men nenga at bay for several lap s, but he fi na lly succumbed to th e pr essur e and let the Yama ha rid er by . In fro nt of these two, Marl ey too k an une xp ected head er int o th e ground ov er th e huge double befor e th e fini sh -lin e jump and th en walked off the trac k, ca ll ing it a night. Mota two ca me and went nearl y as quick ly as the fir st. This time, how ever , Sm it h wound up t hir d, a h e ad o f Ril e y Kur o sk y , whil e Dem uth and Menn enga again topped the field . Th e top four rid er s from both th e 125 cc an d 250 cc cl asses w er e rew ard ed with a c hance to co m pete in the 25 -la p Cla sh For Ca sh . Dem ut h o nce again proved his point , nearly rid ing the wheels off his YZ250 and la ppi ng the enti re fiel d exc ept M enn enga. Co m ing home th ir d wa s KTM 125-mounted Cook , and YZ 125 rider Sm ith coa sted home in fourth . "Well , I've go t to give th e Lo rd Jes us Christ thank s fo r g iv in g m e th e oppo rt un it y to do th is ," Demuth repli ed wh en aske d about his night. "I' ve got a great fam ily ba ck ho me and a great tea m support ing m e, as well as m y m ech ani c , Ja ck Yost. I'm lo okin g fo rward to thi s ye ar's arena cross series and just want ed to co me her e ton ight and ge t ba ck into th e swing of thi ngs. Th e track was awesome, and I had a reall y good tim e." Harper Stadium Fort Smith. A rkan sas Res ults. October 25-26. 2003 (Round 2 of 6) Slitu rdll Y 50 OPEl"I: 1. Michltel Wright (Pol ); 2. Landen Post (KTM) : 3. Chese Wlil ters (Cob); 4. Grant Higgins (Pol): 5. Seth HlI yes (Pol) . 65 OPEN: 1. Ferren O 'Dt'U (Kalil); 2. Levi Best (tITM) ; 3. Garrett Comer (tIT M); 4. Brier Sample (Kalil): 5. Greg Gehrer (Kaw). Harper Stadium: Josh " The She ri" " Demu th used sma ll-track tactics to his ad vantage en route to victory in the 125cc Pro and 250cc Pro classes, as we ll as the 25-lap Clash For Cash , at round two of the Xtremeworld Arena cross Series In Fort Sm ith, Arkansas. 65 (9.11 ): 1. Terren O'Dell (Kltw): 2. Levi Best (KTM); 3. Briar Sample (Kaw); 4. Garrell Comer (KTM); 5. Greg Gehrer (KlIw). 65 C>UTUW: I. Ferren O'Dell (KlI w); 2. Levi Best (KTM ); 3. Gltrrett Comer (tIT M): 4. Luke Heyee ( KTM); 5. Mike Pullen (Sw: ). 85 BEG: 1. Jay son Huggins (Kaw): 2. Cody Sims (K aw): 3. Rick y McReyn old s (Yam ): 4. Mlitt Worth (Kaw): 5. J erome Gabel (Yam). 85 J R (7 . 1 1): I. Terren O' DeIl (Kaw); 2 . AddillOl'l Collim (Y(lm): 3. Levi Best (Su1 ): 4. Todd Blcxhem (Suz) : 5. BMr Sample (KtIw). 85 SR ( 12. 16) : I. Tyler Arredondo (Yam ); 2. Bryan Jon es i (Yam ): 3. To mmy ~ (Yam ); 4. Lev Fermer (KlIw); 5. Colf. Trotter (Han). 850a TIAW: I. Terren O' Dell (KlIIII); 2. Climeron Kirk (Han); 3. Todd Bloxham (SOl); 4. Tyler Arredondo (Yam ): 5. Addison Collins (Yam ). 125 BEG: 1. Chtld Moreton (tIT M) : 2. J(lcob 8lIgw ill (YlIm): 3. Joshua Pierce (SOl): 4. David Dye (Sw: ); 5. Bobby Ferguson (Y(lm ). 125/250 OPEN BEG: 1. Bob Dav is (Hon); 2. Kerr y J ones (Yam): 3. Billy Chisum (KlI w) 125 NOV : I. Wyatt Brown (Yam); 2. Skyler Henson (Yam) : 3. Aaron Stone (Suz); 4 . Casey M.e rreighn (Hon); 5. Blake Wright (Yam ). 250 BEG: 1. Derrel Fenton (Hon); 2. Dustin Baldwin (Hon); 3. Bob Davis (Hon): 4 . Trent O' Nelil ($w: ): 5. Justin Denz (YlIm ). 250 NOV: I. Bltldley Brower (Hon): 2. Jeff King (Hon); 3. Dusty Hickman (Sul); 4. Brent Gates (Y(lm). 250 INT: I . Dennis Hotson (KTM); 2. Dustin Jo nes (Hon) : 3. Matt Reynolds (Han) ; 4. Cory Wetson (Hon). O

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