Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SCHB Y: I. Anthony Gonzales (Yam ); 2. Mall Scolll ri (Hon ): 3. Cameron Bellam y (Yam ): 4. Daniel Dua rte (Suz ): 5 . Ju stin Morgan (Yam) . 30 . BEO: I. A llen Nickel ( Yam ); 2. Will BarTllgan ( Han) : 3. Davey Adllnu (Yam) ; 4. Kevin Wilson (Yam): 5. Brandon Cepdepcn (Kaw). 3 0. NO V: I. Je~my Fortin i (Yam ); 2. J immy Garcia (Yam ); 3. An drelll Ac aya (Yam ); 4 . Jll Y Garclll (Yll m) : 5. David Gll tts (Yam) . 3 0. INT : 1. J on Nicolau s (Hon ). 40. BEG: 1. Bill .Johnson (Han); 2. Kazl Marchewka (Han); 3 . Troy Myers (Han); 4. Phil Ascarrunl (KTM) ; 5. Ron Stoneham (Hon ). 40 . INT: 1. Alan Krause (Han ); 2. Rich Voss (Han). OPEN I. Ron De Jesus (Yam ); 2. Aaron Youse (Han ): 3. Rory : Radovi ch: 4. Je ff Marsh (Han); 5 . Gino Scolari Jr . (Yam ). OUTlAW XRSO ( 9- 12 ): I. Anthon y Neve (Hon) . OUTlAW XR50 STK: I. Chad Budd (Hon) ; 2. Doug Fra!h if'f i (Han) ; 3 . Dani el Neve (Hen]: 4. Dyl an Ca pp iello (Han) ; 5. Shane WeiS! (Han). OUTL\W XR50 MOD: 1. Steve lovauano (Hon); 2. Mark Ab~ 1II (Hoo ); 3 . Tyson nago (Han); 4 . Twisty McPhearson (Hon): 5 . Branda White (Hoo) . OFC 60: L Nick WiUey (KTM). OFC 80 : I. Rick y Ak ers (Hon ). OFC B/BK: 1. Ni ck Davi ! (Sul ). 125 NO V: I . Les Saito (Hon); 2. Donald Erte l (Yam ); 3 . Anthon y Gonzales (Yam ); 4 . M4tk Abrew (Yam ); 5 . Jllson VaS! (Han ). 125 1l'fT 1. Ron De Jesus (Yam) ; 2. Gjno Scolari Jr . (Yll m ): 3. : Rory Radovich (Hon ); 4. Raymo nd Nev eec (Kalil): 5 . Cameron Betlam y (YlIm ). 125 PRO ; 1. Nick o,.,vis (SUI) ; 2. Brando n Jo nes (Kaw); 3. Scott Metz (KTM) ; 4. Tony Wolf (Han); 5 . Bryan Wagner ( Vam ). 25 0 BEG: J. Kyle Howar d (SuI) : 2 . J osh Stebeneur (Yam); 3. Robert McPhe~n (Yam ): 4. Ry.. n O'S utlwan ( Yam ): 5. Sam Infantino a (Han ). 250 NOV : 1. J ason Voss (Han ); 2. J erem y .Johnscn (Yam ); 3. Chrl! Redmond (Yam); 4. Max Scolari (Han ): 5. Aaron Strong (Yam ). 250 INT: I. Trev or Don iak (Yam ); 2. Ron De Jesus (Yam): 3 . AlII"On Vouse (Han); 4. Jon Nicol aus (Han ); 5. Mich ael Carnes (Hoo) . 250 PRO: 1. Scott Metz (Hon) : 2. Nk k Davis (SUI); 3. Buffalo Soito (Hon) : 4. Auggie Rodrigu ez (Hoo) ; 5 . Tony Wolf (Han). 4·STRK 90·150: I. Cody to\a sonek (Han ); 2. Keith Loft us·Fun k 3. Londell Redmond (Yam) ; 4. Danny Pacini (Yam) ; 5 . A .J . (Yam) ; Jone s (SuI ). W/l\N: I. Step hanie Ca nci ll a (Ha n ); 2. Joh ta Neve (Han) ; 3 . Amend e Asc:arrunl (Yam) ; 4. A man da Kut che ra (Yam ); 5 . Kristin Knud sen (Yam ). CMA Bay Area TT Challenge Round 4: Santa Clara County Fairgrounds SAN J OSE, CA, OCT . 19 Lik e its sister superc ross series, th e California Motor cycl e A ssoci ation' s Ba y A rea IT Chal lenge series start ed ga in ing m om entum from th e onse t and k ept it g oing ri gh t into ro und four . Th e pen ult im ate week end of racin g went off at th e Santa Clara Cou nty Fair gr ou nd s in San J ose, Cali forn ia, with several cla ss cham pi on shi p races yet to be decid ed. Ti ck ets for the 200 4 San Fran ci sco Supercross were on the line fo r cl ass cham pi ons , in addi tion to the alwa ys -cove ted tr ophies, so th e action o n the L-shaped tr ack was int ense. Unlike m otocross, th e TT series doesn 't co m b ine tw o mota scores to dete rmin e th e w inner. Instead , th e first race is a heat race that det ermin es a rid er's starting position in the main event. Col eton Glimski had one of the best tum around performan ces o f th e day, The 6 5c c Novice class had so many riders that they had to split it Into two divisions. Glimski pl aced seventh in his heat race. That put him in the second division for th e main even t . Undaunted, the KTM rid er narrowl y defeated Ka wasakt -m c unted Skyla r W ill iams to win the sec ond -division m ain . Bronson Bauman finished th ird , scoring va lua b le po ints , since th e top three ride rs were all in the championship hunt . > Santa Cla ra Cou nty Fairground s : A light tw o-way batt le for th e champio nship was shaping up between Br ad Ric hard (382) and Dave Maxwell (37 1) In th e '70s Singles div is ion as the CMA Bay Are a IT Cha llenge hit it s penultimate ro und in San Jose, California, cue 50 Frr: I. Bradley Deere (KTM); 2. Josie Rom ine (KTM); 3. Isaiah Castro: 4. Ray RomIn e (Yam) ; 5 . Chase Hart (SuI ). 50 (0 · 6 ): I. Mitchell Oullette (KTM). 50 (7 ·8) : 1. David Guadll nllpo (KTM ): 2. Tra vis Alvemal (KTM ); 3. Dom inic Mont erosso (Cob); 4. Brandon Duran (KTM) . 50 MOD : I. A ustin Scaggs (Yam ). 50 X: I . Brandon Duran (KTM); 2. Eddie Duran (KTM) . 65 NOV 0 -1: I. Ryan Murphy (KTM); 2. Cody Sllve (Kll lII); 3. Matth ew Bum s (Kll lII): 4. Robe rt O lm os ( Kaw); 5 . Wesley De ere (Kalil) . 6 5 NOV 0 ·2 : I. Coleto n Gli m sk i (KTM ); 2. Skylar Williams (Kalil ): 3 . Bronson Bauma n (K aw); 4. Dom ink Monterosso (Kll w); 5. J erry Wartl"fl (SuI ). 65 X : 1. Ryan Mu rph y (K lI lII): 2. Mich ael Pim ik ( Kll lII); 3 . Matth ew & ms (Kalil ). 70 ADOLT : I. Chris Bl aufus (Hon ); 2. Raymond Rom ine (Yam ); 3 . Mike Blaufu s (Han); 4 . Cmig King (Hoo ): 5. David Hou se C Hon ). 85 NOV 0 · 1: I . Steven Pim ik (Yil m ); 2. J acob KllrT (Han ); 3. Ronald Dominguel (Kalil ): 4. Brook e Hodges (Kalil); 5 . Terry Sm ith (Han ). 85 NOV 0 -2: I. Tyler Gonnan (Han ); 2. Mason Garcia (Yam); 3 . J co ethen Vassallo ( Yam); 4. Th omas Marqu el (Yam); 5 . Anth ony I EO n 85 INT : 1. $haun Murph y (Yam ). 85 X: 1. Sha un Murph y (YlIm); 2. Steven Pimik (Yli m l. 0-90 rot: 1. MlIsoo Cli rcUl (Hon); 2. Jerem y Mont es (Hon); 3. Delton Spj u t ( Ha n) : 4. Eddie Duran (KT M): 5. Renee Do mi ng uez (Han) . 100 X: I. Marlt SlIva (Yam): 2. Craig King (Yam ): 3. Chris Blaufus (Suz): 4. David House (Suz); 5 . Cordon Hodges (KTM). 9 1·1 25 YTH: 1. Bill y Mill er (Yam ); 2. Ty ler Gorm an (Hon ): 3. Bria r Bauman (Han ); 4. Ronald Domin guez (Kll W): 5. Emil io Sanchez (Hon). 91· 125 AD ULT : I. Anton e Mellow (Yam); 2 . Ronni e De Mario (Yam): 3. Jeremy Mont es (Hon). 125 NOV : 1. Joe Meyer (Kaw); 2. Billy Miller (Yam) . 125 INT : I. Rodn ey Spen cer (Yll m) . 250 NOV : I. Marlt Swift (Yam ); 2. Brent Ttemen (Kalil); 3. Ralph Garda (Hon) ; 4. Vinc e La Reece (Han) : 5. Ron nie Clark (Han) . MORN OPEN NOV: I . Ronn ie Clu k (Han ) ; 2. Relph Gercte (Hon) . MORN OPEN INT: I. Bradley Spencer (Hon) . MORN OPEN EX: L An thooy De to\a (Hon ). rio '70 s SOL: 1. Bred Richard ( Yem); 2. Dave Max lllell (Yllm) . VET NOV: 1. vioce La Reece (Hon ); 2. Bn an Ford (Hon): 3. Je ff Stu rgill (Hon); 4. Barry Bawnan (Hon); 5. Steve Marti n (Yam). VET INT : I. to\ark Sliva (Yam ): 2. Greg Scceree (Hoo ); 3. Dll vid Mosier (Suz) . VET EX : I. Anthony De MIIno (Hon) . Orr NOV : I. Robert Silva (Han ); 2. Terry Sm ith (Han); 3. Jerry Wal1"tn { Yam ). G Track MX rass R BudTrack and T ed rail Th ere's a group of Vet -cl ass rid ers in th e Bay Ar ea that ha ve tak en their enthusiasm fo r th e spo rt and twi st ed it into somethi ng t hat would p rob abl y be better desc ribe d as an ob session - m ayb e ev en a sic kness. If they were to start a riding cl ub, it woul d probably be ca lled the "Sa n Jose Psych os" or the "Sili co n Cyclopaths"! The group co nsists of Chris and M ike Bl aufu s, Cr aig Ki ng, Davi d Ho use and Pau l Karr . Fo r sta rt er s, th ey a ll rid e at least two classes in the Saturday n igh t supercross series. Th en th ey com e out fo r the IT eve nts o n Su ndays . Th ey starte d by rid ing their 250s in the Vet and Ol d -Tim ers cla sses. Then th ey got enough people togeth er to start a 70 cc Adult di vision for both events . Fin all y, at ro und four , they created a 100 cc X cla ss for adul ts. Who kn ow s where th ey go t the bike s, but th ey show ed up on th e lin e with an assort ~ m ent of 85cc MX m achines. Th e bott om lin e Is th at the se guys love to get out o n the tra ck and rub pla stic . It seems that there' s no limit to how m any laps th ey 'll rtde or what the y' ll ride ~ in a given weekend. Each one of them is spendi ng in exc ess of $ 100 every weekend on .entry fees alo ne. That being said , th ey deserv e m entio n for more than their fanaticism. Th ese guys all live in San Jose and exp ressed o n sev eral occasions how gr at eful th ey wer e to hav e a race series put on cl ose to home. Th eir enthus iasm and , ultimately , th eir support is the fuel that kee ps a series goi ng, Th ey and all of the other local rac ers who became regula rs are the reason tha t this series was a success in its first go-around . Th e boys got things go ing with the 70cc class . Riding everything from pumped -up old Z50s and CT70s to modern XR s, they did some fast putting ar ound th e c irc u it. Chris Blaufus came back from a disma l DNF in the heat rac e to defea t Ray Rom in e in the main event. . Moving up to th e 100cc X cla ss, the core guys recruited Mark Silva and Go rdon Hod ges to come u p with the min imum number of entrants. Th is one bas ically boil ed down to a bunch of dads stealing their kid s' 80 s for their own entertai nm ent. Silva w as t he even tua l winner, taking the chec kers j ust ahead of King and Chris in the ma in . On e other cla ss battle of no te is the one th at went dow n to the w ire in th e 19 70s Sin gles division. Tw o riders - Br ad Ric hard and Dave Maxwell - have been showi ng up every week and battl in g eac h othe r on nearly identi ca l Yamaha IT500s, Maxwe ll had dominated th e fir st co uple of roun ds on hi s ye llo w steed , with "YOMAMA" painted o n th e tan k . Howev er , th e m omen tu m began to shift at ro u nd fo ur: Maxwell won th e heat race and probably th ought th ing s were und er contro l going int o th e main, but Richard ca me out gunning for him. Finding som e ad diti ona l spee d , Richard won by less than a bikel ength and has that m omentum o n his si de going in to th e fi nal round. When th e day was do ne, everyone left with their eyes on th e following Sunday, wh en the series would e n d , c ha mpio ns w ou l d be crowned , and Superc ro ss tick ets wo u ld be awa rded . B y EDDIE G RAVEUNE NOVEMBER 26, 2003' PP: I. Brook e: Hodg e!. (Kaw); 2. Mich ell e Silva (Hon ); 3. Leah Fe rn (Hon ): 4 . Myrillh Swift (Yll m ); 5. Renee: Dominguez (Hon) . Lopez (Stll) . The San Jose Psychos? 42 Santa Clara County Fairgrounds San Jose. California Results: October 19 , 2003 (Round 4 of 5) e vv s Wagner, Rose Bloomin' Fast at Red Bud ! By LARR Y WITMER BUCHANAN, MI, OCT . 19 Red Bud clo sed out the 2003 m otocross sea, son with th e tradi tional Grass Tr ack MX event, whi ch featu red the XR tr ack cham pi onship on the Auto tr ack for th e adults. Red Bud ran the regul ar m ot ocross event on the bac k section o f Red Bud , whi ch wa s more like a n o l d schoo l tr ack , with off -cam bers. tr ee roots, and natural-ter rain up hil l sectio ns and jumps. Saturday's high li ghts included th e Vintage racers and Au to rac ers on the grasstrack. Th e A uto track saw prequ alifi er s fo r th e hug e turnout of XR racers to run their fin als during Sunday's m oto cross program . Sunda y 's event wa s huge, wit h just under 800 racer s showing up for the year-end annual Gras s Track MX . Th er e w er e tw o di v isions o f XR80s, th e dua l-shock sty le and the current, slnql e-shock st y le. Ra c ers must us e stock wh eel s , XR frames, and motors wi th m od s up to 120cc . This limits th e hybrid -style XR, but things can still get very pr icey for you r favorite m odi fi ed pit racer . Th e single-shock XRs we re up first , w ith 25 rid ers lined up and rea dy to take on th e t rac k , Th e ra cin g heated u p q uickly wh en Larry Witmer and J ay Wag ner co lli de d on the holeshot . Wagn er shot off the tr ack and co llected multitime XR cham p Jeff Stanton . Witm e r k e p t hi s A nswer / FM F /S co t t / Ren t hal upright an d le d th e f irst t w o ci rc ui t s, with Dere k Rose close behind , Mik e Hersh ber ger and Matt Davi s were battling fo r the thi rd spot. Stanto n was busy workin g his way back up through the fi eld , On th e th ird lap , Rose put his trick XR into first, over Witmer, by taking a tighter inside lin e through th e ch ic ane area. Rose checked out, whi le Witm er held off the advan ces of Her shberger and Davis . Then Stanton ca m e slicing through the pack, passing Witmer in th e ro ck er section co m ing for the white flag. In Victory Circle, Rose wa s all sm ile s as he co llected the gold for the win. "Th is feel s great ," he admitted, "a nd I hope to make it a cl ean swee p in th e dual -shock class ." In th e older, style dual -sho ck cl ass, Rose loo k ed as though he wo u ld repea t the feat whe n h e p ull ed th e hole shot. C lose in tow wer e Stanton and Wagner. Before the first lap wa s over, Sta nto n had nudged Ros e in the su percro ss rockers and tak en over the lead . Wag ner studied the fast duo and held back , . ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---,'" z g w G; ~ ~ ~ Q. Red Bud Track and Trail: Larry Witmer (27) leads eventual moto winner Derek Rose (298 ) and Mike Hershberger (849) at the star! of the XR Single-Shock contest at the Grass Track MX event in Buchanan, Michigan.

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