Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

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watching, whi le , Da ve Gay lord, Dick B urleson and E ri c Nighten g al e h ad the ir o wn battl e go ing on for fourth spot. Rose pull ed off the track afte r his footpeg m o un t s broke free , end ing his ch ances of a win. Stanton looked like a sur e bet, but some one fo rgot to te ll that to Wagne r, who c ame hunting fo r the multiti m e Na tional cha mp. He stu ffed th e M ax Pitts Honda pas t Stan ton in a tight swi tchbac k co rner. No st ra nger to th at sty le of riding , Sta nton ca me right after Wa g ner in th e next co mer with an in side bl ock pass. T he hug e crowd tha t lined th e en t ire fenc e of th e A uto track went wil d . Th e battle was on ! Wagner and Sta nton went at it fo r the duration of the mota, and Wag ne r held on to a small adv antage to tak e the win . Stanton and 1 "T ha t was fu n out the re banged bars ju st once, m ay be," sai d Wagner, wh o th en turned to Stan ton and asked, "That was clean raci ng, wasn't it , Je ff? " " T ha t was a b last ," St anto n sm i rked . " I rod e my basic XR, and I guess I sho uld have rod e m y good bike. Th is is such a neat event. Tha nk s to the Ritchi e fa mi ly for putting it on ." Gay lo rd ende d up thi rd . " I'm j ust gla d thi s heap finished," he said of his m o unt. " I' m beat up and so re from these m in ibi k es. Th anks t o Weisner and M & M for th e gr eat suppo rt !" Burle son ended up fifth . He was a li ttl e philosophic al. " May be I need to get more agg ressi ve ," Bu rl e son mu sed. " B u t th i s Honda wasn ' t tou ch ed until thi s week . Th anks to KTM and M oos e f or th e help . This event is so much fun !" Wa gn er was all sm iles, and he thanke d his family for st anding beh ind him . "A ngie and th e ki ds put up with m e, and this w i n is for th em ," Wa g ner ann oun ced . " A lso, I' d like to th ank Ma x Pitt s Honda , m y dad , and Red Bud fo r the suppo rt ." > Red Bud T rac k a n d Trail Bucha na n , Michig an Re sults : O ctober 19. 2 003 XR SOL SHOCK: I . ~~k Ro~ (Hon) ; 2. Je ff Stanton (Hon) ; 3 . Larry WitlTW'f(Sw) : 4. Mlk~ Hf'nhberger (Hen): 5. AI Oondh (Hon) . XR D/SHOCK : 1. Joll W&g~r (Hon) ; 2. Je ff Stan ton (Hen ): 3. Y ne ve Gey lor d (Hon): 4. Er ic Nigh tmgale (Hon): 5. Dick Burleson (Hon ). AUTO WOBBLER : I . Hunter Vargo (KTM): 2. A uslln Sutherland (KTM) ; 3. Ashton Kwito Rln (KTM) : 4. Ryckr La Rocco (Sw) : 5. .krmIy Gemdt (Hon) . AUTO SHAn (4. 6): I. A ustin Sie in feidt (Cob); 2. Conn or Km yon (KTM): 3 . ~ Paugh (KTM) ; 4. Ashlon Hayes (KTM): 5 . Brod ie Taylor (KTM) AUTO SHAFT (7 -8) : I . Jesse Maley (Yem ). AUTOJR (4-6): I. forth titlmi5h feger (KTM); 2. Austit'l S1einf~ (KTM): J. Mitch Ostarm (KTM); 4. ..Joe Paugh (KTM) : 5. And y Bumy pus (KTM) AUTO SR (7·8) : J. Dill on PIfII~ (KTM): 2. Nick Velie (KTM); 3. Col to n Schnek e (KTM) : 4. .Jerred Williems (KTM ): 5. Paul Hoenoe r (KT M). TRL BUR : I. Kylf' Mlii one (Hon): 2. J acob Leed y (Yam); 3 . U nds"y Meson (K ew); 4 . KeiUyn Butler (Hon) . 65 BEG I. ft\.,son Morale s (Suz); 2. Brllndon Slm~ (Kaw); 3. : J a rred Will iam s ( K~ w); 4 . T yler Baggett (KlI w): 5 . Du stin Kem p (Kaw). 65 (7. 11): 1. Tay lo r Davi s (Kaw ); 2. Doug Moline (KT M): J . Nathan Campbell (Kaw ): 4. Jecc b Behringer ( KTM) : 5. Matt FOIO (Kll W). 85 J R (7· 11): 1. Drew Y enench (Sw ); 2. Jo e Terver (SUI): 3. T yle r Baylls (Suz); 4. Tayler Dav is (KlIw ); 5. Dave Compton (Yam) . 85 (9. 13): I. Mlkl" Chapmen (KlI w); 2. Bred Kiestl"f (Kew); 3. Brett Wagner (Ka w); 4 . J ~ Tarvf'f (SUl); 5 . Drew Yenerich (Sw). 85 SR (1 2·15 ): I. Bred Kiester (Kew); 2. Brett Wagner (Kaw ); 3. Mik e Chepmen (K aw ): 4. Ivan Hays (SUl) : 5. Nick McCarthy (Kaw). 85 C: I . Rui Azf'v eoo (Hon): 2. Brian Ad am s (Yam ): 3. Ty ler Caldw~1I (SUl): 4. Mik e Kluga (Hon); 5. Trevor Smith (Suzl. S/ l"IINI: I. Ivan HlIYs ($w ): 2. Nic k Seetey (Kaw ): 3. Jl"f\n ifer Bender (Hon): 4 . Chad Garrio U (Yem) . 125 A: I. Brad Ripp le (Suz); 2. Bred Jl"romi nski (Kil w): 3. Joh n Grewe (Hon ): 4 . Ja ~ Thom pson (Yam ): 5. Aaron Yoder (KlIw) . 125 B: I . Shanl" 5I"w1"11 (Suz) ; 2. Scott Zont (Kaw); 3. Pat Boyle (Yem): 4 . William Hiclu (KlIw ): 5 . Malt Camuchal" l (Sw:). 125 C D· I: 1. Ryen Foll ma r (KTM); 2. Eric Foll mar (Sw): 3. Mike Jenks (Yem); 4. Bob Koch (Yam): 5. C~ Hegue (Kaw) . 125 C 0 ·2: I. J eyme Reimers (Yem) : 2. Mike Czemik (Suzl; 3. J ust in Smith (Hon): 4. Mike Baird (Hon); 5. Oscar Az~edo (Hon) . 250 A : I. Bred Jerominski (Kaw); 2. J imm y Wilson (Hon): J . TRIvia Sewe (Sw); 4. Kyle Mcleod (Yem ): 5. John Leedy (Yam) . u 250 B: I. T J . Autl"f\ (YlIm): 2. Scott Zoot (Kaw ); 3. Nick Yoder (Yem) ; 4.l«hery Koster (lion); 5. William Hick s (Kaw ). 2SOC: 1. T~fT)' Mitchell (Hon): 2. Curti s Caldwl"U (Hon); 3. Ben Garve lin k (Yam) : 4. J ason Adam s (Hon): 5. Kevin Ker &gi.!l (Hen ). s WMN JR : I. Meghan Jordan (Sw:) ; 2. .knnifer Bender (Han ). WMN SR: J. AlIi!W)Tl VrblI (Hon ): 2. Katie A uten (Yam) ; 3. Laure Daugherty (Yam ); 4. Kath y D!-wittr (Sw). 125 JR (12 ·15 ): I. T J . Auten (Yam ); 2. Shane Sewell (Sw.); 3. Pet Boyle (Yem ); 4. Mike fknder (Yem ): 5. Josh R3d1(Yem ). 16-24: 1. James Thompson (Yam ): 2. Zachary Koster (Hon ): 3. Aaron Yoder (Ka w); 4. John lb!dy (Yem) : 5. Cll5eY Wood (Vern). 25. 0-1: 1. OlIve Gaylord (Hon) : 2. Kyl~ McLeod (Yam) : 3. Br&d Jerominski (K ew): 4. Nick Yoder (Han): 5. Bob Smutt (Yam ). 25. 0 ·2: I. Joh n Baker (Hon); 2. Bob Muga n (K TM): 3 . Peul Philbrick (Yem ) 4. ft\erk p~ (Hon) : 5. ft\.,u PoweB (Hon) . 30. 0 · 1: 1. Donnie Feist (KTM); 2. Darren Borche rdi ng (Hon): 3. Peul Philbrick (Yem ); 4. Ja y Wegner (Yam ): 5. Matt Powers (Hen). 30. 0 -2: I. Dave Gaylord (Hon ); 2. John Baker (Hen); 3. Ji m Royko (KT M) : 4. Bob Mug",n(KTM): 5. BobSm utz (Yem). 35. 0 ·1: I. Donnie Feist (KTM): 2. John Grewe (Hon): 3. Derren Borcherding (Hon ); 4. Kurtis Meek (Hon) : 5. Robe rt T .J . Devis (Hon) . 35. 0 ·2: I. Jim Royko (KT M): 2. Ryan Rowder (Suz ); 3 . Oliv e Johnson (Hen ); 4. GIl1l aeedre (Hon); 5. Vic Edgar ( Yam). 40 . 0 -1: I. Donnie Feist (KTM ): 2. LefT)' WItme r (Suz ); 3 . Jeff Heeeton (Hon): 4. Steve Hollend (KTM) ; 5. T.J . Hofm eister (Hon). 4 0 .. 0 · 2 : l. Ji m Roy ko ( KT M) ; 2. Dev'e Johnson ( Hon ); 3 . Bobby Wegner (Yam); 4. Jemes Dlabe! (Hon ); 5. Jeff Hezdre (Yem) . 4 5 ..: 1. Larry Witmer (Suz); 2. Rick Welsworth (KTM): 3. Deve Bow man (Sw); 4. Dick Burll"SOTl (KTM): 5 . Jdf Heaston (Hon) . SO. : I . TIm Greves (Hon); 2. Mik e Root (Yem): J. Roy Meley Jr . (Hon ). NON-caR: I. Gregg Welson (Hon) ; 2. Mike Butler (Hon); 3 . Paul Ransll"r (Hen) ; 4. Phil Shafer (Yam) ; 5. Alan F'ml~ (Kaw). For F ASTm service, attach mailing label 11_ _ dingo . 1IIw3.-1w oIIIct. Print your N EW ad dress here. 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