Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Th e only Women' s cl ass rider, Yama hamount ed Christi Eve rs of Vista , Ca lifornia , ro de her per sonal bes t. Cr oss ing the finish aft er her firs t lap. her arms raised in victo ry , she sho uted . " I d idn't fa ll down! " With Cu ff urg in g he r on. she topped off he r ta nk an d too k o ff fo r a second succes sfu l la p. Ev er s completed two la ps in one ho ur, 59 min utes and fo ur seconds, placi ng 13th overall and first Women 's Amateu r. Cliff Herzog of Ca lexico, Cal ifornia , co rn pl et ed fou r laps. fi nish ing n inth overall and first Vet Beg inner . "I thoug ht I was doin g really well ou t there. 't il I looked do wn an d saw a liza rd ru nning past m e," Herzog clai med . "I co u ld' ve swo m he waved at m e." Six brave souls greeted the check ers: Jerry Jon es (5 :55 : 19 ). Schooley (6 :00:02) . Ste wart (6: 02 :03) , Ray Schooley Sr. (6 :02:5 6) , Lee A mburgy (6 :03:43) and Mi ke Mill er (6 :10: 09) . Cuff is known for lay ing do wn tou gh co urs es, and this one was no exception . Th ere were no injuries, no co mplai nts, and tons of sm iles, and that' s what desert raci ng is all abo ut . J oin the Sidew inders o n December 6 for back -to back races at the Plaster City West O HV in the Imperi al Vall ey . For m o re inform atio n, chec k out www. sidewin dersm otor or cal l 76 0/358 -7505 . 65 STK (6-8 ): I. Sean O' Brien (KTM.): 2. Chri s COl2en5 (KTM) : 3. Conner Monk s (KTM) : 4. Austi n Holben (KTM) : 5. Jeffrey Willson (Sw). 65 STK (9·11 ); 1. Levu Hall (K T M) ; 2. Sha i·Anthony Ginden (Ka w) : 3. Tyler Earnshaw (Kaw): 4 . Kyle O 'Brien (KTM) ; 5. Bobb y Hardi n (KT M) . : 65 OPEN I. Kyle O'Brien (KT M); 2. Bobby Hardin (KTM) ; J . Shai-I\nthony Ginden (Ka..'): 4. Caston Kirk (KTM) : 5 . Sean O'B rien (KT MI. 85 BEG: I. Man Foster (KlI w): 2. Tyler Kelly (Yll m): 3. Brody Obrey (Yam ): 4. Garmt Bowers (Hon) ; 5 . J invn y Roy (lion ). 85 STK (7 · 11): I. Zach Mlee'l (Suz ): 2. Ale x Mecham (KTM.): 3. Shai ·l\nthony Ginden (Kaw ): 4. Tyley COYI1d (Suz). 85 STK (12-15); I. Alex Matleson (Suz) : 2. Cameron Rodriguez (Yam) ; 5 . Bmn50fl (Yam): J. E.J . Roger.;. (Ka...l; 4 . Chand l~r Angulo (Yam ). 851NT; 1. Prince KapahulehUoll (Suz): 2. r recco Kirk (KT M) . 85 OPEN: L Prince Kapah uleh Uoll (Suz ): 2. Carneron Rodriguez (YoIlm ): J. Levii Hall (KTM) : 4 . E.J . Rogf'B (KlI w); 5 . Chandler Monks (Yam ). S{MlrtI : I. Prince Kapah ulehUoll (Suz): 2. Alell MtJtt eson (Stu) ; J. TrllCOflKirk (KTM); 4. Zttch Ahleen (Suz); 5. Daniel Felix (Yam) . B/BK BEG: I. Jimmy Towf'f)' (Yam) : 2. Jm.toph Pelvaga (Suz); 3. Kyle T IChenor (Yam): 4 . Miguel Felill (Hon): 5 . J ohn ClIPUto (Hon) . 12 5 J R: I. J ared Partridg e (Suz) ; 2. Tony Capu to (K aw): 3. Nathan Amb rose (Suz ); 4. Bronson Angulo (Yll m) : 5. Janten Reber (KTM). 125 INT; 1. PlIlrick Provenc her (Suz) : 2. Ryan Mehr (YlI m): 3. Jece Kirk (KTM) . 125 PRO: J. Ty Morro w (Kaw): 2. Scott Theo bald (Hon ). 250 JR : I. Treve Bry ant (Yllm): 2. Michael App lebaum (Yam): 3. J im Whoillen (Kaw) . 25 0 INT: I. Brian Fowler (Ho n): 2. Jece Kirk (KTM). 250 PRO: 1. Ty Morrow (Kaw). OPEN JR : I. Travis Bryem (YlIm); 2. Nath an A mbrost' (Suz); 3. J im whelen (KlI w): 4 . Broc k Bryant (YlIm). OPEN INT: 1. Yohei Uebern (Yam): 2. Patrick Provenc her (Sw); 3. T roy Fitch (Yam) : 4. Brien Fowler (Hon): 5. J ohn 1lI Breche (Hon ). WMN: J. .Jena Ellis (Ka w): 2. Jael t' igh Mt' cham (KTM): J . Crye. tal Frazier (K oIlw) . Menu # Podium One Presents Mammoth East: T.J. B lake dominated t he 125cc A and 250cc A cl asses on the f irst of two days o f racing in Paoli , India n a. Results O/ A : 1. J erry Jo nes (Yam) ; 2. Dus tin Stewart (Ho n); 3. Ray Schoo ley J r. (Yam) : 4. Lee Amburgy (Kaw): 5. Ray Schoo ley Sr.; 6. Mik e Mill er (Yam ): 7. Loren Dimon d (KTM): 8. Mark Brow n (KTM); 9. Cliff Herzog (Hon ): 10. Mike Joh nson (Hon ): 11. Chris \llhaley (KTM) : 12 . Bill T sc hum perli n ( Yam ): 13 . Chr ist i Evers (Yam ); 14 . Gr~ Wi lmoth (Hon ). 4 ·STRK: I. Dustin Stewart (Hon ): 2. Mike Miller (Yam): J . L..oren Dimond (KTM) : 4. Mike JohIl5Ol1 (Han). 200 : 1. Ray Schooley Jr . (Yam). OPEN: I . lee Amburgy (Kaw) WMN : 1. Christi Evers (Yam). VET: 1. Cliff Hf!f"log (Hon) . $R : I. Jtorry Jones (Yam ): 2. Mark Brown (KTM): 3. Chris \llha · ley (KTM) ; 4 Greg Wilmoth (Hon). SISR : I. Bill Tschum perhn (Yam). Podium One Presents Mammoth East B lake Dominates Mammoth East By MARK BUCHANAN PAOU. IN . OCT. 18 Some 211 rid ers were on han d for the fir st da y of the " Mam m oth East " even t in Paoli . Indiana. Th e Podium On e cre w laid o ut a lo ng. c h al le ng ing. neturel -terraln g rasstrac k with huge el evation changes and a deep sawdust pit in the back sectio n. Long m ot os and Suzu ki co ntingenci es made for a great day of raeIn g . follow ed by a live performan c e of th e band Animal Crack erz in th e evening . Fox /S co tt/Paul' s Cycl e Supply /Finish Lin e M otorcycl es-b acked T .J. Bla ke dominated the 125cc A and 250cc A cla sses. easily tak ing w ir e-to -w ir e wins in all four m ot os . Yamaha rider A da m Rob in son (3·2 ) fin ished second overall in the 250cc A class. in front of KTM m o unted Steve Ban et. Ka was aki jockey Dan J ohn son (6-3) placed fourth. ahead of Suzuk i jockey Gary Heth cox. Rob inson finished sec o nd to B lak e in both 125cc A rn ot o s, w ith Yamaha -m ou nt ed Du k e Mart in (3- 4) tak ing th ird . Husqv ama ri der Chris Brown sco red a DNS in th e fi rst mota but fin ished th i rd In m oto two for fourth overall . Race T ech /S po rts Cycl es Suzuki ride r Mike Bl air had a g reat day. taking the Over 25 A ove rall with a 2 -1 tall y and both mota w ins In th e Over 30 A class. Cycle She d KTM rid er " Sluggo" Gessner battl ed hard wi th Bla ir to take the win in the first Ove r 25 A m ato. Suzu ki jockey Dal e Simpson fi nished th ird in t he fi rst m ot a. foll ow ed by Kawasaki jockey Dan J ohn son and Hon da -m ounted Joshua Dohn. Gessner di dn 't st art th e second m oto due to m echan ical problem s, and Blair took the win for th e overall. Dohn finished seco nd in m ota two for second overall on a 5· 2 ta lly , in fro nt of John son ( 4 -3 ) . Sim p so n (3 -5 ) cl a im ed fourth . and Hond a pi lot Chad Scha rlo w (6 -4 ) fini shed fifth overa ll. Gessner took th e hol eshot in th e fir st Over 30 A m ot a , in fr ont o f Blair, but he ex pe rien ce d m ech ani cal pr oblem s on th e fi rst la p . Bl a ir took th e lead an d k ep t it fo r th e win. Dohn fini shed second in th e fir st m oto , in fron t of Kawasak i rider T ed Fis cher. Sch arlow finish ed fourth . foll o w ed by Hond a -m ounted W indy Craig Fruit. Bla ir took th e win in the sec ond m ota, in front of Gessner. with Fis che r finish i ng t hird agai n for sec o n d ov erall. D o h n claimed third ov erall with a 2 -5 tally. ahead of Fru it and Scharlow. Yamaha rid er David Redding had to work hard for th e win in the 250cc B cla ss, taking t he lead near the end of both m otos . Ch ad Canter took the early lead in the firs t rno to "on an F&S Suzuki, but Redding too k the lead on lap three for the win . Suz uki ri der Bradley Rideout fin ished th ird . followed by Honda riders Mi chae l Akaydin and Matt Blake. Rideo ut took the holeshot in the second mota and led un til Redd in g took the lea d on t he last lap . Rideout fini shed seco nd for seco nd overall on a 3 -2 tally . in front of Canter (2 -3 ) . Blake fin ished fou rth in the second m ota for fourth overall on a 5 -4 sco re. in front of Akaydi n (4- 7). Re s u lt s 50 STK (7 .8 ): I. Richard T urner (Cob); 2. Earl Age (K TM); J. Eth an Eckstei n. 60 (7 ·9 ): I. Cameron Rees (KTM); 2. John Reddin g (Kaw): J. WilIitl m Reader (KTM): 4. Ja ke Baumert (KTM); 5. Bradley Grieshaber (Yam) . 60 ( 10- 11); I. Loga n MtJtting ly (Kll w ); 2. Kenny Walk er (KTM) : 3. Michllel Huddleston (Suz); 4. Will iam Grieshaber (Kaw) . JR MI NI ( 7 · 1 1): l. Ton ner Byerly (KT M) : 2. Cameron Rees (KTM): J. Kurt Seigel (Yam) ; 4. Mic hll el Huddlesto n (Suz): 5 . Willi llm Reeder (KTM) . JR OPEN MINI: 1. Tanner Byarly (KTM): 2. Kurt. Seigel (Yam ); 3. Kenny Walk er (KTM ): 4. Dill on Searcy (Kaw ); 5 . Logan MlItt ing ly (Kaw). SR MIN I ( 12· 15): 1. luke Vonlinger (Hon ): 2. Paul Age (Sul); 3. Anthony Wa lk er ( Kaw); 4 . Scoo ter George (KlI'4' ): 5 . Cod y Re e e (Kaw ). OPEN MINI ( 12· 15): I. Luke Vonl inger (Han ): 2. Ja cob Rowland (Kaw); 3. Matthew Brown (Yam) : 4 . Cody Ree s (Kaw); 5. Pau l Age (Swl· 125 YfH: 1. Michael Aka ydin (KlI w): 2. Bryll n Fiscus (Kaw ): 3. Col by Bo wles (Ya m ); 4 . Matt Vo nli nge r ( Hon) : 5 . Aercn T eagu e (Ka wl · 125 A: I. Terry Blake (Hon) : 2. A dam Robin son (Yam): 3. Duke Martin (Yam): 4. Chris Brown (Hus ); 5. Nicholas Wolfe (Yam l. 125 B: I. Michael Tester (Yam ); 2. David R ~ding (Yam); 3 . Mich ael Ak ayd ln (Kaw ): 4 . Brya n Fisc us (Ka...): 5 . Steve n Doyen (Kaw ). 125 C: 1. Josh Gyu k ery (Kaw ): 2. Jerry Sim pson (Hon ); J . Aaron Teague (Ka w ); 4. Brill n Musselm an (yllm) : 5. Nathan MtJlyszek (Hus). 1250: I. T omm y Jon es (Ya m) : 2. T im Kr am er (Yam ): 3. Matthew Murph y (Yam ): 4. Heath T urner (Suz ): 5. Corey Wolf (KTM ). 250 A : I. Terry Bl ake (Hon) ; 2. Adam Robinson (Yam) ; 3. Steve Banet (KTM) : 4 . Dan Joh nson (Ka w) : 5. Gmy Hethco x (Sul) . 250 B: I. Dll vid Rr'dding (Yaml: 2. Bredley Rideou l (Sw ); 3 CNid Canter (Sla); 4. Matt Blok e (Hon); 5 . Micha Aka ydin (Hen) . el 250 C: 1. Ricky PnJnty (Yam ): 2. Ken Wo lf (KTM); 3 . Can Miller (Hon); 4. .Jut;tjn Smith (KTM) ; 5. Mik e Royahy (KTM) . 250 0 ; I. J ason PhiUip5 (Hon); 2. ~rnond Fitz patri ck (Hen) ; 3. Adam Nelson (Yll m ): 4 . Rick y Reinhardt (Hon); 5. JalTle5 Kyler (Hon) . 16·2 4; 1. Br adle y Ridecu t (S uz) : 2. Ky le Huen ing {Sue] : J . Wil liam Howell (Ka w) : 4. DlIn iel HlI yden (S uz): 5. Jared Kll rshner (Yam) . 25. A : 1. Mik e Blair (Suz) : 2. Jo shua Dohn (Hon ): 3. Dan John· son (Kaw ); 4 . Dale Sim p son (Suz ); 5. Chad &harlow (Hon) . 25. B; I. Matt Pow ro (Yam): 2. Mike Jon es (Hon): 3. Ja !lOn rs O!lbome (KTM) : 4. T ravis Wilson (Yam) : 5. Steve Ki esler (Kaw). J O. A : I. Mike Btllir (Suz): 2. Te d Fischer (Hon ); 3 . J osh uoll Dohn (Hon); 4. Craig Fru it (Hon ): 5. Chad Schll rlow (Hon ). 30. B: 1. Matt Powers (YlIm); 2. Terry Bernard (Suz ); 3 . Mike McManus (Hon); 4. J effrey Mi ller {Yam) ; 5. Mike Jon es (Hon ). 40.: 1. Terry Bemll rd (Su z); 2. J eff rey Mille r (Yam) ; 3. Mi ke McMtJnu!>(Hon): 4. Ted Fi scher (Ho n) : 5 . John Love (Yam) . SO : 1. Byron Morgan (KTM). . U/ L A M C/ O: I. Matt Vo n li nger (Ho n): 2. Brain Mu sse lm ll n (Yam); 3 . Corey Wolf (KTM): 4 . Paul Ag e (Suz): 5 . Ni ck Presley (Hon). Frr ENOR: I. Billy Cooper (Kaw); 2. Willia m Agnew (KTM); 3. Chris Fried lTllln (Hon): 4. K ~in Terrell (Kaw); 5. Tyler L,rue (Kaw). Hill Sports M e sq u ite M ot a-X Pa r k Bryant, Earls Top the Hill Morrow, Kapahulehua Christen Mesquite MX B y /'IIA RK N EUENS B y MIKE M ORROW ELLERBE. NC. OCT. 19 It wa s another great day fo r raci ng as Windy Hill Sports in Ellerbe. No rth Carolina . hosted round 18 of the AMA Distri ct 29 Summer/Fall Series. The Pro cl asses cam e ou t to put on a show. In the 125cc A class . Willi am Brya nt swep t th e fiel d for the overa ll win . Dou g Earls swept th e seco nd spot, w h i l e a battl e ra g ed o n behind him. Brando n Langd on fo llo wed Earls closely until he took a spill in the tum and fell to the back of the pack . Shawn Niels en took ov er the th ird spo t wh en Langdon went down, w it h fe llow K aw asak i ri der Mich ael Th oma s righ t beh ind him. Ea rls wa s putting th e push on Bryant, but Bry ant was on hi s A gam e. and he held off Earl s for th e win. Lan gd on go t off bett er in th e seco nd m oto and ran fi awl essly for the third spo t and fourth ove rall. Neilsen fe ll back to fourth for a 3 -4 fini sh and third overa ll. Thomas went 4 -5 for fifth. In th e 250cc A co ntest . Earl s and Bryant swappe d th e top spots. with Earls tak in g th e ov erall win with 2 - 1 finishes. Bryant won the first m ota but cou ldn 't ho ld off th e hard -charging Earls in mota two . Bry ant went 1-2 for secon d overall . Neilsen edg ed out Lan gd on in the firs t mota for thi rd but went down in the sec o nd sta n za and let Lan gd on ta k e thi rd . Langd on's 4 -3 score was good fo r th ird overall. and Neil sen went 3 -5 for fourt h. Th omas took fi ft h overall, and J ason Baldw in pla ced sixth. Joe and Pe g gy U s se r y have built a great faci lity fo r the riders and are the best of hosts ! Fo r more in form ati on o n Wi ndy Hill Sports , go to www.w ind yh ill sp orts.itgo .com. and for m or e on District 29 raci ng act io n, go to www .d2 9 m. MESQUITE. NV. OCT. 18 Th e inaugural ra ce at th e all -n ew M esquite Moto -X Park was a great success even with th e cha lle nges tha t always accom pa ny any new o pe ra t io n. All of t he top riders from southem Nevada and southern Utah came out to c hristen the new facili ty , a nd w it h hu ge , 52- inc h fi rst -place inaugu ral tro phies up fo r gra bs, everyone was go ing all o ut! T y Morr ow . making his Pro de but. left no do ubt that he is read y to ma ke that next step up . A boa rd his Parts Direct /Troy Lee-ba ck ed KX1 25 , he notch ed two firsts. but not with out a little bar-ban ging act io n in th e fir st m ot a . Morrow m ad e a m ista ke afte r ge tti ng th e ho leshot, and Scott The ob ald took advantag e to t a k e o ve r th e l ead o n lap o ne . M orrow lo o k ed fo r a spot to ma k e a p ass. and he fo un d it in the wh oop s. Morrow blitz ed the whoo ps. whil e Th eobald could never find ju st _ the right lin e th er e . Aft er th at, M orrow was gon e. In mota tw o , Morr ow again ab scond ed with the ho leshot, with The ob ald running secon d . Morrow m ade no mi sta kes thi s time and took home his first Pro overall win . Th e cl osest racin g of th e day was in the 85 cc ( 12 -15) cla ss. as Prince K apa hul ehua , Al ex Matt eson and Came ron Rodriguez duk ed it ou t. T he rn ot o - o ne h ol e sh ot w en t t o Ka pa hu leh ua , w ith Rodrigu ez and M atteson close behind . Matt eson, aboard his RM85 . was looking everywhe re for a place to get arou nd Rodriguez , w h ile Kapah uleh ua , also on an RM85, was starting to pu ll out a lead of seve ral seco nds . Ma tteson went down going fo r the pass; he couldn 't ca tc h back up and had to settle for thi rd . Rodriguez too k second , and Kapa hule hua won the m ota . The second m ota sta rted o ut different Iy . M a tt e so n p ull ed a monste r ho leshot. Rodrig uez, on h is YZ8 5 , was second again, and Kapah uleh ua was third . T hi s time. th e ro les were reversed , with K apahu lehu a tryi ng t o p a ss Ro drig u ez . F in all y , on lap t h ree . Kap ahulehua made the pass, and th en he set his sig hts on Matt eson , wh o kept loo kin g bac k to see if Kapahu J ehua was com ing . Th ere wa s no need fo r th at ; K apahuleh ua was coming , and he was charging hard. With one lap to go, Matteson had a on e-bikelength lead. and he wa s making it toug h on K apa hulehua . Wi t h o ne corne r to go, it was only a half-a-b ik elength lead. Wh en they both flew ove r th e fin ish li ne, it was Matteson by a tire. Kapahule· hua stil l to ok th e ov erall . but M att eson fin all y got his m ot a win . > Results 50 HO 1. ThomasCook. N: 50 SHAFT: J. Devin Culbreth ; 2. J us ti n Branc h ; 3 . Will iam Fle ishman. SO (4·6) : 1. MatthN Burkee'l: 2. J ustin BI1Inc:h 3 . Montgomery : rteidll: 4. ~ in Culbreth ; 5 . Rick y Hoy. 50 (7·8): L Dy L!ln Camnger; 2. Casey Dyer; 3 . Marcus Beollsley: 4. JordanSmith. 65 ( 7 -9 ): I. Joe Bean : 2. Brandon Wo ll en haupt ; 3 . Matthew Ritch; 4. Dylan Carringer: 5. bch Nrow berr'y. 65 (I 0-1 !): I. Casey Smith: 2. Josh Savage: 3. Danid Culbreth; 4. A~tin Burnette . 85 (7 . 11): I. Thoma s Sullivan: 2. z., ch Newberry : 3. Tho mas Neuens. 85 (1 2· 13): 1. JlImie W ill iam s; 2. Glenn Ba lfo u r; 3 . Ja son Hughe s. (1 4- 15): I . Tray Dobson; 2. Joey SelTano: 3.l\ndrew Smith. 85 0 : 1. Anthony Wick er: 2. NIck Trac e: 3 . Brll dley Clllrk; 4. Richil' Dro Sllndre; 5. J~remy S1Ol1n. U MINI: 1. Glenn BlI lfour: 2. David Barker; 3 . Tho lTllls Neuens. ll S/ MlNI: 1. J osh Th om olls; 2. J am ie Willia m s: 3. An dre... Sm ith; 4. J ason Hugh es: 5 . Tray Dobson. 125 A : I . Will iam Bry ant : 2. Doug Earl s: 3 . Shawn Neilsen; 4. Brandon l...lIngdo n; 5. Mich ael Thomas. 125 B: 1. Steven L..ocklell r: 2. Geoffrey Nance : 3 . Ja mie Deneen ; 4. David Growe . 125 C: J. Stephen Coo ke: 2. Justin McB rayer; 3. Fo rrot See~ k: 4. J df Cronquis t; 5. Travi s Walker . 125 D: I. Brent Decker; 2. John Mclllurin; J . Carl Golinski; 4. as Results P/W STK (4·6 ): I. Craig Godwin (Hoo) ; 2. Cris Felill (KTM) . P/W STK (7.8): I. Conner Monk s (Cob) : 2. Jordan Wilk inllon (KTM); 3. Chris Couens (Pol). P/W OPEN: I . Conner Mon ks (Cob): 2. Chris Felill (KTM); 3. Je f· F Willson (KTM) . rey eye e n e VV 5 NOVEMBER 2 6 , 2 0 03 51

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