Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

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In north ern Nevada, Natha n T iea rn ey is that local hero . And it's a status he' s earned wi th rid es lik e his winning performance in th e 250cc Pro class at rou nd nine of the MX West Fall Series. Ti erney 's w in cam e with some difficu lty , ho wever, as the first m ota took a strange tum on the fifth lap wh en a downed rider broug ht out the red flag . Tieamey had put his Suzuki in the lead a few laps before the interruption after battling up from a th ird -place sta rt . He had stretched out a co m fo rtab le lead when the race stopped. The race m ight have o rdinarily en ded there, since it was past the halfway po int . but so me confusion at th e cras h site caused flagge rs to sto p so me ri de rs w h ile allowing ot hers to rid e on. With th at in m ind , officia ls decided to resta rt the whole race after a sho rt break fo r refueling. T iearn ey ap parently deci ded th at he had practiced eno ugh passing th e first ti m e out, as he took th e early lead at th e restart and never surre nde red it. Yam aha- mounted Nick Baugh scored seco nd . T iearn ey wrapp ed up th e ove rall win with ano the r v ictory in t he second m oto . B au gh agai n took seco nd. and Justin Mastalk a used a borrow ed K awa saki to finish th ird in th e m ot a and on th e day . Bau gh then retu rned to win th e 125cc Pro class afte r battlin g for mu ch o f the day wi th fellow YZ250F pil ot and seco nd-place fi nisher Tommy J ean. Mastalk a rode his own YZF to another thi rd- place fini sh . Among the Minis, 80cc Intermediates T yler York and Ryan Eage r engaged in some of the most exciting battl es of t he d ay. York and Eager fo und the fro nt of both the 80cc Interm ediate class and th e Supermini divis ion , with York edging out Eager in bo th cla sses after some close dic ing in eac h of th eir motos. York ha s rece ntly switche d to a Su zuk i afte r a stint on a Honda, but the sw itch hasn't hurt his sta ndi ng at the top of th e Mi ni class locally. Eager ha s also rece ntly experi me nted with a d iff erent bike - only it 's not a m in i, it's a YZ 12 5 , upon w hich he 's a lr ead y be gu n to prov e himsel f by t ak ing top fi nishe s in the 125c c J unior cla ss. Speakin g of which, th e 1250c Junior class at round n ine wa s un ique in that th ere was onl y one di vi sion - one very large di vision of m or e th an 30 ri ders, in pla ce 'of th e no rma l tw o-div isio n format. Kyle Potter rose to th e top of th e giant fie ld aboa rd his YZ 125 , ma rk ing another high po int in the series for Pott er , who has st eadily m oved up in the results since the first rou nd . Errol Kerr pi loted another Yamaha to second, and J ace A ngus took th ird. In the yo ung est cla sses, KTM-mount ed T y Siminoe took first in the pr emier 50 cc (7-andUp ) Factory cla ss, fo llo wed by Bria n Sjog ren in second and B illy Ada ms in t hir d . Au sti n Rodgers topped the 50cc (4- 6) Factory ranks, and Da m o n Spring t ook sec o nd , ahe ad o f th ird -place fini sher Devin Heard . For the rider s wh o didn't gel the results they 'd hoped for in th e F ernl ey sa n d , th e chances for redemption will co me sho rtly_ e ,Th ne xt ra ce is in Wi nnemuc ca ( w h ic h many have compared to Fernley), and the fina l two rou nds of the series will be he ld at Fernl ey itself. Even w ith w inter closing in , the chances to wind up the season on a good note still exist. However, for riders wh o don 't like sand, the seaso n might as well have ended with th e last race in Carson City . Fernley International Racewa y Fernley, N evada Results: October 26, 2003 (Rou nd 91 50 (4-6) PRVTR; I. Jonathan Sawyer; 2. Cavin Henderson; 3. Ed~lIefS. 50 (4-6 ) FCTRY: l. ....ustin R~: 2. Damon Spmg : 3. ~in Heard . 50 (7+ ) PRVTR: 1. Heston Barela; 2. Roshawn ~ 3. Tyler Sdllegelmilch. 50 ( 7 +) FCTRY: 1. T y Sumnoe : 2. Br ian SjQgren ; 3 . B illy Adams. 60 BEG: 1. Collen EYans; 2. lack ....Ien; 3. Amanda Bohl l 60 JR: I. Brian Sjogrm; 2. Garett Baxter; 3. Jeremy Price. 60 INT : I. Aaron Siminoe: 2. Danny Robik; 3 . Matthe w Stewart . 80 BEG: I. BMn Sjogren : 2. I...ain Harri son: 3 . J e rden Angus. 8 0 JR 0 · 1: I . Chris Sum ner; 2. Brien Bodden: 3. Tray is Pitt. 8 0 JR 0 -2: I. AdoIlmConway: 2. Chris Wear; 3 . Trent Renner. 8 0 INT: I. Ty ler York ; 2. Ry an Eager, 3. lach Fi",lds. S/MlNI: I. Tyler York: 2. Ryan Eager; 3. Taylor Bittner. 125 BEG: I. Paden Babcock ; 2. Joey Morford; 3. Ja!iOO Fetrilene. 12!li JR: I . Kyle Pott er; 2. Errol Kerr; 3. J ece Angu s. 125 INT: 1. Wes Peebles: 2. lac Peebles; 3. Nat e venderme de. 125 PRO; I. Nick Baugh : 2. To mm y Je an: 3. J ustin Mnlll ika. 250 BEG; I . Lanc e Wll rdl eigh; 2. Rob bie Cortez : 3. Matthew DeWItt. 2 50 JR : I. Errol Kerr; 2. Darrin Hall; 3. Luke Campbe ll. 250 INT: 1. Aaron Harvey ; 2. J ames Swain: 3. Justin Mathene y. 2 50 PRO: I. Nathan Tleern ey: 2. Nick Baugh: 3 . Just in MlIs · telk e . 25+ BEG: I. Chris Currier: 2. BenSmith ; 3. Jerry Swain . 25+ JR : I . Corey Krohn: 2. Chris Shea: 3 . Sean M.iller. 25+ INT: 1. Marcu s Genll'y ; 2. J ames Scha tz; 3. Troy Mora . 30+ BEG: I. Ron Freetc; 2. Dona ld Nyberg ; 3. Bryan Hammond. 30 + JR: 1. Jak e Jacobs ; 2. Mike Scott; 3. Curtis Weethee. 30 + INT: 1. Pete CaMizzaro; 2. Jay O' Neal; 3. MlIrvi n Small. 30 + EX: 1. LarryBrown; 2. Eric Schacht; 3. Ma rcus Gently. 30 + PRO: I . Ju stin fl\astalka; 2. rIrTlDyer;3 .CflligOl~ . 38+ PRO: I . r imOyer. 4 0 + JR: I. CameronWychanko: 2. George Haas: 3 . Greg Blair . 40 + INT: 1. Gnmt SaundeB: 2. Jake Jacobs.; 3. Eric McElory. 40 + EX: 1. Larry BI'OWIl;2. Eric 5ctwIcht; 3. Jeff Cloutier . O PEN B /BK: I . UlC Pee bles; 2. Robert Bea upr~; 3 . J a mes Swain. Las Vegas Motor Speedway Champlin Nips Budds Results B y D ICK GOODWIN LAS VEGAS , NV , OC T . 18 Cl u b MX ro lled o ut rou n d t h ree of its Fall Mot oc ross seri es at Las Veg as Motor Speed way o n Novem be r 18 , un de r perf ect racing co n di ti o n s. Th e c ombin ed Ve t ra ce wa s a m ixed bag, wi th different age gro ups and skill levels. Th e to p cl ass rep resent ed was the Over 30 Int erm edi ates, and th ese guys were dicing among t hemse lves far in front of the res t of th e pack . Over 30 Novice rid er Brad Huff rock ed the start. leading Ov er 40 Novice Ken Martin and Ov er 30 Int erm edi at e Ch ri s Champ lin a s action got under way . Champlin qui ckly battl ed through to th e lead , towing fell ow Inter m ediate Steve Budds all th e way up to sec o n d . Ch am p li n and Budds w ent at it rig ht away , w it h Huff ho ld ing off the res t of t he pack. Champlin and Budds buill a huge lead, Las Vegas Motor Speedway: Derek Stephens won the OScc Beginner c lass at ro und three of the C lub MX Call Motocross Series in Las Vegas. 50 NOVEMBER 26, 2003· cue I e n e VII' and Champlin edged Budds at the che ck ers. Huff held off determined Ov er 30 Nov ice John Svid ersk i to gra b third. Round two saw Martin tum th e tabl es o n Huff, leading him and th e other s around th e firs t tum. Champlin wa s once ag ain on fir e , wh istling past both in th e drop -off area to claim th e po int. Budds soo n broke through to challenge for th e lead. On ce aga in , Champlin and Budds ran o ff and h id, w ith th e sa m e result: Champlin winning hi s second stra ight race, over Budds. Sv iderski had third all to h imse lf, while Todd Hi ck s led Stan Jones through the pipes for fourth . The 65cc (10 - I 1) clas s had onl y one entry, Patrick Hinners, and he was the fastest Ju nior Cycle rdier on the track, but the 65 cc (7 -9) k ids had some pretty good racing go ing on. Moto o ne started o ff with a bang! T h e holeshot was a th ree -way t ie a mong Cole Nanney, Hinn ers and Shane Lan t, all leaning t o g ether ar ou nd t he f i r st turn . Hinners emerged in front of Nann ey an d Lant. Ryan Goodwi n w as ra mpaging through th e west sid e, ba tt ling his way up in to sec ond place. Hinne rs st retched out hi s lead, while Lan t passed Nann ey to go bar to bar with Goo dwin . Hinners ke pt increasing his lead, but Good win and Lant were in a war for th e duration of the race . Hinn ers won with ease, while, at the start of t he last lap , La n t finally m ad e the pass to secure second, over Goodwin. Frances co Hack ett and Nanney were fighti ng in clo se quarters . with Hackett getting th e nod at the end . Lant blasted out to lead Hinners and Hack ett as race tw o cranked up . Hinn ers passed for the lead before th e whoops, while Goodwin battled up to challenge Lant for second. Nanney and Hackett were due ling for fourth. Hin ners rolled to win nu mber two,while Lant and Go o dw i n continued dicing for most of the race . La nt took his second straight second place finish to top the 650c (7- 9) class overall , ahead of Goo dw in . Nanney just barely nipped Hackett at the checkers to earn third ove rall, while Hackett led Tanner Blood in the final resul ts. :is 50 BEG: I. Bailoey 0 ' AleMio (KT"" ): 2. CameronDeUllinls (Pol); 3 . Gra dy Gould (KT M); 4. Oylan Mc Kow n (KTM ); 5 . Tyler Jon es (KT"'I. 50 BEG (4-6) ; I. Adam Yocum ( ~ ) ; 2. Kyl e Kilby (tIT M). 50 (4-6 ): 1. Tyler Schlei (taM); 2. Mason Baker (taM). 50 (7- 8) : 1. Ste'tle'\ Gibson (KTM). 50 OPEN: 1. Steven Gibso n (KTfII\); 2. Tyler Schlei (KTM) ; 3 . l Mason Bake r (KT M); 4. .... am Yocu m (Lem); 5 . Ba ile y O·....ess io d (KT"'I. XR5Q (9- 11): I . Cole Nanney (Suz). XR50 ( 12·17): I . Chris Partida (Hon ); 2. Robert Durand (Sw:) . XR50 (18+) : 1. Monte Montague ( Yam) : 2. Troy Beer (Hon): 3 . Zech Frezler (Hon): 4. Chad Geib (Suz). MIDSZ OPEN; 1. Devrd Morgan (Suz ); 2. Bry an Wagner (Hon) : 3. Ja ke Sc hlei (Sull. MIOSZ 4· STRK I . Tessa Lounsbury . 65 BEG ; 1. Frank Go uld (KTM); 2. Jeffrey Rankin (Suz ); 3 . Ju stin Lucero (KTM): 4. Edward MlIyl ock (Kaw); 5. Mlltthew tr ssor (K aw). 65 (7 -9) : I. Shane Lent (Suz); 2. RyllO Goodwin (Kaw); 3. Cole Nanney (Suz); 4. Francesco Hackett (KTM): 5. Tann er Blood (tIT M) . 65 ( 10- 11): 1. Palric k Hinners (Kaw). 650PE1'l I. Patrick Hinn en (Kaw ): 2. Ryan Goodwin (Kaw): 3 . : Co le Nan ney IS uz): 4. Fr ancesco Hack ett (K T M): 5. Fr ank Goul d (KT"'i . 85 BEG : 1. De rek Stephens ( Hon ); 2. Ryan Uhle y (Hon) ; 3 . Brandon Potts (Yam ); 4. Steven Hac kett (Yam) : 5 . BlUno fll\artinez (Yam) . 55 (7- 11): I. Ronnie Goodwin (Ka w); 2. JeRrey lew is (Kll w). 85 ( 12. 13 ): I . Shaun Varl~ (TM) . 85 (1 4.1 6): I . Brandon Cam pbell (Yam ). 85 OPEN : I. Ronn ie Goodwin (K aw) : 2. Brandon Cam pbell ( Yam): 3. .Jeffrr y lewis (Kaw); 4. Kevin Nieves (Sul); 5. Raymond Wood (Yam) . B/BK OPEN: I. Kenny Martin (Han ): 2. ChrisChamplin (Han); 3. Eric Thomas(Han ): 4. Casey Rodr'rNIn(Ka w). 125 BEG: l . Daren Rice ( Yam) : 2. Jo shua Jerkins (Yam); 3 . Tony Gesone (KTM) ; 4. James Jaramillo (Yam ); 5. Raymond Wood (Yam ). 125 NOV : I. Jake PocNe (Yam ): 2. Eric: Thomas (Han): 3. T~ Rankin (Yam ); 4 . Eric Campbel l (KTM); 5 . Austin Perr ($uz ). 125 SCHBY: 1. Eric Thomas(Hon): 2. Austin ParT (Suz) : 3. J ake Poole(Yam ): 4. Blaine DlIyis (lion) ; 5 . Eric CampbeIlIKTfII\). 250 BEG: I. $taD Jones (KTM). 250 INT: I. KefUlY Martin (Hon )_ 25+ BEG: I. Eric Budo:endorf (Hoo). 30+ BEG: 1. Stan Jone s (KTM): 2. Joe lucero (Kaw). 30+ NOV ; 1. J ohn SyideBki (Yam) : 2. Brad Huff (K aw); 3 . Todd Hicks (Suz) ; 4. Michael Oitto (Yam ). .30+ INT: 1. Chri! Champlin (Hon ): 2. Steve Budds (Hen) . 40+ BEG; 1. Ken Hall (Ka w). 40 + NOV: 1. Ken Martin (Hen ); 2. Kurt NeI!lOO (Yam) . P laste r C ity O H V Area Jones Tops Inaugural Ir o n m a n Hare & Hound By lErnEll C UFF IMPERIAL VA LLEY, CA , OCT. 18 Sidewinders Mo tors ports he ld its ina ugu ra l 250-mile Iro nm a n Hare a nd Ho un d at the Plaster City OHV Area in th e Im perial Valley . A somewhat spent J erry J ones of A lpi ne , Californ ia, took the c he ck ered flag with a final time of five ho urs, 55 minutes and 19 seconds, averaging 4 0 mp h on the 30 -m ile course. T urnou t was small, but enthusiasm reig ned as 14 brave souls hit the stan line for a grueling test of endu rance . Follow ing the first lap, referee and co urse designer Mike Cuff was at the finis h line to do his usual "ch eck " on the riders . Th e first rider to comp lete the in iti al lap was Santee. Cali forn ia's Loren Dimond , wh o fi ni sh ed th e first la p on his KTM in 44 :05. Dimond asked Cuff if he co uld have possi bly put an y more wh oo ps in th e co urse, and then he took off fo r his seco nd lap of th e eig ht -lap co urse . Dimond complete d six la ps to fin ish seventh overall and first Four -Strok e Expert. Foll owing Dim ond close ly was Mark Brown of Well ton. Arizon a, wh o sto p pe d at ho m e chec k and simply but eloq uentl y fli pped Cuff off before heading out on his second lap . The KTM iider finished his first lap in 44 : 12 , and h e ul tima tel y com p le te d fi ve lap s to fi nish .eig hth overall and first Seni or Ex pert. N in et een -y ear -o ld Dustin St ewart from J amul , Cal if ornia, ch all eng ed th e more seasoned com petitors. Riding red , Stewart mainta in ed a healthy pace to tak e seco nd overall and fir st Four-Str ok e Amateur, co m pleting all eig ht laps in six hour s, two minutes and thr ee seconds. Yamah a ride r Ray Schooley Jr. of Poway , Californ ia , finishe d an impressiv e th ird overall and first 0 -2 00cc Amateur; the 14 ye ar-old com p lete d seve n la ps in six ho ur s and two seconds . Plaster City OHV Area: Chris Wha ley (13M) and Mike Miller contested the first-ever Sidewinders Iro n m a n Hare and Hound In Imperial Valley , California_

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