Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, - - - -- - - - - - - - -- --, '" I >- rr rr; :I i:i ~ c. overa ll. over Stratton's 1·2 for sec ond overa ll. in the 25 0cc/ O pe n Expert cl ass . Ho wever, Stratton won first overall in the 125cc Exp ert . O ver 25 Ex pert and Vet classes. If th ey hadn't raced the second m ot o in th e 250cc Expert class, Stratton would ha ve had a clean swee p. Another successfu l W NYMA season is no w wr ap ped up . Nex t seaso n pr om ises to be very interestin g. to say th e least, with th e new an d improved Bat avia MX Par k ' s grand open in g and the possibility of exploring new fronti ers in 2004! Frozen Ocean Motocross Park Auburn, New York Resu lts: October 26, 2003 (Round 29 of 291 Frozen Ocean Motocross Park: Bruce Stra tton (86) elghty -slxed the res t of th e competit ion In the 125c c Expe rt , Over 25 Expert and Vet classes at th e fi nal ro und of WNYMA acti on in Auburn, New York, 3 0 Vet clas s, h ad t h ei r throttl es p inn ed i n anticipation o f the gate drop and th e ens uing b ig uphill left-bender holeshot swee pe r. Wes t· ern N ew York 's Pro A ctio n Su spension sh o p o wne r an d trackside suspension suppo rt guru Bart Lucas went bar to bar with' s innovator and ri de r Mark Kl ei n fo r hol esh o t honors. Lucas tried to put a squ eeze mov e o n " K leiny " to take co ntrol o f th e lead , but Kl einy held his position and pinned it and cleared the big tab letop to t ak e th e lead , Dan Fi eld and Roland Beck wer e try ing to hold off non e o th er than n at io na ll y ranked ri der Bru c e Stratton and ye t another owner/ri der , J oe " I finally got m y Fun Mov er" Ellington. Fi eld finally got past Kl einy for th e lead , but Stratton w as wh alin ' an d raili n ' in h is quest to resume his ro ll as th e alpha bik e in th is p ack o f moto dogs by tripling past Kleiny for sec ond. Stratton ran Field down quick ly and took the lead . while Be ck was ba ck in third , w ith Do n C rip p e n n ip p i n ' aw a y a t his fend er. Ellingto n rode t he ro o st lo n g enoug h and p ulled up tank to tank to c hall en ge Crippen wi th t ime run ning out. Stratton showed off his p urebred MX pedigree by laying down tw o ~ minute ~ and ~ 17-seco nd lap times in so mewhat m u dd y c on ditions, This really helped w hen his big red Hon da four· stro k e sta ll ed out, giving Fie ld and Beck a glimmer of hope, but St rat · ton gave his bike one k ic k, an d off he went to win moto on e by about 10 seconds o ve r Fi eld. Beck was on de ck in third, with Crippen ri p pin' one for fourth pla ce. Ellingt on wa s so li d f o r fifth pl ac e, an d Ron N ye , K leiny, Jason Orr, Lucas and Gen e N igh m an turn ed in top10 finishes . Mother Nat ure's rain y an d co ld condit ion s. com bi ned with Father T ime's d ay lig h t ~savi ng pl an , br ou ght th e curtain d own o n t he WNYMA ' s 2 0 03 se ason o ne m oto sh y fo r most of th e ri ders - including th e Vet cl ass. On a p osi ti v e n ot e. the Rig htmire family and th eir frie nds ra ised fun ds w ith their annual "John Rightmire continu ing educa tio n fu n d " race, gatherin g eno ugh to awa rd three $73 5 schola rships. Eve ry yea r, th e Rightmire sc holar ships are aw ard ed to people wh o "em body th e m ot oc r oss family, spi ri t , fr ie n ds h ip an d competition th at att racts rac ers to the spo rt ." Sc otty Sears is lo o king fast on what ev er make of bik e h e rid es on ra c e day . On thi s da y, he sco red win s in eve ry m ot o he ra ced in the Sch oolboy , 125c c and 250cc/ O p en Ama · teur cla sses . Word is th at Sear s is fa voring his new Honda. while A lex Sig ism ondi (w ho fi n · ish ed a stro ng sec ond on th e day , right behind Sears, in all three m ot os ~ and who has been known to b eat h im, too) fa v ors Kawasaki green . Maybe a future upgrad e to th e n ew Kawasaki four-stroke wou ld pu t Sigismondi on a more even kee l wi th Sears and ti ghten up th is ta lented field o f Amateurs . The 2002 WNYMA Rider of th e Year and num be r ~ on e Expert rider Bra ndon Kuhn was the only rid er able to get a wi n o v er B ruce Stratton on this day. Ku hn went 2 ·1 for first 50 P/W (4- 8): I. Dan a Zempetcr i (Y am) ; 2 . Colton Camp (YlIm ); 3. Jade Repass (Yam ); 4 . Kyle Rexford (Yam) ; 5. Stephen Maua (Yem ). 50 ( 4- 6) : I. Col lon Camp (KTM) ; 2. Kory Fogart y (Yam) ; 3. An gelo Komuda (Cob) : 4. Paul Hanafin ( Yam) : 5. Jonath an Roet (Yam) . 50 (7-8): I. Brandon Innes (Cob ); 2. Kyle Jackson (Cob ): 3. Coll in Rexfo rd (KTM ); 4 . Jacob Gate s (Yam ); 5. Dene Za mp a tort (KTM ), 65 : t. R.J . Beck (K awl; 2. Kyl e Bnterrn en (Co b ); 3 . T odd Thompson (KTM); 4. Che'l l Clingerm an (KTM); 5. Rodney Rup.hrwein (KTM ). JR MINI: I. Jake Eddy (Ke'l w ): 2. R.J. Beck (Kaw): 3. Kyle Bit · termen (Cob ): 4. Cnez Clingerm an (KTM ); 5. Domi nic Perri (Cob). SR MINI: 1. Loui s Tepas (Yam): 2. Doug WaIf (Yam) : 3. Jo sh Weaver (Yam); 4 . Justin Newton (Yam ); 5. Jake Marsh (Yam) . MINI COMB : 1. Nlchc tes Basllmllnia (Suz) ; 2. l ou is Tepe e (Yam) : 3. Ja son Owens (Yam) : 4. Jak e Eddy (Kaw); 5. Todd Thomp· son (Yam) . 125 SCHBY: I . $c ot t Sea rs (Hon); 2. Alell Sigismondi (Kaw ): 3. Richard Paeth C Hon); 4. DougWaIf (YlIm); 5. J ustin Lcope(YlIm). 16 ·2 4 COMB : 1. John Young III (Ya m): 2 . Mikey $i1"' l..., (Yam); 3. Paul ~lll (Hon): 4. .Jesse Repa ss (Yam): 5. Craig Crip- hi m . In g r am fi nished a me re fe w seconds a he ad o f Hytin en , and Ha ncoc k ca me in a m inute later for th ird . In t h e Ve t A class , Pi r ell i /EBC /S ign Des ign-backed Kaw asaki ri der Mik e Bakken was th e first to c harge off of th e start , but he wa s pa ssed by Honda of Norfol k ride r David Ba ldwin be fore they hit the wood s, Baldwin was c h ased by Oakley -sponsor ed KTM r ide r Glen Ho lc omb and Lewis Motorsp orts/Pro · A cti o n Suspensi on/Pro Art Work s - ba c k ed KT M ri der Chuck Honey cutt. Honey cutt g ot Ho lc omb in a tum co m ing o ff o f a fast fi eld secti o n . Hon ey cutt m ad e t he w in n in g p ass wh en he fo und Baldw in la id over on a sl ick o ff -c am be r. Ho lcomb also go t by Bal dwin at tha t spot to take second at th e finish. Baldwin rec ov ered to tak e th ird. Ka wasaki rid er N ick Smith was th e ea rly lead er of th e M ini even t, w ith Kawasaki ride r Br ad Ba k k en r ight on hi s rear fe n de r. Wh en Smith overshot a tu rn on the second lap , he wa s pass ed by both Bakken and Honda r id er Ryan Robbins, Bakken finished fir st . with Rob b in s right on hi s rea r fe n de r at th e scori n g tent . Smith c am e in 30 seco nds later to gr ab third pla c e. pen (Hon ). 125 BEG: 1. Jo~h Chuff (Yam) : 2. Danid Michand (Yam) : 3. Mark ~ (Yam ): 4 . Rob K-n anaugh (Yam) ; 5. Brad Smith(Yam) 125 NOV: 1. Chad Dunn ing (Kaw); 2. C~y Shipos (Suz): 3. Jeremy Had ley ( Yam ): 4. Ja ~d U nk ( Yam) : 5. Steven Proc:krup (Yam) . 12 5 AM: 1. Scott Seers (Kaw): 2. .... Jell SigismondJ (K<1w): 3. Cody lhming (Kaw) : 4. Craig Crippen (Yam); 5. .Jonath4n Krugbaum (Yam) . ; 125 EX.: I. Brcce Stratton (Yam) : 2. Sonny Nighman (Kaw): 3. Brandon Klim (Yam) ; 4. Matt Eastman (Yam ): 5. Dan Phillips (Hon). 25O/0PEf'1 BEG: I . Jason Riestl!'f (Yam) : 2. Bryan Kashish ian (Yam ): 3. fo\iduteI Ernst (Yam) ; 4 . Bno ndon Bum s (Hon) : 5. Lee Smith (Hon) . 25 0 /0PEN NOV: 1. Steve n Prock rup (Yam I : 2. Jo sh Mo~ (Hon); 3. Robert Ernst (Yam) ; 4. Jim Davi's (Hon); 5. Dan RobiMOfl (Yam ). 250/0PEN AM:. 1. Scott See rs (Hen ); 2. ....lell Sigl5moodi (Kawl ; 3. Jo hn Young III (Yam ): 4. Je~my Stl!'wart (KTM ); 5. Ryan Kal a (Yam) . 25 0 / 0 PEN EX: 1. Brandon Kuhn (Ya m ); 2. Bruce Stratton (Hon) ; 3. Sonny NighllMn (Kawl; 4. Matt Eastman (Yam) ; 5. Mikey Silvarole (Yam) . 2 5 + A: 1. Bruce Stratton (Hon) : 2. Ronllid Beck (Yam) : 3. Mark Klein (Yam ): 4. Gene Nigh man (Kaw). 25+ B: I. Jo hn Young (Yam); 2. Dave William s (Hon) : 3. Nick Schroth (Hon) : 4. Ryan Kllla (Yam); 5. Scott u:sniak (Yam) . VET: I . Bruce Srrau on (Hon): 2. Dan Field ( Yllm) ; 3. Rol and Beck (Yam ): 4. Don Crippen (Yam ): 5. JOE' Ellington (Yam) . SR B: I . John Young (Yam); 2. Dan Meder (Sta) ; 3. Don ClarkI' (Yll m) ; 4 , Ben A tk inson (Kaw); 5. Scott Lesniak (Yam ). SR C: 1. Mike Murphy (KTM ); 2. Duane Smith (Yam) ; 3, Fred tc cee (Kaw): 4. TIm Harrington (Yam): 5. Doug Cerblno (Hon). 40 +: I. Don Crippen (Yam) : 2. Rob Ruehrwein (Yam); 3. Fred LuCliS (KlIw): 4. Jeffrey Rossman (Hon) . 4-STRK: I. Sieve Bond (Yam) ; 2. Ron Nye (Hon); 3. Jeremy Stewll rt (KTM ); 4. Billy Patnode (Hon). Reddy Hole South Hill, Virginia Results: October 26, 2003 (Round 14 ) a /A: Jason Greer (Yam). A.... 1. Ashley Hall (Hon); 2. Georqe Greer (Ye'l m); 3. Cha nce : Baker (Yam ): 4. Je'ffDrury (Yam): 5. Chad Perser (KTM). 20 0 A: 1. R.J . Ferguson (Kew ): 2. Robby Norwood (KTM); 3. Jason Hulhmlfl (KTM); 4. Josh Gray (Hon); 5. Dli niel Parke r (Hon) . 25 0 A: I. Dean Ingram ($w:): 2. Eri c Hylin ~ (Yam ); 3. Chuck Hancock (YlIm ); 4. Jeff BlankenshIp (Kaw); 5. Brandon Nero (tITM ). 4 -STRK A: J. Andrew Willia ms ( Yam ): 2. Jason Balonis (Hon) : 3. Robert Wagner (KTM); 4. Just in Stone (Yam ): 5. Tim Morton (Honl VETA: 1. Chuc k Honeycutt (KTM); 2. Glenn Holcom b (KTM): 3. David Bald win (Han ): 4. Mi ke Ba kken (KlI w ): 5 . Mit chell Walsh (KTM). SR A : 1. Dany l Clim pbell (KTM); 2. Dam y Morri~ (Kaw ); 3. Don HliU (y lIm) ; 4. PhDlip Doyle (Sw. ). 200 B: 1. RlIy Faddis (KTM): 2. Jeffr ey Parker (Hon): 3. ?aul lW (KTM): 4. Brandon Bceere (Sw ); S. Charlie Shiflett (KTM). 250 B: 1. Je'lfil"5 Hutchins ( Hon) : 2. Te'd Mari n~r (KTM); 3 . f Dusti n Mab ry ( Kaw) : 4. Will iam Smi th ( KTM); 5. Ryke Rum b ley (KTM). 4-STRK 8 : J. Chester Wha ~ (Yam ); 2. Ray KemlJgh.1fl (Yam) ; 3. Danyl Dalton (KTM): 4. Jason Plank (Can); 5. Oede K~ (tIT."'). VET B; I. Rick Huffman (KTM.): 2. Trll HartJ (tIT M): 3. Ron eu Ramsey (KTM): 4. David Wiley (Sta ); 5. Ralph Benhart (taM). SR B : I . W" Il!'y Bonllfe (Suz:) ; 2. Emi~ Hostetl er (Yam ); 3 . Robert Jo nes (KTM ): 4. John McDon ald ( KTM) ; 5. Eddie Horn ic k (KTMI. 200 1. Christop~r Patton (Suz); 2. f'\ark Robare (Hon) : 3. Richard Wilkerson ( Kaw ): 4. Ty ~ Rlimsey (KTM); 5. Robl!'rt Manning (Hon). 250 C: J. Bred Jacobson (Yam) : 2. Ouis W~11s (y am) ; 3. rIm M.archon ($w:) ; 4. Austin Bankert (Hon) : 5. Mark """ron (Yom ). 4 ·5TRK C: I. Chad Bakken (Yam ): 2. Josh Bocll nrgra (Yam) ; 3. Ben Phillips ( Yam) : 4. Rebert Stric k land (KT M); 5. Trllv is Doo ley (Kaw). VET C: J. Doug Stroup (Suz ); 2. Ricky Shifflett (Kaw); 3. Craig Wilton (Suz ); 4. Brad Bolling ( tIT MI ; 5. Bruce GuM (Yam ). SR C: J. Robert Brown (KTM); 2. Jeny Suvers (KTM): 3. Rog~r M.esimer (Suz ): 4. Paul Manning (Hon) : 5. Norm an Kit e (Yam ). /l'\STR: J. Robert COli (KTM); 2. WlIlIy Turfboer (KTM) ; 3. Bob \Vhite (KTM) ; 4. Bob Wick (Sta) ; 5. Howard Roqun. (KTM) . MINI A: I . Brad Bakken (Kaw ): 2. Ryan Robbins (Hon): 3. Nick Smith (KlIw): 4. Will Faddis (Kll W); 5. Kyle Hcneycun (Sul). MINI B; 1. Devid Wiley (Kaw): 2. Cody Norwood (Kaw); 3. Pierce Blake (Kaw); 4. AII'll Nicols; 5. Chris Greer (SUl ). fl'IlNI C: l. Shane Hartl!':ss (SUl); 2. Brandon Bolling (Kaw ): 3. Patrick Kit e Jr. (Yam ); 4 . Colten Hlirri son (KlI w); 5. Ce'lleb Lundeen. WMN: 1. Jessica Morrison (Kaw ): 2. Angela Sonnncchio (Kaw); 3. E1i Sll Morton (SUlI : 4. Heather Grl"l"r (Kaw); 5. Lori Dusky (Kaw). s JR MINI 1: 1. Max Buchanan (Kaw); 2. Scott Mobl ey (Yam); 3. Cody Stallard (Hon); 4. Scott Chamberlain (Yam); 5. Dylan McDade (Yam) . . JR fl'IlN I 2: I. Keith WIIller ( tIT M): 2. Trevor Jones (KTM); 3. Shanlez Hairston (Kaw); 4. Brenden Taylo r (tIT M); 5. Alell Benhart (KTM). P/W 1: 1. Dyl an Modlin (KTM): 2. Austin Martlfleau (KTM); 3. Hylt on Dalt on ( KTM I: 4 . Kevin Te'lylor (K TM) : 5. Te'lylor Bo wden (KTM). P/W 2: J. Chris Galyon VirginiaChampionship Hare Scrambles Series Round 14: Reddy Hole At Reddy, Greer Willing BE Able! B y H EAlll ER G REER SOUTH HILL, VA, OCT, 26 Last May, to rrenti al downpours tumed th e low lying lands o f th e orig inal Reddy Ho le tr ack into swa m ps, so th e spring run had t o be ca n ce led. With • track up in South Hill rea dy to ride for an au tumn ru n , th ings wer e lookin g good , A lthough it wa s coo l and clou d y , the Mini r ide rs and th e Women ' s cl ass raved about th e fun , 4 -mil e track of th e m ornin g Mi ni ev ent . Th e C-c1ass event ran a dry, fun trail , as well. Howev er , when it c ame time for th e main e ve n t , a light drizzle st arted , and that turned into a steady ra in tha t lasted through out most of the ra ce . T rack c onditions va ried on eac h lap. Once the wet loam was kn ocked off the surface, negotiating the hard clay wa s like riding on an icy·slick slab . Casey Cycl e City/Chick -fil-A/Scott· sp on so red Yamaha ri der Ja son Greer wa s th e fir st around th e hay ·bale turn , w ith his broth er, Reddy Hole: Jason Greer (1AA) races to a corner, ahead of his brother George, en route to the overall win at round 14 of the Virginia Championship Hare Scrambles Series in South Hill, Liquid Performance-sponsored Yama h a r id er Georg e Gr eer, r igh t beh ind h im . The tw o brothe rs held the on e-two spot s for the fi rst lap of th e ra c e, but Blue Ridg e Powerspo rts / St ev e' s Performence/Steahl y -b ec k ed Honda rider Ashley Hall had worked his way th ro ug h th e AA pa ck aft er a la st -plac e sta rt, and he fe ll in beh ind th em. During th e second la p , Geor ge wen t wi de to th e left to avoid an ang led ro ot , and Hall hit that root - which proved to be the faster line , putting Hall in sec ond . Hall th en set hi s sig h ts on Jason and slid by him going int o th e th ir d lap . Gr eer tri ed a ri sk y inside line in a fast field section to pas s Hall but hig hsided and wo und up with his clutch lever in a bind with th e bark bust ers. A fte r ba n ging on th e ba rk bu sters, Jaso n to ok off in ti m e to stay i n fr ont o f Georg e. By th e fourth lap, Hall an d Gr eer wer e batt li n g ba ck and fo rt h fo r the lead p o sition. som etimes co ming down fas t stra ig hts side by side . Hall got out o f sh ape on a slick stra ig ht, whi ch gave Jason enough room to pas s him . O n the last lap , J ason str etc hed out a four ~ m in ute lead o n Ha ll , who c a me in secon d . George rod e a co nsiste nt last half of th e race to take th ir d at th e fini sh. In th e 200c c A cl ass, Jimmy' s Cycle Sales KTM r ide r Jason Huffman ca me out w ith th e hol esho t. About halfway into th e first lap , Hu ff · m an washed out afte r an off ~ca mbe r downhill , an d M o t o r I mpor ts /Cycle C o nn e ct i o n s Kawasak i ri der R.J . Ferguson struck ou t into the lead . Ferguson h eld o n to a o ne ~ m i n ute lead over FM F / F ac t o ry gOg / Brewer Cycles KTM ri der Ro bb y Norwood, wh o finis hed sec · ond . Huffma n ca me thro ug h th e scoring tent in th ird . Triad Powers po rts Su zu k i ri der D e a n Ingram was the first · lap leader in th e 25 0c c A class . Ingram st all ed ou t in a tight pine sect ion , a nd M ot orcycl es Costa Ric a /M ar k IV Yama h a r ider Ch uck Han c o c k go t b y and stretche d o ut a 3D- sec ond lead on Ing ra m go ing int o the thi rd lap . "Th at' s when I realized I need ed to ride like a m aniac, " said Ingra m, who caught Han coc k , wh o w as o n th e si d e o f th e tr ail , ben d in g a gear shi fte r ba ck into pla ce. B y th at t ime , O ' N ea l /Fa ctory C onn ect ion /C ycl e W orld · sp o nsore d Yamaha ri der Eric Hytin en had worked his way up from a last -p lace start t o j oin th e hunt for the lead. Hytinen hooked up behind Hancock and pass ed him on an inside line and then we nt after Ingram . Meanwhile, Ingra m had gotten his gloves wet, and hi s hands were slippery, whi ch slowed him down a bit. By the en d of th e last lap , Ingram could he ar Hytinen' s fo ur ~s troke rumbling b ehind eye I e n c: AMP Detoberfest Super Gold Cup Series Round 1: Hollister Hills &P Track Braggin' Rights to Braden By JIM AND JUSTIN ENo s HOLUSTER, CA , OCT. 26 T h e o pe n ing round of th e AMP Oc to be rfe st Super Gold Cup Seri es. pre se n te d b y Sw ift Dodge Sa cram ento an d Capito l Powersports Fo lso m/Sacr am ento . k ic ke d off at th e Ho llis · ter Hills GP T rack , an d it wa s KTM pilot Mar k Braden wh o topped th e fi e ld i n th e 60 c c Novic e cla ss. B raden c o ntinu ed hi s w inning wa ys aft er stepping up from the 50cc ran ks, where he enjoyed a fairly dominant stint fo r th e past several y ears. Now, so le ly concen trating on the 60cc cla ss, Braden is looking to duplica te his do m inan c e o nc e again , and e vv s NOVEMBER 26 , 2003 47

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