Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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125 NOV: I. Josh Fittro (Kaw): 2. Matt Cl1Iwford (Suz): 3. Larry Vasquez (Yam): 4. Mlttt FerMndes (Ka w); 5. Bry an Merk (y am) . 125 INT l. Jacob Sanchel (Suz) : 2. Doug Schm id (Han): 3. : Corey Penning ton (Suz ); 4. Df!'rric k And~f$OfI (SuI): 5. Mark Sil va (Yam). 2SO BEG: I. tee NdMI'Qjlt (Hon) ; 2. Brandon TtnOio ( Kaw): 3. Kev in Fogolin (Han) : 4. J ason Fretlll~lI ( Kaw); 5 . Jason Phillips (KTM). 250 NOV : I. Matt Fernandes (Ka w ); 2. Matt Cl1Iwford (Suz) : 3. AI Canci lla (Yam ): 4 , Scott La Bonte (Yam): 5. Ken Keeen (Yam) . 250 tNT I. Doug Schmid (Han): 2. Scotty Alves (Han); 3. Man.. : Silva (Yam) : 4 . Nick Wachter (Hon ). 250 PRO: I. Billy Ju rf'Yich (Hon) . VETBEG: I. Rob Chayez (Hon ); 2. Al len Yturr alde (Han): 3. Rick Roone y (Hon): 4. Steven Soares (Hon). VET NOV : I. Chm Blaufus (Suz): 2. David Heese(Suz): 3. Todd Dagrrwtrl (Hon); 4 . Channing ArNro (Yam ). rk VET 1 : 1. Craig King (Yam); 2. Scott La Bon te (Yam): 3. Ken m xeeen (Yam ). NOV : 1. David Hou5e (Sul ): 2. Chris Bl~ufus (Suz) . OfT INT: I. Greg Doug las (Yam ); 2. Steven Bteke (Yam ). SPTSMN X: 1. J aco b Sanchez (SUI ); 2. Raymond Neverr c ( Kawl: 3. Larry Vasquel (Y~m ) : 4. Greg Douglas (Yam): 5. Chad Jacobson (Yam ). Orr Colorado State C hampionships ThunderV alley Motocross Park Sharp's the Big Cheese B y S USIE N A EGEL LAKEWOOD, CO , OCT. 18- 19 Th e John Beav ers Mem or ial SRAC Mo tocross Sta te Champion ship was held Octob er 18 and 19. a nd it was th e bigg est motoc ros s e ve nt of the y ear in Col o rado . H o st ed by Co lorado Moto rsports Pr om oti on s a t Thunder Vall ey Motocro ss Park i n L ak ew o od, the se ason final e drew m ore than 800 ra cers. Pe rfect w eather, a Saturday night barbequ e, a large Pro purse, and double- points races co m bi ned to make it a m emorab le weekend. The huge rider tu rnout forc ed qua lif y ing ra ce s in· both t he 125c c Pro cl ass an d Vet Novice class. The 125c c Pros , una ccustomed to h av in g to qu al ify at a loc al rac e, were espe cially edgy in the qu alifying moto s on Sunday morning. and m istak es were made. The steep uphill sta rt narrows to a tight righ t tum around the t ower and th en dro ps do wn over the hill. Wh en th e gat e drops, th e racers cha rge up th e hill and then literally bang ba rs as they fight fo r position on the turn. A s the 125cc Pro s c a m e off th e corn er and poured over th e hill. only 11 riders c ame in to view; one Pro had gone down and temporarily taken out 20 other bikes! The 250cc Pro co nte st was a wild run for the m oney . as was evidenc ed by the fac t th e winners of motos on e and tw o didn't even fin ish in the top 10 overall . and it was a fitting end to a ye ar of very close co m pe tition. In moto one . Brady Sharp grabbed th e ho lesho t on a Honda but was q uickly passed by Suzuk i rider Travis Banni ster. O n fi re . Banni st er es tab lished a comma nding lead and stayed way out fro nt for th e rem ain der of th e m oto . Mean w hile, th ird - plac ed Matt Karl sen pulled off the tra ck because of a mechanical pro blem wi th his Suzuki. That p ut Yamaha rider Aaron Hill up in third place for a tim e. Na tio na l AMA racer T ed Ca m p be ll, de sp ite bein g un famili ar with th e tr ac k and gett ing the worst gat e pick, worked hi s way th rou gh th e crowded field up to fourth plac e. on ly to fade back to sixth plac e because o f arm pump, in part from th e new Honda he had been g iven that m orn ing to test . Whi le Sharp hun g on to second place, Yamaha rid er Bobby Fitch ro de hard to stay with the top fiv e. and by th e end of th e moto he ca pt ure d third pla ce . pu shing Hill bac k to fourth . Another Yamah a rid er . Wayne Balliett Jr. , took fifth place. In m oto tw o of th e 250cc Pro class. Brady once again was fi rst off the gate to cl aim th e hol eshot , and th is time he held everyone else off for more tha n half the rac e befor e Campbell finally got around him. with Karl sen trailin g behind th e tw o le ad ers . Th en Bannist er , th e winn er o f the fir st rnoto , cras he d ha rd c o m ing d own Horsepower H ill . lea vi ng th e door wide op en for three Yam aha race rs - Hill , Balliett and Matt Wh itmarsh - to battl e it out for the fourth spot. Back up front . Campbell had n o soone r sett led into firs t pl ace than Karlsen blazed past both Brady and Cam p be ll to cl a im th e t o p spo t. Once in the lea d , Ka rlse n j ust chec k ed ou t , and no one c ould c a t c h him . Wh il e Cam p bell held a c o mfort able sec ond pla c e. the next three po siti ons were stil l up for gra bs. Whitmarsh c apitalized on the o ppo rt unit y and passed Sharp to take third. Sharp dropped to fourth. and Hill rounded out the top fiv e. At th e end of the day. with 250cc A m ot o finishes the likes of 6 and 2. 8 and 3 . 2 and 4 . and 4 and 6 . on ly a c om p ute r co uld have fig ur ed o ut th e final resul t s. Consistency ru led , and th e hol eshot king . Sharp. took home th e 2 5 0cc Pro fi r st -p lac e mon ey , Campbe l l snagged sec ond , Balliett lock ed up th ird , Hill c am e ou t in fourth , and Wh itmarsh captured fifth . Thunder Valley Motocross Park Lakewood. Colorado Res ults : Octobe r 18 -19. 2003 5 0 STK (4. 6): I. Greer Marsha ll (Pol): 2. Kel~y Hoog (Hon): 3 . Devan Burley (Cob); 4 . Hay den lng ino (KTM): 5. Devan Game (Pol). SO STK (7 .8): I. Tanner Winela nd (Cob): 2. Jonathan Collins (KT M) ; 3. Jake Riggle (KTM): 4 . Daniel McKun e (KTM ): 5. Russ lanne (KT M) . 50 2· STRKj4 -STR K (4· 8): I. Dillon Pelkol a (Ho n): 2. LuCB S Linn (Hon) : 3. Chris Kinney (Hon); 4. Kelsey Hoog (Hon) ; 5. Dalton Rll l.ll"' (Hoo ). r 50 OIL-INJ (4-8) : 1. Brrtney Gallegos ( Yll m ): 2. Joshua Swan (Yltm); 3. Nicole [)"yis (Cob): 4. Austin Powell (Yllm): 5. Zachary Snok e (Yam). 50 0011\8: I. Tonner W'lfleland (Cob ): 2. Gavin Silver (Cob): 3. Jllke Riggle (KTM): 4. ..JonathanCollins (KTM) : 5. Tevan Fultz (KTM). 6S (7-9): I. Austyn Keller (KTM): 2. COOOOf 0 1501'1 (Kaw ). 65 (1 0 . 11): I. Tod d Bann ister (KTM) : 2. Dy lan Wineland (K T.....); 3 . Cody NobI" (KT M) : 4. Mike $pa llooe (SuI): 5. Zach Arm · strong (Kaw ). 65 COMB (7· 11): I. Dy"'n Wineland (KTM): 2. Thomas Cone (Ka w); 3. ChIls Hein~y (KTM): 4. Connor Olson ( KlI w): 5. Mi chael G~(Kaw) . 85 NOV (7. 11): I. Brian Wil son (Han) : 2. Nltthan Deandrea (Yam) ; 3. Tyler ValPntine (Hoo) : 4. Mich ael Riner (SuI): 5. Kf'n lon Grn=nwood (SuI) . 85 NOV ( 12- 13): I. Dylan Nobles ( Yam ): 2. Brandon Edwards (Yam) ; 3. Joey Olson (KTM); 4. Ryan Moser (Yam) ; 5. Wade Simpson (Yam) . 85 NOV (1 4--15 ): I. J ason Leeper (Yam): 2. Bryan Osif (Kaw ); 3 . Sha n~ Selby (Yam ): 4. Raymo nd Mon tes (Han) : 5. Amy Kwak (Yam) . 85 COMB (7. 11): I. Tod d Bannister (KT M) : 2. Cody Silyer (K aw); 3. Kyle Herma n (Ho n): 4, Cole Shondeck (Ha n) : 5. Forrt' st 0 1500 (Hon). 85 ADV (7· 11): I. Todd Bllnn ister (KTM); 2. Ty ler D ill~y (Han); 3. Co le Sho ndec k ( Hon) : 4. Forr esl O lson (H o n ): 5. Cody Silyer (KlI w) . Thunder Valley MX Park: Brandon Hi ghtower (36) lead s Adam Harvey (131) , Aaron Hill (791) and the rest of the pac k in a qualify ing round of th e 125c c Pro c lass at the Co lorado State Champio nship In Lake woo d. 85 AnV (12. 13 ): 1. Aaron McC lintock (Hon) ; 2. Travi s Stichter (Suz); 3. Jus tin Deck er (Yll m) : 4. Derek Anderson (Kalil). 85 AnV (14· 15): 1. Michael Hende rson (Yam); 2. Tmvis Morri s (Yam ); 3. Tr oy Boles (Yam ); 4. Benj amin Gi ese (Ya m ): 5. Lan c e Evelttt (Yam ). 85 S/ M1NI NOV ( 12. 15) : I. Dyl lt n Nob le s (Yam ); 2, T y ler J m lll"'l'l (Han ); 3. Joey O lson (Hon): 4. Ryan Moser (Yam ): 5. J ason Leeper (Yam) . 85 8 / Mi NI AnV (12-15): 1. A aron McClintoc k (Han ): 2. Micha el Henderson (Yam): 3. Bryc e Shonde<: (Hon ): 4. T ravis Stich ter ($w): k 5. Tro y Boles (Yam ). OPEN BEG : 1. Anthon y Ma tth~w s (Yam) : 2. Jus ti n Hcn suen (Hon) : 3. J ason LJlberg ( Yam ): 4, Aksel Lange (Ka w): S. Brad ley Hawk (KT M) . OPEN ( 14. 2 4) : 1. Kyle Summer (K TM) : 2 . Shane Deeceruc (Sw:): 3. Denk Brewster (Yam): 4. Adam Hartl ey (j'ion); 5. Russell J Pike (Yam ). OPEN ( 12- 15): I. ~y l~ Caldcnni (Yam ): 2. Hunt~ Meyer (yllm) : 3. Rustin Meyer (Suzl: 4. Keith Na~1 (Yam): 5. Bry ce Shonde<:k 125 A : I. Mati Karl sen (SuI ); 2. Wayne Bellje tt J r. (Yam): 3. Adron Hill (Yam): 4. Ja~ Carlson (Yam) : 5 . And~ Atkins (Yam) . 125 B: I . Wesley Selby (Yam) : 2. [)e rik Bre wster ( Yam ); 3 . Travis Dun ivent (Ka w) : 4. Ji m Elzingll (KTM) : 5. Russell MansafID~ ($w I. 125 NOV : I. Terrence Birch (Yam ); 2. Blake Morris (Yam) ; 3. Mik~ Osbcme (Yam) : 4. David Bud ik (Kaw); S. Will Gibson (Sul). 125 ( 12· 15): 1. Hunter Mey er (Yam); 2. Kyl~ SumrlW'f'S (KTM); 3. Kyle Celdennt (Yam ): 4 . Kei th Neeq el (Yam ): 5 . JUltlO Jobe (Hon l. W/II\ A: I. UndRy Jtlino (Suz): 2. Ashley Baha m (Han); 3. N Michael.ll Gonzalez (Suz) : 4 . Jenny Mortimer (Yam ): 5. Amy Rogers (Yll m). WMN B: I . Amber ~tand (Kaw ): 2. Mandy Catal.llno (Yam) ; 3. Robyn Morgan (Yam); 4. Moalis.ll BroKh (Kaw); 5. Rose Bromberg (KTM). 125 ( 14-24): I. Adam Hartley (Hon): 2. Trevor Monks (Suz): 3. Ryan Hohl~r (Yam): 4. Qui nn Donathan (KT M ): 5 . Hunter Mey~r (Yam). 250 A; I. Brady Sha.rp (Han); 2. Ted Campbell (Hon): 3. Wayne Balliett J r. (Yam); 4. Aaron Hill (Yam) : 5. Matt 'W11ilmD~ (Yltm ). 250 B: I. W"ley Selby (Yam): 2. Carl Fritz (Yam): 3. Peter Atwater (Yam ): 4. Ryan Fetter (Kaw); 5. Grady Huff (lion). 250 NO V: I. Justin Pike (Yam) ; 2. Nicholas Kummet (Hon) : 3. Mike Mackeage (Hon ): 4. Russell Tillman (Hon); 5. Chri s Doughty (Yam). 250 (1 2 - 15): I. Ky le Coli de rin i ( Yll m): 2. Qu inn Donalhan (KT M); 3. Brandon Belisle (Ka w). 25 0 (1 4 .2 4) : I. Rus..o;ell Pike (Yam ): 2. JoshUll Ledoener (Hon): 3. Kyle Calderini (Yam ): 4. Wes Man5hllck (Yam ); 5. Cody Bethauer (Honl . WM NO V : 1. Nua Sanfilippo (Han ); 2. Chrislel Allen (Hon ); 3. Jennirer Schacht (Yllm ); 4. Laun-n Volenli r (!ng (Hon) . S/SR : 1. Michael Kish Sr. [Hon]: 2. Dwig ht Catala no (Yltm): 3 . Byron Wolf (KTM): 4. J ary Penney (KT M): 5. Edgltr Perrnon (Han) . ($w ). OPEN A : I. TrevteBannister (Sw:): 2. And~w Atk ins (Yam ): 3 Matt Karlsen ( SUI ): 4 . Br andon Hightolller (Yam) : 5 . J ared Ce rtso n (Yam). n O PEN B: 1. Dean Griel'5O (Hon): 2. Ryan Feller (Ka w); 3. Carl Frill (Yam) : 4 . Travis Dumvent (Klt w) ; 5 . Wesley Selb y (Yam ). OPEN NOV : I. Will iam Step hens (Hon) : 2. Robert Poladsky (Hon ): J . Travis Morris (Yam); 4 Nichola s Kumm~t (Hon] ; 5. Brya n Nudge (Kaw) . Mutant MotorsportslMission Motorcycles Fall Series Round 4: CarnegieSVRA Soito, VO SS Take Center Stage at Carnegie SVRA der fini shed seco nd vi a his 2 -2 finishe s. Will ey fin ished third on hi s KTM . go ing 1-5 . Graffunder had his m omen t in th e 60 cc (O-8) class. winnin g both m otos and leaving no doubt who the winn er was . Graffunder was als o riding a KTM. Sec on d for the day wa s Crane , who rode to 2- 2 finishes . Th ird was loc al rider Vincent liar, wh o po sted 6- 3 sc ores abo ard his KTM. In the Pro rank s , Nic k Davi s and Scott Metz scored the win s in the I 25cc and 250cc classes, respectively . Da vi s wen t 1·1 on hi s Suzuki , over Kawa saki p ilot B randon J ones ( 2 -2) and KTM rider Scott Metz (3 -6) in the 125cc cl ass. Th e Honda -mounted Metz came back to take the over all in th e 250 s with double-rno to win s. Second fo r th e day was Davis (3 · 2 ). and Honda rider Buffalo Soit o took th ird with a 4 -4 sc ore. By RANDY HElM TRA CY. CA . OCT. 19 After a le n gt h y absence , t h e Mutant c re w r et urned t o Carnegie for round four o f th e Mutant Mot orsports/Mi ssi on Mot orcy cl es Fall Serie s. T he Mutant tra ck cre w didn't di sap point, as the tra ck was in killer co nditio n for rac e day. Th e ad renaline w ent up with eac h dr op of the ga te as an ot her day of Nor Cal m otocr oss went into the rec ord books. In the big-bike Nov ice cl asses, Le s Sai to and J ason Voss sc ored th e wins on this week end . Sa ito won both m otos in the 125cc cla ss, while Voss went 2 - 1 in the 250cc class to take the win. In m ot o one of the 125c c class , Mark Abrew ripp ed o f f ano ther o ne o f his man y ho les hots t o lead t he pack through th e first turn. Saito was brea th ing down Abrew' s neck in sec o nd . followed by Donald Ertel in third. Befor e th e first lap was com plete , Saito for ced his Honda past Abrew' s Yamaha and took off. Ab rew stayed cl ose . but th e rac e was Soi to's. Erte l wa s sti ll ho ld i ng d own third , and he eventually finished there. Wh en th e pack took off fo r m ot o tw o , So ito got th e sta rt and set th e pac e. T ra vis McRa e was in seco nd , and Ertel aga in found himself in third. T his time. So ito chec ke d out and led all laps until the checkers waved . McR ae rod e a strong rac e and put his Yam aha 'across th e li ne in sec on d. Th ird place wen t to Ertel , who wa s also rid ing a YZ. With Soi to go ing I - I for the ove rall, E rtel t oo k second with c ons istent 3- 3 finishes . Third for th e da y went to another con sis te nt f ini she r: A n tho ny Gonz al es, who race d to 4 -5 fini shes on his Yamaha . Cu p ert ino's Voss rod e to th e w in in the 2 50cc Novic e class b y fi n ish ing 2 - 1 o n h is Hon da . Th e fir st m ot o was won b y Max Sco la ri. w ho wa s also rid i ng a Honda . Sc ol ari ga ted well and w ork ed h is wa y up fr o m a third -place st art for th e win . Voss did n't gate as well an d had his work cut out for him. Voss c ha rged to a sec ond -p la c e fi n ish . A noth er Hond a ride r by the nam e of Jerem y Johnson finished th ird . In m oto two , Chris Redmond took the earl y lea d. but Voss wa s cl osing in . Voss made his pa ss at about the halfway po int, and it stuck . Voss took th e win, foll owed b y th e Yamah am ount ed Redmond in secon d . T h i rd w a s Do mi nic Marche wka , on a Honda. With Voss taking the overall . Johnson ended his day in seco nd w ith c onsist ent 3·4 finishes. Redmond took third over all with a 6·2 tally. Tr oy Graffunder and Ma x Crane waged the battle of th e 60s, wi th each taking a class win. Crane rode his KTM to the overall in the 60cc Begi nner class, splitti ng mota wins with Nick Willey . Crane went 3 -1 for first. whi le Graffun- c ue I e n Carnegie SVR A Tracy. C al ifor n ia Results: October 19. 2003 (Round 4) 50 BEG: 1. Anclnoow Fagan (Cob): 2. H~ath~ John!lOfl (lrm); 3. Br term J ames (Pol); 4. Kyle Muller (KTM): 5. Sammy Bell (Co b) . e SO NOV : 1. Austin Thom pson (K TM): 2. T ylt"r Burwss (Co b): 3. Robert Nal ezny (Cob); 4. Austin Cowdery (L.em); 5. Jenn iFer Burton (KTM) . 50 INT: I . Troy GrlJffunder (KTM) . 50 (0. 6): I. A ust in Cowdery ( L~m ) : 2. Scott Cran .. (Poi ); 3. S1t my Bell (Cob): 4. BriaMa Jal'Tle (Pol): 5. Breeoon Chnstofferson m s IKTMI. 50 (7· 8): I. Troy Graffunder (/'ITM ): 2. Tyler Burgess (Cob ): 3. Justin Udell (lem): 4 . Jayson Peer (KTM); S. Heather Johnson (Lem ). SO P/W SHAFT: 1. Jake Fletcher (KT M): 2. Do minic Duca (Yam); 3 . M.arisa Dobkil'l5 (SIR ). XRSO: 1. VlI'\Cent Oar (Hon ); 2. Kyle Solari (HOI'l); 3. Erik N~ (Hon) . 60 BEG: I. M.a Crane (/'ITM.): 2. Troy Graffund~ (KTM): 3. Nick .. Willey (KT M) : 4. Danny Pacini (Kaw): 5 . Steven Williaffi5 (KTM). 60 NO V; 1. Wes Brooks (KTM) ; 2. Damon fwaoaga (Kl'M): 3. Bria n Alquist (KTM) : 4. Zackary Knudson (KTM): 5 . Je-sse And~ (KTM) . 60 INT 1. Kyle Tigert (KTM). ; 60 ( 0 . 8): I. Troy Graffunder (KTM): 2. Ma.. Cra ~ (KT M): 3 . Vince nt IIll r (KT M); 4. Gunnar Biersdorf (KT M): 5. Tyler Burge" (Ka w). 60 (9- 1 1): I . KylP TIQl"'l'1. (KTM); 2. lackary Knudson (KT.....): 3 Damon Iwa nllga ( KTM ); 4. Nick Will~y (KT M ): S. Jesse Andrews (tITM). 80 BEG 0 -1; I. Mark Browne (HOI'll: 2. Ray Kurulla (Ha n): 3. Tay lor Mante us (Suz ): 4. Mid'l olel A3.cllrrunz (SOl) : 5. Chris Arroyo (Yam ). 80 BEG 0 ·2: 1. Thomas Laursen (Han); 2. Cody Bennett (Yam ): 3. Cody Ma.sonek (Hon) : 4. Jason Kanady ($w); 5. c'J. Akers (Hon) : 80 NOV: I. lach An drade (K TM) : 2. Bryltn Duke (Suz) : 3. Tan· ner Sisson (Kaw): 4 . Shllun Murphy (Yam ); 5 . DIl'W Darltn (SUI) . 80 IHT I. Rick y Akers (Han); 2. Presion Mull (Yam): 3. Joshua : Duppo ng (Yam). 80 (8 . 11): I. Zach Andrad e (KTM): 2. Michael Perell o (Kaw); 3. Madis Saue (SOl ); 4. Brian Alqui st (Yltm ): 5. Chris A ITO (Yam). Yo 80 (12- 16): I. Shaun Murp hy (Yam): 2. Rick y Ak ers (Han) : 3. Presio n Mull (Yam ): 4. Kevin ltJvoi~ (Hon): S. Mi tch Bt-llam y (YlIm) . 80 S/ M1NI: I. J oshua Dup pong (Yam ); 2. Preston Mull (Yam ); 3 James Velasco (Han). 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. Derek Ca pp iello ( Yam ); 2. Ta dd Whitm ire (Yam); 3. Ryan O' Sulli van (Yam ); 4. Brandon Siebenaur (Yam); 5 Kyle Thort on (SuI). 12 5 B ED 0·2: 1. J o sh Siebenaur (Han ): 2. Kenn y Wo lcott (Yam); 3. Andy Smith (Yam ): 4. Stephen Tuarple y (Yam) : 5. J eremy Klith (Sul). e vv s N OVEM BER 26 , 2003 41

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