Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Friday night is going to create an elect ric atmo sphere fo r bot h fans and compet ito rs. and scheduling the Dayt ona 200 By Arai on Saturday afte rnoo n wi ll make it m o r e co nve nie n t f or o u r g ues ts t o att en d on e o f t he mo s t pre st ig iou s motorcycle races in America ." The schedu ling move gives Dayt o na Internat iona l Sp eedway so me la t it u d e if bad weather hits . The 2003 Daytona 200 was run on M onday aft er rain washed out most of Sunday' s activi ties . The Pro Ho nda O il s U .S . S uper spo rt C ha mp io nship ra ce w i ll precede the _D ayt o na 200· By Arai on S at ur d ay , M arc h 6. along w ith the ope ning round of the BM W Bo xerC up . The inaugura l D ay t o na Lo c kh art -P hillip s For m ul a Xtreme race an d th e G enu in e S uzu k i Ac c es sori es Sup erst ock eve nt will run on Thursday. along w ith Pro Honda Oils U.S. Sup ersport Qualifying . BMW Bo xerC up Qualify ing , and Dayt ona 200 By Ar ai second -round qualifying . W edn esday' s schedule wi ll include Dayt ona 200 By Arai practi ce and first -round qualify ing. Lo ckhart -Phil lips Formu la Xtrem e qu alifying and Genuine Suzuki A c cessories Superstock qu alifying. In 2004 . history co uld be made in both the Dayt o na 200 B y Arai a nd t he D ay t o na Supercross. M iguel Duhame l, the 2003 Dayt ona 200 By Arai winner. will be racing for his fift h triumph , which would tie him for most Dayt ona 200 By Arai wins wi th Sco tt Rus sell. Ricky C armichael, the 2003 Dayt ona Supercross By Honda winner, is currently tied w ith J eff Stanto n wit h four st raight vic to ries and will be aiming for a rec ord fift h co nsec utive Dayto na Supercross By Ho nda on t he Gary Bailey-designed co urse . GN C C Raci ng has anno unc ed t ha t a bro ke n sca pula (sho ulde r) wil l prev ent Kaw asaki Team G ree n ve te ra n F red Andrews fro m co mpe ting with A merica 's Team at the 77 th annual Int ernati onal Six Day Enduro

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