Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'r ;nEf1;J !tG..!L!LJ \-.(:)"""'''.'5 WHldg _n:gd . ftllWSp.per · · · • · · FEATU R ES · : · • • • '* '* •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VOLUME M ichael Klinger, Publisher ED IT O R IA L Pa ul Ca rruthe rs , Editor Kit Pa lme r. Off-Road Editor Sco tt Rousse au , Managing Editor RO A D R A CI N G 8 Blake Co nner . Associate Edito r Ro ss i Roll s O n at A us t ra l ia n Mo toGP Steve CO Off-Roa d Assistant Editor l(, Henn y Ray Ab rams, Contribu ting Editor By Michael Sco tt 16 Alan Ca thca rt. European Edito r David R. Halthe r, Rttgion a' Events Editor D u c at i Fac t o ry Rid ers S p l it W S B K Fi na le Oebbi Gilson . Copy Editor AD VE RT I SIN G. WE S T ERN STATE S (7 14) 75 1-7433 By Gordon Ritc h ie Terry Pratt. Na tional Accounts Manag'" : 20 Gree nw oo d , Wait Crowned at D ayto n a • Mark Thome. Western S a fes Manager Forre st Hayashi. Western Sal e s Manage r FUSA Finale • • • · · · 26 • • • • • • • • • • X XXX Sh aro n Clayton . p ,."siden t Dan Legere. We stern Sal es Manager Aaro n Austin, W es h' m Sales Manager By Henny Ray Abrams Rhonda Crawfo rd. Adve rt/s ing Coordinator Mel issa Parker, Assistant S U P E R M OT O ADVERT I S ING • W ard Co nt i nues Winning Ways i n D a ll as EASTE RN STAT ES (770) 934- 7850 Car l;;!; Allen. Offic e Manager & AdvBrtis ing CoordinstQr Sheri Russell. Eastern Sa le s Manager By Blake Conn er Suzzie Smith . Eastern Sa les Manager OFF - R OA D : 30 · • • Karen Smith . Assi stan t MAR KETING · S m it h S la ms In diana G N C C Fi na le By J as on W eigandt Forre st Hayashi, ManagB r Aaron Austin . Support :44 • Ca rp ent er C on struct s Fall Tr ials W in • FEATURE · • • : 32 • • • • • • • • • • • • NE W MEDIA D EVE LO PMENT Kory Klinger . Si te Ma nagttr By Shan Moo re C LASS IF IE D ADS Meliss a Par ker Mi lan Moto rcycle S ho w Part II GRAPH ICS· PRO DUCT IOII Nevi Mad dy, Prod uction Manage r Bu.. Ma;.ple. Grap hic Artis t Su nju Kwon, Grap hic Arti st Raelynn Roberts. Graph ic Arns t Kath leen Lawlor. Grap hic Artist By A lan Cathcart SPEEDWAY : 36 PR O M OT I O N Mark Thome. Director Ha ncock Puts S igna t u re o n AMA Fin a le By M . S ob e r ADMINISTRATION MOTOCROSS Jud y Klinger. Coordinator PHOTO BY GOLD & GOOS E : 38 • Em ig To p s Kawas aki Rac e o f C ha m pi o ns • • By Michae l Jam e s and Matt Wo z ney : 40 · • Pam Klein. Adminis tretive Assistant Amateurs Attack Branson MX ACCO UNTING • DATA PROCESSI NG Donna Bryan-Oiamond. AIR Co ordinator Geneva He pees. Assistant Stacy Ryan. Credi t Manager By Ch uck Ball ~ 42 Freddy Wiechers Remembe re d at Honey ~ DEPARTMENTS : La ke MX : • By Cashe l Hackland CIRCULATION :. ~ • • • • HILLCLIMB 50 W na le Cl i n c hes Tw o at O h io Hi llc l i m b atson Fi By Da vid L. Patton Jr . : • • DRAG RAC ING By Ke vin Mc Ke nna • • ••• '* • • ••••••• '* • '* • '* '* • ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , REGIONAL EIfENTS 5 5 Elkha rt Lake , WI: SuperBikers2 Se ries 56 Del Mar, CA: Wes t Coast V intage Dirt Trac k Se ries 58 Events 70 Track of the Wee k 73 Local Tal ent OCTOBER 29, 2003' Ashle igh Klein. Deals I'Coo rdinator In th e Wind SERVICE· SUPPDRT Br idgett Bobrofsky. Re ceptionist Robert Esca ndon . Service and Support V o ices NATIONAL HEADOUARTERS 350 5· M Cadill ac Ave.• C osta Mesa . CA 92626 Ins i de Line P.O . Box 5084, Co sta Mesa . CA 9262 8-5084 (714) 75 1·7433 . FAX(714) 751-6685 C ale n dar EASTERN OFFICE ey e I e • • • • • • • ne,",s 4 188 First Ave .. Tuck er, GA 30084 78 W ant Ad s : : • 53 Buchanan , M I: Eastern Four-Stroke Na t iona ls 5 4 Madras, OR: Oregon State MX Champ ionship Series 4 C.rol Maggio. Proctls s jng Coo rdinator • : 52 Phi ll i ps Fl ips PA NHRA On Its Lid • • 2 :. 5 ~ 7 • • 74 : Alma Anguiano, Circu lation M. M ger P.O . So x 805 . Tuc ker. GA 3008 5-080 5 C77 934-7850 · FAXmOJ934 ·31 12 0J 95 A c ros s The A t l an t ic 95 Lo ok i ng Back , • • • • • · ON THE COlfER A pod ium f or Nicky H ay de n . The former AMA Superb ike Champ ion sha res the Austra l ian Grand Prix po dium w ith Loris Capi ross i and Valent ino Ross i. Photo by Gold & Goose. N eil Hodgson and Ruben Xaus - w i nne rs agai n i n the fina l Wo rld Supe r bike r o un d. Photos by Gold & Goose. E-MAIL. INTERNET ww w.cyclenews .cc m editor@cycle news .com s ubs m advertis lng@cyclenews .com Cyclil ~w. OJSPS 141-340) i-. puhH .n.d _ekly .~ the lu t twa ".,.... ol the =:=r~~~~ :~ ~Np':d ~~~ d~:".:fi. tio rnlt 1NI11i offi«. CanNa Poa1 ng ,lntemetloNl Pubtiea~ MaJI .546815 . IPOI1IUS'IBII Send .ad",,, c~.. to CycIe ~ P.O. 8c:u5084. co.u. M.... CA92628·5084. ;.t- u:of~==::'=~ch.ract.... ~thettMro:.~=tenn l:fi=::= nu:. you'll ol beor ~ and the !Nt two lndiCetethe yMr the lut~. ~,=::a.~~':"lh(~~ni~~,~~:=tn. ~5fD~r ~~~~!i(~~~~ ~~==~'=: S:O~~b (15 iuYeal, $4 2.00. Cycle New. "",k;om e , llnaollc ited editorial INIterlal Incillding Itories. otIl'toonI. ~ etl:'.Sl:'ch nm.rlaI.·if publiWd. bKorM. the .llclum.~1e me. ~ ~~ ~~ m:~wUIt~ ~C ~~.s. ,ln g Wm>.8 ~Y?~T10N Printed in U.S.A. Copyright O C ye" N e_. Inc. 2 003. Trademaril. Cyele New. revis te r.d u .s. P.tent 0ffie

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