Suzuki campaigner Donnie Kearney finally
kept it out front and won the 85cc (4-11) contest. with Dakota Tedder placing second.
Lane Morrison had a nail·biter of a morning. He blew a head gasket on his Yamaha just
as practice began and frantically searched for
someone who could sell him another. At the
last minute. he got it replaced - just in time to
go out and win the 85cc Beginner class going
Glen Helen Raceway Park
San Bernardino, California
Results: July 6, 2003 (Round 3)
SO STK (4.6): I. David Fullmer (KTM); 2. Maxwell Tedder
(KTM); 3, Nicholes Jones (Lem); 4 Melhew P~l (Hon).
SO MOD (4.6): I Joe)' Holt (Cob); 2. David Fullmer (IITM).
SO STK (7-8); I, Andy Gonzales (Cobl: 2. Michad Arana (Cob).
50 MOO (7-8): I. Chns Cuero (Cob); 2. Michad Arana (Cob)
65 BEG: I MIchael Ararwll (Kaw); 2_ Donny P"dh Jr (!(awl: 3
Kory Bard (Kawl; 4 Jorden TIub6u1t (Kew): 5. And~ ~ (Kew)
65 (4-8): I, Dillon Troner (Sw:): 2. Chns Cuero (IITM).
65 (9.11): I, Dllkota T~dder (Kaw); 2. Colt Hubbs {KTMI; 3
Jake JoKobs (KTM)
85 BEG: I. l.ene Momsoo (Yam); 2_ David Wolfinbarger (Hon):
3 Garrett Mornsoo (Yam); 4 Shene Hopper (Suzl: 5. AU5tln Srmlh
85 (4.11): l. Donnie Kearney (Sw.); 2 Dekola T~der(Yam): 3
Kiener Sliva (Yem); 4 Colt Hubbs (Kaw)
85 (12-13): 1 "\att Dowell (Yam): 2. Trent PugmIre (KllW); 3
Tony Blood (Sw:l: 4, J.B. Pef:k (Yam); 5. TraVIS Baker (Yaml.
85 (14-16): I Nick TokarskI (Yam)
85 S//VtINI: I Tr~nt Pugmire (Kaw); 2, Matt Dowell (Yem):
Tony Blood (Sm); 4. Trllvis Baker (Yam): 5. Dona Dreier (Yam).
125 SCHBY: I. Jorred Browne (SUl); 2. Jort'd MlOor (Yam); J
Ricky James (Yom); 4. A.J SlelObach (Yam); 5 Sean Borkenhl'lgffi
125 A: 1 Ju~tin Buckelew (Kaw): 2. Brandon Mt!5tead (Yem); 3
Robbie King (Yam): 4 Cody Knauss (Yom).
125 B: 1 Jared Minor (Yom): 2, Ricky James (Yam); 3. Robby
Bell (KTM);