Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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who would prevail. Brown locked up third by laying down a great last lap. Springsteen and Copeland were fourth and fifth, respectively. The Midland track is always in great shape. Normally, it's a little slippery at first, but later in the day a narrow groove develops, making for some great racing - which is why the Polka Dots Short Track is always a favorite among the riders. Now Available Through Cycle News Video Theater • 2001 Mat:oGP 50D Seri_ Review • 2001 Warid Supa. bIk. Bar_ RevIew Results 51 oa..·INJ (4-8): I. Kameran Miller. 2. Brett BouIis; 3. Michael Mumty; 4. Dominique R~au: 5. Katie ,Il\c(ormidt. 51 AUTO STK (4-8): I. Andrew Johnson: 2. Dominique Rabideau; 3. Sara Cow~: 4. Matt Seward; 5. Kaycee Chaney. 6S (6-11): I. Nick Page: 2. Trett Hawkins; 3. Michael Ross; 4. Charles Gray; 5. Robert BouJIs. 85 (1-13): I. Travis Myers; 2. Chance McCormick: 3. Joey Bouli5: 4. Johnny Cooper: 5. Cody Rabideau. 200: I. Tram .kIkubik; 2. Travis Myers; 3. Joey Boulls; 4. Calson Hawkins; 5. Jonathan Kelsey. 250: I. Tom Unit; 2. Carter Myers; 3. Nile Henchdt; 4. Travis Myers; 5. Travis Jakubik. 251 + 0f'EN N: I. Sk.Ip Wertz.: 2. Eugene Copeland: 3. David Tyo: 4. Randy Stauffer; 5. Thomas Johnson. OPEN SOL: I. Tom Unk: 2. Logan Myers: 3. Carter Myers; 4. William Stevens. 400: I. NIchoIe Chell!: 2. William Slevens: 3. Chuck Smith: 4. Shannon Kelsey: 5. Bret Trenblay. 505 A: 1. Logan Myers: 2. Nk:hole Cheza: 3. Daniel McKim: 4. Travis Jakubik: 5. Carter Myers. 505 B: I. Todd Cronkright: 2. William Stevens: 3. Roger Ludch.ardt; 4. Sam Basner; 5. Curt Garrett. COMBO 16.. : I. Tom Unk; 2. Johnny Cooper: 3. Wesley Brown: 4. Andy Springsteen; 5. Eugene Copeland. VET 30.. ; I. Lyle Barber: 2. Todd Cronkright: 3. Chuck Smith; 4. Mark Garrett: 5. Roger Depue. SR 40.. ; I. Daniel McKim: 2. Eugene Copeland Jr.; 3. Roger Depue: 4. Dean Mayer: 5. Glenn Woods. S/SR 50..: 1. Dan Clllwford: 2. John Debats; 3. Skip Wertz; 4. Sam BMnet; 5. Raymond Garrett. VINT: 1. Skip Wertz; 2. Curt Garrett; 3. David Tyo: 4. Daniel McKim; 5. Bill Condon. SPDWY: I. Russ Crawford; 2. John Debats: 3. Dan Crawford: 4. Mark Engel. Costa Mesa Speedway The Kid's in Championship Form By ELAiNE JONES COSTA MESA, CA, SEPT. 28 Chris "The Kid" Manchester has been limping around the pits lately, but you couldn't tell on Saturday night, as he won the richest race of the night. the Scratch main event. Randy "The Rocket" DiFrancesco has been battling bike problems for the last month, but he was sure on his game when he took the win in the Handicap main. • Warld'a Feat:eIIt: B1k_ • "aey: 19152-2000 • HIgher Graund • CruRy Can_Ie at Dirt: • ~ Demane B: ~ Next; Level • CruII1:Y Camalle: ~ 7t:h MIaIIIan • T.. r .... n. 7 • .Jerwny McGret:h: Steel Raat:s 2 • Fax G1_teet HIt:a Val. 1 • Glabal Adc:I~ at a MIIt:III Gad Trilogy • Maca-xXx: The Bar_ 1-4 • AIt~ • Bledneck.. 4 • en Any BuncIIIy: MX, Melcalrn & Mare • Children ROAD RACING (101970) 2llO1 MoklGP 500 Series Review llYD The 2001 AM 500 _ ~ was solID be a spicy <1IeI_the Iwo ItaIan 1I"'l' VaIentilO Rossi and Max Bia!J!i, and I Ud """ pnlCidedalthe action " whi:tlthe 1asI ....season _ ....on woukI catch lie? Cath "1Iis oIfrciaI3-Ilour CMl 100 _ from WliiIe Starrl>JhoIds-barred batI~, Iea1urinqsome 01 !he best ridelS in the world siugg". out aboard 1110hp, tire-siiding Slrpeib.... Aus1raIIan Dtrca~ r'J!MlIeaIIres, ilcIuling agaiety rJ care!uly _ photos 01 'Yor Maun' and Texl pages de!aiilg Ius career ~ 110 rnirotes from While Star/lJllisalnes kJoIage, newIy·reIeased aash kJoIage, outtakes and biooper lrom Tha Hard W,,!, delailed bIuepIin~ rJ sefh's launch 13mp, _ injury char\ and sefh's X·rays, From Impact VKIeo. $29.95 _ sPeCiaI,,_ (#016) 35101 My Trip· Mike Cinqmalll OVO this [M)'s IitIe • 'a pervasive ",hem 01 inslabiIiIy' • is an IlCCUIBie description oll,eestyle legend Mike ClnqmalS slJange joomay fhrough lila. You111~· eral~ gel a look inside Cinq's head as fhe viquaIIy rl!jIaIlJrmaI. 45 nnries from Fox Video. $29.95 ('0122) Fox Greatest Hits Vol. 1 DVO The veryIndudes _ _ iloIaiJll, _ series. FLY, and Wralhchicl VIdeos. best from the Fox Racing's Terrafirma wiIh James S1ewar1, Mile Cnlfr1ats- Rrcily CarmrchaeI, Doug Henly & Guy Perrett, aI rHxXx V

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