Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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125 PRo: I. Raymond Smith (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. JlIred Teba (Hon): 2. Nell Graham (Hon); 3. Adam ~rioo (Suz); 4. Tommy John (Yam); 5. Mark Chisholm (Yam). 250 NOV: I. Blake Runestad (Yam); 2. Eric Anderson (Yam); 3. Varnum (Yam); 4. Brandon Reina (Hon): 5. Brett P81mer Jr. (YlIm). 250 INT: I. Brett Fox (Hon); 2. Neil Chisholm (Han): 3. Bryon Ward (Hon); 4. Allen Kenyon (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Randy Clark (Han). WMN: 1. Jaime Burgess (Yam). SCHBY: 1. Anthony Barbacovl (Yam); 2. Ricky Parks (Yam): 3. Darin Chisholm (Han): 4. TlInner Langham (Kaw): 5. Ryen Reina (Hon). JR VET BEG: I. Terence Traughber (Kaw); 2. Johnny Martinez (Yam): 3. Brian Dickson (Han): 4. Mark Chisholm (YlIm). JR VET NOV: I. Kirt Cothran (Vam): 2. Gary Ivln (Yam): 3. Albert Verb8nce (Yam); 4. Justin Dawson (Hon); 5. Chris Carroll (Yam). JR VET INT: I. Shy Moshe (Yam): 2. Pasha Afshar (Yam). JR VET EX: I. Robbie Dunhllm (Yam). VET BEG: I. Eric Ucdardi (Hon); 2. Brian Casey (Suz); 3. Jeff Gillespie (Vam); 4. Brian Dickenson (Hon). VET NOV: 1. Robert Wood (Yam): 2. Myan Sp8ccllrelll (Yem): 3, Gary Ivin (Vam); 4. Flemming Larsen (Hon): 5. KlrtCothran (Yam). VET INT: L Mike Udtra (Hon): 2. Jeff Mathews (KTM): 3. Doug Ford (Han); 4. PlIsha Afshar (Yern); 5. Shy Meshe (Yam). VET EX/PRO: 1. Jon Zahrt (SUI); 2. Nick Mllirose (Hon): 3. Rob· ble Dunham (Yam); 4. Frank Costanzo (Hon). SR NOV: 1. Doug Wilson (Hon); 2. Jeff Hares (Yam); 3. Rick Watkins (Yam); 4. Art Dart (Yam): 5. Jerry YekslIvich (Vllm). SR AM: 1. Keevan Acev~o (Yam): 2. Kevin Pe~rson (Yam); 3. Brett Allen (Hon); 4. Russ S<;huoler (Hon); 5. Bruce Teba (Hon). SR EX: I. Don Biuy (Yam): 2. Mark Moscrop (Hon): 3. Bam Simons (Yam); 4, DlIvid Williams (Yam); 5. Dllvid Dubois (YlIm). orr JR VET: I. Bob Woods (Yllrn). NOV: 1. Chllrles WlItanebe (Yam): 2. Martin Firestone (Hon); 3. Lany Kirsch (Hon): 4. Asker LamkJaer (Suz). Orr AM: 1. Brllln Farner (Kllw); 2. Dennis Tooman (Yam); 3. Andy Flwn (Yam): 4. Art Dart (Yam). orr EX: L John Bumgarner (KTM); 2. Klrit Freeman (Hon): 3. K~vln Peterson (Vllrn); 4. Keevan Acevedo (Yllrn); 5. Carry Connor (Yam). orr MSTR A:. 1. Frank Costanzo (Han); 2. Bam Simons (Yam); 3. David Zahrt (Sw.). orr MSTR B: I. Don Blny (Yam); 2. Tom Bu~s (KTM); 3. Dtrvld Williams (Yam), Lest~r orr Costa Mesa Speedway: Chris "The Kid" Manchester leads Shawn McConnell and Mark Adams in Scratch race action in Costa Mesa, Callfomia. Anderson for second in the mota, but Anderson's 2·3 tally got the better of Varnum's 4·2 score for second overall. Reina (5-4) and Brett Palmer (6-5) rounded out the top five. SCR: 1. Chris Manchester (OM); 2. Gory Hicks (OM); 3. Josh Larsen (Jaw); 4. Mike Faria (Jaw); 5. Dukie Ermolenko (Jaw). HOCP: 1. Randy DIFrancesco (Jaw); 2. Andy Northrup (Jaw); 3. Ed Castro (OM); 4. Josh Larsen (Jew): 5. Bobby Krips (Jaw). CRC Night Finale to Runestad By GREG ROBERTSON PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 28 YZ250F-mounted Blake Runestad helped finish off another successful season of California Racing Club's Saturday night motocross with overall wins in both the 125cc and 250cc Novice classes, during the Rider's Edge-sponsored event held at Los Angeles County Race· way in Palmdale. In the opening ] 25cc Novice moto, David Robertson absconded with the holeshot, ahead of Runestad, Ryan Reina, Brett Moscrop and the rest of the field. Runestad quickly got around Robertson, with Reina doing the same ~ UJ CIl o a: ffi a: to ~ ~ Runestad shot out to an immediate sec- :I: ond-moto lead over Varnum and Ryan Alexy, with Reina buried about midpack. Runestad slowly put about five seconds on Varnum en route to an uncontested victory for his first class win of the night. Varnum went 2-2 for second overall on his Thousand Oaks·backed Yamaha. Reina made it all the way up into third place for third overall, topping the 5·4 score of Anderson and the 9-5 tally of Alexy. Anderson was quickest out of the gate in the first 250cc Novice mota and ran out front for a couple of circuits of the J.B. Memorial track before Runestad reeled him in for the pass. Runestad got to the checkers first with about 10 seconds to spare over Anderson. Moscrop and Varnum argued over third until Varnum went down, handing Moscrop the position. Varnum worked his way back around Brandon Reina on the last lap for fourth. Anderson was off to another great start in moto two, with Varnum and Runestad just off his back fender. Anderson's reign lasted until the midway point, when Runestad found a way around him and Vamum to set the pace out front. Runestad motored away on his Arnette/Sinisalo-sponsored Yamaha for a sweep of the class. Varnum slipped past cue By lEE UVESEY ,..-----------------,z a short time later to run in second place. Lester Varnum shot up from his eighth·place start to move into the third spot by lap two, with Eric Anderson holding down fifth, just behind Robertson. Runestad and Reina had a good battle over the lead up until the last lap, when Runestad went down. Reina easily took the win, over Varnum, with Runestad recovering for third, ahead of Kauiin Boggio and Anderson. OCTOBER 23, 2002' Thomas Tames a Tough One P/W YAM BEG: 1. Trlmn Pollseno (Yam): 2. Matthew Woldman (Yam); 3. Neh~mlah Crawford (Yam). P/W YAM ADV: J. Nlc:holas Merd~ (Yam): 2. Kyle Economu (Yam). P/W HON BEG: I. Joshua Ross (Han): 2. Tristan Morts (Hon); 3. Claudia Crawford (Hon); 4. Tebitha Crawford (Hon). P/W HON ADV: I. Shelby Werd (Hon): 2. Cody Floria (Han). P/W BEG: 1. Kevin Grimmett (KTM); 2. Cole Seford (KTM); 3. Giovanni Larin (Pol): 4. Austin Aguilar (KTM): 5. Joey Holt (Cob). P/W ADV: I. Shane Eme~ (KTM): 2. Dillon Rowsell (Pol); 3. Matthew Evans (KTM); 4. James WilcoK (Pol); 5. Nicholas Mercier (Pol). S/P/W (4·6): 1. James Wilcox (Pol); 2. Cyle Moskowtz (KTM). S/PfW (7·9): 1. Matthew Evans (KTM): 2. Dillon Rowsell (KTM). P/W 70·90: I. Augle Ortiz (Yam): 2. Josh Seckheim (Kaw): 3. Kyle Piwo (Kaw). 65 BEG: I. Michael Baker (Kaw); 2. Junior Delgado (Knw): 3. Manuel Ortiz (Kaw); 4. Austin Ortega (Kaw); 5. Travis Merrill (Kaw). 65 (4·8): I. Damion Tackett (Kaw): 2. Tyler Gibbons (KTM). 65 (9·11): 1. Kyle Smith (KTM); 2. Annando Aguilar (KTM); 3. AI~x Laughlin (KTM); 4. Chris Carrillo (KlIw): 5. Austin Gibbons (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Danny Ostennan (Hon); 2. Brandon Gillespie (Hon): 3. Chris Bell (Yam); 4. Gerrett Morrison (Yam); 5. Justin St~lIms (YlIm). 85 (7·11): 1. Kyle Smith (Suz): 2. Keith Robinson (Yam); 3. ChlIndlerQulmette (Yam). 85 (12·13): 1. Kevin WlIgemen (Yam); 2. J.B. Peek (YlIm): 3. Taylor Kellstrom (Kaw); 4. Ltme Morrison (Yam); 5. TIm Rltzl~r (Kew). 85 (14·16): I. Cody Van Acker (Kaw). 125 BEG: I. Kevin Bey (Yam): 2. Mike Hearns (Hon): 3. Rylln Schuster (Yam): 4. Kevin MlII~r (Yam): 5. Kevin DeBlaso (Yam). 125 NOV; 1. Blake Runestad (Yam): 2. Lester Varnum (Yam); 3. Ryan Relnll (Hon); 4. Eric Anderson (Yam): 5. RYlln Ale.y (Suz), 125 INT: I, Anthony Barbecovi (Yam); 2. Ryan Happy (Hon): 3. Ricky PlIrkS (Hon): 4. Darin Chisholm (Han). Los Angeles County Raceway 74 Ellensburg Rodeo Arena Results 5(JP: I. Rod Lenz (Jaw); 2. Rudy Laurer (Jaw); 3. Hldellkl Ole (Jaw); 4. Malcom Roe (Jaw): 5. John Stunkard (Jaw). SUP 8: l. Shane Kump (Jaw); 2. Tom ROlSlIno (Jaw); 3. DeWayne Sterk (Jaw): 4. Carl Gazafy (Jew): 5. Doug Lupo (Jaw). SUP CONSI: I. Eloy Medellin (Jaw): 2. St~e Mutnly (Jaw); 3. Tomllu Hampel (Jaw): 4. Robert Flesler (Jaw): 5. Craig Collier (Jaw). SUP B CONSI: 1. Michael Navratil (Jaw); 2. Stt:ve Dzilldu5 (Jaw); 3. Jim Lavender (Jaw): 4. Kim Stevens (Jaw); 5. Montl! McKeon (Jaw). 0. Los Angeles County Raceway: Blake Runestad was the top 250cc Novice at the season finale of CRC Saturday night motocross action in Palmdale, California. I e n e _ s Ellensburg Rodeo Arena: Cameron Jungers contested the 60cc class at the Luft Trailer SsleslDeVol Racing Invitational in Ellensburg, Washington. , ELLENSBURG, WA, SEPT. 28 At the Luft Trailer Sales/DeVol Racing Invita· tional in Ellensburg, Washington, a big crowd turned out to watch Honda~mounted FourStroke National wiz Brandon Thomas and Ryan Abrigo, on a new American Suzuki, ride under the lights. Abrigo looked smooth on the yellow bike and quickly jumped out to first in moto one. The supercross track lent itself to some aggressive riding and block-passing. Kiel "Wonder Boy" Krogstadt looked fast (if sketchy) on the tough track; "Kroggy" managed third, followed by Royce DeVol. Thomas got the holeshot in mota two, followed closely by Sean "Sparky" Sparkman. The overall went to Thomas, with Abrigo second and Sparkman third. DeVol had prepared a demanding and technical track for the exhibition ride. The cow palace had been magically transformed into a spectator-friendly, rider-punishing supercross track. Nick Bergley, Travis Denham and Westin Potter went one-twa-three in both aocc Unlimited motos. The top 80cc riders had to be right on the money to clear the huge double. Tech· nical skills were of greatest importance in this class, where riders were moving fast enough to get punished by even the slightest of mistakes. Hometown rider Cory Ogan put in a fourth-place ride in mota one, only to get eaten by the monster track in moto two, finishing 10th. Ryane Gordon was the only female rider of the night, placing ninth in the Beginner Unlimited class. Tyler Kinkade put his YZ into the top overall spot with first- and second-place finishes. Brahn Bjornson took second overall with Tim Winter in the final medal spot. Local favorite and title sponsor· backed Shane Luft took fifth overall. The 60cc class had some great racing, with Brandon Charron, Cody Bissel, Hunter Evanson, Vance DaViS, Cole Scott, Tyler Van Zandt, Cameron Jungers and Kyle Curtin all mjxing it up. Charron went 1- 1, while Bissel came all the way from Dalton, Idaho, for sec· ond. Kyle "Vertical" Versteeg looked as smooth as the Pros in the fast-paced Intermediate group. Versteeg got down the long drag-strip start faster than the others in both motos and never looked back. Versteeg was followed by Keith Ford and Tony and Billy Boughten in moto one. In moto two, Versteeg had a closer challenger in Kevin Urquhart, who was right there with Versteeg, just waiting for a bobble that never happened. Versteeg had his timing on the huge double down perfect. Many riders could clear the double, but if they didn't hit the landing just right, hay bales were waiting for them. Riders were all seeking out the suspension gurus in the DeVol big rig, as the track required better-than-average suspension tuning for competitive riding. Pacific Racing Organization's Jeff uda Voice" Allen kept the college-town crowd informed and entertained with interesting bios and commentary. A half-time show was put on by Freestyle jumpers from H&H productions. Dirt·to-dirt jump record holder (260 feet, no ramp) Ryan Capes and company kept the crowd roaring for mor~. The sick tricks looked especially daring under the lights. Added fire on landing made for spectacular nighttime entertainment. Results 50 U/L: I. VlInce DlIvis (KTM); 2. Tyler VlIn Lmdt (Pol); 3. Ten· ner Berry (KTM); 4. Hunter Evanson (Cob); 5. Kyle Sittman (KTM). 60 CJ/L: 1. Brandon Charron (Kaw): 2. Cody Bissel (Kew); 3. Hunter Evanson (Cob); 4. Vance Davis (KTM); 5. Cole Scott (KTM). 80 U/L: l. Nick Bergley (Han): 2. Travis Denhllm (Kaw): 3. Westin Potter (Hon); 4. Zack Tutewiler (Kllw): 5. Thomas Kllppert (Kaw). BEG U/L: 1. Tyler Kinkade (Yem): 2. Brahn Bjomson(Yllm); 3. TIm Winter (Han): 4. Kevin Steere (Yam): 5. Shllne Luft (Yam). JR U/L: 1. Josh Edmondson (Hon); 2. Blake Edwllrds (Yam): 3. Brock Morehead (Suz): 4. Cody D~nhllm (Yam); 5. Shllwn Wilson (Yam). lNT CJ/L: l. Kyle Versteeg (Han): 2. Keith Ford (Kaw): 3. Kevin Urquhart (Han); 4. Billy Bough~n (KTM); 5. Tony Boughten (KTM). PRO U/L: I. Brandon Thomas (Hon); 2. Ryan Abrigo (Suz): 3. Klel Krogstadt (Han); 4. Selin Sparkmlln (Hon): 5. Royce DeVol (Han). East Bend Speedway Neilsen Comes In First By MARK NEOENS EAST BEND, NC, SEPT. 28 In 125cc action at East Bend, A rider Mark Wagner took the holeshot, with B rider Shawn Neilsen right behind. Neilsen made a quick move past Wagner for the lead. They were fol~ lowed by Thomas Bullock, Zach Kutschenko and David Growe. Kutschenko and Growe made a quick move past Bullock. Neilsen was holding off Wagner, but Wagner was showing his tire to Neilsen at every opportunity. They were now followed by Kutschenko and Growe. Kutschenko worked up to Wagner and went under to take the second spot. Behind the leaders, D riders Michael Asbury and Chris Asbury were battling for the lead in the 125cc D class. Michael led the first two laps, with Chris close behind. On the third lap, Chris made the pass, and they went through the back doubles side by side. Michael made the pass back in the turn. Kutschenko took a spill on the tabletop and Wagner took back second position, behind Neilsen, who had a good lead by this time. Neilsen took first, followed by Wagner, Growe, Chris Asbury, Michael Asbury and Nicholas Tonti. in the 50cc Shaft class, Kyle Mitchell worked hard to take the first mota, over Justin Branch. This was the first win for Mitchell since he started racing this year. In moto two,

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