Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the summer racing as practice for their fall schedule. As the season winds down, Larry and the Honey Lake staff will be preparing for the upcoming WORCS race in early November. Honey Lake Motocross Park Milford. Califomia Results: September 29. 2002 (Round 6l 50 (4·6) BEO: I. Brock Holmes (KTM): 2. Anthony Walsh (KT/'l\); 3, Austin Ching (KTM): 4. Tucker l...lIrrieu (Pol): 5, Tanner Kane (Hon). 50 (4.6): I. Tylar Tower (KTM): 2. Austin Rogers (Pol); 3. Hunter Roberts (Lem); 4. Cameron Tyler (Pol): 5. Devin Heerd (KTM). 50 (7.) 0·1: t. Brien Sjog~n (KTM); 2, Colton Evans (KTM): 3, Kevin Tyler (KTM): 4. Matt Merllle (Pol): 5. Cole Brosgert (KTM). 50 (7.) 0-2: 1. Ty SIm1noe (KT/'l\): 2. Metthew Blsc~lle (KTM); 3. Chase Eidlele (Pol); 4. Jeremy Price (Pol); 5. fo\erk Hensen (Pol). 60 (0·9): I. Dekote Mey (Kew): 2, Weslee Valerio (KTM); 3. Aaron Slmlnoe (KTM): 4. Danny Roblk (Kew): 5. Christian Huber (Kaw). 60 (10.): 1. JoI1My Vallerlo (KTM): 2. Joshue Morris (Kaw): 3. Jake Maga (Yam); 4. Matt Stewan. (Suz); 5, Jordan O'Neal (KTM). 80 BEG; 1. Jake Maga (Yam): 2. l...lInce Christie (Yam); 3. Cameron MUls (Hon); 4. Ty Walker (Yam); 5. Austin Robinson (Yam). 80 JR: I. Kurt Hemllnn (Kaw); 2. Ramsey Canham (Hon): 3 Devid Kell: 4. Chris l...t!nard (Hon); 5. Daniel Marwin (Yam). 801NT: L Tyler York (Kew): 2. Beau Meier (Suz): 3. lech Fields (Hon): 4. Johnny Vallerlo (Kaw): 5. Jacob Roblk (Suz). S/MINJ: I. Tyler YorI< (KaIV): 2. lach Fields (Hon); 3. Johnny Vallerlo (Ktiw): 4. Ryan Toomey (Yam): 5. Jecob Roblk (SUl). 125 BEG: 1. RYl!ln Vlcklund (Han): 2. Melt Lultwleler (Yem): 3. lack Pl!Icmoller (Yam): 4. Dylen Jennings (Hon): 5. Trallis Vicklund (Hon). 125 JR 0·1: I. Beau Meier (Suz); 2. Gabe Brown (Hon): 3. Ryan Hazen (Hon): 4. Don MelvIn (KTM): 5, Nathan AMlIey (Hon). 125 JR 0·2: 1. Ryan Hartman (Suz): 2. Ty l...lI Monda (Hen); 3. Tim Crowell (Hon); 4. John Hay (Hen):~. Gr~ Thleuen (Hon). I~ IN!: I. Rory K~in (KTM): 2. Zac Peebles (Yam); 3. Wes Peebles (Ktiw): 4. Matt Manhe (Yam): 5. Clint Mertin (Hon). 125 PRO: I. Ty Carson (KTM); 2. Nick BauW! (Kaw), 250 BECi: I. En<: Thompson (Suz): 2. Ryl!ln Giomi (Hon): 3. Matthew Vl!Ilderinos (Hon); 4, Colin Hartman (Kew): 5. Michelle Sk"""" (K.ew), 250 INT: l. Darren Sturg~ (Yam); 2. Josh Phillipson (Yl!Im): 3, Matt Manha (Yl!Im): 4. Greg Chl!lpel (KTM): 5. Wylln Jensen (Hon), 250 EX: 1. Dylan Murdock (KTM). 250 PRO: 1. Kenny Lash (Hen): 2. Ty Canon (Hon): 3. Mlchaef Stantoo (Yl!Im): 4. Shl!lwn McDonald (Hon): 5. Tony EVl!lns (Yl!Im). 25. BEG: I. Susan Mitton (KTM); 2. PiUl McGill (Hen). 25. JR: I, Jason Shakespeare (Yam); 2. Mike Slunbaugh (Suz). 25. tNT: I. Derren Sturgeon (Yam). 30. BEG: 1. Chris \sl!Il%ia (Yern): 2, Jim Young (Yam): 3, Devld Thieuen (Hen); 4, Jeff Cenon: 5, Duane Quk:k. 30... JR; I. Tim Crowell (Hon); 2. Jeson Fish; 3. Jay O'Nel!ll (Yam); 4. Curtis Belsher (KTM); 5. Sean Peaslee (Kaw). 30. INT: 1. Steve Brown (Han); 2. Reid Jamison (Yam): 3, David Dunham (Hon); 4. Jim Koschelll!l (Kaw): 5, Derby Heck (Hon). 30. EX: 1. Eric Schacht (Hon): 2. Rey Dnlgoo (Hon). 30. PRO: I. Don Bisc~lIl!1 (Suz): 2. TIm Noble (Yl!Im); 3. Greg King (Hon). 38. PRO: I. Dave Wood (Han): 2. Kevin Truax (Han): 3. Jon Varner: 4. Bill Evans (Yam). 40. JR: 1. Mark Hodges (Yam): 2. Fred Edwards (Hon): 3. Ros Blasius (Yam): 4. George Haas (IITM): 5. Cameron Wychanko (Yl!Im). 40... INT: I. Jay O'Neal (Yam); 2. Brian Eatherly (Yl!Im): 3. Peler Mayforth (Han): 4. Vic Demltruos (Hon); 5. David Rumbl!lugh (Han). 40. EX: I. ErIc Schacht (Hon); 2. Mike McMurry (Hon); 3, Eric MetCl!llf (Yl!Im). Pacific Racing Organization Northwest National Summer Series Round 5: Ellensburg Rodeo Arena Flyin' Ryan Sails! By lEE LIVESEY ELLENSBURG, WA. SEPT. 29 "Fly in" Ryan Abrigo had to hunt down his own bike to get a win in the 125cc Pro class. Abrigo had loaned the bike he rode last year to fellow Pro racer Kiel "The Wonder Boy' Krogstadt, who promptly put it in the lead by taking the holeshot in moto one. "Kroggy' led Abrigo for five laps until a hay bale caught his attention. Sky River Motorsports-backed Abrigo seized the chance to get in front, and he began to outdistance Krogstadt. After freeing himself from the bale and remounting, Kroggy couldn't quite catch the smooth-riding Abrigo. Though Krogstadt (who's riding with a titanium rod in his leg from a shattered femur) was the fastest rider on the track, he seemed to like the cow-palace dirt as much as the bike. The 250cc Pro class was hotly contested, with Abrigo, AMA Western Four-Stroke wiz Brandon Thomas, Krogstadt, and Royce DeVol all vying for top spots. Abrigo tailed Thomas in the first moto but was right there showing a wheel to Thomas in almost every comer. Abrigo and Thomas stayed neck and neck until they both went into a sweeper side by side. Abrigo made an abrupt block-pass and took the iead for good. In moto two. Thomas paid Abrigo back with a stuffing block past a berm, but Abrigo came back to take the win. Overall top spots went to Abrigo, Thomas, Krogstadt. and DeVol. Thomas was asked about the passing. and whether or not it was personal. "No: Thomas replied. "Abrigo and I are actually pretty good buds; we just mix it up on the track. Aiways have, since '98. " DeVol looked more at home in this class after a recent switch to a full-sized red ride. giving whips and look-backs over the big double. Cameron Jungers was the kid to beat in the 60cc Junior class. He and his good friend Coie Scott mixed it up through the whoops and turns. putting on some great racing. Gig Harbor's Mario Hoag was right in there with Jungers and Scott, taking second in mota one. Jungers pulled the holeshot in moto two and led the whole moto, with Scott and Hoag on his tail. Podium spots went to Jungers, Scott and Hoag, in that order. Shawn Wilson seems to have adjusted well after switching to the four-stroke. Wilson went 2-1 in the 250cc Junior class for first overall. YZ-mounted Blake Edwards was first in moto one but did not start moto two, giving Wilson an uncontested grip on the top spot. Wilson's dad, Barry, said, "The bike runs well. but I can't keep tires on the four-stroke." Travis Denham, Zack Tutewiler and Trevor Mills battled back and forth in the 80cc Junior class. Denham got the holeshot in both motos and rode the tough track well. Tutewiler was- second in mota one, with Mills third. Logan Clark was a no-show in moto one but put in a good ride for second in mota two. Joe Pakinas, Wes Wiersma and Dan "Dirt' Chapman went one-two-three overall in the 250cc Beginner class. Chapman tried to perfect his soil·sampling technique in mota two when his bike suddenly lost power, but he still managed a third-place finish. DeVol and company turned the rodeo arena into a sinister, bike-eating, monster supercross track. The track was extremely technical, with normally healthy and in-shape riders sucking wind and complaining of arm pump. DeVol must have had a rodeo theme in mind, as many riders turned in bull-riding. like performances through steeply pitched jumps. A huge double required finely honed flying skills to clear, as there was a wicked tum right after the off ramp. The 125cc intermediate class prOVided some of the best Amateur racing of the day. Kyle Versteeg put his red bike in the lead in mota one and rode a perfect race. Dustin Kapalo kept Versteeg honest, with Prentice Ciark right there for third. In moto two, the usually consistent Versteeg bobbled in a corner, allowing Clark and Kapalo around. Kapa- Ellensburg Rodeo Arena: Kiel Krogstadt (803) was runner-up In the 125cc Pro class and third in the 250cc Pro class at round five of PRO's Northwest National Summer series, in Ellensburg, Washington. Castle (Yam); 4. Chris Weatherby (Sw:); 5. Ryan Kinkade (Yam), 80 OPErt BEQ: I. Nk:k Bergley (Hon); 2. Cory Can (Yl!Im): 3. Cody Bergley (SuI): 4. Austin Mack (Hen): 5. Thomas Kllppert (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Trellis Denhllm (Kaw): 2. l&ck'Tutewller (Kaw); 3. Trevor Mills (SUl): 4. Derrick Kapl!llo (Kaw); 5. Jesse Aldridge (Kaw). 80 INT: I. Westin Potter (Hon). S/MJNI: I. Westin Potter (Hon): 2, Travis Denham (Kaw): 3, Jesse Aldridge (Ktiw); 4. l&ck TuteWller (Kaw); 5. Logan Clark (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. Kevin St~ (Yam): 2. BmM Bjornson (Yam): 3. Shane Luft (Yl!Im): 4. Cory Ogan (Yl!Im): 5. TIm Winter (Hon). 125 JR: 1. Eric Greene (Hon); 2. Jl!Ike Cartwright (Yam): 3. Cody Denham (Yem); 4. Brock Moreheed (Suz); 5. Tyler Klnkede (Yl!Im). J25 INT: 1. Dustin Kapalo (Suz); 2. Kyle Versteeg (Hon): 3. Prentice Clark CYlll'Tl): 4. Ryan Schrag (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Ryan AbrIgo (Suz); 2, Klel Krogstadt (Kaw), 250 BEG: 1. Joe Paklnas (Kaw); 2. Wes Wlersmo (Yam): 3. Dan Chapman (Suz); 4. Kyle Kenison (Yam): 5. Kelly Ensor CHon). 250 JR: 1. Shawn Wilson (Yam); 2, Tyler Kinkade (Yam); 3. Cody Archer (Hen): 4. Justin Hevty (Han): 5. Mkhael Bears (Yam). 250 INT: I. Kevin Urquhart (Hon); 2. Dl!Iniel Krick (Hon); 3. Jarod Lalonde (Kaw); 4. Kyle Versteeg (Hon); 5. Ryan Oarr (Suz). 2.50 PRO: I. Ryen Abrigo (SUl): 2. Brendon Thomas (Han); 3. Klel KrogSUldt (Hen): 4. Royce DeVol (Hon). BEG CI/l: I. Kevin Steere (Yam); 2. Grahn Bjornson (Yam); 3. Shene Luft (yam): 4. TIm Winter (Hon); 5. Jeremy Mitchell (KTM). JR U~ 1. Josh Edmundson (Hon): 2. Erick Greene (Hen); 2. Brock Moreheed (SUl). INT U/L: I. Kellin Urquhart (Hon); 2. OMiel Krick (Hon); 3. Jared l...lIlonde (Kaw); 4. Prentice Clark (Yam). PRO UjL: I. Ryan Amigo (Suz): 2, Brandon Thoml!lS (Han): 3. Royce DeVol (Hon); 4. K}et Krogstlldt (Ktiw). WMN BEG: I. Ryene Gordon (Hon); 2. Michelle Nielsen (Kaw); 3. Deirdre Smith (Yl!Im). WMN SPTSMN: 1. Jenny Krick (Han); 2. Kimberly Urquhart (Hon). 30... BEO: I. Stewart Oelelr (Hon); 2. Mike Decker (Yam); 3. Dan Chl!lpman (Suz); 4. Kelly Enser (Hen); 5. John Persall (Hen), 30... JR: 1. Christopher Oelelr (Hon); 2. Keith Goodrich (Han). 30.INT: 1. Darin Gable (Hen). 40... BEG: I. Geln Spangler (Yl!Im). 40. JR: 1. Rick Johnson (Yam). 40 INT: I. Ol!ln Krick (Hon). 40 PRO: 1. Ted DeVol (Yam): 2. Eric Potter (Hon). 10 won the moto, followed by Clark and then Versteeg. Ryane Gordon and Michelle Nielsen put on a show in the Women's Beginner class, going one-two after a bar-to-bar ride. Gordon got the holeshot in both motos, with Nielsen right behind. Nielsen looked good coming off a broken arm earlier in the season, Andrew Denham of Skagit Powersports was busy, as riders looked for tires that would hook up in the soft loam. Skagit offered $50 Holeshot Awards. Abrigo got the 125cc and Unlimited Pro-class cash. Thomas captured the 250cc Pro money, and Nich Bergley and Brandon Charron plucked the bucks in the 80cc and 60cc Unlimited classes, respectively. Sponsor Hansen's Energy Drinks had plenty of sports drinks to keep riders hydrated, while Tim's Cascade-Style Chips gave 'em plenty to munch on. Ellensburg Rodeo Arena Ellensburg, Washington Results: September 29, 2002 (Round 5) 50 BEG: I. Ryan Bergley (KTM); 2. Austin Juarez (KTM); .3. Cahlln Curtin (KTM). SO OPEN: 1. Vance Dl!Ivls (Cob); 2. Tanner Berry (KTM): 3. Kyle Sittman (KTM): 4. Dustin Ralston. SO JR: 1. Vance Davis (Cob); 2. Tanner Berry (KTM); 3. Kyle Sittman (KTM); 4. Dustln Ralston (Cob); 5. 1.JIlne Rayfield (KTM) 60 BEG: 1. K.C. Saville (Hen): 2. Brandon Chl!lTTOn (Kaw): 3. Ryan Bergley (Kaw): 4. Coltyn Carlson (Hon): 5. Kyle Curtin (Kew). 60 OPEN: I. Cllmeron Jungers (KTM): 2. Mario Haag (IITM): 3. Cole Scott (KTM), 60 JR: I.Cameron Junge~ (KTM): 2. Cole S<:olee (KTM): 3, Mario H08g (KTM). 80 BEQ: 1 Nick Bergley (Hon): 2. Cody Bergley (Sut); 3. Cory RACE Super Series Round 7: Shannonville Motorsports Park Trombino Triumphs ended when Williams retired with unspecified problems. Trevor Brooking inherited third after breaking clear from a dice with Jim Proulx. With the win, Trombino confirmed his class championship. Nelson scored the Pro 600cc Sportbike win on the Honda CBR600, establishing an early lead that stood for the race distance. Late in the race, Trombino, on a borrowed GSX-R600, got clear from a dice with Zenon Neison and Matt Binns and closed slightly on Andrew Nelson. Binns, in his first 600cc ride for the Trutone team, rode well against the more experienced Zenon but slipped off the pace slightly toward the end of the race and would settie for fourth. Corey Sherman took the race win and class championshjp unchallenged in the Pro 125cc Grand Prix. Sherman, on the Honda RS 125. took the lead at the start and won by a large margin. Yvan Desy and John Dempsey waged a terrific duel for second. Desy got a bit of comfort when a good pass on a lapped rider left him in the clear. The Amateur Formula qualifier and race win went to Larry Orde, but it was not enough, as Dan Durcrovic rode to a safe third, Durcrovic was riding in defense of his class points lead and took the championship by three points, Finishing second in the race after his qualifying.race win was Sean Heydom, Amateur Open Sportbike championship honors went to Durcrovic. as the Ottawa rider paced himself to a third-piace finish. Once again. Heydorn won the qualifier and placed second in the 1O-lap final, and again Orde won the heat and the final. Durcrovic's margin of victory this time was seven points. Brent Strong placed fourth in the Amateur 600cc Sportbike race. Strong's points taily was good enough to take the RACE class championship by a slim two points. The race victory went to Elie Daccache, who had also won the heat. Daccache battled with Kawasaki jockey Fabien Rheault and Suzuki-mounted Mike Donaldson for the first six laps before lappers played into Daccache's plans and he sped off to the win. Rheault was second and Donaldson third. Angela Hiba came into this final weekend of the year with a very healthy points lead in the Amateur 125cc Grand Prix class. The only other rider who had a shot at this champi0nship was Mark Rabo, and he would have to win and hope for Hiba DNFed. Rabo won the By FRANK WOOD SHANNONVILLE, aNT, CANADA, SEPT. 29 Frank Trombino captured the RACE numberone plate in the Pro Formula final in Shannonviile. though he didn't finish the race. A bizarre series of events began before the first lap was completed. Trombino had taken the race lead from the start on his Honda 954; leading a c10seiy grouped pack into Allen's corner, Trombino lost the back end and was thrown to the tarmac. Trombino appeared to be in some pain, but after a hasty trackside check by the medicai staff. he was cleared to race. As the first lap had not been completed, this was not a restart but rather a new race, meaning Trombino was allowed to mount a different bike. This was lucky for Trombino, as the Honda was too damaged to continue. He hastily mounted a Suzuki GSX-R 1000 supplied by Jeff Bloor of Cycle Max Services. On the start of the new final, Jeff Wiiliams, on the Diablo Suzuki GSX-R600. and Honda CBR600-mounted Andrew Nelson started a splendid duel, swapping the lead numerous times per lap. By lap eight of the 12-lap affair, the pair encountered lapped traffiC. which Nelson used to his advantage, establishing a three-bikeiength cushion that he held to the finjsh. Trombino quickly came to terms with his new mount and was in fourth at the end of iap one. On lap three, Trombino had caught up to the third-placed rider, Stuart Nodell. Riding the Canada Post-sponsored Yamaha 250. Nodeil was theoretically at a disadvantage, but that certainly didn't slow his charge, as he used his handling brakes and bravery to keep on pace. On lap 10, Trombino slowed dramaticaily and rode off the track, parked the Suzuki against the infield wall and ran across the track and into the pits. His 12-point advantage over Nodeil and 14 points on Williams would stand the test. Trombino takes the plate two points up on Nodell and Williams, whose point tallies leave them tied. Second place in the series went to WilHams on a tie breaker. Nelson scored the race win, with Williams second and Nodell third. Trombino scored a solid win in the Pro Open Sportbike class. taking the Honda 954 to victory in both the qualifier and final and taking maximum points. Williams and Nelson once again got into a personal battle that eye I e n e _ s OCTOBER 23, 2002 59

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